The Missing Piece

Would I be a disciple of me?

Paul Lyngso

Have you ever felt unsure if you're making the most of life?  Or confused about what path to follow?

Determining if we are on the right path in life can be a profound and often perplexing question, especially in an era of seemingly boundless material comforts yet escalating despair. Amid this paradox, there is no better compass to follow than the idealized version of ourselves. When we possess a clear vision of our potential and the impact we aspire to make in the world and our community, that becomes our guiding star. By setting our goals around our ideal self, we align our actions with our aspirations and draw others toward our purpose. Self-transformation creates a magnet for genuine connections with those who share our core interests and beliefs. 

In this episode, we discuss the transformative journey of breaking free from the safety nets we've woven around our lives and daring to chase our deepest desires. We explore the paths to becoming the person our younger selves would look up to with admiration and excitement, filled with a sense of adventure and boundless curiosity. Tune in as we learn how to become a disciple of yourself, committed to the pursuit of your most authentic, adventurous, and joyful self. 

Tune in!

Key Highlights from the Show

[00:01] What is in for you in today’s show 

[00:23] What has been made around what we are supposed to do in life

[01:57] Being a disciple of yourself and becoming the idealized version of yourself

[04:00] Becoming a version of you that young you will be excited to grow into

[05:26] How we downplay our desires for sensibility 

[06:37] Balancing adulting, playing it safe, and pursuing your desires 

[08:04] How we play it safe to mitigate the liability of your character

[10:04] Adulting and getting your financial house in order

[13:15] How to stop being a liability to yourself and start making life exciting

[14:09] Wrap-up and end of the show

Notable Quotes 

  • Despite having unprecedentedly high living standards, we are suffering from diseases of despair and are confused about what we should be doing in life. - (00:47).
  • Who is better to follow than the idealized version of yourself? If you have a vision of what you are capable of and what you are going to contribute to the world, set your target on that. - (01:27)
  • Because you are interested in yourself, others will be interested in you, and you will have core interested friends. - (06:05)
  • Everybody has character, and every character trait has a strength and weakness; when we find ourselves playing safe, we are mitigating the liabilities of our character.- (08:11)
  • When we spend all of our time showing our weaknesses, we are robbing energy from developing our talents, visions, and gifts; when you become the person who develops their unique talents and gifts, that is what ultimately makes life exciting. - (13:23).

Resources Mentioned

Rigging the Game by Dan Nicholson: