Encourage Better: Knitting Adventures In Alaska

Welcome To The New Podcast

Melissa Season 1


If knitting is your go-to creative refuge, the place you craft your best self, but somedays stitching solo on the sofa feels a bit empty and lackluster, turn on this podcast! Encourage Better takes you to Kodiak Island, Alaska---the knitting adventure capital of the world...ok, that is my take on it and not 100% official, but still entirely accurate. Trek up mountain peaks, stand along the shore, and romp among the forest of spruce trees *all through your earbuds*! Knitting tips, tricks, and tales every episode Encourage Better is the must-listen-to-podcast to kickstart your knitting mojo and broaden your smile!
Enjoy this welcome episode.
To read and see more visit: https://www.encouragebetter.com/ebpodcast

And before you go, Dear Knitter here is your personal invitation from me: I would love to count you amongst the EBKpodcast community. You are welcome here. Subscribe today!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to encourage better. A podcast dedicated to knitters and creative people searching for thoughtful moments of joy and wonder in our artistic pursuits through reflections on projects in progress and completed all evaluate lessons. I learn unpack discoveries made that surprised me things I did that frustrated me and improvements to remember for the future pretty lofty goals for 25 minutes together. Wouldn't you say, along the adventures, there will be knitting and on knitting, which is a valuable art unto itself. Not properly recognized. There will be hand sewing, mending embroidery. I'll share how I capture these creative endeavors to remember later and share with you. Tips, tricks, savvy shortcuts, to journal with words and photos. In case you find yourself desiring a treasury of your making adventures in ways that you can look back on ways that your future self will thank you for. So whether you are looking for a cheerful word in your ear as unit, or you need a kind word as you rip out all the stitches, I've got you covered and who am I? I'm Melissa, a lover of outdoors, the ocean, the sea, the trees romping through the woods and sitting along the Rocky shoreline and the golden sunshine or Misty rain all are my absolute favorite things to do. And what does any of that have to do with knitting or being crafty? My friend, it has everything to do with it. I haven't been knitting over 18 years journaling since elementary school and playing outside as much as possible since for ever. I take my projects with me as I go for, I find inspiration for staying creative by blending. What I love most and enjoy. I have designed patterns for knitters for years, hats, scarves, shawls, mittens, cardigans, pullovers socks, and along the way, creating these patterns. I realized the craziest thing that clarified my work. I was never making patterns to be a designer for knitters and knitwear. I was designing a community to share with intentionally and unreservedly, share myself my adventures, my passion, to build spaces, to practice the pursuit of kindness and encouragement with fellow crafty people, which crafty people that's you chances are. This may describe you a knitter who hops on to Instagram and love with the beautifully curated posts that fellow fiber levers are sharing you like and comment, excited to see what everyone is up to longing to have what you were making noticed to the enthusiasm and frustration, the questions and the celebrations you would love for those feelings to intersect intentionally with others. Hopefully as more than just a little heart icon in your alerts or DMS, or maybe you are avoiding social media places because well, inspiration overload girl, I feel you or fella I'm tracking right with you. You find the more that you are looking with your eyes and swiping with your point or finger, your brain is too busy and your hands are distracted from making, but your to make list is world book, encyclopedia length bonus points. If you've ever owned an encyclopedia set, but Hey, maybe this is you. You just want some intentional time directed towards being your self. Any of these fit you are you somewhere in between? Well, you are here now. And I don't think it's happenstance. Here's my dirty little secret. I am all of these things and a wee bit more. I use my knitting and crafty know how not to make patterns for folks to recreate, but my patterns, which there are a bunch of free on my website. Those patterns are my way of reaching out to you. Just like this podcast. I'd love to share an opportunity to connect, to tell you about good things like how the water rippling along the sand left patterns that I've translated into my stitches and also bad things that had a good lesson, but you'll have to listen to future episodes to hear examples of those outdoor romps long journal entries, temper tantrums with ball winders, voice memos to myself on days. I don't have time to write a word. All those things blend into my creative process and make every day good, bad, ugly, whatever, an extra special, wonderful opportunity for me to learn and encourage better. If you are still listening to this intro, you may enjoy another step forward with me. So how about the next episode? They get better as they go. Trust me. I know like for real, I've had podcasts before and even more telling I'm an avid podcast. Listening, junkie all the episodes. Everyone does always get better. Now, no time to listen. Well maybe visit my website, encourage better.com. There you'll find pics of this voice in your ears and some free patterns too. Now, if social media is your thing, I'm usually popping into a square every now and again on Instagram. Find me as M ski knits. Shoot me a DM. And let me know. I encouraged you to connect with me via the podcast. Well, until next time you were created intentionally to be creative, which may be easier said than done. So whether you are spinning yarn for your next project or hanging on today, as thread you are valuable, simply being you is valuable and valued. I hope our paths cross again soon. Bye for now.