Roast and Reason: A Coffee Podcast

Coffee Market: 2018 Recap and 2019 Expert Predictions (RR40)

January 02, 2019 Andrew Boyer: Coffee Lover and Home Coffee Roaster Episode 40

Coffee is traded or sold in very different ways.  In fact there are basically two coffee markets: commodity coffee or non-commodity coffee (specialty coffee).  Specialty coffee consumers value a variety of factors like origin, growing and processing techniques, roast level, etc.  But with commodity coffee only one thing matters: price.  

Commodity coffee is like any other commodity, the only differentiating factor is price.  And the price for commodity coffee is set on the Intercontinental Exchange in New York city.  

As a financial asset, commodity coffee has had a pretty terrible year in 2018.  Coffee prices decreased about 20% over the year, to lows that haven’t been seen since 2006.  This price collapse occurred due to a number of factors in the market that have lead to oversupply.