EveryDay Detox Podcast

Truth Lies Amidst the Minority - Episode #24: Gil Jacobs

Michael Perrine and Gil Jacobs Episode 24
Four years later and Gil Jacobs returns! In the late hours of the night Gil and I sat down to have a very odd conversation about artificial intelligence and the issues of toxicity with technological advancement. We also talked shop about fruitarianism and the ideal way to transition toward ultra clean eating. You can find us @ vitalitynewyorkcity.comAnd remember: We’re just talkin’ here! Nothing said is intended to replace medical treatment or the advice of your healthcare provider.The content of this podcast is intended for informational andeducational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute formedical treatment. We strongly suggest you consult your physician orhealth care provider before attempting or engaging in any of theideas, methods or practices described in this podcast. Any information or statements made in this podcast regarding dietary supplements or health remedies have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The creators, producers, webmasters, podcasters and distributors of the content of this podcast do not assume any responsibility and disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the improper use of the content of this podcast.