
Here's a Youth-oriented Fly Fishing Program for Your Kids!

David Dirks Season 2022

John Waldron is Executive Director of the NY Chapter of the Brotherhood of the Junglecock (that's a bird who's feathers where once highly prized for fly tying if you were wondering!).  For over 25 years, the NY Chapter of BOJC has provided high quality fly-fishing and conservation-focused education to thousands of kids - many of them completing the seven year program and achieving the status of graduating in our Masters program, usually in their late teens. Our annual Campfire is our once a year, three-day event that is well supervised, safe, and most importantly - designed to for fun and learning at the same time. We've literally had generations of kids come through our program and become adults who cherish the world of fly-fishing and are keenly aware of their role in keeping our fisheries in excellent health for generations to enjoy. For many families and sponsors, the NY BOJC annual campfire is a calendared event each year!

If you have kids ages 5 - 17, we encourage you to contact us about our program and look forward to seeing you at our 2022 Annual Campfire - we are celebrating 25 years of service in 2022.

For more information: www.nybojc.org

For more information on DirksOutdoors: www.dirksoutdoors.com
Email us at: dirksoutdoors@gmail.com