Ohio Yearly Meeting's Podcast

A Brief Synopsis, Session 10 Pages 24-27

Henry Jason & Conrad Lindes

Our testimony regarding judicial oaths and our beliefs regarding the Bible, from 'A Brief Synopsis of the Principles and Testimonies of the Religious Society of Friends’ (1913). Friends object to the double standard set up by the taking of judicial oaths; if we speak, we must speak truthfully at all times. We accept the divine authority of the Holy Scriptures of Truth but do not accept labelling them as ‘The Word of God’. The Word of God is that living, eternal Spirit of Christ that inspired the writers of the Scriptures. The Spirit is the primary rule of faith and the Bible is secondary to but in agreement with it.

 Recording of the Zoom session where Henry Jason and Conrad Lindes of Ohio Yearly Meeting  (Conservative) discuss pages 24-27 from ohioyearlymeeting.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/OYMBriefSynopsis-for-web.pdf

A complete list of our podcasts, organized into topics, is available on our website.

To learn more about Ohio Yearly Meeting (Conservative) of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), please visit ohioyearlymeeting.org.

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