Anxiety-Proof HER Podcast with Jennifer Bronsnick, MSW

Anxiety-Proof Her Interview with Leah Piper

Jennifer Bronsnick Episode 32

Leah Piper, the Founder of More Love Works, is an Advanced Certified Tantra Educator and Mentor who has blended her work as a Certified Positive Psychology Consultant and Coach into a system where the Art of Conscious Loving merges with the Science of Wellbeing. Together these two complementary models have a positive effect on all relationships, from the board room to the bedroom.

Leah has facilitated thousand's of couples and individuals all over the world through More Love Seminars®, Source School of Tantra Yoga®, Instructor Training Courses, and her Private Practice to wholeheartedly embrace curiosity as a path to Flourishing.

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Welcome to the anxiety proof her Podcast, where amazing women come for education, inspiration and hope around healing from anxiety. Each month, you're going to hear from other women who took control of their mental health by using outside the box holistic strategies to cope with their anxiety and to ultimately thrive. You will also learn from experts in the health and wellness industry, about the tools they use every day to help their patients reclaim their well being. We hope this information allows you to see that there are many different paths to healing. I'm your host, Jennifer Bronsnick, and I'm a licensed clinical social worker, and anxiety treatment professional. I help women and teen girls who struggle with anxiety, self doubt, and perfectionism to tap into their innate resilience, get to the root of their fears, and implement custom healing strategies so that they can experience peace of mind, more self confidence and be liberated from the suffering that living with anxiety causes. I have lived with anxiety my whole life, and know how hard it can be. I also know that there is hope, and it's 100% treatable with the right information and support. Thank you so much for showing up for yourself and taking the first step to reclaiming your well being and resilience.



So welcome to the anxiety prove her podcast as always, we get started centering in to our heart into the earth. So just take a moment to bring your attention, your focused awareness on your heart center or the area of your heart. And just begin to breathe slowly and deeply. imagining that the breath is flowing in and out through your heart center.



As you breathe, begin to remember the last time that you felt truly alive.



all your senses were on fire. Life and time stopped for just one moment. And allow this feeling of a lightness to permeate all of yourselves.



And remembering that at any point during this interview during your day, you can come back to your breath to your heart and this powerful feeling of a lightness that is available to you whenever you need it. So today I am thrilled and honored to have my friend Leah Piper joining me She's the founder of more love works and as an Advanced Certified Tantra educator and mentor who's blended her work as a certified positive psychology consultant and coach into a system where the art of conscious loving merges with the science of well being. Together, these two complementary models have an incredible positive effect on all relationships from the boardroom to the bedroom. Leah has facilitated 1000s of couples and individuals all over the world through more love seminars and source full of Tantra yoga, instructor training courses and her private practice to wholeheartedly embrace curiosity as a path to flourishing.



Welcome, Leah.



Thank you. So happy to be here.



I'm so happy to have you. And Leah was also my BFF and high school and many, many years beyond that. So we have that to share as well. Yeah, if you sense a little bit more love coming through. The sooner we grow



up together.



We're still growing up



together. Yeah, forever.



Okay, so my podcast is all about anxiety and why I wanted you to come on because I really wanted to dive into anxiety in the bedroom anxiety around sex and relationships. And how do you see that is that showing up in your work where people are coming to you with fears or shame or you know, any of those pieces of anxiety?



Yeah, most certainly. I think. I think we're all In our conditioning have layers of shame. That is, you know, all through our culture that has a way of impacting us. And so you know, whether that's, you know, body image and feeling free and open and comfortable being naked, whether that's your ability to feel pleasure, or your inability to feel pleasure, whether that's confusion about your sexuality, whether that's like feeling numb, and not feeling anything and not knowing how to deal with that, because maybe you're in a relationship, and it's upsetting to the security in your relationship. Or maybe it's the feeling like, I should want a relationship, I should want to have sex, but I don't What's wrong with me? So I think that this, this also has seasons, like in our life, there are times when maybe we're more open, and we're more comfortable with sex, or maybe it's more enjoyable. And then there are these other times, we're just so disconnected from it. And we have a way of analyzing things that puts things in either right or wrong, good or bad. And we forget that there's an there. There's another choice. And sometimes it's and, you know, like, I can feel this and I can feel this. So many times, we have to first just start with communication, and sorting out what's true for us in the moment. And the best, healthiest way to do that is to approach it with curiosity versus judgment. I think that it's the judgment of either judging ourselves or judging others, that starts to put more anxiety and stress into something that should be joyful. That should be oftentimes like light hearted and renewing and regenerative. That's what sex is meant to be. It's meant to be a gift.



Yeah. So what is what's like a question to start with? Like when you're because there's so many, you know, you mentioned so many different ways that anxiety might show up around our own sexuality? Is there like one thing that you just like, you'd start your day? Like, why am I feeling this way? Or like, What do I want? Like, is there what is the Curiosity Launchpad? I guess?



Yeah, that's a good question. I think first, it's, it's taking a look at turn on, and not just turn on from what turns me on sexually. It's what turns me on about life, you know, and feel turned on is to feel lit up, you know, it's to feel alive, it's to feel a sense of connection and joy. And so like, you know, something that turns me on coffee ice cream, I love coffee ice cream. Oh, I get happy just thinking about it. Um, other things that turned me on as a new sweater, or making the bed in my bed looks really pretty, I feel pretty is this these things, and it's unique for everybody. Another turn on is having a great conversation with an old friend that you love that you don't get to see all the time, and sharing each other's life. And you know what else transplant is like, when my husband shaves, and he's had a new haircut, he just he looks younger. He's just he's so alluring. I just kind of sit back from across the room and check them out. And, and I get to feel yummy. Another thing that turns me on is like when he's in his power, when he's in his element. And he feels confident and he's in his GSL, nothing is more delicious. And so we have to examine these things. And when you start to make bridges about turn on that turn on is about your life, then you can support yourself having having a more enjoyable experience when it comes to sexual turned on. Because you thought about it. You spent time putting some value into what does passion mean? What is turn on me? Right?



So it's just like a light switch that you turn on? Like when when it's like, whatever the scheduled day of the week.



That's interesting, actually, because one of the things I think a lot of people would enjoy sex more, even though it's counterintuitive, is actually putting it on the schedule. We think that sex should only be spontaneous. But you know how hard it is for two people who've been married for a long time to feel spontaneous. Again, with sex. That means I got to be horny, and you got to be horny at the same time. That never happens. When it happens. Yeah. And so what I noticed, what I learned to do is by having sex on the schedule, I can then build up my anticipation for it. A lot of people sometimes connected dread. We have to do a shift to go from this is a gift for me. I'm not just showing up. My partner can have sex, sex is for me too. Right? And it's The way that we communicate love between our bodies, here's another thing that I would ask people to consider is stop making separate a goal on sex, everyone's going to have an orgasm, or it has to be just this or just that, if you make the goal of sex love, you're going to enjoy sex a lot more. If you make it about orgasm, it's going to be about passing and failing, right. And so that's another thing to add stress and anxiety to sex. So when I put it on the calendar, and I know it's going to be Wednesday at 330, I will have eaten lunch, I won't be hungry. I'll have thought about it for a couple days, because we've been a Texan a couple days, I think about how I want my skin to feel, I'll think about my desire to be really relaxed, so I can stay present, I'll think about I really don't want my list to get involved in this experience, you know, I want the list to go away. I'm going to breathe, I'm going to open my eyes, and I'm going to actually give myself and my partner, the gift of being really present. I'm really there and all of the sensation. And I'm going to, you know, so and I'm going to ask my partner to like flirt with me more to lead up to it. I love anticipation to me sexual tension is like so sexy. And it's such a turn on. So we, me and my partner, we have to be creative about well, how do you create sexual tension? What is anticipation. And so what I've noticed that my body really likes is I like the space between touch. I actually like the space between the time that we made love and the next time we make love, because I'm going to use that space with intention to create sexual tension. And so I've been kind of playing with this game of, you know, my husband will be like, Hey, come here. And I'm like, Oh, that's such a strong tone of voice. You know, for at first I want to kind of get mad, don't get me that way. But then I go, Oh, wait a minute. He's, he's giving me the eyes. And so then I'll come a walk towards him like, Oh, yeah, what do you want? And then he put his hand up, stay right there, you know, and I like, Oh, no, like, you can find ways of like creating games. And, and look, that's easier said than done. I study this because I know that pleasure is healthy for me. And I wish that every person would take some time to study sexuality, and study pleasure, and take a look at how that increases their life satisfaction. And instead of making it a chore, or stressful, you use it as an exercise to be more lighthearted to learn how to play again, as an adult, to learn how to stay connected to your lover, and to get in to use pleasure and sexuality is something that replenishes you. It doesn't have to take resources from you, it can give you more resources, right? So it's a mindset shift. Totally.



Yeah. And I think we I had a call with you, I had you and I think one of my programs and you'd said that that are especially for women, that our sexual energy is really taken when we're going through like the caretaking of motherhood. And that really resonated because I think it's you just like you said, like you're giving and giving. So the idea of like shifting into pleasure. It's just like, Okay, so I've got to now care for these humans, these little people that are like, possibly even sucking on my boobs. 24 seven,






To Okay, like, now pleasuring my partner. Like when you said like that, oh, I get, you know, mad like, I kind of get like my hackles are raised a little like really like, you know, I've got a doubt pleasure another living being. And I think a lot of women mothers, especially listening probably can resonate with that feeling of like, I am tired. So how, like, let's say, if we're pleasure, Lee challenged, what is like a baby step into that mindset shift.



Yeah, you know, that's, I'm glad you brought that up. Because resentment can really build especially for mothers who are caretaking so much and they don't have the energy to keep giving like they're on total empty there the beyond empty. And so how does this How can you use your own connection to sexuality as a gift for you that renews you? One thing is to understand that when you're stressed out and you're on empty, your nervous system is even more like a Livewire. So that means you can short circuit really easily. And so we need our partner we need to find a way to have communication with our partner that they can understand that when you come into my space With your desire to fast, I cannot assimilate it. And so what ends up happening is I close, I don't open. And so you want to start to study what closes you, what opens you? And you can you can even observe it and other people that you care about, you know, what closes them, what opens them, how can you tell it's their body language, they flinch back, they do a closed posture instead of an open posture. And so these are the things that are going to give you the self knowledge to communicate. You know, it's not that I don't, I'm rejecting you, I love you, I don't, I wouldn't want to reject you effort. I know, that hurts you. But I'm responding from a, from a short circuit. So we have to change this approach a little bit, I need you to watch and I need to watch and I want to pay attention to you to please come towards me with your desire very slowly. You know, cuz, you know, I need to before you touch my ass, touch my ass from two feet away. You know, let me feel you. And then you can tell me even kind of holding your hand or foot away from my ass kind of imagining grabbing it? And then tell me, hey, Ben, I'm gonna put my hand on your ads, and then pause, because that gives me choice. I can say, Hey, would you not? Or I can say, Oh, you know, I can get a thrill. But let me know, be right before you come in for it. Because I'd always want May I please touch your ass there are, there's a place in partnership where the consent can feel even worse. Yeah, it's like, just give me a warning. And then I can open towards it, it gives me an opportunity to Well, I'm going to do an open gesture. Now, I'm going to allow this touch to be for me, you know, and it not be something that's being taken from me. So there's a difference when touch is when someone is touching you to give to you versus someone touching you to take from you. And those are things those those distinctions have to be played with. And it's probably something that if a couple is struggling with this, they should really work with a professional. Because you will learn it so much faster. Even just doing one coaching session, to get the language to have somebody other than you talk to your partner to get them on the same page. Sometimes you need a third person to help translate the communication, right? So succeed in the



arts of seems like the goal is still shared, you know, the goal would be greater connection or intimacy. You know, having those moments of shared love, I guess so. But to have someone cuz I think what happens is like, immediately our egos go up. It's like, what you're telling me? I'm done doing this the right way? Or, you know, like you can better like,



everyone else likes it, right? Yeah. Yeah, or guilt. I like it. Right? Like it was me. Right? Yeah. And then there's feeling like threat, like, if this isn't gonna fix, my relationship is gonna fail. Right, and all the fear of abandonment, and rejection and all that stuff. And, and so, yeah, it's really kind of putting on a new pair of glasses as you look at these things. And then there's other little things that can just help when anxious moments arise. And that just has to do with mindfulness, I'm sure that's talked about a lot on this podcast. And just you can you can harness your brain and give it a moment to broaden and to relax and to, and to find a deep breath. All it takes us two minutes. You know, if you can just find two minutes to slow down your breathing, or two minutes to rub your fingers together, we're all you're paying attention to is the feeling between these two fingers touching or softening your gaze. So your gaze just gets blurry. You know, or focusing your gaze on something you haven't noticed before. Even if it's your partner for 20 years, and you're looking in their eyes and you're putting your attention on their eyelashes. You know, these are things that add these are mindfulness techniques, that will actually reestablish neuro pathways that will give you a sense of more peace, that bring you back into curiosity. And that gives you more control over your reactions. So you don't have the saboteurs that come in and derail you from enjoying your life. That's what it comes down to.



Yeah. So I want to go into anxiety like actually in the bedroom. So you mentioned a couple things. body image You know, and sometimes also that like racing mind, you know, like, the minute you go to have sex like you think of, you know, all the things you many ways, right? It's like right before you fall asleep, it's like the same, right?






So think and you could bring up other areas as well. But you know, what about those things like, Is there a mindset shift or a practice that someone might do in either of those situations.



So for me, because I tend to be, you know, high strung, I rev up easily, and my nervous system floods easily. So, I like to I need to kind of go in slow, my partner needs to touch me from the extremities in which means, like, start with caressing my hands, and my arm and my neck, don't go straight for nipples and clips, or straight for penises. You know, if, if those things, sometimes it's too much too fast, so I need to ease into my body. That's what I can ask my partner to do. If I'm partnered and having this experience. Now what I do as I'm experiencing the touch, is I start to deepen my breath, it's really important that we expand the length of our inhale, and we expand the length of our exhale, I like to breathe through my nose. All of this when it comes time for climax, ends up training you to have longer, deeper, more intense orgasms. So when I start out, the first thing I do is I lay down on that bed is I connect to my breathing, and I center myself, I also imagine if let's say, I'm starting out and I'm on my belly, I imagine that I can open up the front of my body, especially my chakra. And I imagine that my chakras are like a faucet. This might sound weird, but imagine my chakras are a faucet, and that I can drain out the front of my body into the earth. Anything that burdens me, anything that I've been carrying around, that's been overwhelming, including the list. If I start out on my back, same thing, I just opened up the back of my chakras. And I imagine I turn on the faucets and allows all the burdens to drain out of my body. And I feel supported by the Mother Earth. And that's sort of my exercise for getting into the present moment. And, and coming into my body and loving my body and appreciating that I've been gifted, that unique experience of being in a body, I want to live fully from it. So sometimes I get in my head, if I'm thinking about all the things, and that's my transition from going into my head to getting into my body. And that's sort of the starting place that starts to open me up. Okay, now, I think if someone else is like having anxiety as they move into the experience, another thing you can do is, again, do one of those mindfulness practices, maybe you just need to feel your fingertips. And or maybe you need to touch your partner, maybe what brings you into your body is actually caressing the length of your partner, and you being the giver, at first can help you shift your attention. So those are some things to play with.



And what what about, like the body image piece, because I think that that I think I just read somewhere that like, there have been like, 10,000 searches and like, how do I improve my body image?






that's a big one, like you're about to, you know, potentially get, you know, naked, you know, and stuff in front of someone else. And, you know, our fears can certainly come up.



Oh, this was really my work for a very long time. Because I, I really suffered from this, I had a really had a hard time believing that I was beautiful believing that I was lovable. In so I went really deep into this type of inquiry because I didn't want to live my life believing I wasn't a beautiful person or that I wasn't lovable. There was another part of my mind that said, Do do something about that, that is no way to live. And so one of the things you have to do is you first you have to be willing to be influenced. You have to be willing to believe compliments. You have to be willing to receive them and take them in and place them in the wounded part of yourself that doubts that you also have to dig in deep. So one of the things I would have to do is because I didn't authentically feel it on the surface of my skin, I had to go I would travel in a close my eyes and connect with my breath. And I did travel in really, really deep inside myself and go, you know, connect to the part of me that was light, connect to the part of me that was gifted connect to the part of me that knew how to love connect to the part of me that wanted to have a life that could believe that I was beautiful. And so I go in and I find that place and then I would imagine that I could pull it up, pull it up, pull it up, pull it up until it was closer to the surface of my skin. And then I would let it glow. And I would connect to this thing called radium. You know, so whether I couldn't believe the mirror not, there is something radiant in each of us. And, you know, from a spiritual standpoint, I've asked for help. You know, sometimes it's like, I can't get there by myself. So I need to connect to something bigger than me. Because I trust that they know I'm beautiful. Yeah, and they, and they, whatever that is, wants that for me. And if I can't do it by myself, I can ask for help. And, and so these are the things and so then it was like, now let me just let me just feel my own curves. If I wasn't looking, but I was feeling Can I feel beautiful? Can I enjoy the curve of my hip? What about that underneath my knee? What about the soft skin? Right at my inner thigh? right by my groin? What about caressing my cheek and feeling the plains of my jaw? What about the shape of my nose? And so then I went through a process of having to use my own hands and feelings for the beauty if I were blind, would I be when I experienced beauty with this body? What does this body feel like? And so that also connected me to a place that started to go Oh, curves? Oh, angles? Ooh, skin. Oh, hair follicles? You know, oh, ridges. Oh, you know, if you just if you just played with your stretch marks, and traced each one, they they feel good to a fingertip. Yeah, it's remarkable. So it's, it's we have to sort of shift the lenses with which we look through. Beauty has expanded tremendously. I'm I'm really happy that our culture's made up quite a bit of shifts and what we see it's beautiful. And I think we're in a position now more than ever, to break the standards. And so you don't serve anybody. By staying small, and hating yourself. It just doesn't, it doesn't promote anything healthy. And so I think I really want to encourage those listening that if you're suffering from this, you can do something about it. You don't have to believe the voice in your head that puts you down, you have to create another voice that lifts you up. And when you can start practicing that you learn how to turn the volume down on that critic, and you'll learn how to turn the volume up on that on that beautiful, loving, caring voice that knows how to speak to others in a pleasant way. He's got to turn it on yourself. Yeah,



definitely. I love that. I love the idea of thinking of touch as if you were, you know, someone that couldn't see because I think that it's that visual piece that, you know, gets us into trouble. And we go into that like, oh, comparison, or you know, how many babies have I you know, had?



You know, where'd that you know, body used to go basically? Yeah, yeah.



So you know, I love Love, love that idea.



You know, Madison, one more thing about that? Yes, please. I you know, one of the things. I bet most people have had dozens and dozens experience of this, you know, when you see somebody who's really in their element, and they're competent. And they may not be like, they may even be a little homely. But suddenly, they're like, well, they're so beautiful. They're so amazing. Like, your heart opens around them, because they're competent. And suddenly you are attracted to them, you're attracted them as a human being, you're attracted to their gifts, you're attracted to their energy. And you have to remember that that's you too. So even if you don't think you're very beautiful, if you can connect to your own competence and project that in a sexual situation, you aren't going to be the sexiest thing in that room. And everyone is attracted to someone who's connected to their confidence and who's owning it. So that was the other thing when I would dig in deep, I want to relinquish that. It was really like I would dig into the place that I knew I was competent. I'd find the thing that I knew I was good at, I would raise that up and I would let that shine out my skin. So even if I were faking it, I was making it and that sometimes would help a bridge would help bridge me across to the other side.



Yeah, no, I think that's amazing. It makes me think of when I watched my girls do competition dance. And like I ever seen my watch these girls go up on stage like I am so moved By there living out their passion, and I think there's nothing that is more inspiring and like, all worthy, which is kind of what I'm taking from this is like that we



all have this air worthy,



worthy within us. And you don't have to be a competition dancer, you know, that's their thing. But you know, you have your thing, that thing that lights you up and brings you that joy. And sometimes it's even how you look at the other person, it's what they, you know, are receiving from you, that, you know, gives you that sense and that feeling.



Totally. So I was going



to talk about courage for a second.






let's say there's someone listening, that's wanting it to, you know, open up to pleasure a little bit more, but it feels like, Okay, this is kind of weird. Like, I grew up in maybe like a religious family, and like, we didn't talk about sex and like, it feels like dirty in a way. How do you begin that process of releasing that, that dirtiness that, you know, like, I think that like, the slut mentality, that, you know, many, you know, people in our culture has, like, sort of spilled out. And, you know, it's kind of stepping. And I think it takes courage to say, Okay, look, I want to enjoy my body, just like you said, like, you came into this life with this body, and you want to experience pleasure. So let's say someone's listening, and they're like, Oh, my God, I want this. Where is that first step? Besides like, getting over the body image stuff, but it's more like, I think it's more that the mentality around it, maybe that's like that they deserve it.



Huh? Yes, I think I think that's a really well said, I think that it's an it's making a choice, that you deserve to feel good in your body, that that you are worthy of having a healthy relationship to your body, that you are worthy of having a healthy relationship when it comes to sexuality. And that you're, you're going to be tenacious, in actualizing that for yourself, and that also means stretching yourself, and confronting the sensations that overcome you. When you're having conversations and you're saying words like genitals, and, you know, you have to name things. And it's, you know, for so many people, they feel a revulsion. They feel like a sucker punch in their stomach. It's so visceral, the feeling of dirtiness, or the feeling of the shame, or the embarrassment, of not being able to find words for things. So they just clam up and shut down. You know, it's the willingness to go. That's like that right now. But if I practice, it won't always be like that. And I want to reassure people who are listening that may be dealing with that, that that is totally the truth. I work with people all the time, both one on one in in groups, who are working with confronting the revulsion of just looking at their body. And then taking the next step, okay, breathe through that and made the sound of that, because those feelings are also stuck in the tissue of the body. It's not just in your head. You know, it's also this happens people have had trauma, sexual trauma, it's how do we move towards putting love to our body, instead of the thought forms that are connected to the old belief systems, or the traumatic experiences that have given us the lie, that you are ashamed that you are unworthy that you are unlovable that you are gross that you are disgusting? You know, that stuff is just not true. And we have to start making the shift to feel that authentically, and it's uncomfortable for a minute. You know, you have to breathe through that you have to be willing to get to the other side. So I take people from where they are and then I I help them get to where they want to be



on that. So I always ask my guests around any of the aspects, things we've talked about, is there a message a message of hope that you have for someone that might be struggling with, you know, some of this anxiety around pleasure or sex or body image?



Yeah. Number one, you're not broken, honey. You're just not broken. That's a lie. It is never too late. To connect to your sexual wholeness, you are sexually hold just somewhere along the way you forgot. And it's a remembering. There is a pre wounded inner child that can be resurrected. And there is is a place where erotic innocence still lives in you. You just got to uncover it. It's not lost. It's just we have to uncover that. And it is more joyful than you can possibly imagine. Yes, there's discomfort, but everything that grows has a growing pain. And so don't let that discourage you let that inspire you, you know, move towards that we do hard stuff all the time. And you are strong enough and resilient enough to do a couple hard things. And I promise you if you move towards that, the joy, the pleasure, the life satisfaction, the feeling of flourishing, and being able to savor things like pleasure, it's our right as human beings. And there's nobody who's left out. Unless you unless you leave yourself out. Don't go doing that. Thank you, Leah. So how can people



work with you? How can they find out more about you your offerings?



Yes, so if you want to visit me at more love, mentor calm, I have a free gift. Actually, for anyone who wants it, you just click the free link. And it takes you to a video about how to never miss another clitoral orgasm again, because frankly, that happens all the time. We get so excited. We see it in the distance, we think we're gonna walk through the door any minute now. And then we're so close. And then suddenly it disappears and it's gone. And it's so frustrating. And we do something very interesting. That can be corrected, so that you walk through that door. And it's just a five minute video, please share it with everyone you know, because I want everyone whether you love pleasuring a woman or whether you are a woman who would like to be pleasured. This is something we all need to know. Okay, so men can get this to the women watch this video, you'll it'll help everybody. You know, it's so funny I joke because when you think about all the missed clitoral orgasms that have gone down in history across the planet for like iams and aeons because we do this one silly thing. tragedy. I can't wait to get the video. Yeah. Thank you. Thank



you, Leah, thank you for coming on and sharing your joy and your wisdom and always your love. So I so appreciate you.



My honor. My pleasure and love you.



Thank you so much for taking the time to invest in your well being. I hope you learned at least one new idea or technique that you might want to implement into your own life. Remember, you're not alone, there is hope and with the right information and support you can thrive. If you're dealing with panic are looking for a step by step process that will allow you to break free from this crippling fear state. I want to invite you to check out my panic attack Survival Guide, you can grab your free copy at www dot Jennifer Thanks for listening