Adulting for Artists

#22 Creating vs. Consuming

Timmie Boose

This episode is all about our need to balance creating and consuming.

In order to live our best lives, we need to meet our needs and as creators, we have a NEED to create! It is easy to put off or even forget about when we get caught up in endless scrolling, tv watching or overloading on tutorials.  We need to find time for ourselves to fulfill our needs and desires. Consuming isn't all bad - we learn by consuming, and most of us want our creations to be consumed/appreciated/listened to /seen.

What did you create today? Did you create work that is in line with your goals? Are you happy with your production? Did you at least doodle for 5 minutes?

What did you consume? Did you consume information that helped you learn something new?  Were you inspired? Did you waste time? Did you just need to relax? How do you feel about what you consumed?

It’s like yin and yang - dark & light - you can’t have one without the other.  It is something that needs balance. 

Take time to reflect on what you are creating and consuming .

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Let me know what you think about creating and consuming at