Transcript of: 



Daniel Visits a Skatepark (For Science)! 

By Jasmine Brown and Vera Greentea 




DANIEL: Hello. This is Daniel reporting again to… Daniel’s personal recorder. It’s been a few days. No, precise. It’s been two days. Since everything got... a little too shitty in Shitty Life with the earthquake and my mom being missing, now that we know she’s OK I took a little break from investigating to sort of… just be available for her over there even though she’s not even in the same country as me. But that got me thinking how far off course I’ve gotten from the actual investigation. I still don’t know why this is happening or what the rules are so this is gonna be the focus from now on. I’ll try to be the best Daniel I can be in two lives, not letting anyone down and conduct a paranormal investigation with no one to help me because it would freak them out too much. Piece of cake, really. 




DANIEL: The hell-- some rocks just fell on my arm! 


DANIEL: (BREATHING HARD) Shit, that was behind me! I’m on my way to Doesn’t Suck, and the tunnel is experiencing an earth-- Oh god! Should I ask my mom what to do in case of an earthquake? No, no, no, no it’s going to be okay, Daniel… but is this place somehow getting worse? What… what if I get stuck in here? What happens? God, new thoughts to worry about. Let me just get through this… there’s the door. 


DANIEL: Okay-- I’m safe. 



DANIEL: Shit. Let me just… uh… 


ELEANOR: Can’t you just spend one weekend with your daughter? She asked you to visit several times and you can’t take one overnight and give her your full attention? I practically have it all ready for you - the packed suitcase, the Tupperware of cookies, some stuff I picked up for her at Home Mart - all you have to do is put it into your car and go. 

DANIEL: Oh damn, Abby’s here? 

TYRONE: Oh yes, really easy, Eleanor. Just take an overnight shift and then stay awake for a full twenty-four hours to babysit my fully grown adult daughter. No problem. And hey, while my sleep schedule is thrown off, I’ll just drive two hours to take her back. Good idea. I would have to be an asshole, just a neglectful, worthless bad father to not want to do that. 

ELEANOR: You don’t have to take that tone with me, Tyrone. I know you have a difficult schedule. But when your baby specifically asks you to spend time, you drop everything and you move some mountains and you figure it out. She doesn’t ask every day. 

TYRONE: Why do you do this, Eleanor? Why does it have to be always implied that you “move mountains” and I don’t? You say I have a difficult schedule, but what you’re really saying is that YOU have a difficult schedule and that somehow, you make it work. We get it. You’re an angel. But I’m not some devil just because I don’t want to spend my weekend driving. Why do you set me up like this? Now I’m in a place where I’m saying no to my kid. 

ELEANOR: You know what? You’re right. I do move mountains. Every day. You want me to say it? I’ll say it. I’m a doctor. I worked my ass off for twenty years. It’s fucking hard. And I still put Daniel and Abby first. You don’t think I get tired? You don’t think I want to just fucking relax with a beer in front of the TV? I have kids. We have kids. 

DANIEL: (IN A LOW VOICE) Should I say something? 

TYRONE: I am aware that we have children, Eleanor! 


ELEANOR: Is Abby upstairs? 

TYRONE: I thought she went out with Donna and Lyle. 

ELEANOR: I thought so too. Who’s upstairs? I’m gonna go check. 

TYRONE: I can check too. 


DANIEL: Hey, guys. It’s just me. 

ELEANOR: Daniel? It’s 4:15. What are you doing home so early? Shouldn’t you be at the paper with Lola? 

DANIEL: Uhh, it’s uh… it got out early. Are you guys fighting? 

TYRONE: Don’t change the subject. How early did it get out exactly? We didn’t hear you come in. How long have you been upstairs? 

ELEANOR: (AUDIBLE EYE ROLLING?) Ty, give him a break. He wouldn’t lie about the newspaper.

TYRONE: Hmm. OK. Well, uh. It’s good you’re home early anyway. Abby should be back soon. We can go out to dinner a little earlier. Maybe catch a movie. 

DANIEL: It really sounded like you were--

ELEANOR: We weren’t fighting, Danny boy. Just a little argument. But I bet you’re gonna be happy when you see your sister, right? 

DANIEL: Yeah! I didn’t realize she’d be coming here too. 

ELEANOR: Here too? 

DANIEL: I mean-- er, I thought she’d only be hanging out with Donna? 

ELEANOR: And not see her family? 

DANIEL: Nooo? That doesn’t sound right, does it? 



ABBY: PARENTALS? Anyone home? 



TYRONE: Hey there, Abs! Let me know when you need that ride tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing your campus. 

ABBY: Thanks, Dad. Can’t wait to take you to the dining hall. It’s disgusting. 

ELEANOR: (LAUGHS) How was Donna’s, sweetie? 

ABBY: Oh, it was--


ABBY: Ohhh Danny Boy!!! 

DANIEL: Oh my god, let me go, what the hell? 

ABBY: Did you get even taller? Or maybe it’s just that haaaairrrr! Ah! It really holds the Bonsai tree shape. 

DANIEL: (GROANING) Not you too! 

ELEANOR: You might need a haircut soon, baby. I could schedule one for you at Emperor’s. 

TYRONE: Let the boy decide when he gets his own hair cut, Eleanor. I happen to to think it looks dashing - maybe like a young Tyrone Jones. 

ABBY: Aw, he does. You’re almost a full person now, huh, Danny Boy? Let me look at you… oh man, is that a tape recorder? Where did you get that? I just saw one of those the other day at the Shop ‘n Swap. I thought of you actually. But Paulson probably has all sorts of cutting edge equipment you can borrow. 

DANIEL: Uh, yeah. Well, you know. I like vintage. 

ABBY: You are too much. But what are you doing with it now, weirdo? Spying on mom and dad? 

DANIEL: Uh, Can we go to Tuscany Blue tonight, Mom? 

TYRONE: Great idea, we haven’t been there in months, Eleanor. David probably forgot our orders. 

ELEANOR: (FONDLY) No one would ever forget your order, Ty. Green beans and beets on goat cheese ravioli. What in the world…? How about we all meet in the foyer in about an hour? 

ABBY: I’m down! Ooo! It’s so great to be back! 


ABBY: Hey, slow down, baby bro. Mom’s gonna take a half an hour in the shower. Talk to me! What’s up? 


DANIEL: Jeez, Aslan. Relax. It’s just me. 


DANIEL: Shit, ow! Okay, okay, no petting. One month at some college dorm, and you forget me already? I see how it is. Um, anyway. Other than your cat freaking out right now things have been pretty uh... normal around here. 

ABBY: That sounds convincing. C’mere, boy! (KISSY NOISES TO THE CAT) No? Wow, yeah, he doesn’t seem to like you at all. Weird. Well, he’s been through a lot of change, I guess. But seriously, it’s me. What’s really going on, Danny? You seem… jumpy to say the least. 

DANIEL: Well, I heard Mom and Dad in a huge fight today. I’ve never heard them like that before. 

ABBY: Really, that? They bicker all the time, Danny. It’s pretty normal. You had me worried for a hot minute. 

DANIEL: No… this was more than bickering. They said some… intense things. 

ABBY: Danny, don’t worry too much. They’re totally in love. Have you seen their wedding album? It’s… intense. 

DANIEL: Are they? You don’t think they’d ever split up, do you? 

ABBY: God no. They’re perfect together, and they know it. 

DANIEL: I don’t know… I just have this… Abs? Have you ever had something happen in your life that was kind of… weird? 

ABBY: You’re being kind of weird right now. What’s up? Spit it out. 

DANIEL: I saw this… it’s going to sound strange, I know... but I found this door and it took me to my own life but different. As if things had happened differently. But like... other things didn’t change at all. You’ve never… you’ve never experienced anything like that, have you? 

ABBY: Oh yeah, plenty of times. They’re weird dreams, but you eventually forget about them. I had this one about a gigantic horse that ate me with cheese, but it was fine when I woke up. 

DANIEL: Abby, come on. I know what a dream is. I’m being serious. I know it sounds crazy but it’s like… I was given an opportunity to see… to be two versions of myself. And I don’t know why. 

ABBY: Is this about Lola? Mom told me you went to the dance, you little Romeo! I think it’s great that you guys are trying the whole friends to lovers thing. Oh my god, imagine if you guys get married? You could have one of those cute little “our story” sections on your wedding album, ahhh like Mom and Dad! 

DANIEL: Oh my god, no! What is it with everyone? I don’t like Lola! 

ABBY: So if it’s not about Lola, what is this all about? You always had a really vivid imagination and I love that about you, but you have to make some sense sometime if you want us to communicate. 

DANIEL: Let me just show you. 

ABBY: Yeah, show me. 



DANIEL: Look. 

ABBY: It’s just your closet. 

DANIEL: No, come inside. 

ABBY: Okay, but now we’re inside your closet. What am I looking for, gimme a hint? 


DANIEL: It’s… it’s not here. There’s no door… 

ABBY: A door? Danny, you’re showing me your childhood closet and talking about two versions of yourself… Danny, are you trying to come out to me? 


ABBY: Shit, Danny. This conversation feels important, so I do want to talk about this, okay? I need to change still! How is Dad already ready? 





DANIEL: (WHISPERING) Gonna make this quick because Abby... Shitty Life Abby… is staying in my room. Uh, yeah. I’m back at Shitty Life. I had to rush back because this version of Abby and my dad were going to be back. I didn’t even get to eat at Tuscany Blue. So last night...what was that about? Other people can’t see the door? But Lola could hear the recordings so this isn’t a delusion, right? No. I know that. It’s not the time to start questioning my sanity. I just wish things didn’t have to keep getting weirder. 



ABBY: Hey, sorry, I used your comb-- look at that. Aslan’s in an affectionate mood this morning, huh? He must think you’re going to give him a second breakfast. Ooo, and he interrupted a recording or something, huh? Glad tosee you’re using my gift. 

DANIEL: Oh, yeah. I love it. (PAUSE AS THE CAT PURRS LOUDER) I-I’m glad he remembers me. I was worried he’d forget me. 

ABBY: Don’t be silly. Cats are smarter than that. They know their family. 

DANIEL: I guess so. 

ABBY: Something wrong, Danny? 

DANIEL: I don’t even know where to start. The whole thing has been kind of an adjustment. I miss my old school, my house… and Mom. 

ABBY: (CHEERFULLY) At least you don’t have to sleep on your brother’s floor! 

DANIEL: It’s three days, you can deal with it. And I offered you the bed, you decided to camp. 

ABBY: I’m just teasing. (SIGHS) Look, this all sucks. I know it. You know it. I’m pretty sure Dad knows it too. At least we know mom’s OK now. 

DANIEL: Yeah. That helps, somewhat. Until the next earthquake. 


ABBY: Mom always goes into everything fully armed and knowledgeable. If anyone can survive the apocalypse… 

DANIEL: I know. I know. Hey, Abs… uh, do you ever wish we could go back to our old life as it was? 

ABBY: Um, not really. I love college. I have amazing professors and the library there is almost as good as the one in Paulson and there are like seven hot guys on my floor, so. 

DANIEL: Gross.

ABBY: Things will start to change for you too, Daniel. You’re just stuck in a… transition period right now. 

DANIEL: W-what if I don’t want things to change? Like, I liked my old life. It was well...not perfect, but so close. 

ABBY: I don’t mean you have to throw away the things that work. I just mean… growing up, you know. Things will always change, no matter how much you want them to stay in the same place. Life is kind of a transition. You just have to accept it and make the best of what you have, until you make it the best of what you have. 

DANIEL: Yeah, yeah. I get it. You go to college for a week and you’re an old wise sage. 

ABBY: (CHUCKLING) Listen, I’m driving out to see Donna later. Do you want a ride? You could see Lola. 

DANIEL: I guess I could. (SIGHS) I don’t know. She and I... it’s a little awkward right now. I think she thinks… s-she and I… you know. 

ABBY: And you’re not into her? 

DANIEL: I’m really not. 

ABBY: Oof. That is awkward. 

DANIEL: Thanks. (SIGHS AGAIN) I don’t know. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and see her anyway. 

ABBY: She’s your friend and eventually you have to be honest with her. But if you want to avoid her a few more days, that is okay. You don’t have to know everything immediately. 

DANIEL: Um. Yeah. I guess so. You really think that’s OK? 

ABBY: Danny, of course. No one expects you to do the things you don’t want to do not even Lola. As long as you promise me that you don’t let this take over your friendship, and you do your best, that’s all you can do. Your friendship may take a beating now, but eventually it will be stronger for it. 

DANIEL: Yeah. And in the meantime, I’ll be sitting around here with no one to talk to but Aslan. 

ABBY: You don’t have anyone around here to hang out with? The kids here can’t be that unfriendly. 

DANIEL: I mean, there’s the We- well these uh, stoners I guess, who joined the paper. They pity invited me to eat chinese food by the skate park or something else stereotypically brainless. 

ABBY: Were you about to call them Weeds like that stupid anti-Drug assembly you and Lola did in seventh grade? 

DANIEL: Nooo... 

ABBY: And you have no interest in doing this “stereotypically brainless” thing? Or... maybe, you do? 

DANIEL: I guess it beats sitting at home alone. 

ABBY: I think it sounds deliciously juvenile and wonderful. I vote you go. 

DANIEL: Well… 





KATIE: Daniel!! You came! Here, have a joint. This one is a little weird, I think, but Porter says it’s fine. I just think he might have been tricked into buying dandelion or some shit. What do you think? 

PORTER: Daniel doesn’t smoke, Katie. And why don’t you scream that a little louder? 

KATIE: What? You’re embarrassed because you paid like $15 for a bag of tea? 

DANIEL: Hey, guys. I’m just here recording to research for an article. 

PORTER: Geez, you’re researching on a Saturday? I mean, you’re just so… extra. 

JORGE: Eggroll? 

KATIE: Dandelion? 

DANIEL: Well, a dandelion is a sort of a weed. 

PORTER: Don’t stand up for me, man. I can take care of myself. 

DANIEL: I-it was a… joke. But I’ll take the eggroll. 

PORTER: That was a joke?! 

KATIE: That was a great try, Daniel! You’ll get better at it. 


PORTER: Um, how is the thing with your mom? 

KATIE: Yeah, we were really sorry to hear it, Daniel. Have you heard from her yet? 

DANIEL: Actually, yes, we found her. She called us on Thursday. She was okay, but a lot of people were injured, so she’s been busy trying to make sure everyone has access to medical care. She’s really good at triage type of stuff. Um, thanks for asking. 

KATIE: Of course! You must still be so anxious about her. But… she kind of sounds amazing, Daniel. 

JORGE: Word.

PORTER: Er, you want to try my skateboard or something? I have a feeling you’ve never even seen one up close. 

DANIEL: I’ve seen a skateboard! I didn’t live in a medieval tower. But um, sure. I’ll give it a try. Thanks. 



DANIEL: Hey, Mom? Sorry for the noise, I-I’m just walking home from the skate park. 

ELEANOR: Hey, Danny boy. The skate park? Not a setting I would have ever imagined you in. Expanding your horizons? 

DANIEL: I guess so. How are you? Are you safe? 

ELEANOR: Yes, baby. It’s still a tough situation for everyone here, but we are all doing our best to be strong for each other. We dug several people out today who weren’t even hurt, so that brightened some moods. 

DANIEL: Are you guys still experiencing… cave-ins? It must be terrifying to be in one. 

ELEANOR: Well, sure, of course it is, baby. I’m not going to sugarcoat that. But most of those people are out by now, safe and healthy and happy and we’re working our hardest to get the rest of them, so. We haven’t had any new tremors. Oh, and I meant to tell you! I found an adorable stray that reminded me of our Aslan. I’m looking for a home for her. How about you, honey? How’s Abby’s homecoming? Miss your sister? 

DANIEL: I mean, she’s camping in my bedroom, so I already had a lot of her… 

ELEANOR: My funny man. Well, I hope you’re taking care of your Dad and Abby. 

DANIEL: While you take care of everybody else. 

ELEANOR: Daniel Matthew Jones, what is that supposed to mean?

DANIEL: I’m sorry, I’m sorry. That was shi-bad. I don’t know why I… everyone was so worried. I-I was… and I miss you so much. 

ELEANOR: Oh, Danny boy, I...I know these changes have been extra hard on you, and I know you miss having me around. I miss having you around, too. It’s just… this is a thing I needed to do, and even if isn’t fair to you… I still need to do it. I hope you understand one day. 

DANIEL: I understand now, Mom. I do. It’s just… I wish your dream wasn’t in the place that could kill you. 

ELEANOR: If it helps, I wear a helmet a lot. And padding. And I’m surrounded by an army of doctors. And actual armies. 

DANIEL: That kinda helps. But now I’m thinking you’re gonna suffocate. 

ELEANOR: I’m okay, hon. I really - I’m really okay. I know me doing this is hard on you right now but I want you to know that I really, really miss you and love you. 

DANIEL: Me too. You know Abby said she wants to visit you for Spring Break. You’re going to say no, right? 

ELEANOR: God, of course I’ll say no. But… not because it's unsafe. When there’s no earthquake, it’s pretty good around here. I want you… and Abby… when you look back on this time, I don’t want it to just be ‘mom was gone and that sucked’. I want you to be able to say ‘my mom went for her dreams and she had an adventure, so I can too.’ Does that make sense to you? 

DANIEL: Kind of. (SIGHS) Thanks for picking up. I’m almost home, I-I should go. I love you. 

ELEANOR: Love you always and forever, Danny. Say hi to your father. 


TIM: My Parallel Life is written and produced by Vera Greentea and Jasmine Brown. The audio for this podcast is recorded and mixed by Mike Umile. Music is created and performed by aBIRD. My Parallel Life stars LC Witter, Julian Thomas, Shiree Nicholas Christopher, Steph Marie Alvarez, Louis Walker, Jayme Face, Timothy Rodriguez, Rajiv Miller, Siera Louis Gene and Jasmine Brown. Website and credits are by Timothy Rodriguez. 

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