The Missing Piece

Why I Pay For My Friends

Paul Lyngso

We have all fantasized about belonging to a circle of influential friends who could mentor us to greatness just as they achieved it. This is because genuine relationships, one of the most unseen yet crucial attributes to success, can propel us further and faster. However, the bitter truth is that such relationships, even with influencers, require investment. No matter how exceptional you believe yourself, no one will befriend someone who solely drains their energy. You can't expect them to expend their time, resources, and networks to validate your specialness. You must contribute in return. It is a give-and-take endeavor.

In this episode, your host, Paul Lyngso, shares more about this powerful principle of success and how he has used it to achieve most of his success in business and friendships. You will learn that no influential individual or desired mentor will simply appear. You must work and "pay" for their attention with your skills, time, resources, expertise, and genuine care. 


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Key Highlights from the Show

[00:01] Introduction to the show 

[02:32] Most unseen attributes of success

[04:55] Should you pay for genuine relationships?

[05:37] Paul’s fantasy as a young entrepreneur

[07:02] An attitude that keeps you away from influential people you desire

[08:25] Know when relationships become transactional

[12:25] The right way to pay for your friends

[14:43] A tangible example of how Paul has leveraged genuine relationships for success

[19:29] A world that values currency and competency

[20:19] Wrap-up and end of the show

Notable Quotes 

  • Relationships that can help each other will get you far and fast. - (03:56).
  • To succeed in any relationship, you must bring something to the table. - (07:43)
  • As much as genuine relationships should be on a give-and-take basis, they should not be entirely transactional but equal contributions over time. - (08:25)
  • If you are in a relationship that is constantly taking away from you and they are never bringing anything to the table, it is not a genuine relationship.- (12:16)
  • Every successful relationship has some form of transaction, whether that is energetic or emotional payment. - (14:20)
  • You can’t pay for trust in relationships. You have to follow all the principles of everyday relationships. - (17:44)

Let’s Connect

Paul Lyngso (Host)





Mixed & Edited by Next Day Podcast