The Construction Influencer with Nicole Miller
Are you in construction? Get ready to be inspired by Nicole as she goes one-on-one with the movers and shakers in the industry as they tackle leadership, sales, and most of all, inspiring and influencing others.
The Construction Influencer with Nicole Miller
You Don't Need 9 Million Or 900 Followers To Be An Influencer
Whether you are in a #leadership position or not, you have the power to #influence those around you.
It's not about your follower count that makes you an #influencer, but it is literally the impact you have on your teammates, and those closest to you.
I wanted to go solo on this podcast to remind folks that you don't need permission, millions, or even hundreds of followers to start influencing.
How someone Influences will be different from one person to the next.
Some naturally have the gift to lead and inspire others at their place of work. Some may not be as outspoken or extroverted but have a passion to volunteer to help feed the homeless on the weekends. Either way, both have a tremendous impact.
Everyone is going to be different but just know that it was never about your follower count (or lack thereof) to begin with.
Take a leap of faith and start now, even if it's influencing just one person.