Secrets From a Coach - Debbie Green & Laura Thomson's Podcast

199. Happy Hour: Communication shot - Expressive Martini

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Welcome to our Summer Happy hour - where learning is free and there’s enough for everyone!  

Come join us for a 10 min shot to refresh and reset your intention, delicious content mixed with some cool beach bar music vibes. 

And this week’s cocktail no4 is Expressive Martini where we are joined by Cognitive Behavioural Expert Lindsey Thompson. She mixes us a blend of practical ideas for effective and impactful communication in our work (and home) life. Whether for yourself or your team, we mix a shot of individual differences with a dash of structure and served with a bowl of emotional intelligence on the side. 'I'll just' and think: TED. An ideal sundowner for those wanting a supportive and inspirational pep talk. 

Liking the summer vibe? Check out our GROWTH Summer School from 2022:
Ep. 97   G is for Growth Mindset
Ep. 98   R is for Relationships
Ep. 99   O is for Optimism
Ep. 100 W is for Wellness
Ep 101    T is for Teamship
Ep. 102  H is for Harmony

Speaker 1:

secrets from a coach. Thrive and maximize your potential in the evolving workplace. Your weekly podcast with debbie green of wishfish and laura thompson staveley of phenomenal training.

Speaker 2:

Debs. Oh, how was your performance? Aperol Spritz going.

Speaker 1:

Well, I rocked that karaoke. Debs, how was your zip line?

Speaker 2:

Me. I loved it. I went back again for another go. It was brilliant. I'm doing a longer one next time.

Speaker 1:

Oh, good on you, because we were joined at the bar by our amazing teammate and we were talking about a 10 minute shot on performance. What does that mean? We called it apple roll spritz. This is part of our fresh take with summer. For many people it's a chance to regroup, reset, refresh, re-energize. So we thought we would mix up things a little bit and invite you to join us for a bit of a sundowner in our summer happy hour. So last week was a performance spritz. The week before we sat down and we had a shot on compassion. That was a people colada. And the first one in our cocktail menu was around motivation, our mojo mojito. And this one, debs, is going to be joined at the bar by another of our amazing teammates and they're going to be telling us all about communication, and we called this one an expressive martini we did law, so let's listen in and see what we can pick up from that one hey debs, hey laura.

Speaker 3:

It's lindsay, hope you're having a lovely summer. Here's my input for expressive martini. In the midst of my summer and having spent some time finishing work and having a break, holding my boundaries, and then coming on away with my family, here's my top tips from a communication point of view. What have I discovered and what's useful? So, always for me, because of my love of transactional analysis, I'll always start with how we communicate with ourselves and what is the way we can hook ourselves into breaking our boundaries. And I think it's the phrase I'll just. You know what? I'll just check this email, I'll just send that person a message and the I'll just, which sounds so innocuous, so harmless. I'll just do this so I can get it off my mind. I'll just. That is the doorway to the boundary break where we then go. Oh, look at the time. I've now spent two hours checking my emails and just replying to things. So watch out for the I'll just. It's the doorway to the boundary break. Other useful tips will be, I've noticed, dealing with I've got a teenager. So these all top tips welcome these work in any shape or form, whether it's leadership, whether it's communicating with a teenager.

Speaker 3:

I think it's the power of TED. So when someone says something that can be a little bit explosive could be like a bit of a kind of verbal grenade. I'll give you an example my daughter yesterday. I said you know, we could be leaving in a minute, how close are you getting to ready? And she's like why are you always on my back? And as soon as she says that I could go, well, I'm not. I'm not always on your back, I'm trying to defend myself. So when we're triggered, we call it our unconscious defended. I want to defend, we want to defend ourselves and say something which then can escalate into conflict.

Speaker 3:

So being able to say, use TED, which is tell me more or talk to me, explain to me how I do that, or describe to me the deed, describe to me what does that mean to you, how does that look like, is a way of avoiding conflict. So I found that really interesting. Libby, tell me more about that. You feel that when you're back all the time. And then she then talked herself out of it and says well, I know you don't do that usually. Actually, I don't know why I said that.

Speaker 3:

So it's that second question really, tell me more, talk to me, explain to me how I do that or describe to me how that looks for you. This also works really, really well when we're in a team and someone might say something that's a little bit you know, a little bit triggering, and take might take us below the drama line. So they're my top tips. I would say enjoy your summer, hold your boundaries from a negotiated place. So I'm choosing to do this and watch out for those saboteur phrases. You know what I'll just or, if I just look at this, know that doing it opens the doorway to it could be opening the doorway to a boundary break and have a great summer.

Speaker 2:

So, laure, tell me how expressive are you?

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm feeling buzzing after that expressive, martini. What's?

Speaker 2:

some really great insights and reminders about the impact that communication has, debs yeah, I think, and it happens all the time, and I think if we're not mindful of how we are putting our message across, or we're not adapting or flexing, then it can create chaos, right, and we definitely don't want that where we get barred from somewhere. So for me, it's about how we can be curious about what's going on, go, oh, if somebody goes says something, you're going, that's interesting. Ask questions. Yeah, what was that about? How does that feel? Have that curious mindset so that you can create even more clarity when it comes to communication and actually, whether that is in the workplace or whether it's in holiday.

Speaker 1:

In holiday equally mode, you might be forced to sit next to people that you might not have actually wanted to, but you sort of need to communicate and I think my kind of takeaway of that the phrase just kept going through my mind about lean and clean. So what is the lean and clean way to approach this conversation so it doesn't drag on for far longer than it needs to? So both sides are really clear on what's just been discussed and what's just been agreed. So I've taken loads from that. You know, sometimes you just sit at the bar and you have a chat with someone with a fresh perspective and it can really give you an opportunity to review and reflect on your own wisdom and then maybe just tweak a few things that you think might be on the horizon.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, definitely. And I think that variation in how you use your voice and your communication, I think as well, is super important to consider. So it's not just a one size fits all or it's not just a monotone which nobody wants to get involved with or want to even have a conversation with you. So I think, yeah, that's super important to consider. How am I going to deliver this message in the first place? Yeah, so I can be expressive.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, wonderful, cool, so I've really enjoyed this sundowner. So, thank you again for joining me at the bar, and no worries, it's always a pleasure, isn't it? And we've got one more in our cocktail menu to try out.

Speaker 2:

We have and it's a biggie. So let's. Yeah, I'm going to go and find some other people to chat to to get some information that we can feed into it, but I'll see you. I'll see you at the bar.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful. See you at the bar.

Speaker 2:

Love you, love you.

Speaker 1:

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