Dangerous Faith

#73: Dangerous Life– "White People with a Podcast" Satire and Bad Advice


The Dangerous Life Team basically makes fun of what they do, talks about the worst advice that they've been given, and then discusses how to give good advice.

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Speaker 1:

I don't know how this is gonna go, Zee, because we won't just have to find out. I'm probably gonna sit back and watch and listen.

Speaker 3:

I don't really have anything to say. Chloe, I want you to say something ridiculous. I will try, okay.

Speaker 2:

Men have rights. That's pretty ridiculous. No, that's pretty ridiculous. Red pill, blue pill which one should you choose? Here on the Dangerous Faith Podcast, I'm Nate Williams, your gracious host. I'm the second greatest apostle next to Paul. Today we're gonna talk about red pill podcasting. With me are my lovely friends Justin Wygan you forgot your name. I forgot your name. I forgot your name. Chloe and her husband, zane and Blake Zane Zeke yeah, zane Adams. So we're gonna talk about red pill stuff. So, justin, why don't you start us off? What is something red pill?

Speaker 4:

I gotta say that, personally, I prefer red fish, blue fish. If I have to choose, you're colorblind?

Speaker 2:

You don't know.

Speaker 4:

Oh wait, you're right, mr Dr Suisse, you need to correct your books for colorblind people. Gray fish, slightly grayer fish, so I think that's something we could talk about as well. While we're talking, let's talk about some life hacks.

Speaker 2:

I have a great life hack Go ahead, lay it down, okay, so this is a great life hack.

Speaker 4:

I found this when I was younger. Right, if you get in the mirror and you scream among us 65 times in the mirror, this being called mom will take you to this place called the orphanage. It's pretty cool. All sorts of cool kids there, most of them crying.

Speaker 2:

Cool cats and kittens up in the orphanage. I think we should get rid of orphanages. I think they're just a waste of time, waste of money If you're not man enough to deal without having your parents. Like I'm 24, I don't even have parents.

Speaker 4:

That's a sigma thing to do.

Speaker 2:

That's a very sigma thing If you're not alpha at all to be taken care of by a bunch of strangers like, who are you? Are you a loser? We're here with Zane Zane. What do you think about red pill stuff?

Speaker 5:

I haven't thought about this.

Speaker 2:

What's some red pill or blue pill? Whichever pill Give me a topic Women that's a great topic. Do we need them?

Speaker 1:

No, your wife is sitting next to you, by the way.

Speaker 5:

So here's one thing Women shouldn't be speaking unless they're given permission.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

And a woman. Let's not be too sexist. Amen and a woman.

Speaker 3:

Alright, so my name is Nathan, for those of you listening for the first time, the other person mimicking me is Blake, and one thing that you'll often see as we actually start our dangerous faith episode is that there are a lot of opinions out there, a lot of podcasts, a lot of YouTube channels etc. With just bad advice. People say ridiculous things, anything for clicks, views, subscribers and the more crazy you get, the more unfortunately in our attention seeking economy, the more airtime you'll get, the wilder, the more extreme, the more ridiculous, and so what we just did for you is we walked just through some of that just being ridiculous and all that. But we're going to move on now to what we're actually talking about for this episode, which is what's the worst advice you've ever been given, because if you go online or again podcast, whatever you go to for information, there's a lot of stuff out there Some of it good, some of it bad, some of it ridiculous.

Speaker 3:

So now what's some of the worst advice you all have gotten in your life? I think I'll start us off then. I think one of the biggest pieces of bad advice I've gotten is to seek revenge. So, for example, something bad happens in your life, or a relational or whatever. You want to get back at the person, and here is how you do so Someone did you wrong, someone broke up with you, etc. Etc. Here's how you get back at that person. Well, automatically that sets you up on a trajectory where you're not going to heal correctly because you're obsessed with getting back at the person who wronged you, or at least you thought they wronged you.

Speaker 4:

But what if that does help me heal Nate? What if that does help me heal? How do you know? You don't know my journey.

Speaker 3:

So, justin, how has revenge helped you?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, pass. So I think seeking revenge.

Speaker 3:

oftentimes it consumes you and even if you do have some success with it, you still don't feel right on the inside.

Speaker 2:

One of the worst pieces of advice that I've ever heard it hasn't been given to me, but I've heard is the kind of like if you ever go through a breakup or maybe you just go through a rough patch in your life, especially for men, they say to just like chase a bag, like just become this absolute monster, like go, like, get rich, get buff, and then go get hundreds of women, like I hate that advice so so much.

Speaker 4:

I'm glad that you followed the exact opposite of that, I know.

Speaker 2:

I don't go to the gym. I cry all the time and amen, men are so attracted to me, amen.

Speaker 3:

I don't know what went wrong?

Speaker 4:

And a woman.

Speaker 2:

Amen and a woman. A woman or, as Nate says, woman.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I've probably been told this sometime in my life, but it is also just a very general piece of advice that you tend to hear out in the world a lot, and that's just follow your heart, follow your dreams, like, and that's like that's actually the worst advice you could give someone. Because in Jeremiah I read it down, jeremiah 17, 9, it says the heart is deceitful, so why would I want to follow after something that's deceitful? But rather, I think in the Psalm somewhere it says you should align your crap.

Speaker 3:

Trust the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Speaker 1:

So, like, you have to trust God first, and then your desires will align with his, and so, basically, you should not follow your heart, because your heart is going to lead you astray.

Speaker 3:

Is that not a?

Speaker 1:

proverb. Yeah, it might be a proverb, I can't remember.

Speaker 3:

It'll be similar, you see we grew up on Disney and that's oftentimes the message we were told to follow your heart, it'll all turn out well. Side note favorite Disney movie Brother Bear. Brother Bear, that's very sad movie.

Speaker 4:

Nightmare Before Christmas.

Speaker 3:

Okay, zeke Pass.

Speaker 5:

Is that Disney?

Speaker 1:

movie. I really liked Coco.

Speaker 4:

Like Coco, no, no.

Speaker 3:

Too sad, but it was such a good story he chose.

Speaker 4:

Brother Bear, that's not sad. That has a good ending, justin go rewatch the movie.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, go watch. The guy literally kills the mama bear.

Speaker 2:

No, and kills his brother at the same time.

Speaker 1:

Land Before Time I found the verse, by the way. Okay, it's Psalm 374. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Speaker 3:

Oh, there we go. Oh, there we go. All right, Justin, you wanted to hop in. Oh, I thought of my movie. Oh, okay.

Speaker 5:

Probably like I forget which one's Disney and which one's Pixar.

Speaker 2:

Just say it Okay probably toy story. Toy story, that's Pixar okay, and then line is good. That's a good one.

Speaker 1:

Pixar or is it cares?

Speaker 3:

no, it's not no Pixar okay, as long as we all can agree, tangled is better than frozen.

Speaker 1:

I love Princess and the Frog is the best though.

Speaker 5:

I love Princess music and it's so good. We're all women, all right, right that was very red in 2024 Zeke.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, all right. So, returning to bad advice, I think hit the nail on the head with the fall. Your heart, the heart's deceitful. It's gonna lie to you. It's gonna change from day to day, but you follow the Word of God through the ages. It stays the same. Justin, I forget, did you have something you want to hop in with?

Speaker 4:

well, I'm just saying like what if my, my intentions are very good, like, say, I want to be a drug dealer and make people really, really happy because they're really high and you can't feel sad when you're really high that's not true.

Speaker 2:

But you know heavy dogs. Have you done drugs?

Speaker 4:

I choose not to comment, but I just want to make people happy and make a whole lot of money doing it, so what's wrong with that? Why should I not follow that dream, chloe? Hmm.

Speaker 3:

Chloe, why should Justin not be a drug dealer?

Speaker 1:

yeah, why, Chloe because that's gonna lead them to down a path of destruction how do you know? Because they're gonna be happy for a moment and then, the more that you drugs, they're gonna be killing themselves.

Speaker 3:

We only have the entire scientific community behind that yeah, but yeah, be careful with what you want always, you know, try to back it up with scripture and all that. But we'll get to more of that later like there's one.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if this is advice, but when people say, if you want to speak, it into existence that one's just that was just not looking at you, isaac Adams.

Speaker 3:

Isaac say that no.

Speaker 4:

Isaac's never. Well, we're gonna say for this purpose is that he does so what you just did was slander at.

Speaker 2:

I just you just punished his thirsty sales drugs. Nice, now you sell druggers, people I bet you, I bet you speak things in existence, just and don't you? You walk in your room like oh, make rib appear in my lap it's how that works.

Speaker 3:

I want to try it all right, so like, let's, let's dive into that one a little bit more by by. There's another word for that manifesting yeah, manifesting, when people say, just manifest, we're gonna differentiate between the, the goals of setting, setting goals for yourself, trying to work towards that goal, versus manifesting name, it claim it, speak and do existence. Can you differentiate those two?

Speaker 2:

I think you like me personally, can I?

Speaker 2:

yeah, yeah um, for me like setting goals. Obviously it's like you know, my goal is to be an accountant. So what are my steps to do that? While I go get enrolled in college, I start taking the classes, I do get in my classes and I work hard towards that goal. I'm not going around saying like, oh, like I want to. People ask me what I'm going to school for. I'm gonna say, well, I'm going to be an accountant.

Speaker 2:

That's not speaking it into an existence, that's not meant. That's like saying, hey, this is my goal, this is what I'm working towards. I'm not saying I am an accountant, I'm just saying this is what I'm working towards, this is what I hope to be. Manifestation is like when you say like, for instance, I want a house, but you do nothing to work towards that house. It's like you're just thinking if you put it out into the universe, if you put good vibes out to the universe, the universe is just gonna magically give you a house. Well, first off, as Christians we know the universe gives us absolutely nothing except, like you know, you know a place to live.

Speaker 2:

You know, as far as like it being an omnipotent being that grants our wishes, that's not true at all. You know God gives a and even then, like you know, god doesn't just hand us things either. Like we're not, like, hey, god, I want to be an accountant, I'm gonna manifest, I'm gonna speak in existence and you're gonna make me an account. I like, no, like, if God put it on my heart to go into accounting and to go in an industry. So what that means is he's gonna open up doors along the way for me to walk through, but he's not just gonna hand it to me. Yeah, he's not. I'm just not gonna manifest these things out of nowhere.

Speaker 1:

I have to actually walk through the doors and walk faithfully with God throughout the journey vibes and good energy doesn't quite cut it, chloe yeah, I totally agree, blake, but I think there is also an important like distinction we need to make, because I think there is a lot of power in our words, like obviously, if you speak more positively, you're gonna have a more positive outlook on life. But I think there's a difference in that and, like you said, yeah these into this existence, like just because you throw words out there like oh, I'm gonna get married and I'm gonna have a house one day, like that is it like that doesn't mean that your man like you're, you're just gonna have it automatically.

Speaker 1:

The universe is gonna give that to you that's my fault.

Speaker 2:

Maybe I just didn't like oh no, you're good, I just wanted to bring that up. That's a good distinction, though that's like are you ready? Oh my gosh yeah what do you?

Speaker 5:

what do you do with scripture that says a will be given to you? Asking will be given to you.

Speaker 2:

So where is that?

Speaker 5:

at the book of John book of John Jesus said it himself so. I think gosh you can tap out this is, this is the none of you with a good I thought.

Speaker 2:

I thought about this one a lot. I think it goes back to asking you receive it at all. It it comes from a broader. It's deep my bad, not broader. It's deeper than what Jesus is actually saying. He's not literally just saying like, okay, you want a Bugatti, pray for a Bugatti and I'm going to give you a Bugatti. But what it is, it's more so like, the deeper you get with God, the more you like get involved with Jesus. It's like you you'll know exactly, like, what to ask for.

Speaker 2:

Like, for instance, if I asked for God, for Jesus, for a Bugatti, obviously that's coming from a place of self, of selfishness. But if I asked Jesus like, hey, open the eyes of my heart so I can get to know you better, I know I'm going to receive that. It's like there's there's, it's like a condi. I look at it as like there's a sovereign will and then there's the conditional will and that kind of goes into like the conditional will. It's like I want to seek you, I want what's best for me. You know what you're going to, you know what my heart wants and you know what my spirit needs. Like you'll give it to me. So asking shall receive.

Speaker 5:

I'm proud of you. That's an answer like from like what a year ago wouldn't have been able to answer, so good job.

Speaker 3:

Incredible that, as God changes our heart, all of a sudden we're going to start asking for the things that align with his will, not out of our selfish desires, which is kind of what Chloe was saying earlier with Psalms 37, was it?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, when our will is aligned with his will, we'll ask for the things that he wants for us, and all the things he wants for us are all good things. I think later in that same, it could be the same chapter. Either way, jesus says that as well of like. You know, if you, being evil talking about us humans being evil can give good gifts to our sons and daughters, how much more can our Heavenly Father give good gifts to us?

Speaker 3:

Yep, so Well, well put, Well put. So now we'll move to the last part of our episode and we're kind of hitting all around this. But in your life, people will ask you a lot of questions how do I do this? What should I do here? What advice would you give me there? What is the key or what? What is some advice would you have for people to give good advice?

Speaker 4:

So here's something I heard a while ago. This is something that sticks with me. Okay, don't ever, for any reason, ever to anyone, or anywhere, or anywhere, ever, all around. I think you get where I'm going.

Speaker 5:

Do anything.

Speaker 3:

To anyone.

Speaker 5:

For any reason If you haven't watched the office go watch it and you'll understand. What's up?

Speaker 3:

The delivery was super. I really thought you were going to say something you had all your good things.

Speaker 5:

Put that in.

Speaker 2:

Like the pause, the sniff, everything was perfect For no reason ever.

Speaker 3:

That was hard, all right After Justin's words of wisdom.

Speaker 2:

Dude, nobody can follow that up. That was good. But, blake, you raised your hand, so you'll have to. I know, yeah, blake, so.

Speaker 3:

Blake, what advice would you give to people to give good advice?

Speaker 2:

So the advice that I would give is to one no scripture. And I say that because I realize now with my walk with God, that, because I read it in Proverbs like don't rely on your own knowledge, instead rely on the scripture, rely on God's word. And so when it comes to when I give advice now, instead of it being from my own knowledge because we can say things like follow your heart, and we might have good intentions behind it, but where it's centered is wrong. So when I give advice now, I remember scripture and I remember the words that God puts on my heart and I let God move in those moments. I don't necessarily just rely on my own thoughts anymore. So if I had to get, if you're someone who wants to give good advice, one, get into the scripture and like get a relationship with God too and let him guide you in that and you'll you're going to end up changing a lot more lives through that.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, that's solid. So, to avoid the question, answer our own question. Sometimes I think about whenever we're given bad advice. I thought of some good advice that I've been given which related to what you were saying, blake, of how the difference between manifesting and setting goals and something that I've found really helpful with the setting goals, one is the back feeling, like if you know your goal, like one of the guy who's saying it had a goal of he wanted to be able to, you know, roll around on the floor with his grandkids one day, like he want to be healthy enough to do that. So if that's his goal long term, what does he need to do incrementally from this point forward to get to that goal? And he backfilled with whatever he needs to do to get there.

Speaker 5:

Like you want to be an accountant or goals and account? Okay, well, I need to pass the test. To pass the test, I need to go to college. Go to college, I need to register for classes. Once I'm in those classes, I need to pass those classes, etc. Etc. And having all the little road map path out, and that's been really helpful for goals you want to achieve. It's not just out there in the midst of nowhere and you're, like I was one day all becoming kind of like no, you have the steps you need to do to get there. I like that.

Speaker 4:

An actual good piece of advice, I think, is to stop for just a second before you do something and think is the thing I'm about to do going to help to build the kingdom?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

For example, say Blake, he's incredibly annoying. His haircut makes him look like the TikToker to Trent. Tony Makes you mad. But let's just say me and Blake are getting in an argument and it's about to escalate. I can sit there and stop and think okay, do I maybe need to try to do my part in that and calm it down, or should I just fight with him and have nothing happen? But us be angry at each other? Obviously, if we fight with each other, it's not gonna help anything. As a matter of fact, it may hurt mine and his friendship in the long run. And that also goes towards something like, say you're just mad at someone else and you're gonna yell at them. Stop and think, because that may hurt your witness later on.

Speaker 5:

Justin, I thought what you were gonna say was gonna be. Before I do anything, I stop and ask myself would an idiot do that thing? If the answer is yes, I do not do that thing.

Speaker 4:

Yes, Another great office quote.

Speaker 3:

This is turning into an office episode and y'all hit the nail on the head A lot of good advice on giving advice, and this is what I'd also say Seek a counsel, don't just go to one person. Have several people around you who are wise and mature and get multiple opinions. I'm very blessed Got friends here who have good wisdom, pastors and other friends etc. Just build a counsel around you of people you can go to and collectively they'll give you good perspective on what you're struggling with.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. So since I avoided the question earlier, let me answer it now. How do you give good advice? Something I've learned that's been really helpful is making sure that person is ready to receive advice. This matters a lot in marriage, probably Also in friendship, but probably at least a lot more marriage in the sense of if Chloe's in the middle, something, she's distracted and she's frustrated with something, it's probably not the time she's looking for advice, she probably just want someone to listen. And then, on the reverse side, with friendship, you know, whenever friends are being stupid and they are they're not a bad situation or something. Um, sometimes they're not open to hearing it. I mean, even Jesus himself had people who didn't want to hear what he said.

Speaker 3:

Uh, at first I thought you were gonna say even Jesus Listen wasn't good at listening or something. But anyway, sorry, you did not.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm not heretical, oh, heresy Um.

Speaker 5:

But yeah, that's, that's what I was saying, because I've been in situations where, like, what I was doing was wrong and I knew it, but I wasn't open to the listening to it. So part of that is like the way that you Approach people when you give advice, like, hey, do you want someone just to listen to you right now or do you want me to actually help you with some advice? And sometimes, if people are honest enough, they're like no, I just want you to listen, like okay that's.

Speaker 2:

That's what I was about to ask you. I was like I was gonna say do you think it would be appropriate in moments like that, when somebody's like Because I do that with Justin sometimes, when he's having a bad day like he'll call me and I'll say something like Are you wanting advice or do you just want to just want me to listen to you? So do you think that would be like?

Speaker 5:

you think that's an appropriate question to ask in the moment yeah, me and Nate's someone who taught me this and it's been honestly phenomenal for our marriage whenever I remember to actually do it.

Speaker 3:

It has been great for our marriage.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, our marriage so with me and Chloe? Like there's not. This is advice for y'all, for whenever y'all eventually get married. That's never gonna happen, but okay, well, hypothetically, um, if it ever happens, manifesting.

Speaker 1:

I know I was about to say speaking into existence, so give me, rihanna.

Speaker 2:

Rihanna, if you're listening, I'm single. I don't know if you are like we are. We would make a great couple. Rihanna, send my name.

Speaker 5:

So what uh?

Speaker 2:

Is that a Rihanna song?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, okay, I was just gonna get you to hear it. Yes, uh. So the advice Nate gave was if someone's, if your wife is complaining, uh, ask, do you want advice? Do you want someone to listen or do you want to hug? And most nine times out of ten is the second two, because there's literally a simple solution to most of the questions she asks, but she doesn't want the answer. She does want someone to listen and to vent to Um, and that probably goes for friendships as well, I'm sure.

Speaker 3:

It is because good, good words, a lot, of, a lot of wisdom there. Anything else before we sign off?

Speaker 2:

I'll leave. I'll leave you all and then I'll let Nate sign off. I'll leave you all with the advice that I've been giving for the past two weeks now. Oh boy, so it's good advice, don't worry. So my sister's just a little shameless plug, if you don't mind my sister's won the state championship in there in their basketball division. We're very proud of them. But the advice that I kept giving them and I felt like it was really solid, not just for me, or not just for them, but it was also for me as well to remind myself was In everything that you do, if you're a Christian and if not, you know we want you to become a Christian but for Christians, listening In everything that you do and I mean everything Give it back to god.

Speaker 2:

Give it to god and just let them have it. And everything that you do, whether it's in your work, whether it's in your friendships, your marriages, even in your basketball ability, your witness is 24 seven. So, like like Nate told me and like Zeke told me and Justin said before, you're going to be the only bible that some people ever read. You're going to be the only Jesus that people ever see, not saying you are Jesus, but letting them live through you. So, in everything that you do, give it back to god.

Speaker 5:

Amen, and a woman, a woman.

Speaker 4:

All right, oh, justin, one more thing before you go when you're it for all the people who are out there, look for people like Nate said good mentors in your life or you can go to for advice. Look for people who have a tsunami crashing into their forehead as a haircut. Look for people who are Jewish and Japanese of that descent. They're, they're, they're great, they're amazing. Look for people who do sound like they bat for the other team.

Speaker 5:

This is all one big roast of Nate.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, this is who don't know this one for being wholesome.

Speaker 4:

So let me ruin that wonderful thing that Blake said by ending with that Thank you and good night.

Speaker 3:
