Dangerous Faith

Dear Democrats, I'm Sorry. Sincerely, a Republican (#90: Dangerous Faith)


Nate Williams apologizes on behalf of Pro-Life Republican Christians to Pro-Life Democrat Christians (and soft Pro-Choice Democrat Christians).

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Nate Williams:

Dear Democrats, I'm sorry, signed a Republican. Now you might be wondering what all this nonsense is about. Well, I'll tell you. We have some explaining to do and eventually I'll get to the apology itself. But anyways, this is the Dangerous Faith Podcast. My name's Nate Williams. Before we get to the apology, I do have to build up to it, and I'll do so in a couple ways. The first way is to explain some background to this upcoming presidential election in 2024.

Nate Williams:

You see, for years and years I think several decades the Republican National Convention, the official National Republican Party. Well, you have your platform. These are the things that you'll run on. Point A, point B, point C. This is what we're going to emphasize, this is what we're going to focus on and as a part of that platform, typically for Republicans, for decades there was a pro-life section to the platform platform. Oh, we're going to push for a federal abortion ban. We're going to push for some amendment dealing with pro-life, and so it was a major part of the platform, along with a natural, traditional biblical marriage, but that's not the topic of the episode. But, yeah, as well as biblical marriage, that was also there and that was removed, but we're focused on the pro-life topic.

Nate Williams:

Today. However, with Trump and his team, there has been a move within the RNC, the National Republican Party, towards the center, to moderate, to be a centrist on the issue and this year, leading into again the election coming up in November, they removed a lot of that pro-life language. They removed the fact that ultimately, we're going to fight for a federal abortion ban or something to do with an amendment. They removed that language and the only thing we are explicitly against, as those who consider themselves generally Republican, as I do well, we're only really against late-term abortion, but everything else leave it to the states. Let the states decide. Let the blue states have abortion up until birth, let the red states have something less than that, and that is now the official Trump position on the topic. Let the states decide.

Nate Williams:

If you had told me that after Roe v Wade fell, that would be the position, I'd be all over it as a temporary holding station for the pro-life position. When Roe v Wade fell, that was what ended up happening. The topic ended up going to the states and whatever the states decided would be the position on abortion, and so, like I said before, blue states tend to have abortion up until birth. Red states, for example, in Alabama, were the most pro-life state in the nation. We ban all abortions except for when the life of the mother is at risk. But anyways, it went to the states and that was a win at first for the pro-life camp, first for the pro-life camp. However, that was never supposed to be where the pro-life position was going to end up. That was the first pillar to fall. Roe v Wade on our way on our journey, ultimately continuing to fight and push for a federal abortion ban or something, maybe a modified amendment or another amendment. It was only the first domino. It was never a permanent solution.

Nate Williams:

So when Trump and his team MAGA, they take hold of the Republican Party virtually and they create their platform for 2024, what they're going to campaign on and run on. What they decided was no, no, no, Pro-life. Sorry, this is where it stops Our official position. Leave it to the states, and that's that. But there's only one problem if you start there, and that's that. But there's only one problem if you start there, leaving it to the states is, as a stopping ground, a pro-choice position, and here's why. Yeah, in Alabama we protect life from conception and I'm very proud of that. So you would leave it to Alabama. Okay, alabama, you stay there. No-transcript.

Nate Williams:

So now, in effect, by removing the ultimate goal from the RNC platform, republican National Convention platform, by removing the pro-life language and the push for an abortion ban or an amendment, by taking that away, saying OK, let the states decide, and the only thing we're ultimately against is late term abortion, you are now a pro-choice party Because although it's a softer, pro-choice position than the Democrat Party, it's still pro-choice. If that's where things stay and it's looking like now that the Republican Party is doing its best to move to the middle on the issue, that is the mainstream Republican position at this point. And so if you're a pro-life Republican and you have been for forever, like me what do you do? A lot of frustration there, but even that's not ultimately the topic of my episode today. That's just necessary background. A vote for Trump is a pro-choice vote, whether you like it or not, and I know a lot of people. That's going to hurt some feelings. But to vote for Trump is to vote for a soft, pro-choice person.

Nate Williams:

Now, ok, that was the first level of the foundation to lead to the apology. The second one is this I'm not apologizing to all Democrats. I'm apologizing for a certain segment to a certain segment of Democrats. There is a large number of either pro-life Democrats combined with soft pro-choice Democrats. There are still a lot of Democrats that hold to yesterday's leftist position on abortion yeah, it's not great, but we need it to be safe, legal and rare. You still have those old-fashioned soft pro-choice Democrats that don't think it's a good thing. But just, oh, maybe if a woman has been essayed or if there is just different things like that, rare situations like that sure allow abortion at that point, but it mainly should not be done because it's generally a bad thing. Those are soft pro-choice Democrats as well.

Nate Williams:

It's those soft pro-choice and those pro-life Democrats I'm apologizing to, and here's why I'm apologizing to and here's why, for many, many years, republicans of many different stripes in the pro-life position, they would say these words I don't know how you can vote Democrat and be a Christian because Democrats are pro-choice, therefore the deaths of babies, because Democrats are pro-choice, therefore the deaths of babies. We in the Republican Party we're pro-life, we want to protect the babies and for years and years, pro-life Democrat Christians, soft pro-choice Democrat Christians their response was yeah, I know the position in the Democrat Party is not great for not forced, but abortion up until birth. Not wonderful, not amazing. But hear me out, I vote left, I vote Democrat for reasons A, b, c, d, e, f, g and even if the Democrat position on the pro-life issue is terrible, I ultimately believe that these other positions line up with my morals, my values, my faith, my Christianity, my Christianity, and so that's why I vote Democrat. It's because of reasons A, b, c, d, e, f, g. And, yeah, the pro-life position is not great, but all the other stuff is. So. They'll look at things like forgiving student loans, they'll look at things like universal health care and a large, very large welfare state and they'll say look at all these wonderful things that, in my opinion, are good things. And so, yes, the pro-life position is not great and it doesn't go with my Christian faith. But, excuse me, the pro-choice position, the pro-choice position of my party, is not wonderful, but I hold my nose and I vote Democrat because of all these other things that I think are genuinely good, policies that will help the country.

Nate Williams:

And then we on the Republican side would be like I don't know how you can be a Christian and vote Democrat. I don't know how you can be a Christian and vote for a pro-choice party Neener, neener, neener and we would come across as holier than thou. Now to clarify I personally never doubted a Democrat's salvation. I never said if you're a Democrat, you can't be a Christian. I know some Republicans have Shame on them. I never personally did. But however, having said that, although I never doubted someone's salvation, I did question, man, it must be tough to vote for a Democrat if you're a Christian because of the pro-life issue. Wow, that must be really tough to do. And so, while I'm not all the way complicit I haven't been as harsh as others I definitely have been part of the problem.

Nate Williams:

Because here's now what has happened because of Trump and the new Republican position on life, a vote for Trump is now a pro-choice vote. And now here's what happens among the right. We're using the same logic. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm sure the mainstream National Republican Party is pro-choice, maybe soft pro-choice, but still pro-choice. But I'm voting for Trump because of A, b, c, d, e, f, g. I'm voting for Trump because he'll be good on the border. I think that's true. I'm voting for Trump because he'll be tough on crime. I also think that's true. I'm voting for Trump because of economic reasons and inflation. And I'm voting for Trump because of foreign policy. Biden's foreign policy has been abysmal the last several years, from Afghanistan to Russia, to China to just all the rest of it just very bad. So I'm voting for Trump because of reasons A, b, c, d, e, f, g.

Nate Williams:

Yeah, he's not great anymore on the pro-life issue and I know that pushing for a federal abortion ban for an amendment in the Constitution is no longer part of the national Republican platform. But look, you got to vote. He's better than Harris. La, la la. All these rationalizations, these justifications, and I want to tell people that's the same thing that pro-life Democrat Christians and soft pro-choice Democrat Christians have been saying for years, and so we are being hypocritical. If you vote for Trump in 2024, and I'm going to be honest, I don't know how I'm going to vote, I haven't made up my mind, I don't know but if you vote for Trump, it is a pro-choice vote. Now, is it softer pro-choice than Harris and Walls? Sure, yeah, the Democrat Party of today is not just pro-choice, they're pro-abortion itself. Sure, however, it's still a pro-choice vote.

Nate Williams:

So, to everyone listening, maybe that was you, maybe you're a general Republican, like I am I like to identify myself more as a conservative than a Republican, but you get my meaning. I generally vote Republican. Maybe that was you. I want all Republican Christians who are pro-life that said some of those things. Whether you took it to the issue of salvation, I don't know how you can vote Democrat and be a Christian. Maybe you were softer in these sentiments and these thoughts, like I was. I don't know. It must really be tough to vote Democrat with the pro-choice platform that they have, and be a Christian. I don't know and it seems kind of interesting to me to straddle that line whether you were strong in that or softer, like I was.

Nate Williams:

Pro-life Democrats and soft pro-choice Democrat Christians. An apology, because the rational rationalizations and the justifications that you are making to vote for Trump but he's good on issues one, two, three, four, five I will just have to put up with him on the pro-life issue that is the same rationalizations that the segment of Democrats I'm focused on here. That's what they've been making for years with Obama, with Biden, now with Harris. Do I disagree with some of the political projects that the Democrats want, from universal health care to open borders to redefining marriage and all that? No, I don't agree with it, but I see their heart, that some of those things the Christian left are like, hey, I'm going to vote for them because I think some of their other policies are good and helpful.

Nate Williams:

So anyways, to the Democrats I focused on, I'm sorry it must have been very hurtful to often have your salvation questioned, your Christian faith questioned, because of the pro-choice Democrat platform. Because, guess what? Now the Republican Party is also pro-choice too. So if I vote for Trump in 2024, I'm doing the same thing that y'all have done for years. And to all the other Republican Christians out there pro-life, you need to join in on this apology, because we are being hypocritical and it's not fair and it's not right. And so I'm just thinking through these things. It must have been hurtful all those years to have your faith questioned by the political and Christian right. Now, the political and Christian right is no better, or if they are better, it's barely better. It's all pro-choice, whether you're voting right or you're voting left Again. Don't know what I'm going to do in 2024, but my conscience was pricked and I need to apologize. And I think again, republican Christian leaders, pro-life leaders, need to do the same, because I think a lot of hurtful things have been done and said to those on the Christian left who their consciences were torn as well. They struggled with their vote too, and now we're joining with them, anyways.

Nate Williams:

So I'm kind of rambling at this point, but I want to know your thoughts. It is a thought-provoking topic. Hopefully it was a thought-provoking title that may have encouraged you to listen to this conversation, but, anyways, love to know what you think. Reach out to me, dangerous Faith is on Facebook, instagram, twitter Also. Anyways, just other ways of reaching out. We have a YouTube channel as well. Love to know what you think on what I've shared. Anyways, nate Williams, until next time. I'll talk with you later, thank you.