The Lonely Pipette : helping scientists do better science
The Lonely Pipette is a podcast where scientists share tips to help you do better science. The episodes include conversations with researchers around the world. Renaud Pourpre and Jonathan Weitzman will talk to inspiring people to learn about their habits and recommendations for all scientists. Don’t stay alone, come join The Lonely Pipette community!
The Lonely Pipette : helping scientists do better science
TLP #34 : The "right" To-Do list - Ana Boskovic
This month we talk with Ana Boskovic about her experience of setting up her own lab and hiring a new team
- Ana began studying languages and literature… but found it too easy, so she switched
- She questions whether you are ever ‘ready’ to set up your own lab
- It’s important that you find the right ‘fit’ for the place you want to work and this should be a supportive environment
- She learnt early that it is important to hire people with diverse personalities who each fill a gap in the skills the lab needs
- Ana also says it’s important to always be yourself and not pretend to be something you are not
- She remembers that hiring was the biggest challenge in setting up her own team
- They need to be dedicated but also well-integrated into the team and the lab culture
- She balances ambitions with pragmatic considerations to avoid biased approaches
- Ana loves ‘to do’ lists as a source of satisfaction and to help planning
- She says you need to be able to trust and respect your mentor because you know they want you to succeed
- Mentors need to learn to have a conversation and be sensitive to mentees’ needs
- Ana insists that mentors need to be able to apologize if they get it wrong
- Ana uses her train ride to plan her day and write her To-Do list
- She tells us about her favourite Roman emperor, Diocletian
- She reminds us that “The plural of anecdote is not data”
She mentioned these labs, scientists and institutions
University of Zagreb https://www.unizg.hr/homepage/
EMBL Rome https://www.embl.org/research/faculty/rome/
Maria Elena Torres-Padilla (podcast episode from Season 1)
Maria Elena Torres-Padilla (lab)
Oliver Rando
Edith Heard (podcast episode from Season 2)
F Scott Fitzgerald
Split, Croatia
To find out more about Ana visit these links
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To find out more about Renaud and Jonathan :
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/LePourpre
- LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/renaudpourpre/
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/Epigenetique
- LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathanweitzman/%20
More about the soundtrack :
Music by Amaria - Lovely Swindler https://soundcloud.com/amariamusique/