Be With Me: 7 Minutes of Biblical Wonder

Blessed to be a blessing. S1e68 Gen12:1

July 01, 2024 Michael Smith Season 1 Episode 68
Blessed to be a blessing. S1e68 Gen12:1
Be With Me: 7 Minutes of Biblical Wonder
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Be With Me: 7 Minutes of Biblical Wonder
Blessed to be a blessing. S1e68 Gen12:1
Jul 01, 2024 Season 1 Episode 68
Michael Smith

God Blesses Abram for a reason. The sweet promises and Person of God is not just for himself.  It is for all the families of the earth.  

God makes ONE redemptive plan.  It is through this ONE guy, and the people that are his, that blessing is to come to this planet.  This is a big day in Scripture.  Join me for 7 minutes. Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube at:

Show Notes Transcript

God Blesses Abram for a reason. The sweet promises and Person of God is not just for himself.  It is for all the families of the earth.  

God makes ONE redemptive plan.  It is through this ONE guy, and the people that are his, that blessing is to come to this planet.  This is a big day in Scripture.  Join me for 7 minutes. Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube at:


Blessed to be a blessing. S1e68 Gen12:1

Making a great nation FOR A REASON

Making you great to be great for others

Making your NAME great SO THAT you will be a blessing

Making you bigger than yourself

Making you something at 75 years old

Making you move beyond your old borders

Making you an associative pathway to me: those who bless you, I God will bless

Making a blessing for OTHERS in this blessing to you


Watch for ACTIVITY OF People of God

         Go, recieive my blessing , and be a blessing

         4 so Abram went AS THE LORD TOLD HIM

         Take relatives 

Watch for activity of people NOT (yet) of God

         Bless the people of God

         Don’t dishonor the people of God for that will end in a curse of self

         Associated with you, all other family on earth be blessed

12 Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the landthat I will show you. 2 And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” 

See here the absolute free-will of people and decisions regarding God, and by association the people of God

Unmooring of family, place

Sobering, unconditional outcomes for His little nation, and all other nations a conditional outcome

Witness here not to plan A, like there is going to be a smorgasboard of options that God puts forth: like we humans could choose an option H or Y

No this is the one and only plan, through this one and only people, in this one and only place through eventually the one and only Savior.

Romans 9:5 To them belong the patriarchs, and from their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ, who is God over all, blessed forever. Amen.

Only plan for Abram. Only plan for lot. Sarai. Nebraska, Egypt, maori every tribe, tongue, of every place

Genesis: book of beginnings.  

Conditions: just like Noah obeyed, watch here the super important next moment SO ABRAM WENT

         The spiritual walk is WHAT DO YOU DO NEXT? Decide, say,********* 

Don’t forget this “exhalted father” Abram HAS NO CHILDREN

         Tension of trust BEFORE the Promise******

         Different picture if there were maybe 12 children

Great name

         Tower: make a name for OURSELVES

         Abram: I GOD will make your name great

Promise: repeated 8 times in Genesis; Isaac, Jacob


         Those who bless—plural, many

         Him who dishonors—sinular


         God is chosing a way, identifying a way that He is pleased: BY FAITH

         This person is going to be a story about FAITH

         Praised for it: Trusting in the person of God before the promises of God are evident.******** 

         Covenantal representative.: you can please God in the same way: faith



If you are particularly blessed, perhaps there is a reason that is beyond you

         Here a people swallowed by God to be forefront of redemptive history

         Not just for themselves, but for YOUR family

         Your family gets choice here in honoring activity and people of God

At this point in history, the response to the family of Abram cannot be separated from ones response to God

At this point in history, the treatment of, the family of Abram cannot be separated from the treatment towards God

ABRAM moves his place TRUST in this world to a place in another world

         Moves toward the desires of God

         Moves toward desires that are not his own

         Changes his orbital patterns from the universe revolving around himself to self orbiting around God—larger body so to speak

         Copernican revolution model of understaning. Changed everything

YOU: Covenantal representative.: you can please God in the same way: faith

Sometimes your greatness comes AFTER you.

YES, great ness from God.

Yes, greatness from God for a purpose, a plan a sovereignty plan

Yes, Lord’s presence: speaking, sending, showing, making you a blessing.

         The spiritual walk is WHAT DO YOU DO NEXT? Decide, say,********* 

Trusting in the person of God before the promises of God are evident.******** 

         I pray you find peace with your relationship with hGod. That your response as yo hear this is YES.  I believe,I yield. I too want to be. Blessed. So that I can be a blessing.