Baby-Sitters (Book) Club

BSBC SUPER SPECIAL #5: California Girls!

October 08, 2021 Jeremy Moore

The lottery, a potentially problematic Frankenstein's monster, asthma, Glasnot, and derelict youths speeding around the highway like they own the place: This book has it all! And that's BEFORE we supersize the episode itself, when the three wonderful hosts of The Podcast At Dawn's House (Twitter @PodcastDawn, Instagram @thepodcastatdawnshouse) join me and provide surfing horror stories, international perceptions of California, and the Great Hair Dye Controversy of 2021, among so much else! 

Settle in with a big plate of escargot or else have Mrs. Bruen fix you one of many free meals; the Baby-Sitters (Book) Club in partnership with The Podcast At Dawn's House have your weekend fully covered for BSC content! 

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Instagram: @babysittersbc