
Brave Blue World Premiere In Hollywood Highlights & More

BlueTech Research

Welcome everyone to 2020 – the year of 366 days! It has been the start of something new for BlueTech too, towards the end of last year many of you might have heard about the premier of the Brave Blue World documentary. Brave Blue World is the first honest and hopeful documentary that will paint an optimistic picture of how humanity is adopting new technologies and innovations to re-think how we manage water. We have been on an incredible journey to meet with pioneers and innovators who are addressing global water and sanitation challenges. Their stories reveal a hopeful and optimistic future for our most precious resource.

For those who weren’t there with us at our Hollywood premier launch in December, we have some snippets of the Hollywood launch we have brought back with us that hopefully captures some moments.

We are also looking forward to 2020. What are the big things in water for 2020? Tune in to find out more!

Presented by BlueTech Research®, Actionable Water Technology Market Intelligence.

Watch the trailer of Our Blue World: A Water Odyssey. Get involved, and learn more on the website: