Be With Me: 7 Minutes of Biblical Wonder

Loving Vs Wailing At His Appearing S27e2 Rev1:7

Michael Smith Season 27 Episode 2

When Jesus comes back, absent His help, all the earth will WAIL at His appearing. It is every individual saying, "Oh NO! Judgement is here! I'm in big trouble." Or, we can WELCOME His appearing. To do so, we'll need significant help.

First, We'll need help with our death problem...if we could only find Someone who is "the firstborn of the dead..."

Second, we'll need help with our sin problem...if we could only find Someone who has "freed us from our sins by His blood..."

Welcome to Chapter One of His revelation. Come back tomorrow fro more awesomeness. Apple or other podcast servers. 

Michael Smith:

Good morning, my brothers and sisters, welcome to episode two in the book of Revelation, we're in chapter one. And I'm going to title today wailing at or loving his appearing, we're going to get kind of two big choices. This is John, the apostle John and probably 95 ad or so writing to the churches of western Turkey, which is the Roman province of Asia. And he says in verse three, we talked about this yesterday, blessed as the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear and keep what is written in it for the time is near. So let's retain and watch over these words and treasure and protect them, and guard them and value them. Then verse for John to the seven churches that are in Asia, he picks seven, which is kind of the the number of perfection. There are other churches in western Turkey at the time. But this was kind of representative of perfect, complete set. And he says, Grace to you and peace from him, who is and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings on Earth. And then he gets to worship to Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood and made us a kingdom, priests to his God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion, forever and ever. Amen. Then, verse seven, Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him even those who pierced him. And all the tribes either Earth will whale on account of him, Even so, amen. I am the Alpha and Omega, says the Lord God. And then again, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty. Alright, let me start with verse for John to the seven churches of Asia and that, again symbolizes perfection. Then, verse five, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, so we have, we're going to see the Trinity here, the Father, Son, and Spirit giving this message to John to give to the seven churches and, and also to us. So we're going to see the three parts of the Trinity, we're reminded that God is all seeing God is all knowing the seven spirits, that is talked about, is, is a depiction of the Holy Spirit. It's this complete, understanding, spirits, all seeing all knowing, and represents the Holy Spirit, verse For Grace to You, and peace from him who is, this is God now who is and was and is to come. So this time element of is, which is, later on, he's going to talk about I am the Alpha and the Omega. So I was there at the beginning, and I'm there at the end. But the part that's emphasized, I think, by the order is it's him who is it's this person that is here now. So Jesus Christ is the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, the ruler of the kings on Earth. So we get the third part of the tourney. So we have the Father, we have the Holy Spirit. And now we have the we have the third person of the Trinity Jesus, He's described as the faithful witness for heat. And for this reason, I have come to bear witness to the truth. Jesus said in the book of John, John 1837, is also described as the firstborn of the dead, that in everything, he may be pre eminent, that's first guts from Colossians. So the first born of the dead. So Jesus has the first inline gift. And the first inline gift, particularly of death, and rising from death, he is the baby is born after death. And this is going to require a response from us. It's so practical, it's so real, because someday each of us is going to die. And so he's either the firstborn of the dead or he is not, and we will be the 1,000,000,000th person, whatever, whatever the number is, born from the dead or we will not. So I don't know if you've been to a funeral, but maybe you don't know if your loved one is born of the dead. What we do know is absent this firstborn from the dead, none of us has any hope. So this is the big deal when he says, I am the firstborn of the dead. And then finally, the ruler of the kings of the earth and this emphasizes dominion and power and control. And so you know, our little politics just just pale in comparison. All right, so then he gets into this worship thing to him who loves us. It's the theme First John, and then freed us from our sins by His blood. That's the theme of Hebrews, and made us a kingdom. That's the theme of math, the book of Matthew, and made us priests to God and Father. That's one of the themes of First Peter, to Him be glory. And that's me when I glorify God, I'm telling him that I recognize and appreciate his character and character characteristics. And in so doing, I'm keeping the word of this prophecy. I'm valuing it, I'm seeing his character in it, and therefore I'm glorifying Him for these characteristics. Now, these characteristics are going to go on forever, their unending characteristics, their ongoing characteristics, therefore, my appreciation of those characteristics should and better go on forever and ever. So he's not changing, and neither should i. So I should be continuing and worshiping for a long time says, verse six, behold, he's coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him even those who pierced him. So what's interesting is those who pierced him as far as I know, one person stuck a sword and Jesus, but didn't we all pierced him? Didn't we reject Him and sort of sort of deny him? So the plural, we've all persecuted the Lord, we've all sinned against him. And therefore, the the appropriate response, all the tribes on earth will wail on accounting, that's us saying, Oh, no, I should have acted different differently. So we're answering God's question is who can stand before me It says that job for you one in Psalm 76. It's like, hey, the lion is here. The answer is nobody. Unless listen to this first Timothy four, eight. Paul says, there's a crown, which the Lord the righteous judge, so he's still seeing will award to me on that day, and not only to me, but to all who loved His appearing. Well, that is we need the Lord's help. So with the Lord's help, we can love as appearing as opposed to this crowd here who's wailing we're going to need some help with the with the, with the wailing, to help love his appearance. So join me and learning of who God is that He sees us and that he's going to know what we do today and that we can loves appearing by approaching this book and his character the right way. Let's not Well, thanks for listening.