Cocktails & Capitalism

Rack ‘Em Up! Palestine Action Victories with Actionist Shibby of Revolutionary Lumpen Radio

Cocktails & Capitalism

With Palestine Action racking up the victories, it was high time that I spoke with veteran actionist Shibby about the network’s mind blowing direct  action successes. We discuss the recent shutdown of a facility in Tamworth, the viral action that just took place in Scotland, and the high-level, low-level, and covert strategies that have been used by these brave activists.

We also touch on the ongoing efforts to ban Palestine Action in the UK, and why such a ban will fail to prevent this network from continuing its righteous work.

In addition to hosting Revolutionary Lumpen Radio, Shibby is a veteran activist with Palestine Action. We begin with the story of his radicalization.

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The Free Palestine Cocktail

100 ml Watermelon Juice

30 ml Lime Juice

15 ml Simple Syrup (1:1 ratio) to taste

Small pinch of salt

25  ml green juice of choice (celery, apple, kale)


25 ml Clear spirit like Mezcal, Tequila, Gin, Vodka, Arak, etc etc 

Watermelon slice for garnish

Freeze a small layer of green juice in a glass ahead of time. Combine watermelon juice, lime juice, simple syrup, & a pinch of salt in a mixing tin and shake with cubed ice until properly diluted and chilled. Fill glass (containing frozen green juice) with crushed ice, then fine strain the watermelon mixture  over the ice. This will create layers that resemble a watermelon. 

Glassware:  Collins glass or your favorite tall transparent drinking vessel

Garnish:  Small watermelon wedge and/or raisins

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Cocktails & Capitalism is an anticapitalist labor of love, but we could use your help to make this project sustainable. If you can support with even a dollar a month, that would really help us continue to educate, agitate, and amplify the voices of those who are working to dismantle capitalism and create a better world.

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This show is sponsored by Beautiful Trouble — an international network of organizers, artists, and trainers working to equip grassroots movements with the tools to become more creative, effective, and irresistible.