Let's Talk Yoga

5 Poses that Will Make Headstand Effortless, Mythical Story, & More

August 01, 2024 Arundhati Baitmangalkar Episode 154
5 Poses that Will Make Headstand Effortless, Mythical Story, & More
Let's Talk Yoga
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Let's Talk Yoga
5 Poses that Will Make Headstand Effortless, Mythical Story, & More
Aug 01, 2024 Episode 154
Arundhati Baitmangalkar

In today's episode, I will be unveiling five essential poses that are a must-know. These poses form a checklist for those aspiring to master Shirshasana, the head balance, or aiming to teach it to others. I will also delve into the mythical story of Shirshasana, adding depth and cultural context to this practice.

Episode Highlights:

  • What is Shirshasana
  • Shirshasana as the king of all poses
  • The mythical story of Shirshasana
  • Physical benefits of Shirshasana pose
  • Psychological benefits of Shirshasana pose
  • Five non-negotiable headstand preparatory poses
    • Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward-facing Dog
    • Uttanasana
    • Prasarita Padottanasana or Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend
    • Chaturanga Dandasana or Four-Limbed Staff Pose
    • Salamba Sarvangasana or Shoulderstand Pose, the mother of all poses
  • Alternative options for individuals unable to put weight on their neck or head
  • Headless Headstand

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Show Notes

In today's episode, I will be unveiling five essential poses that are a must-know. These poses form a checklist for those aspiring to master Shirshasana, the head balance, or aiming to teach it to others. I will also delve into the mythical story of Shirshasana, adding depth and cultural context to this practice.

Episode Highlights:

  • What is Shirshasana
  • Shirshasana as the king of all poses
  • The mythical story of Shirshasana
  • Physical benefits of Shirshasana pose
  • Psychological benefits of Shirshasana pose
  • Five non-negotiable headstand preparatory poses
    • Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward-facing Dog
    • Uttanasana
    • Prasarita Padottanasana or Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend
    • Chaturanga Dandasana or Four-Limbed Staff Pose
    • Salamba Sarvangasana or Shoulderstand Pose, the mother of all poses
  • Alternative options for individuals unable to put weight on their neck or head
  • Headless Headstand

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