Secrets From a Coach - Debbie Green & Laura Thomson's Podcast

200. Summer Happy Hour: Energy shot: Grin and Tonic

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Come join us for a 15 min shot to refresh and reset your intention, delicious content mixed with some cool beach bar music vibes. 

And this week’s cocktail no5 is Grin & Tonic featuring a double shot of sparkling guests. We are honoured to be joined by Burnout Prevention coach Alexis Neighbour and NLP teacher Melanie Yea. In their own distinct styles, they share a a blend of practical ideas for keeping energised in our work life. 

Whether for yourself or your team, this is a reviving mix of two shots of effective habits with a dash of wellbeing-  served with a slice of boundary management. Ideal sundowner for those wanting a supportive and inspirational pep talk. 

Liking the summer vibe? Check out our GROWTH Summer School from 2022:
Ep. 97   G is for Growth Mindset
Ep. 98   R is for Relationships
Ep. 99   O is for Optimism
Ep. 100 W is for Wellness
Ep 101    T is for Teamship
Ep. 102  H is for Harmony

Speaker 1:

secrets from a coach thrive and maximize your potential in the evolving workplace. Your weekly podcast with debbie green of wishfish and laura thompson, stavely of phenomenal training law.

Speaker 3:

Damn, it's the big one 200 episodes. I know who would have thought when we started this that we would reach this magic milestone.

Speaker 1:

Eh, oh, amazing, I know, I mean, is there really that much to talk about?

Speaker 3:

turns out there is debs, oh my god, there, and we can talk about anything, right, laura? We?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Because, as it, happens.

Speaker 1:

This is probably the biggest shape-shifting decade we have seen since the Second World War in terms of how we work, who works, the different roles that have played and just the ever-evolving world of work that we're in. It's not for the faint-hearted at the moment, is it, debs?

Speaker 3:

It's certainly not for the faint-hearted, and I think you've got to be ready and willing to just head on into it and bring with you and pick up anything that you need along the way, that's going to enable you to thrive, not just survive Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

And you know, the main phrase that I've heard from people saying this year coming out of workshops with us all is I'm glad it's not just me. Yes, I feel a lot more confident and reassured knowing that I'm not the only one that is worrying about this or concerned about that. And once you then know actually this is just what's happening at the moment, you can get out of your own head worrying about whether you can do it or not and into worrying well, what is it I want to then do to make the best of it? And, of course, summer is, for many people, a time where they rest, reset, regroup, re-energize, which is why we thought we'd have a fun take on our summer happy hour.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Where we invite you to join us at the bar, as well as with some of our fabulous colleagues, because sometimes a chat with someone fresh can just re-energize your approach, because it's amazing how much of our behaviors can sometimes become habits and patterns.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, definitely. So we're sort of having a bit of a grin and tonic this time, aren't we? So we're having a smiley, full of energy, conversation and focusing on that. So let's listen into what's being said.

Speaker 2:

Hey, lovely Debs and Law, happy summer everybody. I would love to talk to you about energy and how to manage your energy over the summer, and I understand this is part of the cocktail theme, and so I was thinking about energy and cocktails and I thought, just in the same way that we don't all like the same cocktails. We don't all have the same ways of managing our energy, because some of us recharge our battery and others of us recharge quietly at home on our own and need to retreat and have that quiet time and, of course, there's a spectrum, so it will depend. You might be a bit like me I'm a bit of both. I like to connect, but also I like to come home and have no one talk to me.

Speaker 2:

And so, thinking about energy in that way that we're all different and that we'll recharge or lose energy in different ways, I think my first suggestion or invitation is to notice really consciously how do you recharge as a person and what drains your energy as an individual. It could be that doing creative, crafty things is a brilliant way for you to recharge, and it might be that that's your worst nightmare and that's okay. It might be that you've got friends and family members who, when you leave, having seen them, you feel brilliant. And you might similarly have friends and family members who leave you feeling really drained. It might be certain television programs, certain music, the weather, diy Some people love DIY. What is it that really recharges you? Because sometimes we're so busy doing things that we don't pause to consciously go. Oh actually, things that we don't pause to consciously go, oh actually, that seems to really sap my battery. So maybe I won't do that, or maybe I'll do less of it. Or, you know, I made time for that coffee with that friend and I feel much better because I've sat down and I've connected and now my battery's recharged. I think I'll prioritise that connection once a week. And in that way we start to notice what our tools are to increase our energy and to protect it and to set boundaries around that energy that we've worked hard to create. And that brings me to the next piece, which is I'm sure you've probably heard before saying no, so setting those boundaries, saying no to people, to things, to volunteering, to jobs, to making that cake, to whatever it is that you tend to be asked to do. It's okay to say no. So notice if you're, if you tend to say yes if you feel like it's your job to rescue or help, because it's not, and it might be really empowering and energizing to say no and to set those boundaries so that you can protect your energy.

Speaker 2:

Another thing, and I think this is really true, it's true all year round, but especially in summer and I say this with it raining outside sometimes expectations can really drag us down and sap our energy, and that can be partly because when we're looking forward and we're in the future and we're imagining things in the future, depending on what it is that we're picturing, that alone could sap energy. If we're worried, imagining worst case scenarios, then that's going to make us feel bad in the current moment. So notice what story you're telling yourself about the future and manage expectations. Perhaps it will be brilliant, what's realistic and can you manage those expectations?

Speaker 2:

In order to manage your energy, it can also be really useful to scan to body scan from your toes all the way up to the tip of your head. Notice where are you holding tension, where are you holding stress, where's the energy coming from, and in that way you come back into your body. So you're not just in your mind thinking, you're connecting to your felt sense and what your body's telling you. Maybe you need a stretch, maybe you need a rest, maybe you need a quick disco nap and that connection to your body can alone be really energizing. Once you notice and you connect to the breathing and you relax your shoulders and you release the tension in your legs.

Speaker 2:

Whatever it is that you notice is there and take that re-energizing breath and that, along with connecting potentially if talking with people is good for you, managing your boundaries, saying no, not being the person that has to rescue, and noticing what it is that energizes and saps your energy that should help carry you through a summer where you're in control and you're not just at the mercy of life and your physical wellness or your mental wellness. You take it back, consciously, take back control. So what feeds your energy? What drains it? What can you say no to? How can you hold your boundaries and manage expectations in terms of the story that you're telling yourself? And is that sapping your energy in the moment, thinking about the future or next week or even tomorrow? And check in with yourself. Take a good breath, scan from your feet up to your head, notice your body and what it's telling you, and I hope that in that way, you can make your own energizing cocktail that gives you a good summer.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, so, lord, how fascinating was that then. How we look after our energy is super important, right and um. I know for me, that bit of the power of the pause can be the best bit to be able to plug back in, to re-energize and making sure that I'm not running out of battery. I mean, we don't do it with our phones, we're making sure that's always running full, so why do we not do that with ourselves? So plugging ourselves back in and that power of the pause can be our gift to ourselves, which enable us to keep our energy up and be able to deliver what we need to deliver without feeling like it's been sucked out of us. So, yeah, it was great to hear what our colleagues had to say, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I thought that was absolutely brilliant and my kind of suggestion for call to action would be what are some of the things that are causing drag in my life?

Speaker 1:

So, whether that's the work aspect or outside work aspect. What are some of the things that are causing me drag? That I think has taken longer or is more arduous or more hassle than it needs to. What could I eliminate or automate or delegate Nice, delegate doesn't always have to be to another human. What could I delegate to a machine, for example, not the robots, laura, the robots.

Speaker 3:

Deb, they made it to our 200th episode, I know.

Speaker 1:

It's because the fifth cocktail's kicking in now, Deb.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's what it is, you're on a roll, Robot roll.

Speaker 1:

And well, what did we invent the machines for? Anyway, it was supposed to then, you know, make life easier, less arduous and safer for us. Yeah, so are there some things that you think you know? Now I've got a bit of time just to reflect and pause, as you said over summer, that actually I think would be useful to reduce some drag to either automate it, eliminate it or delegate it, and no matter who you are, you don't have to be a CEO of an organisation now to be able to delegate.

Speaker 1:

Anyone is able to delegate to all of these phones that we've got and all of these little processes, and sometimes just a little chat with someone else. What are some things that you do that? Saves time can just open up a whole new little set of tips and tricks to give you some time back.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I love that and I think that's certainly what our you know, some of our happy hours have been through. This have just given that every week, there's given you a burst of energy to go, oh yeah, as a reflection and just to remind us that we're human and that we need to re-energize and we need to plug ourselves in and we need the energy to be able to continue in for the rest of whatever may be coming around on the horizon for us. So it's been such a cool way of just reminding ourselves, in short, sharp little shots, what's really important. I've loved it.

Speaker 1:

Just reminding ourselves, in short, sharp little shots, what's really important. I've loved it, yeah, it's been fantastic. So we had the Mojo Mojito all about motivation. We had a People Collada all about compassion. We had an, a Performance Spritz, which was around performance, expressive Martini on communication, and then tonight's Sundowner has been a G&T a grill and tonic with a little shot of energy. So what are you going to take forward? What do you think is going to help propel you so, as the sun sets on the summer, what does that mean in terms of that new season ahead? Debs, I can't wait to see you to plough the fields and furrow and all of those new harvest things that we can get excited about.

Speaker 3:

Yep, bring on the next season really, and we can get excited about Yep, bring on, bring on the next season really, and we can continue to chat. As we said, we don't need an excuse not to talk. So we can definitely do that, and we've got loads of things lined up for our other episodes, with new guests and different people and some revisiting guests. So, yeah, keep a keep a listen out for what we're doing. It'd be great fun as to, yeah, as we head on onwards, onwards and upwards Onwards and upwards Debs.

Speaker 1:

congratulations on our 200th episode.

Speaker 3:

Yes, we should celebrate, let's go to the bar.

Speaker 1:

She's going to zip line there and I'll meet you all at the karaoke. Wonderful, We'll see you all there. Thank you, everyone to each and every one of you. You all there. Thank you everyone to each and every one of you.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, take care everyone. Bye.

Speaker 1:

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