Revolution 250 Podcast
Revolution 250 Podcast
Saratoga: The Turning Point with Mark O'Rourke
Why are there so few—if any—good movies about the Revolution? Maybe because the right people with the right passion have not made them. Mark O'Rourke is a veteran of the U.S. Army, and an attorney, and has now launched a new mission—producing a film about :1777: Saratoga, the Turning Point of the War.. We talk with Mark O'Rourke about the battle of Saratoga, and the film he hopes to have made in time for the battle's 250th anniversary in October 2027, and how you can help get this story to the screen.
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The year was 1777.
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It was one of the darkest hours of the American Revolution.
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Early cries of independence, the Boston Tea Party, Paul Revere's ride, and shots heard around the world were becoming a fading memory.
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The harsh reality of toppling the world's superpower to establish a new nation was setting in.
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The British had just delivered crushing defeats to the Continental armies in Canada and on Long Island.
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The city of New York had fallen and was under occupation.
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And now, a force of approximately 9,000 Redcoats was marching from Montreal to Albany to meet forces moving eastward from the Mohawk Valley.
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The plan was to cut off the head of the snake, New England, from the rest of the colonies to crush the rebellion.
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The colonists needed a miracle.
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With limited resources, General George Washington deployed battle-tested leaders and assets to halt the British advance.
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General Benedict Arnold, Colonel Daniel Morgan and his skilled snipers
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Another vital asset called upon to defend Saratoga was a talented young Polish engineer, Colonel Thaddeus Kosciusko, bolstering American forces to make a stand at Saratoga.
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Additionally, an urgent call to arms was issued across New England for every available militia to immediately head to the upper Hudson Valley to reinforce the American army.
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On September 19, 1777, the two opposing forces clashed at Freeman's Farm near Saratoga
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The battle ended with a small but very costly victory for the British that left the American army firmly in control of the heights above the Hudson, blocking Burgoyne's path to Albany.
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Soon after, a massive surge of thousands of citizen soldiers streamed in from across upstate New York and New England to swell the American ranks.
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On October 7th, a second battle was fought with great ferocity in the forests and wheat fields just north of Bemis Heights, resulting in a decisive American victory that forced Burgoyne's battered army to retreat.
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Now more than 17,000 strong, the American army cut off, surrounded, and laid total siege to Burgoyne's starving army.
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Ten days later, on October 17th, Burgoyne surrendered to American General Horatio Gates.
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Burgoyne's shattered army laid down their arms marking the first time a British army surrendered in history.
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The surge of citizen soldiers that heroically rallied at Saratoga rekindled America's fading flame of liberty.
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This miracle, coupled with Benjamin Franklin's skilled diplomacy, persuaded the French crown to both recognize the United States as a sovereign nation and to finally agree to a direct military alliance.
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The resounding victories at Bennington and Saratoga marked America's turning point in its war for independence.
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How would this bold experiment to secure individual liberties have fared had the Saratoga campaign failed?
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How deep the will of these patriots, what fire in their hearts to reject the tyranny of a distant empire and risk life and limb for newfound freedom.
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It is time to again honor the patriots that heroically answered the call when it mattered most.
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What all appeared to be lost and their country desperately needed a miracle.
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Now, another miracle is needed to bring their story to the widest possible audience.
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What could be more meaningful than America's patriots and veterans banding together to bring this heroic story to the silver screen?
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The mission is clear, the creation of an iconic and enduring motion picture that depicts the compelling story of how America's fight for independence was saved at Saratoga.
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Please visit 1777.org to learn how you can generously support this project, a veteran-owned and operated enterprise.
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Your involvement is crucial and will resonate for generations.
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Hello, everyone.
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Welcome to the Revolution 250 podcast.
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I am Bob Allison.
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I chair the Rev 250 advisory group.
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And our guest today is Mark O'Rourke.
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And Mark is a veteran of the United States Army.
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He was a captain.
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He's a lawyer in upstate New York.
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And now he is the driving force behind 1777, the turning point feature film about Saratoga.
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Mark, thanks for joining us.
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Bob, thanks so much and Happy New Year.
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And I want to pause to just hopefully a lot of people in New England realize what a gem you are, you know, reading your background and all that you've done over the years to preserve not only Massachusetts history, but the nation's history.
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And you're just, I think, with the USS Constitution and the Rev 250 Commission and beyond.
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So your legacy is a lifetime of service.
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And I'm a history major from college.
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So I
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We sometimes need to pause and show gratitude.
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And so it's an honor to have this discussion with you today.
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Well, thank you so much, Mark.
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And it's wonderful to have you with us.
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And we all are trying to preserve this history and share this history.
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And one of the questions we've always had is, why aren't there that many good movies about the revolution?
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Of course, this one is going to change that.
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But do you have any ideas about why that is?
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You know, that's a great...
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I had a former partner who was in the industry, and the refrain seems to be that period pieces are difficult.
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But if you look at so many movies over the years, The Longest Day or The Last of the Mohegans, some of the best movies in American history are period pieces.
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So there seems to be this reflexive jaundice against doing period pieces.
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But I think even after Top Gun, after the pandemic, it was a feel-good movie that
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You know, Mel Gibson's movie, The Patriot, was entertaining but fictionalized.
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And I'm glad you asked that question.
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Maybe just a quick plug.
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We have involved some of the nation's very best military historians in this project because we want to go big and bold or go home, but we also want to be accurate.
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So there is, I went down to the United States Military Academy at West Point in the fall of 2017.
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And James Kirby Martin, a venerable, one of the most prominent historians in the country in this regard.
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And I also have included Colonel Kevin Weddle, the author of The Complete Victory.
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He's won a number of awards.
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But I can assure everyone that our script not only is very, very well written and entertaining and compelling, but it's accurate.
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And most importantly.
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Yeah, both Jim Martin and Kevin Weddle have been guests on the podcast, and you have a professional screenwriter who's working on the script, someone who knows how to tell the story.
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So I want to tell everyone I'm not the genius.
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I'm a go-getter and an overachiever, but I like to delegate and I like to get the right talent and get it into the mix.
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And I think there's no question we have some of the very best living historians involved in the project.
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That's very true.
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And this is a tremendous story.
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And just the way you framed that in that excerpt kind of captures it in a new way.
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There's a lot of drama here.
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Their stakes are very high.
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And you also have these extraordinary characters.
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Well, absolutely.
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And so, Bob, you know, the impetus for this, I'm an Eagle Scout and I only tell people that because once a month we used to my scout master was remarkable and he had us going every month or every other month to Gettysburg or Battleship Cove in Massachusetts.
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And we were a troop on Long Island.
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We were one of the oldest scout troops in the nation.
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We never went to Saratoga.
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And I was a history major in college, and we would vacation up at Lake George and the Adirondacks and the Catskills and even Cooperstown.
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And I have to tell you, it wasn't until I was an adult in my 30s—I'm now 53—
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that I first visited the Saratoga Battlefield or National Historical Park.
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And just maybe just to be for brevity, but the more and it's a very special place and it changes one, the more that it is visited and it should, for obvious reasons, it's hallowed ground.
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But I but it's a great story.
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And I'll maybe pause.
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But as further in our discussion, we'll maybe we'll pull out what a remarkable story it is on many, many levels.
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And it's an untold story and a forgotten story.
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It really is.
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Now, what drew you to the story?
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You know, you never didn't visit Saratoga until you were well into adulthood.
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And then now you're living in the area.
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Or what drew you to this?
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Did you move there because of the story or did you were drawn to the story because you're now living in Saratoga?
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Great question and a short answer I moved to saratoga county in 2005 and my neighbor is an avid cycler and I was just out of law school and admittedly a little bit out of shape.
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And I joined a competitive writing group, it was easily the worst member of the group and but they got me into shape in a hurry.
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But it's a beautiful 10 and a half mile walking, jogging and biking in the park with vistas of the Green Mountains.
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It's breathtaking in the rolling hills above the Hudson River.
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But it was some time before I really began to go to the visitor center and look at all the monuments and the plaques and all the signage.
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And I just, on so many levels, I'll just tell everyone, I was shocked.
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I said, what do you mean this was a turning point of the American Revolution, like the Gettysburg or the revolution?
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And the reason that Benjamin Franklin was able to to finally convince the French crown to come into the war, both recognizing us as a sovereign nation and to enter into a military alliance.
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And then lastly, we can talk about more.
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But the other I said, wait, this was the direct reason for the first national Thanksgiving.
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It was really the first major strategic victory of the war.
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Certainly, Trenton and Princeton were very important victories, of course, as well earlier.
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It was really arguably the first time we had overwhelming numerical superiority on the field of battle and used it successfully.
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There's many, many firsts with Saratoga that need to be brought out and accentuated.
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It really is a tremendous story.
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And as your clip makes clear, the consequences had, they failed.
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Had Burgoyne gotten through to New York, the war pretty much would have been over.
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Because the British were occupying Philadelphia, they were occupying New York.
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Washington didn't see that as the end, but this definitely would have been a major blow to independence.
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You know, it's hard to prognosticate, but I think, or at least in hindsight,
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But I think it was a very good argument to be made that maybe the war drags on for a couple more years.
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But I think it would have been a near knockout blow.
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And so that's why.
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And it wasn't as well, both Jim Martin and Kevin Weddle.
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It was a complete victory.
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It wasn't just a tactical victory.
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It was a strategic victory in every sense.
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And it really enabled Benjamin Franklin to make a very convincing case, I think, to the French crown.
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Why do you think it went so wrong for Burgoyne?
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Well, fortunately, and may I say this as I'm a good Irish American, my grandparents were all from Ireland.
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But fortunately, a healthy dose of British arrogance played a role.
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And I think although they were very gifted military leaders, I think there was a lack of a real cohesive alignment between
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General Burgoyne and General William Howe and even Lord Germain in London.
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And I think at the day, issues with communications, but I think Burgoyne saw a window of opportunity after there wasn't, after the Battle of Alcor Island, the Hudson Valley wasn't seized in the fall of 1776.
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But I think the short answer is, and this comes out in a number of the recent books that were done by Don Troiani and Eric Schnitzer and also Kevin Weddle and others, but I think the terrain of the Adirondacks, also the elements of the Adirondacks, a long, hot summer, and his supply lines were stretched.
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But it was a multitude of reasons.
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But maybe I'll just quickly say, you know, Jane McRae's murder, it's always hard to assess the impact that her role had on society.
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sort of recruitment of people to volunteers to come far and wide.
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But I think the fall of Fort Ticonderoga in early July of 1777 was a shock.
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And then, of course, Washington really was up against it with General Howe moving towards Philadelphia.
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And so, you know, there were like a number of things.
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It was, I think, a convergence or confluence
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of the factors that really led to understanding that this moment was different.
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And what they play at the battlefield at the Saratoga National Historical Park is a 20-minute film called Something More at Stake.
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And I think it was well understood in that summer and early fall that this truly was dire straits.
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Now, what made you think, Mark, that you needed to make a movie about this?
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That's a great question, and I hope still this is not a fool's errand.
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So the ethos for your listeners when you're in the military is support the commander, accomplish the mission.
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And we're going to do just that.
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And the reason I believe we're going to do that is the appeal is to the nation's 16.5 million veterans and fellow patriots, our fellow citizens.
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So we're sort of democratizing this project.
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And, you know, we're in a new era.
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We're in a it's never been easier to do independent films, but it's still a daunting task.
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And so we're going to do this together because we need to.
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It's one of the greatest stories in American history.
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But I'm a romantic, Bob, and I who doesn't love the movie Last of the Mohegans with Daniel Day-Lewis, Glory with Denzel Washington.
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and then others like Last of the Dancers with Wolves, and even Saving Private Ryan.
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We want this to be an iconic motion picture masterpiece that has an ethereal soundtrack, and the cinematography is just breathtaking.
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If I could add, one of the travesties, Last of the Mohegans, of course, based off of James Fenimore Cooper's novel,
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That was largely filmed in, I think, North Carolina and Georgia.
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New York State then did not have a film tax credit program.
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So our goal is if we do go to production, and we will, that this will be filmed entirely on or near location in upstate New York.
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Yeah, and they really are spectacular scenes.
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We're talking with Mark O'Rourke, and if you want to help out and find out more, 1777.org is the website where you can find out more about the film, Saratoga, The Turning Point, 1777.org.
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And really, in the brief clip we saw, you have this tremendous landscape that is really part of the story, and it's hard just to get that from reading a book.
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And I want to pause to also commend Saratoga County and its leadership.
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You know, much hasn't been done over the years by the state or in recent years, I'd say the last couple of decades, certainly years ago and creating the National Park and other monuments.
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Um, and now there is a very renewed and focused effort.
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Uh, and so there's the Saratoga two 50.com and they're doing a really a first rate job in, in, in bringing this history to the fore.
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And so that's a public sector effort.
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That's vitally important.
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And this is a private sector effort.
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And that was launched about two years ago.
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And I've been at this for almost 11 years now.
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Uh, but we publicly launched last, uh, October 17th.
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We used the data by general Burgoyne surrender.
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You know, Bob, if I could quickly add for your listeners,
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I'm a New Yorker, right?
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And I'm a Yankee fan.
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So I want to pause and everyone hits to hear the evil empire.
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But I certainly respect the Red Sox, Red Sox nation.
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And but my point is, who couldn't envy, if you're intellectually honest, how well Massachusetts has leveraged its history, our history over the years with your Patriots Day and I have the Freedom Trail.
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And so and one of the things that we hope that if we're successful here,
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that the turning point trail, so Massachusetts, you guys are good at starting things.
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You bravely started the revolution, and we owe our thanks to New England and Massachusetts in that regard.
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They were the tip of the spear.
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But if you look at it in thirds, then the revolution was saved at Saratoga during one of the darkest hours and, of course, the culminating victory at Yorktown.
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That's a good way of putting it.
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And of course, the Henry Knox Trail goes through your area, too.
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And Jonathan reminds us that 40 percent of the Continental line at Saratoga was from Massachusetts.
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And actually, more men served in the Continental Army from Massachusetts than from any other state.
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Bob, that is, as you took the words out of my mouth, just about that is the point I want your listeners in greater New England to know is you may think, ah, Saratoga, it's an upstate New York story.
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What does that have to do with us a lot?
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Because you basically New England saved our bacon, the continental army or the American army that was dug in at Bemis Heights or in the upper Hudson Valley along the West bank of the Hudson.
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was about a one-to-one ratio, roughly, with General Burgoyne's force, but certainly not its equal with weaponry, tactics, leadership, logistics, and the rest.
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It's really the first surge, I think, arguably, in American history, because the American Army or the Continental Army was about 6,000 to 8,000, that range.
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It varies, but no less than
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nine to 10, but maybe as many as 15,000 citizen soldiers from various state militias streamed in almost entirely from New England, some from upstate New York.
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And if you go to the painting by John Trumbull in the U.S.
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Capitol Rotunda, and you actually look at the names of
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of the leaders depicted.
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Most of them are, to your point, Bob, are generals and officers from Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts, and mostly Massachusetts.
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It's remarkable.
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And I think the preponderance were clearly from Massachusetts.
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And I look at it this way.
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Let me wrap up quickly on this point.
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But where upstate New York helped end the Boston siege because Colonel Henry Knox and his team came and they got the cannons.
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And of course, the fort was seized by Benedict Arnold and the Green Mountain Boys, Ethan Allen in 1775.
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But there was a lot of help from the locals in New York, upstate New York, to get those cannons to Boston to end the siege after 11 months.
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But I think it was a great payback, an hour hour of need.
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when it looked like Burgoyne was going to be able to control the entire Champlain and Hudson corridor connecting Quebec to New York City and New York City was under occupation brutally.
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And Bob, this is the great point, is it not?
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They didn't have to come.
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These were volunteers.
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They weren't paid.
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It was the fall.
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Most of them were farmers.
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Everyone knows the fall.
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They're pretty busy with the harvest and their families.
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And they had already been through a lot in New England.
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They had been shouldering much of the burden of the revolution, but they did come.
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When the young nation desperately needed a miracle and all appeared to be lost, the average individual citizen soldier, I call it animated by the defiant spirit of don't tread on me, said to themselves and to their creator and to their fellow countrymen and women,
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General Burgoyne is going to tread no further down the Hudson Valley.
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It's a great story.
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It really is.
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And you have John Stark.
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We'll put in a plug for New Hampshire, too.
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John Stark comes out of retirement.
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He had left in a snip because he was passed over for promotion, but comes back for Bennington and then Saratoga.
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And Jonathan reminds us that 100 teams of horses from the Albany area brought the cannon from Fort Ticonderoga to Boston.
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So we're grateful not only to the men and women of New York, but to the horses of New York.
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So this is a great lesson, Bob, that Yankee fans and Red Sox fans should know.
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We had a lot of collaboration over the years.
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That's very true.
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Very true.
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And so, yeah, so it's a great story.
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And you do have a lot of really interesting characters on both sides.
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You know, Burgoyne certainly is.
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And again, he would have appreciated, I think, a film since he wrote plays.
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Someone said he imagines that he can cross the continent in a hop, skip and a jump.
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That is, the things look different on a map than they do when you're actually trudging along the shores of Lake Champlain or the Hudson River.
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I think Burgoyne, he was a thespian.
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He was a gambler.
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He was a socialite.
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Uh, it was a very charismatic, I think larger than life figure.
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I think he helped revolutionize or modernize the British cavalry.
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And, um, so I think, I think he, and it was certainly a very able thinker.
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And, uh, I think by all accounts, his plan was sound, but for.
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The daunting challenges presented by the great expanse of North America and the Adirondacks.
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And Guy Carlton had had the same plan the year before.
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And also you have the von Riedesells.
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You have not only a general von Riedesell, but his wife who comes along with their children.
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And she keeps a wonderful diary that's a tremendous source for what's happening in this campaign.
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Absolutely, Bob.
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And we always know the story of Hannibal coming through the Alps with just massive amounts of material.
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And I think when you really read about how much stuff that Gregorian was bringing from Quebec down
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He really was putting a burden, and he had so many, to your point, he had so many family members with him, and his supply train was quite considerable.
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And I think it posed daunting challenges for he and his leadership team.
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Yeah, yeah.
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And so also some of the other characters.
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I mean, Arnold appears in this.
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He's the hero.
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We're talking with Mark O'Rourke from...
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He is working on a major feature film, Saratoga, The Turning Point, which we hope will be released in conjunction with the 250th anniversary.
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I shouldn't say we hope, we know it will be released at the time of the 250th and will rekindle interest in this.
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So this is the heroic Arnold, but then you also have characters like Daniel Morgan, who's one of these people we should know more about.
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Daniel Morgan is our most remarkable figure.
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And George Washington, even though he wasn't present at Saratoga, he made a number of important decisions.
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He sent arguably his best field commander, Benedict Arnold, to reinforce the Northern Department early because I think they knew there was a gathering storm early in that summer.
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And especially once Fort Ticonderoga fell and General Philip Schuyler was replaced,
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They really had to send some key leaders.
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So a bandit Arnold was sent and then Colonel Daniel Morgan and his sharpshooters for 400 or so.
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And they had the best rifles of the day, even better than the British and the smoothbore rifling.
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And they were able to decimate the officer ranks in both of the battles at Saratoga on September 19th and October.
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And he all throughout American history in the French and Indian War, up with the invasion of Quebec,
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at Saratoga and later at Cowpens, but Daniel Morgan is someone that history buffs should really get to know because he's a very compelling figure.
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He even named his estate in Virginia, uh, Saratoga.
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Oh, is that right?
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So a real Patriot.
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I'd love to add, of course, Colonel, uh,
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Colonel Kaszuszko, Dariusz Kaszuszko was sent.
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He was just a prodigy.
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And, you know, a lot of people associate him with being a hero in Poland, but it's my understanding that it's even other parts of Eastern Europe, I think Belarus and even Lithuania.
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So he, and, you know, Jefferson said there was no truer son of liberty than Kaszuszko.
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And he actually admonished and urged a lot of the founding fathers to,
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really put into practice or make good on the aspirations of the Declaration.
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You know, even here we're a day after Martin Luther King Day, but he wanted emancipation even at that point for the American slaves.
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So he was a... But on his engineering feats, we owe him a great debt of gratitude.
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fortifications at Saratoga where they're really the reason that General Burgoyne was not able to advance further down river and had come into terrain, steep and wooded terrain, hilly terrain that was favorable to the Americans.
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Really remarkable for a young person of his age at the time.
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It really is.
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And then Agrippa Hull is one of his friends, an African-American from Massachusetts whom he befriends.
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And they maintain this relationship after Kosciuszko goes back to Poland and Agrippa Hull is on his farm in Western Massachusetts.
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Agrippa Hull is a wonderful figure.
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And again, if folks don't know him, and I believe he was from Stockbridge.
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He was the elder statesman of the town.
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And here's a great story.
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After Kosciuszko was long gone,
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Here was an African-American person, I think it was in the 1830s, and Agrippal Hall was an elderly at this point, but it was still a sound mind and body.
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He was brought to speak before the entire cadet corps at West Point, because before it was a military academy, it was the main fortress of fortification on the Hudson, and it was completed per the guidance of Kashushka.
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We don't know exactly when, or I don't, I should say, when the relationship between Kosciuszko and Agrippa Hall was started, but I think
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there's a case to be made that they did indeed meet at Saratoga.
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And it's my understanding that he was by Kosciuszko's side for the remainder of the war, for the next six plus years.
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And there was an incredible respect and friendship.
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So it's a great story.
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And the other African-American from Massachusetts, there were others.
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There were about 500 free and enslaved that were at the Battle of Saratoga.
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The ranks were integrated.
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They fought shoulder to shoulder in the American ranks.
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but was Peter Salem, one of the heroes of Bunker Hill.
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So it's important that folks, when they look at the revolution, not think that this, in a jaundiced way, was just a certain demographic that won the day.
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No, it's a great story.
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And I'll also quickly thread in there the Stockbridge militia from Western Massachusetts.
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The Native American tribes of the Munsee, the Mohegan, and the Wappinger also made vital contributions.
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They were
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Arguably, their bravery was renowned, and they suffered mightily for the American cause.
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They did.
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They certainly did.
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On the other side, also, you have Joseph Brandt and other of the Iroquois and Mohawk who were with the British here.
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And that, again, gets back to the story of Jane McRae and her tragic end.
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Well, Bob, that's a great point.
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And it was it was they called a place of the great sadness out in Oriskany in New York, right off the New York State Thruway.
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But it was the first time that the Iroquois Nation, to my understanding, was divided and actually fought itself.
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So the Oneida and the Tuscarora were on the American side and the rest of the Iroquois Nation was on the British side.
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And of course,
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because of the outcome of the war that had incredible consequences.
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And even for General Sullivan's expedition, the Iroquois nation.
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We're talking with Mark O'Rourke.
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1777.org is the website for the feature film he is overseeing on Saratoga, the turning point of the war.
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Really an episode of great drama, great characters, great importance, the rising of this militia force to come to the aid of the Continental Army in upstate New York to prevent General Burgoyne from
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coming down the Hudson River.
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Let's just talk a little bit about logistics of making a movie.
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And we know these are very expensive things.
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And maybe there's a listener out there who would like to contribute to this.
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So what do you need in order to make this happen?
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Well, Bob, thank you.
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That's probably the most pertinent question.
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And just like a miracle was needed in the late summer and early fall of 1777, I want to tell my fellow Americans, if you believe that this story should make it to the silver screen, we need a miracle.
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And that miracle in 1777 was our fellow man, our fellow man and woman rose to the occasion and helped reinforce the American army.
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And I need your help.
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We need an army that
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of supporters to will this film into existence.
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And really, if people know donation is too small, we're crowdfunding the project at this point on Give, Send, Go.
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So even as denominations as small as $10 would be welcome.
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And here's the pledge.
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I'm an attorney admitted to the bar, the state of New York, also federally, and we have some of the nation's best military historians involved.
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we're radically transparent so you're the money that will be donated will be used effectively honestly and transparently but the main thing is we're also calling the likes of gary sinise and tom hanks kelsey grammar if you're listening we want you to play benjamin franklin but also a good native new yorker denzel washington who's a great he's been great to the our servicemen and women over the years we'd love to have him involved so
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uh the main thing is but to your point we also don't want this to be an amateurish production we want this to be truly first rate with an a-list director and a-list talent and so that's expensive if we're honest and and we give as americans so much to political campaigns and here we are in the presidential year and maybe too much and something like this endeavor needs to be front and center so i would ask and so there are there's one opportunity to donate
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via crowdfunding.
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But if there are potential investors, we can work.
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We have a legal team.
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And so if you are an individual of high net worth and you can write a check or so to make this possible, please contact us.
31:26.707 --> 31:28.308
We'd be very grateful to hear from you.
31:30.109 --> 31:30.509
Thanks, Mark.
31:31.109 --> 31:32.510
And it's also very important to you.
31:32.550 --> 31:35.372
I know, Mark, that this be a veteran-led production.
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I mean, you're a veteran.
31:36.252 --> 31:37.973
You have other veterans working with us.
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So in many ways, this is a
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veterans, not veterans of the film industry, you're calling on them to be the professionals, but really is our veterans working on this?
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Well, Bob, a short answer there.
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And it was a privilege of a lifetime for me to serve.
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And I only served just over four years on active duty in the 1990s and then in the reserves.
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But I think it's important because
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I can solemnly assure your listeners that there will be a fidelity to the history, that we're not taking license to make things more compelling.
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You don't need to.
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It's such an amazing story on so many levels.
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And so we wanted, and again, we commend, you know, the film, The Patriot was very entertaining and there are, it was well done in many respects, but it is fictionalized and that's okay.
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That's because that's a license can be taken like that in the feature film.
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But it is important to note, this is not going to be a documentary.
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The series that PBS did in the 1990s, Liberty, is very well done.
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And I believe Ken Burns is working on another multi-part series on the American Revolution.
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We didn't want to be in that genre.
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We wanted...
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Motion picture masterpiece.
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And the other part I should quickly add, if we're successful, just like there was Saving Private Ryan and then Band of Brothers, we are prepared to do a multi-episode or a multi-season series because the constraints of a feature film are such that it's so difficult within about two and a half hours just to cover the fall of Fort Ticonderoga, the stunning victory of Bennington,
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and then the victory at Saratoga.
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But the entirety of what happened in 1777, we would really like to cover in a multi-episode series.
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And we have, again, the same dream team of historians available to tackle that task.
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And then onto Kings Mountain and Cowpens and ultimately Yorktown.
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It really is.
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But starting somewhere with Saratoga is a wonderful idea.
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I wonder, you mentioned earlier that this is the first national Thanksgiving as a result of Saratoga.
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I wonder if you could tell us a little bit about this.
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I don't want you to give away anything so people won't buy tickets.
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Thank you.
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Well, Bob, and a short answer too.
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Obviously, the first Thanksgiving was in Massachusetts with the pilgrims.
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But there were individual days of Thanksgiving in individual colonies or states.
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And there's no argument here.
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This is recognized by all academicians and the like.
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The first national American Thanksgiving occurred on December 18th, 1777.
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And Samuel Adams helped write the...
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The motion that was passed by the Continental Congress, and he had help with that.
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And I believe it was unanimous.
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And once that was passed, George Washington, as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, issued general orders.
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And all of the American states on a single day with the American armed forces had a solemn day of thanksgiving and praise to Almighty God for the
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as Washington called it, the providential victory at Saratoga.
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And he also called the revolution the glorious work that we have in hand.
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A letter recently, a battlefield letter of his emerged recently, and it was written by him a day or two after he learned the news of the victory at Saratoga.
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So that alone, and I think my understanding is there were another six such days observed after that, but Saratoga was the first where...
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And what's important, that observance was done before the Americans learned, before word traveled back from France, that France had recognized America as a sovereign nation and was going to have the treaties with us.
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So we did this even, that's how important psychologically and for the morale and for everything, Saratoga was a game changer.
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It really isn't just, I know that Washington at that moment, they had given up Philadelphia and he is retreating to Valley Forge.
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They're still holding these forts on the, some of the forts on the lower Delaware, but the British are one by one taking them.
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And the general Howe doesn't know how come the Americans are firing off volleys of celebration.
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And it's because they've gotten the news of Saratoga, which Howe hadn't yet gotten.
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which is quite remarkable.
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And I don't know who the Americans were back then, and maybe someone does, but whoever was on those fast horses, those riders, they did a great service because the distance they covered from Saratoga down to where Washington was encamped outside of Philadelphia, it was just astonishing that he was able to get the news that quickly.
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And it was important because Washington and his main army had just suffered a series of terrible losses
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The Battle of Brandywine.
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I think there were massacres there.
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The Paoli Massacre in Germantown.
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So it can't be overstated how important this news was.
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It really is quite remarkable.
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It really is.
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We've been talking with Mark O'Rourke, who is the producer of 1777, The Turning Point.
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If you want to help out with this, 1777.org is the website where you can find out more about Saratoga, The Turning Point, the film that Mark is overseeing, which will tell the story of Saratoga in vivid detail.
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So thank you so much for joining us, Mark.
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Absolutely, Bob.
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This is a great, wonderful discussion and an honor to be on.
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And again, I just, for your listeners, Saratoga is such a remarkable story for what we've mentioned.
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So many of the leaders, both in the Continental Regular Army, the American Army, and in the militia.
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that were at Saratoga were from New England and the preponderance from Massachusetts, including African-Americans and including Native Americans, the Stockbridge.
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So it's a vitally important story for New England.
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And, you know, it's argued what Burgoyne's ultimate goals were.
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But clearly, if he's able to control the Champlain and Hudson corridors, it does to a large extent isolate New England, which had been the hotbed of the revolution.
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You know, there's some new scholarship that perhaps Burgoyne's
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objectives as approved by Lord Germain were a bit more limited, but I think that for a long time, uh, it really, they were looking to control the center of gravity was the state of New York.
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And if they could isolate New England from New York and the rest, it would hasten the end of the revolution.
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And it didn't happen as we'll find out in the film.
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So this is great.
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Then I want to thank Jonathan Lane, our producer, as well as our listeners, both, uh,
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around the country and around the world.
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So every week I thank folks in different places who are tuning in.
38:37.988 --> 38:48.731
And this week, if you are interested in some of our Revolution 250 swag or just getting connecting with Revolution 250, send Jonathan Lane an email, jlane at revolution250.org.
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Friends in Philadelphia and in New York City, and that includes Brooklyn and Queens, as well as in Saratoga and also in Pennsylvania, Allison Park, Pennsylvania.
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I'm glad that there is an Allison Park.
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Florida, New Smyrna Beach in Los Angeles and Gastonia, North Carolina.
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Thank you all for listening in those places and places beyond in between.
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And now we will be piped out on the road to Boston.