Speak English with Tiffani Podcast

662 : Topical English Vocabulary Lesson With Teacher Tiffani about Science

Teacher Tiffani

In today’s episode, you will learn a series of vocabulary words that are connected to a specific topic. This lesson will help you improve your ability to speak English fluently about a specific topic. It will also help you feel more confident in your English abilities.

5 Vocabulary Words Related to the topic

  1. Equilibrium (noun): A state of balance between opposing forces or processes.
    • Example sentences: 
      1. Chemical reactions often reach an equilibrium state where the rates of forward and reverse reactions are equal.
      2. A skilled tightrope walker maintains perfect equilibrium on the wire.
      3. The gymnast held himself perfectly in equilibrium on the balance beam.
  2. Hypothesis (verb): To propose an explanation that can be tested.
    • Example sentences: 
      1. Scientists hypothesized that a new medication might be effective in treating the disease.
      2. Based on the observations, the researchers hypothesized that the climate might be changing.
      3. Engineers often hypothesize different solutions before testing them in prototypes.
  3. Variable (noun): A factor that is changed in an experiment to observe its effect on another factor.
    • Example sentences: 
      1. The scientist investigated the effect of light intensity on plant growth, using light intensity as the variable.
      2. A well-designed experiment has a clear independent variable and a dependent variable that is measured.
      3. Controlling all variables except the one being tested is crucial for drawing valid conclusions.
  4. Observation (noun): The act of noticing or perceiving something.
    • Example sentences: 
      1. Careful observation is essential for scientific inquiry.
      2. Astronomers use telescopes to make detailed observations of celestial objects.
      3. The doctor made careful observations of the patient's symptoms before making a diagnosis.
  5. Replication (noun): Repeating an experiment to confirm the results.
    • Example sentences: 
      1. Scientific findings are more reliable if the experiment can be replicated by other researchers.
      2. Replication helps to ensure that the results were not due to chance or errors.
      3. To ensure the effectiveness of the new vaccine, researchers conducted replications of the clinical trials at multiple locations worldwide.

A Paragraph using the 5 vocabulary words

Science isn't about blind guesses. It starts with a puzzling observation, like a plant thriving in shade. This sparks a hypothesis – maybe a certain light level, for plants, is ideal. Scientists then experiment by manipulating a variable while keeping others constant. Careful observation and replication confirm their findings. A combination of observation, variable manipulation, hypothesis testing, and confirmation builds a reliable picture of the world, where explanations find equilibrium with what we see.

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