Dangerous Faith

#86: Dangerous Life – A Very Gen-Z Response to the Trump Assassination Attempt


Nate Williams and the Dangerous Life Team responds to the assassination attempt on President Trump's life. They also talk about how Christians can help to be peacemakers in a time of social unrest.

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Speaker 1:

What about manholes? Do we call them? Them holes?

Speaker 2:

What that sounds dirty.

Speaker 3:

So manholes, manhole covers, do we call it them holes?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

So you know those things in the streets that you go down into the systems below.

Speaker 4:

Oh, like a sewer.

Speaker 3:

Yes, so the holes are called manholes. Oh, I thought it was just manholes. So, now for PC. We have to call it them holes. Oh yeah, so that's what?

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

Welcome back to the Dangerous Faith Podcast, and we have our full team with us today. We got Zeke, chloe, mariah, justin, blake, mackenzie and Isaac, and it might be the, I guess, last time that we have the full team together for a while, because something might be happening later on this week. We might get to or we might not. Anyways, we're all here and something historic happened in a bad way. I should probably preface it by saying that there was the Trump assassination attempt that happened at a rally in Pennsylvania. The bullet grazed his ear and eventually, the Secret Service took care of the shooter. Justin, was that you?

Speaker 5:

It was a combination. It was a team effort. A team effort. It was probably Mariah as well, justin, was that you?

Speaker 3:

It was a combination, it was a team effort, team effort Was it probably Mariah as well? Anyways, so on this very serious topic that we all are taking seriously, justin, we're talking about that today. Just thoughts, feelings. A couple people here have floated some interesting theories about it, and that's what we are covering. So, first off, where were you when you heard the news that there was an assassination attempt against Trump? Justin?

Speaker 2:

I was actually watching it live with my grandfather when it happened.

Speaker 3:

So you were watching the rally itself?

Speaker 5:

Yes, you know how big of a Trump guy. Justin is Absolutely Trump 2024.

Speaker 2:

Let's go, brandon. One thing I'll say is when you hear the gunshots in it, it almost people said it sounded like fireworks and honestly it's kind of true, it doesn't really sound like gunshots. When it it almost people said it sounded like fireworks and honestly it's kind of true, it doesn't really sound like gunshots when you watch it.

Speaker 1:

Well, you never really shoot guns. They sound the same to me.

Speaker 2:

I've shot guns before, Mr T-Tro.

Speaker 1:

Nerf guns are not guns.

Speaker 2:

Justin, it's the one with pew-pew Like that.

Speaker 1:

What's your gun sound like? Ah?

Speaker 3:

All right. So Justin is talking about his expertise in gun sounds. Blake, what about you?

Speaker 1:

Well, I was actually listening to the Trump rally and then I fell asleep and then I got woken up by Justin going. You got to go to your basement, bro, were y'all at the same place?

Speaker 5:

No, no.

Speaker 1:

Okay, no, because there was a joke going around. My dad was kind of doomsday, prepping for a little bit, which is not a bad idea. We were just you know, but I made a joke that you know, if something ever happens to Trump, I got to live in the basement because the liberals are taking over and and Justin called me, I was like no, I got to go to the basement and I looked at the TV. I was like oh no, this is bad.

Speaker 3:

Anyone else? Where were you? What were you doing when you got the news?

Speaker 5:

I had just left Nate, so I can't confirm if he was or wasn't on there.

Speaker 1:

Okay, when were you when the second tower fell?

Speaker 3:

I was.

Speaker 2:

You were alive, I was probably playing outside.

Speaker 3:

if I remember he was knee-high on a grasshopper.

Speaker 4:

when that happened, I'll tell you that he was a little boy.

Speaker 3:

I think I was playing outside, if I remember correctly, but I could be misremembering as well. But all right, anyone else, chloe?

Speaker 6:

Mariah, where were y'all when you heard the news? I was at a friend's house doing some school stuff yesterday and I was just looking on Instagram. The first thing that popped up was the video of him.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I was at work and got a text from a friend and then I looked on social media and started seeing all the stream of things.

Speaker 3:

Okay, mackenzie. It was this morning while we were getting ready for church and I was like did?

Speaker 7:

you see where Trump got shot. And I said no, and he said he died Isaac.

Speaker 3:

What You're even true.

Speaker 7:

I thought he was just joking, but I missed it completely yesterday. I just found out about it this morning.

Speaker 8:

Isaac, what about you? I was shooting bad guys and I came out of my room for a quick water break and saw it on the TV.

Speaker 2:

Which game were you?

Speaker 8:

playing Call of Duty.

Speaker 2:

Let me go ahead and tell you something you apparently missed and shot Trump.

Speaker 8:

I did miss a lot so online.

Speaker 3:

I've just looked at different reactions.

Speaker 1:

Where were you Nate? Yeah, you dodged that question. I didn't dodge the question.

Speaker 3:

Blake asked where I was when the second tower fell.

Speaker 8:

So you dodged the question, so now You're still dodging the question.

Speaker 3:

Yesterday I was. I had just gotten back, zeke and I went to Huntsville, picked up a TV and had just gotten back and I was walking over to eat dinner at my in-laws place and we live next door. I was walking over and I was looking on at my phone. Several people had called. I got a fair amount of texts and I wasn't looking at my phone for the last few hours and that's when I read it. Then I looked online as well. Different social media accounts Isaac have you ever heard?

Speaker 8:

when someone's guilty, they explain more details than they need to. That's Nate.

Speaker 3:

So all right, Isaac, I fired a bullet from Alabama that went all the way to Pennsylvania Shot heard around the world.

Speaker 3:

Yes, that would be pretty impressive, but ultimately, looking now, I think our reaction as well is very telling, because it's a day later and obviously we take the matter seriously, but it is 2024, age of social media, so the memes are rolling out, the jokes are flying. In fact, we have a couple people here that might think that it was staged. Does anyone want to speak up? That thought that I won't call him by name, but I don't think I know okay, you think it was all staged. Can you explain why?

Speaker 8:

if you watch the video very closely. Trump turned his head to the right and then the bullets shot past, obviously to miss him right On purpose, and then they killed the guy so fast. They knew where he was and he was Republican, nate said Justin.

Speaker 2:

Now, Mr Isaac, if it was staged and it was fake, then why is the top of Trump's ear gone Straight up fat?

Speaker 8:

It's a little sacrifice for a lot of clout.

Speaker 2:

Oh, dang, you're right.

Speaker 1:

Okay, blake. So I don't know if I go that route, but I do think it was. Personally, I'm not saying this is fact, but I do think it was an inside job. I think some people in the Secret Service knew it was going to happen, because here's how I think about it. Ok, there were people who were already, who noticed the guy, and they were already saying, way before you know, people want to say it was fractions of a second. No, in some of the videos there's like a good 10, 15 seconds of people screaming, and even there's been some other accounts that it was even longer than that of people saying there's a guy on the roof climbing OK, the snap.

Speaker 1:

When you're a sniper operative, the one who took him out, ok, your whole. Like that's what you do. You're trained to shoot. So if you've got people screaming, that something's going on. Also, the way that they they hit him so quick, it's one thing if they had no idea, that makes sense, but the fact that he was able to, it's just. It's just the succession of how fast the sniper operative got him is what is so telling in this situation.

Speaker 3:

So one theory is that it was staged for clout, as Isaac put it, that is, again, will help him win a presidential election. The next theory is maybe it's not staged, but it was an inside job, that you had certain members of the Secret Service that may have allowed it to happen, and so you had this person with a weapon capable of doing this obviously get to a certain strategic point and be able to get a shot off at Trump. So that's another theory that it was an inside job. And then, finally, there is the I guess the closest thing to a non-conspiratorial option, which is incompetence, that the Secret Service and whoever they worked with to secure the area they're supposed to, days ahead of time, clear everything. You monitor, you watch, you look at all the rooftops, Y'all will. I was about to say you remember JFK?

Speaker 5:

You don't remember JFK, but you know the story.

Speaker 3:

Sniper from up above, and so you want to secure the rooftops and you're continually monitoring the situation. And so the thought here with this theory is whoever was in charge of that area? Maybe it was the whole team, I don't know. Maybe it was the Secret Service as a whole, I don't know. But there was just incompetence. People didn't do their job. They could have done their job, but you have incompetence. What sounds the most persuasive to you.

Speaker 5:

So I'll pass it to. There's no fourth option.

Speaker 3:

What would the fourth option be? I guess you're right. Alright, so Zeke of those three, from what you know, what do you think is the most likely Pass? All right, zeke passes. That is the politically safe option. We'll come back, chloe.

Speaker 6:

I've got to say incompetence.

Speaker 3:

So Chloe goes, incompetence Mariah.

Speaker 4:

I think it very well could have been an inside job. Just the way our nation's so divided right now and the craziness that goes on. I think that's very much an option Okay.

Speaker 3:

Justin. I think he was a dummy.

Speaker 2:

I think that's a deal Incompetence.

Speaker 3:

So who would be the dummy? Everybody. So, he meaning everyone involved. Okay, blake.

Speaker 1:

We use a singular pronoun to describe multiple people.

Speaker 3:

Hey them-ples, them-ples, sorry.

Speaker 1:

Were you recording when we were talking about this? Yes, anyways, I think inside job, I'm with Mariah just how divided our country is and stuff like that. And also the incompetence thing. Dude, this is Secret Service we're talking about. Okay, these guys I mean you've had. They're trained. They've had years and years. When the Ronald Reagan incident, someone just rushed him, that's like. That is like a fraction of a second. But when you've got someone climbing on the roof and multiple people can see this guy, and then you've got a trained sniper operative who's looking in the direction of this roof and waits for the guy to pop a shot before he takes a shot, it's just unacceptable. Chloe.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I was just going to say that I heard Trump doesn't have as much security as someone like Biden does, just because he's not the president right now. So maybe it's not incompetence, it's more of just like a lack of security, maybe Like there wasn't enough.

Speaker 7:

Manpower. I think, though, it's part of the presidential thing. After they're out of the presidency, they still have a full security team, Like you'd still get a you know they would have enough for this event.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Mackenzie, all right of the three options.

Speaker 3:

What do you think? What do you think?

Speaker 7:

I would probably say either staged or inside job. I'm kind of 50-50 because, like you said, these aren't like. This is Trump's security team. They would have seen it. It's not. I don't think it's, I think inside job.

Speaker 5:

Well, I believe that it was just for the moment, I think it's, I think.

Speaker 7:

Inside Job is well, I think, inside Job spur of the moment.

Speaker 5:

I think staged well, you've already made that clear but I just wanted to re-clear it up what?

Speaker 1:

okay, what exactly? What is the staging behind that? I think it could be a cloud.

Speaker 4:

I see what I see your theory. I think like you become almost a martyr.

Speaker 3:

That's not what he's asking.

Speaker 2:

He's asking like how on earth did they stage it Like? Is that what you're asking?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like if that's what you were going to stage. How do you convince somebody?

Speaker 4:

Like here's the point how do?

Speaker 1:

you be, like you're going to die, Like they're going to walk up to this guy and be like you're going to die.

Speaker 8:

Really think they say that.

Speaker 5:

Also, if this was staged.

Speaker 1:

Would they not account for the audience members behind him? Because we have to be reminded that there was an attendee who died and from the way he died it was graphic. The bullet hit him in the face or in the neck artery. There was large amounts of blood, like the neck artery. There was large amounts of blood.

Speaker 8:

The uppers of this world who control everything. They don't care to lose one life over this stuff. Okay.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 8:

If Trump's like, oh, I could be president and my name's going to be in the blah, blah blah, the history books forever. It's this guy who almost got shot and I ran the country. Good, it's worth that one life. It's worth them two lives. These people don't care about you.

Speaker 6:

To me, one life, it's worth them two lives. These people don't care about you. To me, it doesn't make sense to be staged because, well, for one, there there was someone who died and to the shooter himself died. And also I don't know that trump, I don't know that he would agree to being shot at. Because what if, like, if, like I said we were talking about earlier, if it would have been like one inch this way it could have been, it could have, it could have actually killed him.

Speaker 3:

So let me ask who here has experience shooting guns? Show of hands. We got one, two, three, four, five nerf guns don't count. I've shot a real gun, blake, all right, most likely. You know you have different ranges, you have different guns. You can choose from rifle, shotgun, pistol, etc. Y'all. It would be incredibly difficult to to shoot someone in the ear, in the exact spot that you need to, unless you're trained to do it.

Speaker 6:

All right.

Speaker 8:

But wasn't this guy like 20 years old, wasn't he?

Speaker 6:

like 500 feet away from Trump too. No.

Speaker 3:

I forget how far he was away, which I know they have like the, but that is a very tricky shot to pull off.

Speaker 6:

Because, like, literally, if you go down, you are on a major artery and you're dead.

Speaker 5:

If you're over, you hit the rest of the head Exactly. If we say that one is incompetent, we have to assume that the other is extremely competent, like the shooter himself. I mean yeah, which is likely this?

Speaker 3:

20-year-old that they've named. It's out there. I don't care to go into a lot of detail.

Speaker 4:

He was 20.

Speaker 3:

The thought of him being a highly trained, super specialized sniper I just find a little unlikely. What do you think, isaac?

Speaker 8:

I never said he was a highly trained super special sniper. I said that he was trained.

Speaker 3:

And to back y'all's- point up To pull off a shot like that.

Speaker 8:

To back y'all's thing up. If multiple people died, then it puts doubt in people's mind If you're like, oh well, they killed him so he couldn't be staged. That's the whole reason they killed him.

Speaker 1:

This was our sniper. This is him.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 7:

Don't get that guy straight.

Speaker 1:

This guy is trained in breathing heavy and wearing anime clothes.

Speaker 2:

That is not, that's a fedora wear, listen, listen.

Speaker 5:

This is what happened. Trump went to him and said I'm going to train you Right, trump trained him.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 7:

So, Trump, can you?

Speaker 1:

do the Trump?

Speaker 2:

No, I'm going to train you. Okay, this event is going to be huge. You're going to take off a huge chunk of my ear. It's going to be good. It's going to be good. It's not going to be fake news, it's going to be real news. It's going to be incredible.

Speaker 8:

How do we know the guy didn't miss? How do we know that he was supposed to shoot past him? How do you know he wasn't supposed to shoot past?

Speaker 1:

him on the right and accidentally got close to him and nipped him. How do you all know that you don't All I'm saying is my theory seems more believable than all the other ones. The way you're smiling is proving to me that you don't even believe your theory. I believe it. I think inside job is the most believable.

Speaker 3:

Okay, now let's talk inside job. We do know that there are people in the government who, let's be honest, they hate Trump. So I could see something like that.

Speaker 1:

Really, you think that?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I just have a hunch. So, for instance, the FBI openly, you know, worked against the election of Trump in 2016. And so that stuff's been proven. So, okay, let's settle on this for a moment. What do y'all think from a plausibility standpoint? All right, you pay a couple people off. You look the other way. Like y'all mentioned, people were pointing to the roof.

Speaker 3:

They were like hey, there's a shooter here, and the police, the security, the Secret Service, whoever was in that area, was remarkably slow about responding. So okay, any thoughts there Plausible? Does it make sense? What do we think? Yeah, none of it makes sense.

Speaker 1:

I mean it all makes sense in a way for it to be an inside job just because of the fact that and I see why people say the media is to blame for this I mean all we hear is Trump is an attack to democracy. That's all we hear. He's going to destroy democracy. I've never heard that. Watch CNN.

Speaker 1:

If you don't watch CNN or MSNBC. They're the worst about that MSNBC. They're the worst about that. Msnbc is almost like you can't watch it sometimes because it's so. They lie, but the media and they go back and forth. And Fox News is just as guilty as saying some of just the craziest things Like, yes, is Joe Biden crooked? Absolutely, but every politician is corrupt at this point, and that's a horrible thing to say. So what you're saying overall, bringing it back to the Trump situation, was just there's corruption there, there's just corruption everywhere, and so, like it makes sense if, if there are so many outlets that are just saying this man needs to be stopped, then yeah, if you find somebody that you can convince that this man needs to be stopped, you could. I could see somebody going up to him and be like, hey, we'll take care of your family. That could be like the thing. But they're like you know you're going to die, but if you can do this for us, you will take out this threat to democracy.

Speaker 8:

Isaac, I think you just proved my point Because Nate said that he was a Republican. So what if Trump was like look, if you do this, I will win the election?

Speaker 1:

You may lose your life, but I will win. Let's just flip reverse. What if you? Let's say you're Donald Trump, okay, and I'm your PR guy, isaac? In order for us to win this election, someone's going to have to shoot a high caliber rifle at you with a very powerful round, and he's only 20. And he's only 20. But he's only going to take off a piece of your ear, don't worry. So are you going to say yes to that? You can ask me.

Speaker 8:

I think the guy missed he wasn't even supposed to get close to him.

Speaker 1:

He wasn't even supposed to get close to him, so he was just going to whiff, but he ended up hitting.

Speaker 6:

He ended up have been the head Shoot him in the leg, shoot him in a place that the arm like the shoulder, that wouldn't have been believable enough.

Speaker 3:

Let's go to the last one is incompetence. What if it's this simple you have a counter sniper whose job is to watch that rooftop. That's his job, that's one of the higher places, and that sniper is supposed to watch that rooftop. That's his job, that's one of the higher places, and that sniper is supposed to watch. And he just got distracted. He was looking away, wasn't paying attention. Hold on, all right, think about you and your own jobs. Do we not all have momentary lapses?

Speaker 1:

of focus. Totally different, totally different.

Speaker 4:

He took a bathroom break.

Speaker 1:

This is comparing apples to oranges.

Speaker 3:

At this point Just saying Think about it Every person in their job makes that job's version of a mistake Right. What if that person responsible for that area missed the person?

Speaker 1:

No, because that's the whole purpose of extensive training. This is like saying your job is to protect the president of the United States. So you're not just going to, that's not just something that you put on Indeed, and say like, if you have some rifle twaining, please give me your application Like these are people, do you know?

Speaker 3:

police officers, security guards, soldiers, don't they?

Speaker 1:

make mistakes but, like in those high situations, this is what they train for. I'm not saying it's possible, but this is what I'm saying. It's ridiculous for you to zone out when you're literally looking down the scope of your rifle and you are literally in the direction that this guy is climbing the roof. You can clearly see him. You can clearly see he has a gun. Your job is to take him out. I don't know why the heck you got to go.

Speaker 3:

What. So Blake sometimes Trump rallies can also last for hours, so human error.

Speaker 5:

It just started. It just started.

Speaker 3:

But they can, is what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

Those people had been there for 12 hours. That event had started for 12 hours. He hadn't spoke yet, but those people are all there for 12 hours. That event had started for 12 hours, he hadn't spoke yet, but those people are all there for 12 hours watching that stuff go down.

Speaker 3:

There are aspects of the job that we forget. They're there, like Justin said, for a long time.

Speaker 6:

I'm just saying there's no excuse.

Speaker 8:

This guy gets up at 5.30 every morning. There's no excuse. He takes cold showers. Who are we talking about?

Speaker 1:

He's a trained sniper.

Speaker 3:

Like I said.

Speaker 1:

It's just amazing that If it was any other circumstance, I could give it. It's the circumstances surrounding the situation. If it was any other point in time In history, I probably would be incompetent, but it's the fact that we have the most hated president on like one side of the party. People are so terrified of this man. The Democrats have done everything they can to keep him out of office, to keep him from running. They tried to convict this man. That didn't work. They tried to, you know, bring up old like dirty laundry. It didn't work. They've tried to do everything that they can. I mean, I'm to the point now where I think maybe the 2020 election was rigged at this point because they are so scared of Donald Trump being in office. Why are they so scared of him? I can't figure that out, but what I do know is is they do not want him in office, so it makes all the sense for him to. If this is the only way they have to kill him at this point, what?

Speaker 1:

if he's the antichrist and they're trying to save us, Then you know, praise Christ and they're trying to save us, then you know, praise, be to God at that point. Alright, chloe.

Speaker 6:

I have a question. I'm just genuinely curious, but do we really think that there was only one sniper looking at one area, or could there have been like two to the same area, in case something like human error happened?

Speaker 3:

I'm not quite sure of the setup We'd have to look that up.

Speaker 1:

There is a video of the sniper who took the shot. Okay, there's two snipers on that roof. Are they both facing the same?

Speaker 3:

Facing the same direction, okay, because my guess is they probably have a quadrant.

Speaker 3:

Now they could be on the same roof, one facing this way, one, yeah, and so these are things just again to talk through. I think they're interesting. But now that we've talked about just the assassination attempt itself and some of the different theories and maybe there's a fourth and a fifth theory I'm open to hearing them. But now let's one thing I thought was curious. There have been a lot of on all sides, just a lot of joking, a lot of kidding, and I sense that across social media, particularly from our generation, when you have an assassination attempt on a former president, that by itself is serious and we all know that. But I think our reactions are very interesting. Why are we responding with jokes and humor and cutting up? Is it disrespectful? Is it how we handle trauma like? I'd be interested? What are y'all's thoughts about our reactions?

Speaker 4:

I'd say that's just how like I don't know if it's the voices of this generation like how we are, as a culture, making jokes about pretty much like every aspect of life, and obviously some people do that with traumatic events, but also, I think, more of it's the fact of who he is and like so disliked. That's why so many jokes are being thrown around, even the media, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I think we are just living in a time where it's like you just can't make this up anymore and so like that's just, it's like our whole idea of life is a joke.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like it's just like our whole reality, like we live in a world where people can't even determine what they are anymore. Everything's a mental illness. If you, if you have a stance on one thing, you're hated and you're loved, and then it flip flops from the day to day. We just live in a world of like no foundation. There's just nothing. So it's like you said life is a joke.

Speaker 2:

Which is why we need the firm foundation.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Christ Amen, and this episode was sponsored by Jesus.

Speaker 3:

Jesus has not personally sponsored this episode.

Speaker 8:

He's probably shaking his head right now. Did Jesus provide you with the money to buy this equipment, nate?

Speaker 4:

The answer is yes, ultimately, god did yes, okay, thank you Wow.

Speaker 8:


Speaker 3:

He's also sponsoring all the other podcasts, no matter what they say. He promotes this one, he allows the other ones.

Speaker 8:

I can't tell God the other one, okay, I can't tell God what to do.

Speaker 3:

Amen, Mackenzie. You had some thoughts to share.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, I do think it's a good point of just. It shows how desensitized we are, because if you look at when JFK was shot, I mean people were obviously he passed away, obviously he passed away, but even before they knew he was dead, you know like how serious it was. People were like freaking out, like mourning already before he passed away or they knew. You know, just they took it very, very seriously, regardless I think of if they were for him or not. I mean, he wasn't a stand-up guy, I think he was. He was a womanizer, he was going to lower taxes.

Speaker 8:

I mean, he wasn't a stand-up guy, I think he was.

Speaker 4:

He was going to lower taxes. I love JFK actually.

Speaker 7:

Like everybody knew. But still.

Speaker 4:

They saw how serious it was.

Speaker 7:

But with Trump we've just been so desensitized so either on the side or the other that we think it's kind of funny or we make jokes about it, but somebody still got shot. I don't think it's kind of funny or we make jokes about it, but somebody still got shot.

Speaker 8:

I don't think it's funny, but two things. Number one if he would have got killed, I don't think people would be making jokes. So the fact that he was missed, I think that helps people lighten the mood a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Someone was killed at the arrival. That's what I was going to say, don't you think it's?

Speaker 8:

That's the only reason, but no one's making a joke about the people. When you talk about the people killed, you can see people be like, yeah, that's horrible, blah, blah. But when you talk about Trump getting shot, when you're talking about Trump, you're not talking about Trump getting killed, or you're not talking about the other person getting killed, you're talking about Trump, trump, yeah, trump. And another thing is like we know all the conspiracies about all the other people getting shot, so that's why all the other presidents get shot. So that's why people are like, oh well, this wasn't just some guy shooting the president out of his own will, because all the other ones were staged. All the other things are staged. There's so many things in this world that are staged. You know so, are you?

Speaker 8:

saying it's fake everything the government says is a lie now everybody's just trying to figure out what's the truth, because they just lied to us.

Speaker 5:

So much I agree with that, yeah, I agree. I think that your last point has a lot to do with it of whether you're right or not. It doesn't matter as far as like whether you're right or not, it doesn't matter as far as whether you're right or not. On the conspiracy theories, on if they were actually the government doing it, I think they polled recently. The majority of Americans, especially our generation, have the lowest trust. They trust the government or the news the least out of any generation in the past. And I think it also comes back to what mckinsey was saying.

Speaker 5:

I think a part of that is one it's constantly realizing you've been lied to, um, that tends to affect people's views on you, but I think also it's the desensitizing we've been talking about. Take, for example, I think of chloe being in medical school. They have to do anatomy lab where they have cadavers and stuff like that. If I was to just go in there and she even said some of her classmates are the very first time they had to go in there, it was gross, some people were. It was hard to look at, it was hard to watch, it was hard to do, but over the semester, like now, it's just normal for them and that's fine, like that. That's a good example of like they need to be doctors to be okay with seeing that stuff. But like over time you see enough bad things. Like we have 24-7 news cycles where bad thing after bad thing after bad thing after bad thing happens.

Speaker 5:

We just get desensitized and it doesn't affect us as much to where, I think, the coping mechanism. Sometimes there's just so much that if you don't make a joke about it, you're just going to be depressed 24-7 about some of it Right.

Speaker 3:

I think those are good answers, and I think that's well said.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just want those out too, just to show how much the media lies to us when Trump got shot. For people like us who've been around guns, I can understand the case for some people if they don't know what a gun sounds like.

Speaker 3:

Okay, but like a star Wars blaster.

Speaker 1:

But uh the media was saying like there was popping sounds. They kept saying popping sounds, popping sounds. But clearly, if you watched the, if you watched everything go down in real time, you hear the. You hear the popping sounds which they say it sounds like a firecracker. Maybe it's just because I have gun experience, I automatically knew it was a gun. The way Trump reacted, the way he hit the ground, I'm like he's being shot at easily. And then to hear the police guns go off in rapid succession okay, they obviously shot at someone. Even if this person launched a firecracker at them, somebody has been shot. It's just the way that they kept saying we don't know what's happening. They kept beating around the bush, they kept trying to downplay it and everything.

Speaker 3:

A couple sources said that Trump fell.

Speaker 1:

We see what's going on, even hearing the police say you can hear it because Trump's mic was still hot. The police people are saying shoot her down, shoot her down. So that means there was a shooter in the area. Okay.

Speaker 8:

Or maybe he's just down.

Speaker 1:

Maybe that's part of the staging, maybe he's just sad, I don't know, maybe it is part of the staging, maybe he's down with the sickness. It's just the point. They just kept saying it was a popping sound. We don't know if there was a gun involved. It was all these, we don't know, we don't know, and it's like we saw, just be honest.

Speaker 2:

I would like to add on to what Blake said about him immediately knowing it was a gunshot, and remind him that I did tell him, before he ever watched it, that Trump got shot. So big, fat, stinky liar.

Speaker 3:

So Blake was prepped.

Speaker 5:

How much is CNN paying you? No comment.

Speaker 3:

Alright, so let's turn now to some sort of application. One thing that's been mentioned by different people in the media is all right, whatever your political stance, the rhetoric and the temperature has to be lowered somehow as a threat to democracy, as, oh, this election, this is it. Your freedoms are being taken away, you know, insert all the cataclysmically terrible things will happen if my opponent wins the election and you hear that again and again and again and again. Eventually, someone who's mentally unstable will act out in this kind of way, and so, as Christians, kind of moving this in more of a faith direction, as Christians, what can we do to help to lower the temperature? Our rhetoric, the words we use, how we speak, what do y'all think? How can we help to be peacemakers?

Speaker 2:

I think that, no matter what side we're on, we need to do two things we need to try to be as unbiased as possible for one and two have a little bit more compassion when we speak, no matter what we're talking about. Because, joe Biden, I don't really agree with Joe Biden. Joe Biden is not the devil incarnate Trump.

Speaker 8:

How do you know?

Speaker 5:

Checkmate yeah.

Speaker 1:

You meant the?

Speaker 5:

devil incarnate.

Speaker 2:

Yes, he's sitting right there.

Speaker 1:

His name is Nate Williams. Also, you need to practice what you preach, because you've got no compassion. That was very compassionate. That was very compassionate.

Speaker 3:

Blake, I think we're all working on it, right? No, okay, yeah, blake, I think we're all working on it, right?

Speaker 2:

No, okay, justin, good thoughts, anything else. He's just mad because I called him out, because you know he got the information about the shooting from me.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm mad because you tweaked my nipple when you did that, all right.

Speaker 3:

Mackenzie you have some thoughts, and then Zeke will follow up.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, I think as Christians, because I'm not the most political person, I don't know too much about what's going on.

Speaker 4:

We could tell when you learned about the.

Speaker 7:

Trump assassination the day later.

Speaker 7:

Yeah. But what we can do is, as Christians, live like this world is ending, like God calls us to, because a lot of the world and society says you have to pick a side, you have to choose. You have to choose which one are you going to choose? To an extent, the only choice we should make is that God can do whatever he wants, whatever he pleases for his glory. So if that means that the United States comes to unit, it might. So we have to live that way. We have to make informed decision. You know, obviously we're going to try and vote for the person who most aligns with what we believe as Christians. But at the end of the day, this world is temporary and we can only do our best, live not with fear, but know that God is in control.

Speaker 5:

Isn't it fascinating the point you made of pick a side, pick a side, pick a side. When it comes to politics and stuff like that, you're, there's no choice. Take any kind of social uh topic, you have to pick a side. But then whenever it comes to jesus and christianity, they say a lot of people say I'm neither for him or against him, I'm just on the fence there is no fence.

Speaker 8:

The devil owns the fence.

Speaker 5:

You're either with me or you're against me, but that wasn't the point I was going to make. You asked the question of how do we, as Christians, do better at not just going with society and playing their game. I think it has a little bit to do with what we talked about earlier in Sunday School, in the sense of there's always going to be bad times. And something I didn't mention was if you look over the course of human civilization, bad times should be more expected than they are in the sense of like there's very few times in history where there's just been peace, very brief periods. So as Christians, we shouldn't expect that we're going to be in peace our entire lives.

Speaker 5:

We should pray for it and hope for it, and want it, but we know it's not ultimately going to come until Christ comes back. So what do we do in the meantime? It goes back to what Justin was talking about with compassion of there's this guy back in World War whose name I can't remember, but he was talking about the crimes and all the atrocities that happened and they were asking, like, what about the executioners and all these evil people? And he's like, yeah, the hard thing is is that like I wish we could just divide good and bad people up and get rid of all the bad people. But the problem with that is that Christians, we know that it's not that simple, because good and bad is in everyone.

Speaker 5:

It's just as easy for us to have been bad people if God hadn't given us all this grace and mercy and love. And I think we outpour that. What we've been given, we give to others. And obviously, like Mackenzie said, you be wise, you're not stupid, you're not ignorant, you're informed. Like McKinsey said, you be wise, you're not stupid, you're not ignorant, you're informed.

Speaker 3:

But you also remember who's ultimately in control at the end of the day. Yeah, those are all good thoughts. I think I'll only add a couple things. We have to be careful using end of the world, cataclysmic language every election, because I remember growing up and you had, you know, the Bush elections, the Obama elections and Trump and Biden, and every four years the world is ending if your candidate is not elected.

Speaker 5:

But it's different. This time I promise yes, but it's different this time Twenty twenty four, Justin you can finish her statement if you want to, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I gotcha, and so from a rhetoric language standpoint, we could take a bit of a chill pill. It's going to be used in advertising and campaigns because they're looking to raise money If this is it.

Speaker 3:

Well, you better give money to your candidate, well, you better give money to your candidate. But again, I've heard that every time, every four years, because if you lose it's over. So go try to assassinate the opponent. So that leads to it, and I guess, ultimately, the other thing that we can do is, whatever your thoughts about the opposing leaders. So think about the Democrat Party you have Biden and Harris, you have people like Pelosi and Schumer, etc. And then you look at the Republican Party you got McCarthy and Johnson, obviously Trump, and you got Pence and some other people, etc. Etc.

Speaker 3:

They're not your coworker, they're not the person you bump into in the street that votes differently than you do. So you can think of leadership one way oh, they're really evil. Fine, maybe they are, I don't know. But when you talk to the people around you, they're everyday people as well. They have their own hopes and fears, and I bet they're not the devil. They might vote differently than you do fears, and I bet they're not the devil. They might vote differently than you do. But let's be gracious towards the everyday person that votes and thinks differently than you are. Don't make them out to be the devil just because you think about Biden or Trump a certain way. So those are just a couple of my tips for how we can lower the temperature. Justin, did you want to share something?

Speaker 8:

No, I'm good, nate's only saying that because he's liberal.

Speaker 5:

Yes, real quick. My last point Even if we took what all the news is telling us and these people are our enemy, whether you're Democrat or Republican, the opposite side if they are truly your enemy, what does the Bible tell us to do with our enemies?

Speaker 2:

Love them.

Speaker 5:

Kill them, pray for them and I think that's one of the things that we neglect sometimes is prayer yeah.

Speaker 3:

Pray for them, mackenzie.

Speaker 7:

And too, like you were saying in Ephesians, it also says that our enemies is not flesh and blood but rulers and principalities. And in the realm, in the spiritual realm.

Speaker 4:

You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 7:

Pregnancy brain. So we know, as Christians, the battle's already won and it's not our job to go after our own people.

Speaker 3:

Well, brothers and sisters.

Speaker 7:

It's true, I'm done. All right, mackenzie.

Speaker 3:

I think those are great thoughts. Now, before we head off, y'all might not be able to make an episode in the near future. Make one of the I guess we record on Sunday afternoons. Y'all might want to share why, or you'd rather not.

Speaker 8:

We have a dog and he gets really upset when we leave.

Speaker 7:

So we're probably no, we're expecting our first child, and his due date's in five days, so any day now.

Speaker 3:

So we're, we're excited, we're praying, and so that y'all will be wonderful parents now All right. We're going to go ahead and sign off. Blake, do you want to take us home? All right, blake is summoning his voice and then he's on his phone.

Speaker 1:

There you go. Matthew 5, verse 9.

Speaker 2:

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God.

Speaker 4:

Thank you.

Speaker 3:

This is a historic event that happened yesterday. You know Reagan and his assassination attempt unsuccessful. And then JFK successful.

Speaker 2:

CIA did that one though. Abraham successful Abraham, successful Abraham's was mind-blowing it was mind-blowing.

Speaker 4:

Oh my god, oh dude you gotta cut that.

Speaker 8:

That was awful.