The Construction Influencer with Nicole Miller

Ep. 24 Turning a Layoff into a Launchpad and The Advantage of a Supportive Network

Nicole Sanchez 'The Construction Influencer' Episode 24

It’s so easy to let your identity to get lost your career. And also dangerous. Brandon Clements, Principal at FQF Advisors, joined me today and discussed how he moved forward from a lay off.  And that afternoon in his car while he was hiding from his family so they didn’t see him at his lowest, this is when he got a call from someone in his network offering help, coaching, and a solution.

Brandon explained how he shifted his thinking to this actually being an opportunity. Brandon has always been a great connector of people because he connects for the sake of being able to bring value to them in the future. He does not network in a transactional way as what’s in it for him. And this community of people was Brandon’s saving grace in this period of his life. Don’t underestimate the power of your network!

Connect with Brandon Clements on LinkedIn: