The Invention of Racism

Episode 36: The Racist Negation of Enslaved and Free Black Women

July 01, 2022 Katherine Bankole-Medina Season 2 Episode 36

This podcast episode, “The Racist Negation of Enslaved and Free Black Women,” briefly examines the erasure of the Black woman’s body, highlighting the period of slavery and the case of Pauline (Rabbeneck) of New Orleans, Louisiana in 1845.

Key Words: Racism, White Supremacy, Doctrine of White Supremacy, Sexism, Racist Negation, Black Women, Pauline (Rabbeneck), Peter Rabbeneck, New Orleans, Louisiana, Louisiana Black Codes (Code Noir), Enslaved African Women, Southern Rape Complex, Antebellum Crime and Punishment, Lynching, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Sally Hemmings, Counterfactual History, Mulatto, Quadroon, Octoroon, Placage, Person of Color, Racial-Gender Hierarchy, gens de couleur libre, Color Gradient, Creole, Content Warning: Sexual Exploitation, Capital Punishment.

The Invention of Racism is published with periodic bonus and micro-podcast episodes included in the series.
© 2022 TIR Podcast Group.


Follow Dr. Bankole-Medina on Twitter: @KBankoleMedina

About Professor Katherine Bankole-Medina: