Be With Me: 7 Minutes of Biblical Wonder

Abram Believed. Why should I care? S1e76 Gen15:2

July 09, 2024 Michael Smith Season 1 Episode 76
Abram Believed. Why should I care? S1e76 Gen15:2
Be With Me: 7 Minutes of Biblical Wonder
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Be With Me: 7 Minutes of Biblical Wonder
Abram Believed. Why should I care? S1e76 Gen15:2
Jul 09, 2024 Season 1 Episode 76
Michael Smith

Imagine if your $100 contribution to your 401K was "matched" by your employer to the tune of $1,000,000,000. This is similar to the spiritual math that Abram sees in his spiritual account: He believes. Then God credits him with RIGHTEOUSNESS.  God makes Abram spiritually acceptable before him.

Here's the kicker: We should care about this because WE MUST DO THE SAME as Abram, and GOD MUST DO THE SAME for us in grace.  Listen. Better yet: watch this one here:

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Imagine if your $100 contribution to your 401K was "matched" by your employer to the tune of $1,000,000,000. This is similar to the spiritual math that Abram sees in his spiritual account: He believes. Then God credits him with RIGHTEOUSNESS.  God makes Abram spiritually acceptable before him.

Here's the kicker: We should care about this because WE MUST DO THE SAME as Abram, and GOD MUST DO THE SAME for us in grace.  Listen. Better yet: watch this one here:


Abram Believed. Why should I care? S1e76 Gen 15:2

Abram BELIEVED the Lord. Mental activity

         Already seen Ab. Was a good example of FAITH with boots on and swordsdrawn regarding LOT rescue

         Put his money where his mouth was

         Proved what was going on in his heart and head by his actions

         Today we are going to go back into his heart: He believes the Lord

Dare I say: most important current concept that started in OT

What does the Lord say?

         Don’t be afraid

         I am your shield

         Your reward shall be great—you get the ultimate reward which is me

         Reward of ongoing relationship

15 After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: “Fear not, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be very great.” 2 But Abram said, “O Lord God, what will you give me, for I continue childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?” 3 And Abram said, “Behold, you have given me no offspring, and a member of my household will be my heir.” 4 And behold, the word of the Lord came to him: “This man shall not be your heir; your very own son shall be your heir.” 5 And he brought him outside and said, “Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” 6 And he believed the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness.


         God can take it.  There are serious, inquiries of God, accusations

         I continue childless you have given me no offspring

         My heir is Eliezer of Damascus, a member of my household 

                  But not an offspring in any way

                  Not mentioned elsewhere—most trusted member of household

                           Wonder. Why this is not Lot?

GOD Gives a VISION, and then a BRINGING

         How does God Bring Abram OUTSIDE in a vision

         We are in deep waters here

         # the stars; if you are able. SO SHALL YOUR /ooffspring be

HE (Abram)  BELIEVED the Lord, *********

and He counted it to him as rightesousness

         Abram BELIEVES, TRUSTS, votes with his mental confidence

         Abram account is credited as if righteous

                  Belief entrusting in Jesus results in being “seen as Jesus”, with the benefitsand access that is Jesus has

         Principles of God’s economy: by BELIEF, one gains BENEFITS that you did not specifically EARN.

         401K account at work: You do something: put dollars in a 401k

         Magically: unearned $ magically appear in that account 1$B

         Benefit you did not specifically earn are credited to your account

God does wildly, unimaginablebeneficial Spiritual Math on your behalf

New Testament

         Quotes this passage twice in Romans, once in Gal and James

         This is now an EXPECTATION of all who walk with God*****

         Gen 15 is definitive, example THIS IS A MUST DO*****

         What Abram does Authoritative for you Podcast listener

YOU MUST DO WHAT Abram does in this passage

         Give God a little rattling. He can take it

         Believe the Lord.

                  Believe the facts: history, OT interactions, incarnation, Word

                  Believe the indwelling: Believe the NOW

                  Believe and trust in your crisis

                           His was over childlessness and heritage

                           Yours is: __________________

         What is the hardest thing that you have to talk to God about trusting Him in? 

         What is the hardest situation that you have to BELIEVE GOD through? –infertility; significance? aging?; consequences? Forgiveness? Relationship? Sickness?Trials? Testing? Temptations

         What is the most difficult part of being a human?

Lord, I don’t see the end point of this difficult situation, but I TRUST YOU through it.  Though I am crushed of circumstance, I chose to Trust

Mental and spiritual Certainty in  uncertain situation

Conviction extreme condition

Trust when ground is trembling.

Rely when there is a bad guy or a black eye from a bad guy


It is there in the impossible, inconvenient, incredible

That your small believe deposit gives birth to RIGHTEOUSNESS



You are OK before a Holy GOD; 

Your account has enough, not because of what you put in, but because of what Godputs in. Your small bits allows being viewed as acceptable, as perfect, as right with God, even though youre not. 

Rightesousness based NOT ON your ACHIEVMENT, but belief offering an ACCESSto the achievments of Christ.

Call today trust Him. Believe in Him. JUST LIKE ABRAM did. MUST DO.