Be With Me: 7 Minutes of Biblical Wonder

He who has an ear S27E11 Rev 2:7

Michael Smith Season 27 Episode 11

It is no surprise that God opposes that which opposes Him.  The real surprise is that we can agree with Him in that process. He invites us in to hear the truths that stand against Him and then join Him in resistance.  We are on the right team. We have the right powers. We have the right Leader.  Now act like it.

The invitation today is about having the right EAR; tuning ourselves to the communication of God by attentiveness, quietness, humility and then discernment.
There are dragons to slay, beasts to fight and powers to oppose.  We are going to need clear ears to get this big job done.  

Listen 7 minutes with your attentive ears. apple google podcasts.