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Fulfilled Living With Pets with Michelle Jacobson

Darla McCann - Energy Healer ✨ Season 5 Episode 9

Today's episode is an interview with a woman that I've admired for several years for her authenticity, for speaking her truth and her knowledge of a variety of metaphysical topics. Michelle Jacobson is a natural intuitive who loves connecting with people, animals and the Fae community, as well as guides and higher beings. She has a background in working with mental and emotional health, with a PhD in developmental psychology, I am sure that you will enjoy hearing her practical tips as she shares her knowledge of the animal community When we discuss the topic, fulfilled living with pets! 

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Photo credit: Rebecca Lange Photography

Music credit: Kevin MacLeod (licensed under Creative Commons)

Production credit: Erin Schenke @ Emerald Support Services LLC.

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Speaker Dar

Michelle, tell us a little bit about yourself before we jump into the topic of fulfilled living with pets. Speaker Michelle

Well, I'm glad to be here, and I just want to say it's an exciting topic for me. I am a natural intuitive. I have been my entire life. My experiences go back to pre-grade school, but my first introduction to my intuitive skills were with connecting with the fairy community. So as a natural intuitive, I work a lot with individuals. I work a lot with animals and pets, and then, of course, the other realms, primarily the fairy community. And it's just a delight for me to connect and use my skills and share my skills with all those that I work with.

Speaker Dar

So into our topic of fulfilled living with pets, what do you think is the most important thing to consider before bringing a pet into our home?

Speaker Michelle

I think the most important thing to consider is, what are your needs? Is this a good time? What do you want the pet to do for you, in a way, if you're looking for it to be and if you're looking for it to be perfect, it's never a good time to bring a pet. But just to kind of give some thought to the practicalities, as well as the emotional reasons for having a pet. Speaker Dar Great!

When you do a consultation with a pet owner, what are some of those considerations? Speaker Michelle

I'm guessing right here. I think you're talking about not necessarily a new pet, but just a consultation in general.

Right? I always start by asking about the pet, you know, its name, its age, and what their concerns or thoughts are about the pet, and what they're looking for as far as the session is concerned. And then from there, I will often ask what is happening in the pet owner's life. And the reason for that is so often pets bring to themselves all the energy, all of our apprehensions, all of our stress, as much as they can hold on to that energy, they will hold on to the energy and kind of try to relieve our stress. So if they can hold on to it, they will. And because we all know stress is hard on the physical being, it's also hard on their physical being, especially since it's not their own stresses and energy that they're holding tight, energy they're holding on to. But rather, it's ours, and so it's important to know what's happening in the owner's life as well as the pet's life, so that we can work through and find out what's a good resolution. Other things, I think, are very important as I talk about the pet’s daily kind of activities, like, what are they eating? What do they like to do? What based on the concerns what the pet owner has already tried doing,

Speaker Dar

That's some great information. I don't think we always think about what they're going through when we're going through some type of trauma or some kind of big life event. So great considerations.

One thing that we've talked about is a very important consideration, yes, one thing that we talked about when we've been together, Michelle, is, is talking about mutual agreements and sacred contracts. I find that very interesting. So would you go into a little bit of that?

Speaker Michelle

I'd love to. It's often thought that the pets are here to give us unconditional love and to just support us, which I believe is very true. I do believe that we bring peace into our life, to support us along our path, to give us that unconditional love so that we can feel that we have support, at least from some place. Because unfortunately, not always do we get support from family. And friends, depending upon what's happening in our life, in their life, or what we're asking for support about but the pets are there to give us that love and support. However, sometimes, what I really believe is as we evolve, pets are evolving even faster, and sometimes they come in with their own sacred contracts. It's not uncommon for me to work with somebody and to hear a pet owner say, Oh, I think they're a healer, or, Oh, they're, they seem so angelic to me and many, many other things. Or they said they seem to serve, or they seem to bring group groups together. And these are all important positions that a pet can have, that they come in with a contractual agreement to do, and that mutual agreement is for not only them to support us along our path, but for us to kind of understand what maybe their path is, and how can we support them along their path? That, to me, is very, very important, because not only do we help others and they help us, but we're supporting an evolutionary process that they can bring that we're not able to bring. We're not an animal who comes as an angel or an animal who comes as a healer, they have their own skills, and so that mutuality, that understanding the contracts, is very important to have a very healthy, copacetic life with our pets. It is so interesting.

Speaker Dar

What are some quick tips or ways to work with our pets on a daily basis? What are some of the tips that you give pet owners?

Speaker Michelle

Well, the first tip is their health is very important, so be aware of what you're feeding your pet. Nutrition is just as it is with us. Nutrition is vastly important with them, and what is also important is this, eating the same thing all the time is not beneficial, just like it's not beneficial for us, it's not beneficial for them. So understand what your pets nutritional needs are. Do they need supplements? Do they need protein chains? You know, what do they need nutritionally? But how can we adapt it and change it sometimes so that we're meeting all of their nutritional needs so that they can have physical strength to keep going with another is, what are their What needs do they have to be active? You might have a very I have one, a very sedentary pet to go out for a walk. She loves to be outside, but she doesn't like to walk for long periods of time. She's more of a very slow stroller as she goes, just pad, you know, pads along. So I know with her, it's going to be a short walk, but it's going to take a long time where somebody else might run, run, run, run. And you know that to adjust what their activity needs are, and to meet what their desires are they also need, not on a daily basis, but on a somewhat regular basis, some mental stimulation. There are so many brain games and mental games that you can do that help them just keep their brain sharp. And those are sort of the basic things that are very important just as you Think about yourself. What do you want somebody to think about and consider about you and to know about you and do the same for Your pet?

Speaker Dar

Yes, when you and I have discussed other tips.

One of them is, what should you do when you do have to leave them?

Speaker Michelle

When you have to leave a pet, I believe it's very important to let them know you're going to leave them, and when you're going to leave them, give them, give them forewarning. I mean, you wouldn't just say to your family, oh, I'm leaving on vacation. I'm going, but there's preparation, and they will. They know when you're doing preparation, so that's a good time when you start to just plan, to say, I will be gone, and to let them know how long you'll be gone. It's not to say, Oh, I'm going to be gone for a week or two weeks or a long week... however length of time it is, and have them clearly understand in our vocabulary terms what that means. But instead, use ways to let them know. One way is to say, I'm going to be.

On, say, for half a day. Imagine just half a day. Whatever half a day is, you had lunch and you're going to have dinner, or we're going to have dinner, or I'm going to be gone for three days, five days, seven days. Just start to imagine, like the sun rising and setting, sun rising and setting for about that number of days, three days. It's easy, pretty quick, five days, really, it's a little easier seven days. I think I'd get lost in watching the sunrise and set in my imagery to convey it clearly, but they get that idea. But love, so let them know. And my plan is to come back to you, loving you, one, welcoming you, to really give them that knowledge that when you come back, you want to embrace them again as they want to embrace you. So that's one of the things, is just start to prepare them beforehand. If they're not going to go along, and if they are going to go along, what are you expecting them to know you're going to have to be put in a crate because you're going to ride on a plane, or you're going to be quiet in the back seat, and we're going to make stops, or just give them a heads up as to how they can prepare for it as well. And you can do that both with your words, because they somewhat understand their words and as a nation, we're very verbal, but as well, use a lot of imagery. Do mental pictures to give some pictures, because that's a strong way that animals communicate, is through visualization. There's many instinctual ways, like the tone of their bark or their guttural sounds, their mouthing, the way they move, that they communicate, but imagery is one of the strongest ways that they communicate, so use imagery to let them know what's happening.

Speaker Dar

That's fascinating, that the use of imagery will reinforce any of our verbal commands.

Speaker Michelle

It does

Speaker Dar

If we are searching, if our pet is having some problems, and we're searching for perhaps some modalities. Could you talk about what could be beneficial to the different modalities that are out there?

Speaker Michelle

I'd love to say the most important thing is, if they're having some issues, what are you most realizing? What are you most comfortable with? If there's something you're not comfortable with, your apprehension about trying that is going to energetically reflect, to be reflected to the pet, and if it's reflected to them, they're going to have a hard time as well, receiving the benefits of whatever that modality is. But the first is, if it's physical, maybe go to your vet and find out what the vet is recommending. What does the vet say? So you kind of start with a baseline, but then beyond that as well, know that there are many, many holistic ways to work with them. There are essential oils, there are flower essences, there are water enhancing techniques, there is Reiki, there is acupuncture, there is acupressure, there is massage, everything that we can think about for ourselves as well. You can start to think about what the pet can have, there will be somebody there to provide them with that benefit as well. However, one of the things that I'm finding really helpful is the use of a pendulum, because a pendulum works on

Psychic energy, the energy around us, that unconscious energy, as well as the Hidden conscious energy, as well as crossing conscious barriers, working with a pendulum can give us information. You do work with a pendulum with sort of yes or no questions, but be prepared that a pendulum may give you a non-answer by a non-answer. I'll give some examples. There was somebody recently who was on vacation and their pet was very stressed. And the pet sitter called and said, I'm really worried about fluffy. We'll call the pet I'm really worried about fluffy. Do I need to? I think I should bring Fluffy to the vet. And they said, Well, let me stop and go back and see if I can find out more information about fluffy via the pendulum so they had fluffy was wearing, had been wearing a pendulum, pet pendulum, and they had also had a pendulum there that was calibrated to fluffy, so they could ask the questions about fluffy. The first question is, is it fluffy? Okay, well, that was a non-answer.

They received a non-answer that wasn't yes or wasn't no, because fluffy wasn't okay, but fluffy wasn't exactly not okay either.

So they form that when you get a non-answer, and it depends upon how you work with your pendulum, it may go off to the side, and you know that that means a certain direction might mean, rephrase, ask again, or whatever the quest however is phrased. So they said that is, is fluffy physically? All right, yes, fluffy physically. All right. Did fluffy need any medical attention? And again, it was not at not exactly at this time, and there was like, Okay, what does that mean? So they kept asking a few questions, and what they did find out was fluffy was physically All right, fluff, but there was distress that fluffy was experiencing,

and because fluffy was really missing them. So they knew from that that they had some alternatives and choices that they could make.

They went back and asked the pendulum a couple more questions, did fluffy benefit from a video conference? And again, it was maybe, maybe not, the answer. But then they also asked, Would fluffy benefit from like Reiki, and the answer was yes, so they decided to do the video conference, just so that fluffy could see their face and they could see fluffy and provide some reassurance. But they also contacted an animal Reiki practitioner like myself to let them send some Reiki to fluffy to calm. Fluffy is missing them, energy and nerves and fluffy was just fine the rest of their vacation because they had that reassurance that all was well with the owners. The owners were coming back, and it was just an easy situation. Now they could also have used things like some essential oils, lavender, Roman chamomile, there's other ones as well that kind of calm a pet, because it is a change for them to not be with their family, and sometimes these extra things help calm their energy so that they handle the situations better. So there's many choices, but that's what they do. That was the path that they took with fluffy. Speaker Dar

Thank you for that tangible example, and you kind of touched on pets and anxiety in that particular example. So thank you.

Our audience has heard the saying everything is energy before. Would you discuss pets taking on energy and releasing energy? Speaker Michelle

Yes, many of us have heard about when we there's a strings or chords or things that in relationships, it's the same between us and pets, there are strings, there are chords, but they also try to take on that loose, flowing energy that's around us when, especially when we're sick or we're stressed or we're anxious about something, they just try to absorb that energy to them so that we don't have to be in such distress or dis ease with a situation. And when they take it on, they it's stagnant, harsh energy for them to hold, but they will try to hold it, and typically it does, like it does for us. It manifests in physical ways. You know, when you think about being a parent, a parent tries to take on the concerns of their child. Well, pets kind of take that role there. They try to take on the concerns of us, the people in their life. So as they hold on to that energy, it can play on their physical health and wellbeing. But there's some very simple things to do to help release that stress, that anxiety, the simplest is to just release the energy. Commonly we touch our pets. We might pet them. We might do so many other things, ways in which we touch them and are with them. But we don't have to physically touch them to do any of this either. But if you're petting your pet, imagine kind of just brushing down and taking off that excess energy that is not theirs and to just release it. But before we do that too, it's really helpful for them. If we tell them, I appreciate you trying to be there.

For me and hold some of my energy so I have more workable energy. You don't need to do that. It's better for you to support me in a loving way than to take on this energy. You can do that talk to them by doing circles around their third eye,

The most intense way to work with the third eye is you go first in a clockwise motion and you kind of identify the scene.

I've noticed that you're taking on my energy. Then you go in a counterclockwise motion to kind of release that scene.

It's not beneficial for either one of us, for you to take on that energy, because it's harmful for you, and it's still my energy to deal with. Then go into a clockwise pattern, circling around the third eye, and you can say to them what you want to infuse. I give you permission to support me, but to support me in a loving, gentle way, or whatever way you want them to support you. That's one of the things that you can do if they're anxious, in that you can also use essential oils or GEM elixirs or massage, or any of the other numerous ways of kind of releasing energy, but I like to think it's nicest and easiest, if you take the simplest way of releasing energy, to release that energy so that they don't hold on to it, so they don't create hazardous or harmful energy binds and connections and cords and that they can't do anything with, but will possibly manifest in ill health.

Speaker Dar

Fascinating. What a great example. Thank you.

Before we conclude, is there anything else that you'd like to share today about fulfilling living with pets?

Speaker Michelle

Yeah, I would like to remind people that we sort of started with this and toward the beginning, is that they are evolving. And it's really nice to know how they are evolving. Do you notice that they're healers? I had one that would immediately go up to somebody who had a physical or emotional stress, and if they just sat on their lap, it was emotional, but they sat by somebody who had seriously cut their thumb, and just sat by that, they said, toward the neck of somebody that had a severe headache. And from that, I knew she was a healer and then they would say, Well, this is an improvement for whatever source they got it from, whether it be the doctor, the headache went away, or whatever.

They would know. I knew that that was a healer. There's other ones that just seem to have an emissaryness about them. They draw crowds together, whatever their purpose is, let's honor their sacred contracts. Let's help them know how to honor ours as well, so that we do build a stronger bond. There's so many ways that we can find out what their talent or skill that they're bringing into this life is. Let's honor that and just really elevate as we help them elevate. They help us Elevate, and we elevate everyone's energy and flow.

Speaker Dar


I just want to remind our audience that if they would like to continue this conversation with Michelle, that her contact information will be in the show notes, and you can schedule a

consultation, or you can present a problem that you might be having with or a concern that you might be having with your pets. And I just want to give you a big Virtual hug. And thank you, Michelle, for being with us today. Speaker Michelle

Thank you. It was just an honor and pleasure, and it's a topic I really love. Speaker Dar

We can tell! Bye, Bye, for now, bye.

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