Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

Conservative Friends Bible Study of 1 John #03 Chapter 1 Verses 1-11

Henry Jason

#03 1 John 2:1-11 

                When in 1 John 2:1, John refers to the recipients as “dear children”, the Greek word he uses for them is teknion, which here means one's “spiritual child.” In the context in which he is writing (to adults, not to literal children) there is no direct corollary in English. Thus, perhaps a close meaning in this context might be “dear students”, “dear followers.”

            In 2:1, John mentions that if one does sin, one has an advocate with the Father. The Greek word for advocate is “paraklētos” and literally means anyone who comes to one’s aid or help, a helper. Thus, it means someone who is called to be alongside  one to plead with the Father on our behalf. The “paraklētos” is defined in 2:1 as Jesus, the righteous one who is the complete, final atoning sacrifice for our sins and is called to help us and plead our case before the Father.  

            To walk as Christ walked (2:6) is to conduct oneself, or to behave in the same way as Christ walked/behaved/conducted Himself. 

        It is again mentioned that it is important to remember the Holy Scriptures themselves, are never referred to as "the Word" within the Holy Scriptures. Only Christ Jesus is referred to as the Word in the Holy Scriptures. Early Friends referred to the Bible as  the “Writings”, as the Scriptures, Holy Scriptures, or Scriptures of Truth.  The practice of calling the Holy Scriptures “the Word of God” began in the Middle Ages, and greatly increased during the Reformation.  

    Verse 2:7 uses the Greek word entolē, “commandment” which also means an order; something one is told to do. 

     In both Greek and older English, the term “brother” (Gk: adelphos) is inclusive, meaning both male and female. Whereas, the feminine form for sister in Greek (adelphē) is exclusive and always (and only) refers to a female.

The quote in our introduction is from George Fox's work titled SOME PRINCIPLES OF  THE Elect People of God Who in Scorn are called QUAKERS, For all People throughout all Christendome to Read over, and thereby their own States to Consider.  The reference is from Chapter X, Concerning Scriptures

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