
Data, desalination, and disruption: The water industry's new wave

BlueTech Research Season 2 Episode 4

We delve deep into the transformative role of artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs) in the water industry as we explore the rapid evolution of AI technology, including machine learning and generative AI, and how large language models are revolutionizing data analysis, decision support, and customer service within the water sector.

We also introduce our new artificial intelligence large language model watch service, designed to keep our clients informed about the latest developments in AI and its impact on the water industry.

Furthermore, we share insights from the recent Produced Water Society conference, highlighting critical discussions on water scarcity and produced water management in the energy sector.

Additionally, we discuss the results of a global survey conducted by Bluetech Research and the International Desalination Association, focusing on emerging desalination technologies such as brine mining, batch RO, and membrane distillation.

A special spotlight is placed on Kemira’s KemConnect technology, a digital platform aimed at optimizing various aspects of water treatment. We explore its integration with large language models for future releases, underscoring the digital transformation occurring within the water industry.

Stay tuned for more thought-provoking discussions and insights from BlueNotes Podcast as we continue to explore the intersection of technology and water innovation.

Presented by BlueTech Research®, Actionable Water Technology Market Intelligence.

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