The Invention of Racism

Episode 31: The Racist Great Replacement Theory and Preemptive Retaliation

December 31, 2021 Katherine Bankole-Medina Season 2 Episode 31

This podcast episode considers the Far-Right racist philosophy known as the “Great Replacement Theory” with a note on the concept, Preemptive Retaliation. 

Key words: Racism, Great Replacement Theory (GRT), White Supremacy, Native Americans, African Americans, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, Cress Theory of Color Confrontation, The Isis Papers: The Keys to the Colors, J. H. Van Evrie, White Supremacy and Negro Subordination, Dr. DeReef F. Jamison, “Frances Cress Welsing: Decoding and Deconstructing the Cultural Logic of White Supremacy,” Dr. Carol Anderson, One Person, No Vote: How Voter Suppression Is Destroying Our Democracy, Dr. Robert Pape, Chicago Project on Security and Threats, Milan Obaidi, Jonas R. Kunst, Simon Ozer, Sasha Y. Kimel, “The “Great Replacement” Conspiracy: How The Perceived Ousting Of Whites Can Evoke Violent Extremism And Islamophobia,” Mosque massacres (Christchurch, New Zealand), January 6, 2021 Insurrection,  Immigration, Preemptive Retaliation, Unite the Right rally, Disclaimer.

The Invention of Racism is published with periodic bonus and micro-podcast episodes included in the series.
© 2021 TIR Podcast Group.


Follow Dr. Bankole-Medina on Twitter: @KBankoleMedina

About Professor Katherine Bankole-Medina: