Alien Agenda
Alien Agenda
Alien Leaks
Tony Teora and Ron Watkins discuss the new AlienLeaks website with guests Chad McKinney and Haze Robinson. Based on a similar format as WikiLeaks, the team discuss the potential for AlienLeaks to expose information to the public about extraterrestrial biological entities, extraterrestrial technologies and humanity’s interaction with non-human intelligences. Listen, laugh and enjoy as the team discuss the possibilities and ramifications of such potential disclosures.
Welcome to Alien Agenda episode number one, this is your host, Tony Teora and I have my co-host on online here, Ron Watkins. This is our first show. We're going to be talking about Alien Leaks and also we want to talk a little bit about the cancel culture, and I'm really excited because we'd been doing Crazy Curious Minds with my other partner in crime, Chad McKinney, but he's too busy trying to make money and get his PhD in San Diego and surf, I think. But he was kind enough to join back on this show. Um, we also had Haze Robinson, um, the lead singer from the Electromagnetic band. So I want to, I want to thank my, uh, my new co-host Ron. Thanks really, really appreciate you, uh, willing to partner up with me on these podcasts. Thanks for being, yeah.
Ron Watkins:Yeah. Thanks. Thanks for, thanks for inviting me on, uh, it's really an honor. And, uh, I think we're going to get to the bottom of a lot of stuff here.
Tony Teora:I think we're going to get to the bottom of a lot of stuff and some people say that it's actually dangerous, what we're working on and Chad, and Hayes are going to talk a little bit about that. As long as we don't end up at a bottom of a hole in a New Jersey garbage pit.(laughing) I know I know how to dig out of those holes. So I'm not that worried by the way away, because I am from New Jersey. You know, we try to keep the show---
Chad McKinney:You just need air pockets. That's all you need to work with---(laughing)
Tony Teora:Air pockets? Is that what it is? Had you used that how you got outta the holes. We try to keep the show a little bit light. So, you know, this is some serious topic today, but we do joke around. So anybody listening, we really hope you enjoy the show. Um, and we have Hayes who is a rock and roller, but he's also really into, um, alien stuff. So I'm really pleased to have you on, Haze, thanks for sure.
Ron Watkins:Nice to be here. Thanks for having me. It's an honor.
Tony Teora:All right. Great. So, um, Ron boy, boy, you know, um, after working with you on that last podcast, we, we did some talking about a book and other things, and since I'm into science fiction and you know, you're into, uh, research and development, it looks like, you know, cause you've, you've seen a lot of these, you've run all these different BBSs and stuff, and you've seen these posts and man, did you come up with one hell of an idea? Holy smokes. So guys, I don't want to take the, you know, the weight of what Ron's probably going to disclose here, but I mean like, I mean this, this concept of alien leaks, could you tell me a little, tell the viewers and listeners, I should say, um, a little about what alien leaks is and what the goal's are?
Ron Watkins:Okay. So the alien leaks project is going to be like an anonymous drop box for anybody to, uh, put, send documents to. And, uh, it's really inspired by WikiLeaks and the work that Julian Assange did on adjusted with, uh, government accountability, but instead of, uh, focusing on government accountability, uh, the goal of alien leaks is to focus on, uh, extra terrestrial disclosure, like, uh, including topics related to alien technology, alien biology, communications with aliens. Uh, this is all interesting stuff and I'm sure there's people around the world sitting on documents and troves of information about it. And they don't have anywhere to send that, that data because if they send it to like a mass media or something, the media is going to cover up the data. Really,
Tony Teora:You don't, so you don't trust the media, anybody on this line, Chad, you trusted me. You're this psychologist. Right. You know, so, and writing all the, you know, do you trust the media?
Chad McKinney:That's the only place I know where to get my truths from Tony.
Tony Teora:Yeah. It's kind of sad. Isn't it? Everybody. Yeah.
Ron Watkins:Well, I'll tell you why 90% of media is owned by five major stakeholders in the game
Tony Teora:Or your fool. Okay. So I guess we're all in agreement here that the media we can't trust. So continue on rod. So you're right. So yeah, go ahead.
Ron Watkins:So we, we, we can't trust the media to discuss this properly and the media, you know, uh, there, there's a project called project Mockingbird where it's run by the CIA, which I believe the project was the CIA basically controls what the media is allowed to say. So that's project Mockingbird. You can go look it up. And uh, so like this alien stuff, probably I I'm guessing if a media outlet gets information about it, then they're going to ask their CIA handler, Hey, talk about this. And then the CIA's be like, nah, don't, don't talk about that. Right.
Tony Teora:Well, I got, I got two questions for you, Ron. So you didn't, you didn't give me, you know, you gave me most of the information, but, um, so Juliana signs, um, could he help us out, do you think? Or what's he up to these days?
Ron Watkins:Well, we'll join us on she's incarcerated, uh, on bogus charges and in England, the UK right now. And he put out a, he put out a statement a few days ago that he was dying, which is unfortunate to hear, but that sucks. I hope, I hope he gets out there. There are rumors of him getting a part in with Trump, but, uh, you know, the, the events of January six caused like Trump's was all his political capital and he wasn't able to do the part in that the last minute
Tony Teora:You think he would've done it? If he could have,
Ron Watkins:I think he was going to do it, but he didn't because it's either join us on Jordan himself. And he chose himself.
Tony Teora:This is absolutely it's crazy, dude. Are you telling me that? Like, you know, like, I mean, I think it's really sad, Julie. I don't know the whole story of Julian since I know lot about it. And I know that he was one of the shoe investigators, you know what I mean? Like he got information posted about the Iraq war showed a lot of that was going on. I mean, he did true journalism and journalists years ago used to take those kind of chances. But now it sounds like they put the guy in jail, they try to crop up charges, you know, that they they're killing him in jail. He's dying. I mean, that's the price for, for journalism today. I mean, and then you look at like, you know, Greenwald, I mean, this is the whole cancer culture thing, you know, he was talking about this. Um, you know, I mean, is that the price? I mean, I, you don't think that they're like going to go after us for alien leaks. They, I mean, the government says there's no aliens out there anyhow. So there's nothing to worry about, right?
Ron Watkins:Yeah. I mean, the government says there's no aliens and the scientists say there's no millions, but, uh, you, you know, with the scientific and academic, uh, communities, uh, their, like their thoughts on aliens is that it's never aliens. So if you have like proof or something that really looks like aliens, you're not allowed to publish it well, or you're going to face a, like, uh, you're going to face the wrath of all your peers.
Chad McKinney:They do that across the spectrum.
Ron Watkins:Like the Harvard, the Harvard, a Harvard researcher, I believe he's got like thirties, many, many decades of experience doing like astrophysics. And then he, he saw the Omo, uh, object that flew through the, uh, the source system and said, gee, it looks like an alien spaceship or something, but this is coming from like a tenured Harvard professor on astrophysics, like a professor. And the whole community is like, nah, it can't be aliens. No way. Well,
Tony Teora:They have tenure professors that were doing, you know, w we talked about this on the other show chatter. And I think Hayes might've been on there where our tenured Harvard professor was, you know, analyzing, it was in the movie, the phenomena, the, um, about UFO's and Harvard professor tenured Harvard professors doing research on people who say, they've been abducted by aliens. You know, now this guy ends up getting run over in England, you know, running. I mean, it probably was, hopefully it was just an act helped somebody didn't try to murder the guy, but you know, he, he went around, but you can't get this information. They tried, as you said, one of the other shows this thing called memory hole and memory, the memory hole, this information, you can't even find it. You know, the one guy, um, I send some information out to other folks. There was a guy who had like hacked into government computers and found information about alien spaceships and whatnot. And he's in England and he's got like Asperger's disease or something like that. And, you know, they've been trying to ship him out to the U S also, um, it's, it's really sad. So, so I tend to believe that there's stuff out there. So the question, you know, we put together, I put together alien agenda site, you know, and with the podcast and you know, I've agreed and I'm very interested in, matter of fact, we were talking of mutually about this. I'm looking forward to seeing what you get in Allen lake, because I want to be one of the first to post this stuff and analyze it. We're going to analyze this stuff together, you know, using the scientific method. Um, what do you think this is going to go, Ron? W R w I like to hear also, what do you think this is going to go? Well,
Ron Watkins:Hopefully those scientists that are sitting on the data that they're not allowed to publish. Right. We'll, we'll send him the data and then we can all have a look at it and perhaps they'll scrubbed their name off it, so they don't get in trouble. Right. But yeah, or, or not, I mean,
Tony Teora:A little bit while there's no aliens and nobody, but the problem is going to be this. Like I worked for the government before. Okay. And these guys are gonna have like, like very strong. They even use the word NDA. Non-disclosure, it's worse than a, non-disclosure a lot of these things. They, they'll just going to throw you in jail. If you disclose any state secrets right
Chad McKinney:Now, death assessed, I think is what it stands for. When you get to that level. I
Tony Teora:Read, I read one. I don't even know if I'm allowed to talk about it. Some probably shouldn't, but I'm going to tell you a lot of, I think I can say, as I said, holy, is this even legal? You know, you know, I mean like, and I'm like, well, it. I want it the money. So I signed it, you know, but, um, you know, so what I, what I wonder is is what a researcher, you know, is out there and say, for example, they get, um, an artifact say it's a crashed, you know, flying saucer. We'll use the word Saltzer and it's got, say, you know, anti-gravity propulsion, it's got three engines and, and whatnot. And it's got a special material that it uses to create, you know, anti-gravity fields or whatever you want to call. And the guy's got designs on this and he puts it out, uh, and we get it right. So we, we post this stuff, like we analyze it. And then we say, you know what? It was, I'm a few credits, short physics degree in a math degree, you know, I was liked physics. And that doesn't mean that I know Jack about this stuff, but we'll talk to people who do you know, and we'll analyze this and we'll say, holy, this is anti-gravity right. The professor, the professors that we spoke to anonymously, who, you know, were in hiding and they say, yeah, this is anti-gravity man. And we post anti-gravity right on our website, be posted. Right. And it's irrefutable, you know, and it's new technology. What, what, what, I have some ideas, but I want to hear your, your thinking. I want to hear the other folks thinking too. How does this help humanity?
Ron Watkins:Uh, did you want me to riff on that or,
Tony Teora:Oh, you know what Hayes Chad. Oh, I have a question for you, other guys. So Chad and Hayes, do you think, do you think that if we post cause I'm doing it, I mean, like I already made the decision, so maybe I'll change my mind if you guys can convince me to change my mind. Maybe, maybe, maybe, you know, but, um, do you think that posting information about alien technology is going to help humanity or screw it up?
Ron Watkins:I think it's going to touch base with some people, but in the day and age, where anybody with any common sense or I would call it uncommon sense nowadays. Um, the question information that they're finding online. So you're going to have people that buy into it and believe it. And especially if you have a reputable source, um, but you're still going to have, you know, a large group of people that are going to mock you and stuff still, even though, as we said earlier, the government doesn't and people don't think that UFO's exist, but the military is finally starting to admit that there's things out there that they don't have control over and they don't know who's controlling them. Um, so that's a tough one. I mean, I think it's awesome to have a site similar to WikiLeaks, WikiLeaks, where people can put that information in and they can, uh, you know, put it, I think we have ex-military, don't have to identify themselves. And then you take it with a grain of salt. You, you know, other, not, you believe, you know, the information there and how believable it is. And, you know, you're hoping to have people are going to question it and think it's.
Tony Teora:Right. But, but if he put out a chat, I want to ask you a question, because this is related to your, your brain, which doesn't work as a normal human being. Um, you know, um, you know, you're familiar with like the Brookings report that said that people weren't ready for UFO's or aliens. Yeah. So, I mean like, do we have people ready for this? Like if we put a picture, say for example, of a true, you know, ITI or electrical, you know, an extra test of biological entity, which is what I think people call them EBS, um, a true picture or, or, you know, a picture of a UFO that's flying, or we actually get scientific information that says, look, we've done studies. These, these beings are like, you know, clone robots, they don't eat food. They absorb, you know, their energy from the air. They're kinda like a tour full in your skin. You know, all this interesting technology. We talk about this stuff. I mean, it's just going to share, scare the out of people. I mean, like OMI and Ron gonna like destroy the world, you know, that's what I want to know. I just want to know that before I destroy the world,
Chad McKinney:You'll have the green light before you hit that red button. Well,
Tony Teora:You know, I already hit the red button. I'm going to do it anyway because I'm a science fiction guy. So I'll just say it's all science fiction when it's probably real, but you know, so she'll try and help me out. You're like my psychologist, I've said this on the other show, I needed somebody like you to kind of like, keep me straight. So mentally know in, in a straight line here. So tell me, am I nuts? Or, or is this going to help society? Well,
Chad McKinney:I mean, those are irrelevant. You're for sure nuts. But I do, like, I'd say, I'd say a couple of different things on it. One, um, I feel like it depends on who you're asking, because you mentioned like, will it screw everything up? And it, you know, if you look at the world right now where we have it
Tony Teora:All, like it's not screwed up now. Right? Exactly.
Chad McKinney:But for those people who are wielding control, then you'll screw it up for them, for sure. Cause it will at least bring some things into question for those who are acquiescence acquiescing to that authority. Um, but in terms of like where people will go from here, it depends, you know, like I was just reading 1984 recently and I liked the one mantra. Um, the most important pillar is to reject any, any truth with your eyes and ears first and foremost, it's not that like that, you know, you can post whatever the hell you want to on there and people are gonna make of it what they want to
Tony Teora:You can't post anymore. You know, Facebook, all them Instagram. I mean like this is going to be a cancer culture. I think at least two of you guys have been canceled already. Right? I mean like, you know, can you really post it? What you want? Is that true?
Ron Watkins:You've been banned a couple of times. Okay. Well, we can get into that later, but I want to add real quick if you don't mind that the big thing, the big scare about, um, how people would accept it. Um, an alien, um, presence was always, um, the, the whole religion thing. It was always said that that's going to scare religions. People will go crazy. They can't handle it because if they're highly religious, it's going to throw all that out the door and people mass suicides and yada yada, yada. But it was about eight, 10 years ago. I think the Vatican, someone from the Vatican started saying that, you know, possibly they could be, you know, God's creation can be the universe and there could be more, um, creatures up there. They're all part of God's plan. So they've been slowly but surely trying to, I think, get people ready that are religious. So it's not a major shock that everything they believe is okay. So getting back.
Tony Teora:So let me ask you, you know, like, so related to the Brooklyn's report, I think that's what is used by a lot of these people to say, we can't tell people is like in the 1960s or whatever that, you know, we tell everybody they're all gonna freak out. We're gonna lose religion. Countries are gonna, so do you, what do you think? I mean, I heard that more than 50% of the people already believe in this stuff. Right. And the government's just basically hiding. I think they're hiding. It is basically for military, you know, programs and control the population. I think, you know, the people in power, people in power, like being in power and they like having a bunch of slaves work and, and if the slaves wake up, they might start asking questions. Right. You know? And so, so I think that unless you like, like an advance advancement in technology does not mean that you're an advanced society. You can have a kids with like hand grenades and guns and samurai swords that are like eight, nine and 10 year olds and six year olds and they're gonna kill each other. Right. I mean, that's just because they have advanced technology, they got cars and they got bombs and they got buttons. The nuclear bombs doesn't make that six to seven, eight year old group of kids, a bunch of geniuses that can run the world. Right. And if you start giving, you know, major technology to humanity, which I think has already happened, I think it's been stolen and, and, and deals have been made to be Frank. And it's going to sound completely crazy. And I don't think humanity really is evolved enough to use the technology. I think, I think actually having this technology from aliens in some ways is going to be very dangerous. I think spiritually, you know, humanity needs to evolve. So like, you know, maybe, maybe like somebody is going to give us a document, say, Hey, what would we do if it wasn't like an anti-gravity device that somebody supplies to suppose somebody said, look, this is a document that alien said related to spirituality and development of ethics and morality that humanity needs to do, but we weren't allowed to post it because they'd kill us. You know, wouldn't that be? Chad, we'll hear from you on this. Wouldn't that be interesting if we actually got something from aliens that wasn't like technology, it was more related to social development. What do you think of that?
Chad McKinney:Well, I think two things, you know, I, there's two things I have to that I I'll fail. I'll finish the second one in a second, but the first is I think it, I think a gun is not dangerous. A gun is basically nothing without the heart of the user, you know? So I think you hit the nail on the head, the spirituality of the person in what they do with that technology is going to determine whether it's a benefit or a detriment to society and humankind and everything else. So I think, you know, working on our own spiritual development and finding what needs to be healed within ourselves will also help to heal that in the world. So I think you really hit the nail on the head. And I th I feel there's some people who are ready to hear it. And there's some people who, whether it comes from an alien or their next door neighbor, or a person on the street or a televangelist or whoever else, you know, they just, it's cognitive dissonance. We've always talked about where people just will do anything in the world to justify their own worldview, including up to, and including leaving their body, uh, for the sake of protection. You know, like sometimes you'll get that, uh, you know, uh, multiple personality disorder, which is now called dissociative identity personality disorder, uh, because the trauma is so evasive or invasive that the person just has to leave because it's too much for the psyche to handle. So I think really, like you saying, like, there's some people who is going to wake up, it's going to inspire. And really the end of the day, the whole world doesn't need to wake up. Just like that. The phenomenon movie we watched, uh, you know, 1% of the entire us pie, the entire world population, if they wake up and, you know, I haven't verified those numbers or not, but you know, it doesn't take much. I mean, if 1% of the population can control this the entire world in many ways, you know, it can go both ways if it can be used for detriment could be used for benefit.
Tony Teora:Well, you know, I agree that's one of his, I like having you on the show, Chad, and we don't do a lot of advertising on this show. So what I do want to mention is, um, you know, you have a book out in San Diego that's like in all the airports that you can buy on Amazon, could you mention the name of that book and, um, how it might relate to this a little bit.
Chad McKinney:Thanks, Tony. Uh, yeah, I appreciate that, man. Um, so the book is called heaven and the, now a journey through mind, body, and soul. And basically it ultimately is something that people can keep in their hand that they can flip through and hopefully use to better lives for a happier, more peaceful, joyful, healthy life. And it breaks down the Castro's reality death or what we think of death, um, identifications, which is ultimately what leads to a lot of our suffering in terms of attachments or expectations, judgments, things of that nature. And then it finishes with, you know, meditation techniques and things of that nature as well. So we can dive deeper into our own wellbeing and take responsibility for our own, our own health.
Tony Teora:Okay. I've read your, I read your book and I already mentioned it before I read your first book, which was a piece of crap. And then I read and I read, and then, and then, and then I read this one and I was just like, okay, who wrote it for you? Nah, no, no, I'm joking. You you've evolved over many, many years as a writer. And I think your book is, is wonderful. And I think that is the kind of spirituality, regardless if it was written by aliens or not, um, you know, that humanity needs to evolve and, you know, um, you know, I'm also a writer and I plugged that on the show to, you know, people can get my books on Amazon by looking for Tony T or my science fiction. I try to throw in some of those, by the way, I appreciate that plug, you know, but I try to throw in spirituality in my books and comedy. So, you know, even though it's science fiction, I always try to throw a little bit in, gotta be careful not to preach in books because people don't want to be preached to, they want to be entertained. So I try to entertain some, you know, my, my smart pills, my smart Bill's book is pretty entertaining. I think it's doing pretty.
Chad McKinney:You do a good, you do a good mixture between the two. Like it stopped provoking it's action, but it's also, you know, you really, you drop knowledge, but in a way that is humorous, but also makes
Tony Teora:You think at the same time. Well, I don't want to, I don't want to be focusing too much on this. I don't want people thinking we're doing like, you know, tons of plugins here, but we don't do any advertising. We try to, uh, support this through, through our books and things like that. So I'm to continue on alien leaks, what you had said earlier, Chad, um, I, you know, I think you're right. I think that like technology is a moral, right. But we need to have a moral society and I don't think we have it. I think our society is a top-down total. Tarion screw up these days. And I, and you know, when it comes to like UFO's and stuff like that, I mean, they asked the other day by president Biden. Okay. Now, um, you know, I don't, I don't, I don't hate Biden. He's our president. And I respect him as president. I think he does say some stump, dumb stuff. I think most presidents upset, a whole bunch of dumb stuff, you know? Um, but the other day was asked about UFO's because Obama got on some TV show and was talking about, does anybody did anybody on this here on the, on the team here? Heard about that? About what happened with Biden.
Ron Watkins:Yeah. Yeah. I saw the interview. Biden's like, oh, why don't you just go, I'm going to go ask about, yeah. Awesome. What do you know about UFO's? He's like, oh, I'm not going to ask about
Tony Teora:It. What is it? Bomb is still his boss. Is that what he thinks? Has he that's seen all that. He's still thinking he's working for Obama. What the hell is going on in America? And I'm not even, Hey, you know, me and Ron aren't even in America, I don't even know where Iran is. He won't tell me where he is. I think it's confidential. But, um, you know, um, but Chad and Hayes, you guys aren't like, like you guys are in San Diego still, right,
Ron Watkins:Right up the hill from Chad.
Tony Teora:Yep. So what the hell is going on in America? Can you guys tell me how things got so up? Sorry. I mean,
Ron Watkins:Just quickly, honestly, I think it has lots of view with the fact that the, the majority of the university you have become extremely, not just left, but permanently extreme liberal extremism. And they've taken, I mean, for Christ's sake, Berkeley was, was moderately. They brought out the whole free speech thing in 1977. They brought it, made Americans aware of look at this unique thing. You have our days, they're the most liberal college. And they're, they're all about suppression and intolerance.
Tony Teora:Well, I don't want, you know, I don't, you know, labels are okay.
Ron Watkins:I honestly, because we're, we're, we're spinning out generation children that aren't going to college and getting perspective from multiple angles and coming up with their own conclusion. They're being told that capitalism is the evil of everything and the conservatives are the devil. Literally.
Tony Teora:No, no, we're getting it. It's okay to get into politics. I don't care what we get into, but what I, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna stay focused on the alien stuff. And I wanted, what I wanted to know was like this cancer culture, man. I mean, like it's just absolutely nuts, right? So
Ron Watkins:There's no freedom of speech anymore. It's either you agree with them or your preacher on the planet. Well, do you know why it's because their ideology is don't stand up to logic. So when you question them on like their core beliefs, they don't have an answer.
Tony Teora:Well, that's the thing. I mean, I mean like,
Chad McKinney:Well, you can end almost any argument with somebody by asking five simple words. How do you know that
Ron Watkins:You can win any argument by asking, are you a racist? No, just, just by, by accusing someone of being in any type of word, people use words is, is a way to end the logical dialogue. And then they think they win. They think they've won and they don't get it going to come right back, full circle. Do that again.
Tony Teora:You know what I don't like, I won, like, and that's going to sound crazy. But you know, I wasn't like, like in grammar school, I'd like the science award, you know, there's a big public school and I had a scholarship to prep school. So, you know, part of my brain works and part of it doesn't work very well, you know, and I know that, but you know, I, I love science. Right. And I, and I love freedom and I love, you know, being able to ask a question and, you know, it was interesting. I was watching something on a website called the zero hedge and, and I've been doing my own research. I had been listening to people talk about gain of function research, like in January of 2020. And then, and I looked at it and I even said to some, one of the podcasts, probably vaccination nation or something that me and Chad were on. You know, we're talking about, you know, the virus and vaccines are one of the shows and, you know, I didn't think it was crazy to question me if you have a blue Han lab and that's the main facility for doing all the biological research, you know? And it has a bat woman. Who's like, you know, who's expert in bad viruses. And it just so happens that like, within like 15 kilometers out of all, one of the biggest countries in the world, he turned, it might even be the biggest country in the world probably is, you know, um, you know, geographic and population. I don't know if it's still as population, but geographically it's like the biggest, you know, country and coincidentally, you know, one of one of, you know, and we didn't quit genetically like within 15 kilometers of the place, you know, that's what the virus, you know, gets loose. Right. And everybody's like, oh no, no, there's no possible, you know, you're a racist, you're going against the Chinese. The Italians are trying to hug Chinese that are all in there, you know, and they're saying, oh, you're being racist because you don't have the Chinese. I mean, it's just crazy. Right? Yeah. You
Ron Watkins:Have to be careful with the COVID stuff because we'll get shut down. No, no, the origin doesn't matter. Right. So if it came from a lab, it doesn't matter if it came naturally, it doesn't matter. It came from that wet market. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. What matters is that it was used as a weapon. Yes. It was not developed or it may or may not have been developed as a weapon, but it was certainly used as one. So, uh, you, you have to look at this, uh, this whole gain of function stuff is just, uh, a limited hangout there they're giving you. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Maybe it was leaked from a lab or there's lab external or whatever. But what they're trying to cover up is that it was used as a weapon. So if you, if you remember back to January, 2020, the Chinese shutdown, all their domestic flights to and from, but they kept all of their international flights from Ohio and all, all of the planes, all of the planes leaving who had like going for the states or going for Europe, the countries are complaining. Why are you sending these planes here? And, you know, trying to said, what are you racist or you're racist for not further. So the world got, got played, everybody got social engineered, nobody wants to be racist. So they let the plague into their countries. Isn't that great. But China doesn't China doesn't have a problem because they shut down their entire domestic. They know exactly what they're doing. So they used it as a weapon. It might or might not have been developed as one, but it was certainly used as a weapon.
Tony Teora:Interesting. That's very, you know, I, I didn't really think that deep on that, you know, I, I was like annoyed that, you know, that people were shutting down like zero hedge and shutting down any discussions on, on where it came from. But you've thought deeper, Ron, the fact that they allowed international flights, but they blocked internally means that they knew that it was dangerous. And, and you know what, another thing that they, that they did that I thought was interesting because around January, cause I'm like little bit paranoid. I was in the us in like January of 20, 20. I knew was happening. I wanted to home Depot, like, um, you know, cause I had my, my brother-in-law passed away and I was in New Jersey and you know, I'm like, you know, Carrie, you're number one worldwide because you know, I travel for business and everything else, you know? And um, you know, I knew I was going to get the thing. So, but I was in California and I was trying to buy mass and I was trying to buy N 95 because I did my research like a regular mass doesn't really do Jack. It might help a little bit.
Ron Watkins:I not happy the Chinese, they put out their feelers and they had every single Chinese exchange student in the entire world by all the[inaudible],
Tony Teora:That's what I was going to say. I went in there and I said, where are the end? 95 minutes? And they're like, oh, we had some weird people come in. And they bought, they bought them all up and I found the one go. So
Ron Watkins:It's not just, they sent his virus out. They also discharge your ability to fight it.
Tony Teora:Yes. So you couldn't get the N 95 mask. So I went out and I asked him, they said people are buying the mask. And then I did a little research online and I saw that it looked like Chinese were buying them. And I'm like, what the? So I actually found one home Depot that like was probably, you know, far enough away to people. Haven't their, their SWAT team hadn't gotten there. And I bought like, you know, 20 and 95 masks. And that's what I was using. And people at me like, I'm nuts, I'm wearing on, on the flights using mass, you know, the N 95. And I'm like, I ain't using the regular mask because they don't really work. And, and, and so, but the problem is you can pass out in the end 95. So eventually, you know, I was in Costco and they're looking at me strange because I'm wearing an N 95 mask, you know, and I took it off and I ended up catching the virus, you know, eventually, you know, but, um, you know, wow. They bought all the masks. So, so, you know, I mean, I know we've gotten off, off, off a little bit here and that's okay. Um, but this, but you know, you can't even get that information. Like why doesn't the public know this? Why don't why, because we're doing so much business with China, right? What the hell is?
Ron Watkins:No, because you're racist for talking about it. Nobody wants to be a racist. Well, one
Chad McKinney:Thing too, I think is important to distinguish too, is like, it's not like all of China's and on it, you know, it's still, it's still just like a couple people in the head up government, uh, who would be in on something like that, who were all still in bed with a lot of other heads,
Ron Watkins:Look, look back to January 20, 20. Uh, Trump had a China in the corner and he, uh, he was trying to end the, the, uh, the economic war that was going on. And he got like China to sign like a truce paper or whatever. We're trying to like, recognize that they lost the economic war. And then two weeks later, the virus hits and things go crazy. At the end of the day, China wins. China won the war because look, look at their economy, their companies booming. And everybody else is like still sitting in their homes, like scared of this, this virus and digital, the, the influences like basically you down to zero now. So nobody's getting influence of it. Apparently everybody's getting COVID.
Chad McKinney:I think that's interesting too, though, with like, I think there was some misdiagnosis there, um, for that, when you look at
Tony Teora:The numbers between the years,
Ron Watkins:It has to do with the cycles that they ran on on the PCR test, they know that if they run over 35 cycles, which was common, was 40 cycles, and it's going to give me a pause, false, false,
Tony Teora:Positive. So, so why the hell, what I want to know is like, you know, okay, so Ron, you know, this information, I know a little bit, I didn't know as much as you knew about this, I've heard about the PCI cycle PCR cycles, because I spoke to a, you know, a, a person who worked in, uh, you know, in the biological medical industry, you know, pharmaceutical industry in San Diego, cause it's a big biotech town. And she told me the same thing. She said, all this is, but she can't talk about it. Cause she doesn't want to lose a job. I'm like, what the you. So everybody's so this is so like when it comes to our Aly leaks, right? Or where do we want to post? It seems like, why is the, why is Facebook, Google and all them in cahoots to keep this stuff. Now, now they're rewriting is kind of like 1984. I read an article about one of these sites that was saying how it wasn't Wu Han and anybody was nuts. And now they're re editing the article that they wrote years ago, trying to sound like more like unbiased. I mean, people were getting shut down. Zero heads got shut off of like Twitter because they had an article about this. But then now everybody's talking about it being well. So related to cancer culture and not being able to print out the truth anymore. I mean, you know who these fact-checkers are like. Checkers are more like, you know, government conformity, checkers. Do you conform to our, you know, our position in government, if not, I mean, United the world, the world is screwed. United States I think is screwed. I mean, I mean, I think we're going to have a hard time getting this alien leaks information out. I mean, like, I think they're going to block it.
Ron Watkins:Well, uh, George Orwell, I'm pretty sure wrote 1984 as a warning, but it turned into a how to guide and, uh, about, uh, about alien leaks. Like it's gonna be D platform. It's going to be attacked. Look at Julian, its origin in the he went through and his website was taken down. And when that didn't work, the attacks credibility, and when that's in work, they just throw him in jail. And, uh, you, you remember a few years ago, like half the internet shutdown, I think it was in October, 2019 or maybe 2016, October, October, 2016. I believe, uh, the entire internet went down for like six hours or something. And that was like, not long after joining us, Andrea was like properly arrested. So my, my theory on that is, uh, that he was his dead man switch. That was, uh, supposed to go off at that time. Maybe he was tortured and told him, yeah, it's going to go off at this time in this method, but I can't stop it. So what they do, they shut down the entire internet for like half a day. And then, yeah. And then if you think about like, what would possibly be in his insurance files? Like he was throwing shade about everything. He had all these leaks and stuff and he wasn't afraid to put anything out there, but he had, I think his insurance files where the alien in UFO disclosure files, that's my opinion. And he sat up, he sat on it because that is the real power
Tony Teora:Ron Leisha questions. Then you have another server on your, one of your sites where he had like a mirrored site over there. I'm just kidding. Oh no, no. Just joking rod just jog. He tweeted, he tweeted
Ron Watkins:About, uh, about my site a couple of times, uh, with alien leaks. So we're going to hopefully get stuff that's on
Tony Teora:There. I, I agree. I think we will. The issue quite well. They're doing that now, the government. So what is this, what do you think the government I'm going to ask the whole team here? Why do you think the government is now finally got like Biden being asked about UFO's you got show saying, you know, that, you know, like finally do they've agreed that they got there. They're looking at, I mean, look, we, I know working, you know, working in wa well, not disclosing anything, but I mean, like I know from like technologies that the, the military has, would, you know, phase the V Ray radar and all this other and satellites and all kinds of crap, you know, the alien technology is pretty good, all, but not all of it in my opinion can be cloaked if you know what I mean? So it gets picked up on various, you know, radars and systems and whatnot and visual and infrared and things of that nature. I mean, the aliens are smart, but they haven't, some of them aren't smart enough to hide completely in my opinion. So my
Ron Watkins:Opinion on that is that it's, it's probably internet conventional and maybe they're operating like the fifth dimension or something. And then they're just like poking through tart dimension play around and then there's
Tony Teora:Yeah. Why is it government talking about it now? They don't need to, I mean, okay. So
Ron Watkins:My, my opinion on that, sorry, I've got so many things,
Tony Teora:Please. That's why you're the co-host and that's why you're on the dance show. Go ahead. Uh,
Ron Watkins:My, my opinion on that is, and it's just an opinion because there was no proof, it's just a hypothesis at this point, but, uh, the government is, uh, letting us know that they know that there's something there that they don't really know what it is. Right. But this is it's, it's a limited hangout. So they're giving us a little bit of information to satiate the curiosity, but they're hiding the majority of the information. So they might tell you, oh, there's these tic-tac click spaceships that fly at 20,000 miles an hour. And like can turn on a dime and fight through water and space and air without slowing down. But what they're, what they're not telling you is about is the five dimensional mothership that's hovering over the world right now that you don't see, but is there no, what, what if we get the documents that proves the five dimensional mothership is there, right. And like looking at everything all at once, like omnipresent, that, that would freak some people out if it was proven. And if there's documents about that, and if we get those documents, that would be pretty intense. So, so
Tony Teora:Haze, you, you you've been researching this for how many years?
Ron Watkins:Um, geez. I don't know. I've been, I've been trying to do the C5 stuff since I was five. And
Tony Teora:In between, in between, in between smoking weed and singing in the rock and roll band and hanging out with your pretty wife, you know, how many, how many years have you spent on this?
Ron Watkins:Um, geez, probably most of my life I've been into, um, aliens, archeology, humanity.
Tony Teora:Um, you think, do you think Ron, do you think they think Ron's right. Think that they are only giving us a little bit or did I give you well, of course.
Ron Watkins:So, so going back to Admiral Byrd, um, there's been presence in an Arctica of UFO, supposedly, and some of the big WikiLeaks, um, points to, um, the USA and other countries, possibly it could be at war with extra tourists,
Tony Teora:Just talking about this UFO.
Ron Watkins:Yeah. That's part, that's part of, some of the Wiki leaks. Um, UFO files is, is the government being involved in a war with, um, at least one race, um, in Antarctica. And there's been many stories about how there's races been living there. Um, and then there's also other stories of there's multiple races that come and go, and then some are evil and some are good. And throughout humanity and religion is in, in ancient history is another one of the things I've always been into, because I think there's a little bit of truth in all religions, um, pertaining to
Tony Teora:Let me tell you something interesting about religion, that I, a lot of people probably don't know, and this is going to sound really crazy, but that's why it's called a show, crazy curious minds. But, um, I always, you know, it was involved or interested, you know, in this alien, um, topic. So, um, people know Isaac Newton, right. You know, he's the one that always showed the apple falling from the tree. And, you know, he studied the laws of motion and, and whatnot. But a lot of people don't know is that Isaac Newton spent probably close to half the rest of his half of his life. Right. On religion. Did you know that? No. Yeah. I could read a little bit about that. It's been weird. Well, when you think a scientist like Isaac Newton and it's not been published really most of it, and I think there's a reason for it. He actually studied the ancient, um, you know, Hebrew texts of the Bible and whatnot, and was studying that stuff. He actually believes that a lot of that stuff that is going to sound way off, but it's still related to alien and alien leaks. I think it could be an alien leak actually, that he swore that, that in the Bible that you could get information about time travel, that this book was not created like this, these texts were created basically from extra terrestrials. So, but that's never really been out. So I think that anybody listening or anybody, you know, even you guys will be interested later on, you should just be, I'm going to do a little research if I found, I found that to be, to be very interesting. So, so Hayes, I, I agree with you. I, I, um, I and Ron too, I think that there are only, I I'm I'm I'm, I mean, it only makes logical sense, right? That they're only giving us what little bit they want to give us,
Ron Watkins:Because there's because there's stories that, that since, um, the Roswell crash and after that, there's a couple of other ones that happened around the world where we've gotten this technology and done reverse engineering. And that's where the whole possibility of the fake alien wars come in. I mean, come on, think about if we're at war with another alien race, would they really need to come here? Well, even if they're a hundred years advanced a thousand million, they were nefarious and they had to various reasons.
Tony Teora:Let's just say, I just say chat. The best thing they
Chad McKinney:Could do is launch a virus. Right?
Ron Watkins:Exactly. That'd be the easiest thing they could do, and they can do it with drones. Very simple. They would not have to come here and physically be involved with us. But, but, but there's the thing where, um, there were supposedly, uh, WikiLeaks released some information approving that, uh, there's technological races in an article. And that's why there's a presence there from not only the United States, but it was Germany early on and Russia. And, um, you and I can't tell you that. Yeah, no.
Chad McKinney:Yeah. I was researching some stuff on Antarctica. It's very interesting. It's very interesting. After, like you said, an Robert and decorate decorated, uh,
Tony Teora:We know it, but, uh, uh, that John Kerry, I think went there recently. Um, yeah. Oh yeah.
Ron Watkins:John Kerry, there there's been some prominent people that have money that have gone there and there's, you know, and I'm sure you've heard about the pyramids
Tony Teora:There and there's, uh, national, not recently, I'm an ex astronaut went there also. I forgot his name, but, um,
Ron Watkins:And also real, real quick, real quick, you know, what most people don't realize is Antarctica is larger than the United States. And they say, it's approximately about as big as the United States and Mexico, when you're looking at it on a map you put in Antarctica or United States or Antarctica, there's, there's millions. There's tons of space. I mean, it's huge. It's a lot bigger than people think. It's not just a little rocket at the south pole. Right.
Tony Teora:So I think aliens, I, yeah,
Chad McKinney:Well, they got LA, they got lava lakes and stuff like that up there absolutely
Ron Watkins:Underneath, which is Addie to the melting on one end where the ice is gaining on the other end of the continent. And people think that it's just a small rock that's melting there because they've been lied to and
Tony Teora:Misled. Well that that's the case. You know, alien leaks is going to be like in big trouble because we're going to, I think, I think people are going to start posting stuff. I hope that we don't get in big trouble. I hope that we're able to, um, you know, put, well, I want, I want to, I think that's why you're on the show Hayes, but w you know, my theory on this and I'm going, gonna, I'm going to put a hypothesis on, you know, alien agenda. And I want to talk to Ron, Ron. Cause Ron seems to have a pretty good insight on a lot of this. But if I had to say like, why are people putting out this information? I think it's multifaceted. I think they're just various groups of people in power who want the information. There are probably people like Senator Reed, you know, who wants the information and maybe they weren't getting it all. So they want to put, you know, they want it to get the information. I think there are other people were like saying, we got to put it out to placate some of these politicians, we're just going to put out enough for them to play. Kate. Interesting. Mine became unstable. Huh? Can you guys hear me? Hey, Tony, are you there?
Ron Watkins:Yeah. You're breaking up bad. The aliens are cutting you off wall. Okay. I'm back.
Tony Teora:Probably. So it was going to say, yeah. All right. So getting, getting, getting, getting back. I was going to say it like, you know, Senator really get too much. Well, I won't say clarify what the Senator re read, for example, Senator,
Ron Watkins:Can you please clarify?
Tony Teora:I said, Senator read that and I say his name. Correct. Can you hear it?
Ron Watkins:You're breaking up there.
Tony Teora:Wow. I can't even, I can't even talk now. All right. Well, um, talking about that, well, a lot of talk about that. Let me see if I say seven minutes, you probably should talk more about it. Let me see if I can get re, re see if I can say it again. Senator Reed, did you guys hear that? Good, fine. So I think that there's multiple forces involved. There's government forces, um, trying to get, trying to get information, right. And I think that there's the military and somebody's spy groups that are trying to limit to them what they give these guys. They're just going to give them enough to placate them. They're going to try to give enough just to placate the population. Um, and they're going to hide most, uh, most of the big. And I think the big is, is that, that, that, you know, that people say, oh, you know, you know, they're gonna, they're gonna use this to get money, or they've got some old agenda. I actually think they do have a lot of these folks have ulterior motives, but there's different forces at play. So the military industrial political complex that whole and security, whatever you want to call it. So if I go military industrial security, political complex, that's in place, that's, you know, out there to can control the media and that want the money for the military. I think some of these people are their pants and I, and here's what they, they recovered without a doubt, you know, um, you know, crafted Roswell. There's no question in my mind about that. They've also recovered dead bodies there. Um, they've also at some point in time recovered, live bodies, but they weren't able to keep them live for very long. And they weren't able to do a great job at communicating with these guys because they're mostly telepathic. And so they, you know, so they had a lot of problems and, and, and the other problem is, is that they it's an alien, it's an alien, it's an alien culture. And this is all hypothesis based upon tons of books and readings and things that I've done. So, you know, I could be completely wrong, but I also suspect that the technology they'd been reverse engineering, engineering, it, you know, you can hear this through Bob Lasar and they've had a lot of problems. You know, these somebodies aliens, they made deals and they got technology and they can't completely figure out all the. They could figure out a lot of it. But what I think has happened is it's, it's gotten over their heads now. Um, the aliens that they were working with died, um, there's less and less that want to work with the corrupt, you know, planet earth and, and there's other alien forces that they have no clue what the hell is going on. And they, and they won't communicate with them. So, so I think that, you know, people are and so they want money for the space force. I think that's one of the reasons why the space force was created. And I think they're going to try to use a little bit of fear with these new programs that they're going to talk about, and they're going to disclose the information, they get money. And, and is it going to advance the human race? It'll advance those in power to get more power. And I don't think necessarily it's going to advance the human race. I think the only way you can raise is going to advance is by, is by a small segment of them. Um, waking up, becoming more spiritual, getting rid of this, cancel culture and getting freedom and Liberty back. And I don't know, you know, I'm hoping, I'm hoping that this alien leaks can wake people up, that people will say, holy, they've been lying to us about this. What else did they lie to us about? You know, and people start to wake up and make a better government. That's my hope. I mean, I could be wrong, but that's, you know, I don't know what you guys think. You know, you think alien, I'm wondering if analytics is going to put me and Ron in jail, you know, that's what I'm wondering. Well, uh, here,
Ron Watkins:Let me explain something to you really quick about that. Okay. On December three, 2010 Jolena songs did a, to like a press conference where he announced that he's going to publish files on aliens. And UFO's no way, no, no, no, wait, not done. That was December three, 2010, right. He announced it December eight, 2010, he was arrested by the British. And that began his whole, like, uh, his whole like, uh,
Tony Teora:Incarceration is whole life of incarcerated for four
Ron Watkins:Days after he knows he's going to talk about UFO's is when all that started.
Tony Teora:So I want to know how much longer I got for fame. So when is this alien looks like it's going up in four days I'm going to have,
Ron Watkins:I'm going to try to have it up today. I was going to have it up last night, but, uh, Brendan, some technical difficulties and then Cod sidetracks talking with some legal counsel. And then, uh,
Tony Teora:So are you saying we only got like another four hours of freedom? Four days, four days, four days, four days. They
Ron Watkins:Got, they got Julian in four days after his announcement that he's going to talk about your phone. So
Tony Teora:We've got four days. Jesus. That's why I
Ron Watkins:Think those insurance files were about, well, do we have any insurance files?
Tony Teora:Hey, Hey, Hey Chad, can you fly out here and help me if I get in trouble, I got you. Okay. Do what they did to like, what's his name? Nissan, you know, Carlos, don't put me into like a little like music box and fly me out of here. Cause I'm getting nervous. It'll be, well, no, one's going to believe us. Hopefully Ron, like, I mean, you know, they'll read these, you know, but you know, these UFO files and then, you know, who knows, who knows here's, here's something strange. Maybe we're protected by aliens. Think about that. Maybe, maybe they want this stuff out and anybody trying to go after this is going to be in big trouble. Wouldn't that be funny? I like that. You like that? Wouldn't that be funny? Well, we'll see what happens, but it's quite
Ron Watkins:Ironic that the very last press conference I ever did as a free man was talking about, uh, alien disclosure.
Tony Teora:That is mind boggling. That is mind-boggling. Wow. That is unbelievable. Which also makes me a little bit nervous considering the, at four days you're putting this thing out, Rhonda. Well, you know, it's coming up today. I try to get up. Oh boy. But, but it's gonna take them four days to get here. So you know what, I, I hope the aliens, like when, when they send, like they sent a guy out the flight, like we got to go after Ron and Tony. Right. I hope they like, and the guy goes, you know, it's a safe thing to do, you know, we're dealing with aliens, but don't worry. They're not going to bother you. And as soon as the guy gets in his car, like the power goes off in the car, you know, you know, like, they're, they're going to think that like, what the hell did Tony and Ron do they own like, it's Tony still controlling those military satellites that he like Zappas would one of those satellites,
Ron Watkins:You know? Well, you know, after I heard the news that the CIA has like remote controls in the vehicles, uh, and they use that like to kill people. Uh, I bought a fully manual by car as manual as it possibly gets, like everything is, uh, it's like the eight, 10 warthogs cars. Like, uh, I don't have any, or I don't have many computer systems and certainly nothing that can control it. Right. You know, survive an EMP then. Uh, yeah. Yeah. I'm pretty sure it's a mid seventies vehicle. You have to have, I've got a reissue of mid seventies vehicle. So it's like, uh, they just had an air bags too,
Tony Teora:Dude. That's so smart. That is so smart. But you know, I was going to say, Ron, you know, Joe, you know, we joke on the show to try and have a little bit of humor because you know, who wants it? Who wants to die? Like sad. Right. When they, when they shoot us at the laser beam from the satellite. But what I was going to say is, you know,
Ron Watkins:Oh, you mean like in the, the last Christmas?
Tony Teora:Yeah. But like the, the, the, um, joking aside, there was a reporter and I forgot what story he was working on, but like, his car like drove like at a hundred miles an hour and rammed into like a tree and exploded, you know? Yeah. And I could probably post, I mean, I make posts, I'm trying to post on alien agenda that I have my site up. It's not completely done yet. So anybody looking at it, you know, maybe by the, this probably by the time this goes live, but it still needs some work. But, um, there was a guy who, you know, people were investigating this, did he seem like he was trying to post off on, I don't know, Iraq or something, but you know, you know, if you think about it here, it's a really simple premise, right? If you're a spy agency or in a military, cause I've worked for the military and this is not like a secret, but if something is theoretically possible, you have people in think tank room says, you know, they they're, they're the ends justify the means and they don't give a. They're like, well, you know, if a car's got a computer, right? Guess what? We can hack into it. And if we can control the steering and we can control the brakes, we can drive the car off the bridge. You know what I mean? And or off the road or into a tree or, you know, or we can overheat the engine, it'll explode. And if you've got like Tesla batteries that are like, you know, haven't been changing and get your software update, maybe the batteries will explode and kill you in the car. You know, you know what I mean? I mean, so, so you know, this is I can guarantee you it's there it's because once again, we're not spiritual beings. You know, we're not ethical, you know, ends justify the means. So, you know, you really want to give people like the, you think the aliens really want, you know, any decent alien, the only aliens that are given technology to America or any country are the ones that are up that you can't trust. So guess what happens when you're dealing with up aliens, you can't trust, they do up stuff that you can't trust them. Then you're like, holy, we've got to disclose this to everybody. We need a space for us. And we got a war against aliens. We shouldn't have been dealing with
Ron Watkins:The funny thing about us. Tony, do you think there's multiple factions currently? For
Chad McKinney:Sure. For sure. For sure. Definitely
Ron Watkins:No doubt. Some more nefarious than others. Some that are there obviously too trusting and gullible some benevolence. Absolutely. Yeah.
Tony Teora:And some that are too smart to have anything to do with planet earth. So, you know, seriously, I think there, I think in the universe, there, there is mostly because it's evolution, right? If you look at like, like lakes throughout planet earth, you'll see that evolution works very similar to even, there'll be a lake hasn't been attached to another lake. The fish grow very similar. They're not the same exact fish. You have FUBU fish here that I don't want to eat. Cause they have neurotoxins in them, but usually taste pretty good. But you run the risk of dying. Um, you've got, you know, like in New Jersey, you've got blue fish and, you know, salmon throughout the world, Fisher fish all over all over earth, but they're, they've all, you know, I think differently. I don't think they were from the same, you know, group, you know, but, and I also believe that aliens, um, in order to travel, you know, to earth and whatnot, whether it be interdimensional travel or whether it be, um, you know, creating a warm hole or, or just using a device, that's close to the speed of light and they just waste all that time coming here. I mean, it doesn't take a lot of time, but when they go home, millions of years will pass or whatever, you know, there are different levels of technology. And, and I think there are different levels of aliens. And I think that the couple of rules, a couple of simple rules, they're usually, probably not so nefarious that they, if they were, they would have wiped themselves out or they be at constant war and that's unstable, you know, it's kinda like having a piece of garbage in the road. You know, you drive people drive over it for a while, but it's not stable to have that garbage in the middle of the road. It eventually gets blown to the side of the rope. And that's how I think, um, alien intelligence works. There's some that are corrupt and evil. Like humanity is right now, in my opinion, we're like the garbage in the middle of the road. And if we're not careful, we're just going to get run over and destroyed, you know, or we're going to have to move to the side, you know, or we're going to have to become part of that road and become more harmonious, you know, with the galaxy. And we're just not there yet. So if we were only dealing, it's like who you are, who your friends are. So humanity is not in my opinion, very spiritual. So therefore it only, it's only dealing with really low level non-spiritual entities and the ones that are spiritual probably sound like super aliens. They don't want to deal. And there was an interesting thing that I read and I don't know if it's true, but it's very interesting. 1954, they say that Eisenhower, um, met, we were able to meet with like two with a group of aliens. And, um, it was said that that group said to him that we would like to help you guys out. Um, we want to have like communication and, and whatnot and, and work together. But the military was there and they're like, wow, you got spaceships. You know, you can fly into galactically. And they're like, yeah, they're like, we want the tech. We would like to start looking at that technology. Can you give us technology? And we'll give you like, you know, some bases on earth or whatever, and nail and to like give us basis on earth, you know, for technology, you know, like they didn't. So they'll like, like, well, we'll give you technology, but we, we got a process for that would your type of species. And they're like, oh cool. Can we sign the process documents? You know, no, like, yeah, you gotta go through, we got to go through these few steps and then we'll give you the technology. And I'm like, oh, okay. Um, what's the quickest we can get these steps done. They're like, well, according to our scientists, humanity is going to take about, well, uh, two, 300 years. And they're like, what? We gotta wait two, 300 years to get the technology. And they're like, yeah, you guys are too up. And not in those exact words, you're going to have to like, prove
Chad McKinney:To yourself. I'm sorry.
Tony Teora:Oh yeah. Well, I'm translating for you guys. You know, I'm just trying, I'm just trying to translate, but you know, but you know, what they didn't say was that they were dealing with these little grays from Roswell and they had some technology from there, whether it was from the stuff and I'm like, it. We don't need it. We're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're going to get the technology from somebody else or some other way. And they're like, well, you guys shouldn't really be working on technologies. We really working on your spiritual development, but like, get the outta here. You hippie hippie aliens will shoot you. You know, if you don't get out of here.
Ron Watkins:Well, speaking, speaking about shooting aliens. So, you know, the video that, the videos that the Pentagon is putting out right, where they're like tracking these tic-tac is tic-tac ships here in San Diego. That was right off the bat. We're chatting. Well, the military is getting, uh, they're getting missile, like lock ons, or they're getting a lock on with that. Cause they're using the weapons systems to, to follow these ships. Why, why aren't they shooting a missile? I think once they lock on they're making maneuvers that just blow their minds even more. I mean, yeah. So what else go ahead Hayes. Remember the, um, the war of Los Angeles or whatever it was and where, where there was a UFO sighting, uh, drew world war two. I think it was, and we had Santa Monica or wherever it was in near LA. They shot so many weapons at this UFO with the bright lights on everything they felt were being invaded by Japan or whatever. Um, and it caused huge damage. And then they tried to brush underneath the rug later on. Um, we, we have stuff that can damage their vehicles. Honestly. I, I think it's a waste of time trying to use modern, you know, our chillers. So that means they've tried it and failed.
Tony Teora:I got, I got, I got, I got a better answer.
Chad McKinney:No, let's try it go. You go first please. No, if you, if you, uh, are you familiar with deep thoughts? The Jack Andy thing, uh, on SNL skit, it talk about the spirituality and everything. It just reminded me of, uh, jokey had where he said, it's just says, um, aliens might not be ready to give us the secrets to the universe because they think we're not ready, but maybe they'll change their tune after a little torture.
Tony Teora:Well, that's true. I'm going to, I'm going to tell you why, why they stopped shooting at, um, well, I shouldn't say stop, but let, I'm gonna tell you why, what I think from what I, what I read. And this is where speculation, the reason why you asked whether they, why didn't they, they did, they have shot at these UFO's and it's not just the United States. Russia. I think Iran and multiple countries have shot at these UFO's. And guess what happened in most cases? Nothing. Well, the weapons shut down. No, in some cases it was worse than nothing. The plane that was shooting at them sometimes disappeared
Chad McKinney:All really and sometimes,
Tony Teora:And hold on, hold on. Not only did they disappear, sometimes they blew up. Okay. And I'm going to tell you, I'm going to tell you something it's that I haven't never really told anybody, and I'm going to mention this and it's not, there's no security clearance related to this. I used to teach computer science on the military. Okay. And I, I, um, I also did some other consulting, but, but at the time I was doing, you know, literally I was really honestly only teaching computer science and I was out on the military ship and I had friends that were in, you know, you know, they, they have these rooms that, you know, do phase the Ray Raider and all this other war rooms. And, um, and I've, you know, we had, we had, we had CNN on the ship and we had, we were doing like military exercises and two planes. And I got multiple verifications. As two planes went out to do some maneuvers. They were flying together. And one like swerved right? In one like swerve left. Now I can't say that it was a UFO or what happened at the time, because I couldn't get the information, but something happened. And that plane literally disappeared from radio radar. Okay. We went out for days looking for that airplane for damage, because they assumed that the radar either screwed up or the plane blew up because, you know, we need to disappear from radar using means that the particles are too small to be seen on a radar. I mean, usually radar can pick up things like a plane blowing up, you know, cause usually it's particles, it looks like birds or whatever. I'm not a radar expert, but, but I did talk to radar experts. So the, but the plane just actually just disappeared. And we spent
Ron Watkins:When they, when they crash it, after a certain elevation will come on. Right.
Tony Teora:But, but I mean, like it disappeared at a certain altitude. It didn't just like go down and disappear. It just like was there and then gone, gone light. Like it like went into a black hole. So we searched for days. We never found the plane and um, CNN was there for something. And I remember someone talking about, yeah. And I remember somebody talking about something and um, I remember, you know, people saying they can't really talk about what happened. And I, you know, I kept my mouth shut, you know, cause I had some friends there and I think they report, I feel sorry for the family. I really do. They reported that there was an accident and the pilot, you know, was a hero cause he was doing some mission or whatever. But when I, when I saw that, I said, holy. You know, we have planes that just disappear, alpha radar. And we have no evidence, no nothing, no oil slick, no, no nothing. Okay. So that, so adding that to some other information that I got is that, you know, that we have shot at alien, you know, craft and a lot of times the results aren't very good. And you know, so therefore there's an actual order. I think not the shoot after UFO's to not engage alien craft,
Ron Watkins:You can spend it that way for at least 20 years or more now.
Tony Teora:Right. So, so, so I think that we can, if we can get some stuff on alien leaks about the confirm, something like that, Ron, I think that would be big. So, but I think that's just going to scare people. So this is why I think like that whole Brookie support that Chad was talking to Chad about earlier that, you know, I think people are ready, but I think the United States now is like, you know, they're just trying to, they're trying to, like, as you said, Ron, just give a little bit information, placate the population, the people who really know what's going on are definitely not going to want to put out what the hell is going on. And I think that, you know, you and I are probably gonna get a lot of documentation and I think we can be part of the wakening of society, but I don't want like, like, like I said earlier about the anti-gravity stuff, I don't know if I want to post anti-gravity stuff. I don't think we're ready for anti-gravity. So
Chad McKinney:If you look at two, two, I like you're saying on this where people being ready is very interesting. The timing of the leaks recently, you know, for the first ones where they so-called admitted that the, and it got admitted that there's actual leaks and they didn't know what these objects were and all that kind of stuff. Everybody just came out of a, a lockdown for over a year. A lot of people lost friends, family, things of that nature. They had their entire world completely shifted upside down and then got kicked in the butt as it is. They got dropped on their head. Like there, every buddy really just had the rural hand to them and so many different ways, you know, like it was a complete restructure of their inner, an interpersonal relationships completely across the board and a spectrum of all human function. And so everybody is kind of now just like, oh, I can't wait to get back to normal or this is the new normal or things like that. So people being introduced this whole new world now it's such a rapid development and shift and perspective that like people aren't as solidified in what they view have a, as a worldview at this point. So there's good and bad to that one. The good is people may be more open to it because they don't know what the hell to think anymore at this point. Um, and then the other side of it is though, some people just can't take anymore and that might, we like not weed out. Cause I don't think that's the right expression, but that might push some people over the edge. So it's important for other people to have their own mental health practices as well, to where they can stay at peace and remain grounded with themselves. So whatever comes at them, whether it be aliens or another pandemic or, uh, whatever it is, um, good or bad that they're able to remain present in their own lives to make sure they don't just fall into the trap of what could happen. Otherwise,
Tony Teora:Ron walk-ins puts out his WikiLeaks or I guess that was a, that was a subliminal slip here. It is alien leaks or website. Right. And all these people start freaking out. Your business is going to grow. Isn't it. They're going to come to you and say, Chad, please, could you give us some help us?
Chad McKinney:Is that what's going to happen? You're going to get more business. I don't know, man. I, you know, I, I just hope people find it for themselves, man. However, however they seek it out MRI with it, you know,
Tony Teora:What would you do? Well know I'm not trying to be too funny here, but what would you do if you had somebody come into your place and says, I've been watching this stuff on, you know, alien leaks.org and alien agenda.org. I've got all these pictures and oh my God, there's aliens out there and they're working on spaceships and we've got anti-gravity and they're interdimensional and there's multiple beings. And you know, and I'm having a hard time dealing with religion, you know? Um, how are you going to help him as the, is Dr. McKinney, would your Dr. McKinney said, Hey, Dr. McKinney, could you please help me out? What are you going to,
Chad McKinney:What are you going to do? Well, first I won't be licensed even after I'm doctor, but like, why not? Well, I just, uh, I had no interest in it, uh, after the marriage family, child therapy degree, I just, I, I prefer like the coaching route. Cause I like the flexibility of it. Firstly, by will you, well,
Tony Teora:You helped me if I can't handle it anymore, will you help me at least? Could you, at least of at least go to you privately and say, Chad, um, Ron, put some stuff out. Really blew my mind. I can't take it anymore. I mean, I just can't take this anymore. Could you help me out? I always got you covered Tony, but I would, I would say
Chad McKinney:Honestly to any person that counts to me, like that would just be okay, how does that affect you right now? What I'm worried about tomorrow? I'm worried about this and now what did they do that, you know? Okay. But at this moment, right now, does anybody or anything have control of you and just bring people back to their breath. Once we breathe, we can connect to that internal piece. And from there we can make a more aligned decision this in our higher interests, like even like Navy seals, for example, right? Like they engage in box breathing, uh, which would be there's different variations of it. You can change the inhalation, count, excalation, count, things like that and the holes. But you know, an in breath for four seconds, one, two, three, four, you hold for four seconds and then you exhale for four seconds, hold for four seconds and you could change it a multitude of ways. But what that does is it engages the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. So people were ready for fight or flight at that point, but they can make actionable decisions
Tony Teora:When Ron gets like some real evidence. And I get like an alien that I'm going to bring to you who can't take it out on the planet. I'm going to say, look, I got this little alien that can't take living here. One's got this alien, take the alien to you. And you can like try to tell the alien how to survive on planet earth. Is that possible,
Chad McKinney:Man, I'll just, I'll give'em, I'll give them$5,000 coins for a trip out of here.
Tony Teora:So, so haze once, once, once this alien leaks goes up and it, and disclosure is finally done, I think I actually think, and joking aside, I think alien X has the potential, as long as we're not stuck in jail with joined us orange, drinking the same orange juice, um, you know, that, um, that this could really be a site that could actually finally irrefutably put out disclosure. So for someone like you, who's been into UFO's and aliens and all this research for all these years Hayes, if you got irrefutable evidence like an alien leaks and the government said, okay, we give up, you know, who've been involved for, you know, 60, 70 years in his alien. We just don't know what to do anymore. And we're scared. And we don't, you know, we're trying to get money and w we don't know what aliens to deal would in, you know, we made some big mistakes, you know, how would it affect you? You know, as a person who's all these years is, is you're gonna be like, oh, I knew all this already. And is it gonna affect you? Hey, so I'm just curious,
Ron Watkins:Uh, of course it will affect me. I mean, I be only willing to be a part of it and not to say, I told you so, but it gives you a feeling of a lot of people, including the government that were naysayers and they mocked people and they made fun of them, um, for even mentioning UFO's in the past, and then they turn around and now they're starting to admit it, that they're seasoned. They see that there, they can explain. And I think, uh, Ron's timing on this site. I think couldn't be better, especially with the fact that during the COVID with so many people being at home, or people went outside for a walk, more people looked up in the sky, which they normally don't. And I believe I read somewhere that UFO sightings went up around 50 some odd percent since the COVID, because people are actually taking the time to look at the stars, you know, go look at the sky and not be so wrapped up in their world and then come home and just watch TV until they zone out.
Tony Teora:So, so Ron, I want to ask you a question on this show, you know, and I don't mean it to be too sensitive, but, um, you know, I had just put up, you know, our podcast, you know, and I put your name on there and somebody, I don't know who it was told me that like, you know, they saw complainant, maybe it was Chad or somebody that somebody said, oh, you know, he's lying about being Q or whatever. Do you think that, um, you know, your previous role as an administrator for, I was eight Chan and now, you know, a coon.top or whatever, you know, managing these other sites, do you think that's going to be, and your background, you know, and do in administrative and you you've got like tons of falls and we were going to have this as a cancer culture, but I mean, you know, Trump, we quoted, you know, stuff that you've actually posted on Twitter. Um, you've had, you've got banned, I guess, from Twitter, Facebook, I don't know. I mean, I mean, you had tons of followers, but I know you still have followers on telegram and other places. I mean, do you think that your previous, you know, employment or, you know, jobs and interests is going to help hurt or neither, you know, related to Alex? And I, you know, I'm not trying to put you on the spot. I think people are going to say, you know, this guy was involved with eight Chan and that whole queue, and I mean, you're on HBO series, you know, into the storm. Just curious what your thoughts are related to from the previous, you know, your previous media, you know, out in the media versus what would, what you're doing and what we're doing now.
Ron Watkins:All right. Well, first off, uh, I wasn't, uh, employed in January. That was just, it's just a hobby of mine. Okay. And, uh, the, the HBO special was, uh, it was a kind of a way to discredit myself on purpose. Right. And there is a strategic, like a purpose behind that. And I'm not, I'm not, I'm not going to go too much into detail on that here, but right. That was on purpose. And I was very careful with the information I gave the director. And, uh, essentially everything that he put in that documentary, uh, was something I planned out to be put in there, except for like one part where he had me on camera. But, uh, that's neither here nor there. I don't really mind in hindsight, but I didn't plan for that to be in there, but the rest was basically all planned out. And, uh, I have no qualms with the way that he presents me, because you know, when with rhetoric, there's like three, uh, major, uh, uh, branches of rhetoric. There's like, uh, there there's one that deals with credibility. And then there's one that deal with swift logic. I forget the names now, SOS, Paphos. And
Tony Teora:You sound like you're reading Plato and Aristotle. Now it sounds, uh, yeah, go ahead.
Ron Watkins:Yeah. So there's a third, uh, I forget what it's called now, but, uh, essentially is what I'm doing is, uh, I destroy my personal credibility. It's a type of ego death, right. And if you destroy your ego and you have no credibility, but your statements are full of logic and very powerful statements, then people will focus on the statement instead of focusing on you as a person. Right. So, so I I'm, I'm okay with them calling me a clown or, or, uh, making fun of me that I'm completely fine with that because it, it makes the things I say even stronger.
Tony Teora:So I just looked it up because I've heard this before, but I don't remember this, but yeah, it was from Aristotle. There is the FO's path, hosts and logos are the three modes of persuasion
Ron Watkins:Yeah. And logos. And, uh, I, I, uh, I sacrificed my ethos to maximize my logos. Well, you know, nice.
Tony Teora:I agree with that because basically FO's is an appeal to ethics. Is it, you know, veal by authority Patheos is emotion and logos is logic. So I've always liked Spock on star Trek. You know what I mean? He was always the logical one because, you know, logic, I mean, people, if you live by your, just by your emotions and appealing to authority, I mean, those people can get you in big trouble, you know, but if you appeal to people's logic. So I think, I think I know you go on, so you basically kind of saying that, all right. So, so the, this other stuff, you know, may, may give you some fan base or, or people are gonna know you, but I don't think it should take away from credibility. Because I looked at when we talked about the, and, you know, cause I was always into science fiction, I want to do alien, you know, agenda. And you're like, yeah, let's get some, you want to do leaks. And you're telling me that these ideas you had and you decided to finally do it. And I'm like, it's very logical. It is very logical. I mean that people should be able to send information. If it's out there, what's going to come in and if it's not out there, it's not going to come in. Um, basically fishing. Yeah. Yeah. But, um, did we catch
Ron Watkins:The big tuna or are we going to get
Tony Teora:Yeah. And I just don't want to, I just don't want to be in the sardine. Can, would you one day zip it up? You know, we got four days. Yeah. I got four days. So I'm going to, I got this one bottle of really expensive whiskey that I was going to say from my son joins like professional soccer, but I think I might just drink it early and write him a letter 55 hours. Okay. Thanks. I'm really glad I got involved with these, with these guys. I should have been, but my mom said always be careful who you hang out with, you know? So, um, okay. Well, we've done quite a bit on this show already. Is there anything, you know, w we can continue on, but is there anything, you know, Ron or Hayes or Chad, you know, I probably spoke too much on the show as usual. Um, I told my son the other day, I said, you talk to much. And he looks at me and he goes, dad, don't you ever tell me that? I was like. He's like, he's like, and that's a curse word. And that's supposed to say. And I said, I said, it's just a word. Well, you say I can't use it at school. I say he can't. All right. So, um, so anything, um, Ron, anything that you are, let me start with, we start with Chad and then go to Hayes and then you and Ron. So, um, Chad, anything that you wanted to say before we end the show, any topic related to alien leaks or cancer culture or anything that you want to say before we end this podcast?
Chad McKinney:And I almost, I kinda like last time we spoke is really just to the listeners out there, again, find your own truth and do the best you can to discern the information that's being presented to you and, or the information you're seeking out and try to figure out your own truth. You know, a lot of information is presented with the agenda agenda behind it. So, um, find out what resonates and what feels best. And, you know, sometimes there's things that are uncomfortable and we need to face that uncomfort in order to, um, grow. And so, you know, learn to be comfortable in your uncomfortableness. So you can face with what may spawn for their growth, but yeah, just find your own truth
Tony Teora:And then go to go to the San Diego, um, you know, airports and by chats book or online, or go online to find his book. The name is what, again,
Chad McKinney:Thank you for that detail. I appreciate heaven heaven in the now a journey through mind, body, and soul.
Tony Teora:Wow. Um, I'm going to call you Dr. McKinney, even though you haven't got your doctor, Dr. McKenney, cause you're my doctor. You're my personal doctor. So thank you. Thank you for joining this episode. Appreciate it. And I'm hazy. Are you still there? Are you shipping? I'm still here. I know
Ron Watkins:We didn't dive really deep into the cancel culture. Um, but I just want people, if you're not familiar with it, you're even remotely interested on why so many things are being canceled. Why so many things are not able to be debated or questioned in this day and age stomping figure the big players, bill gates, mark Zuckerberg. And if you haven't seen it go back and look at and pay attention to the way that they respond and look at the emotions in their body and their faces when they were taken to court, bill gates for a monopoly, mark Zuckerberg for hand-tight, um, competitive tennis and, um, several other string of things. Um, and wonder why all of a sudden they're big players in the game. Well, they're, they're in the government's pockets and they're behind a lot of this cancel
Tony Teora:Culture. You know, there there'll be, I don't think they're the ones doing it. I think it's the government forcing them to do it, to be honest.
Ron Watkins:Hey exactly. And that's what I'm seeing you notice that they weren't big players until they were taken to court court monopoly. That makes sense. And then within a year or two, suddenly they're the main players in all of this stuff. That's just something to look into.
Tony Teora:Interesting. I never, never thought of that, that way. Interesting. Um, I always, you know, I listened to bill gates. He says, I now need any more than 64 KRM on my computer. And I was, well, what is one of mine that computers would never work?
Chad McKinney:Hey,
Tony Teora:His computer guy, he said, you never need more than 64 KRM. And, um, that was, I was always wondering why none of my phones nothing would work anymore because I limited the 64 K oh well, anyhow, um,
Chad McKinney:Alien leaks is going to run off.
Tony Teora:Well, Ron, Ron thinks I'm not things I said, I shouldn't listen to bill gates. He's going to put more memory in his systems. Okay. It's okay. It's okay. Even people, even smart folks make mistakes. I
Ron Watkins:Give them to them.[inaudible] was pretty good back in the day. It actually was. That was a huge step up for us as was going from four to 16 megabytes,
Tony Teora:Bill gates. If you're listening, I'm only joking. I actually re think you're a very smart computer guy and I don't want you giving me a bad vaccine. So I'm sorry if I said anything bad about, um, Ron, um, anything, anything you want to say about, or yeah, go for it. Take your time. So
Ron Watkins:If you're a scientist researcher in communications with aliens or otherwise have access to original, never before seen documents, uh, regarding alien technology, biology or communications, then please consider, uh, going to alien leaks.org and, uh, reading the submit documents page. And then you can, uh, go there to get some information on how to protect yourself while you submit documents daily Dalian links.
Tony Teora:Wow. Well, I don't, I don't, you know, I don't have much to end with, I th I want to say thank you to all you guys. I think that this alien leaks is going to be, I have a suspicion that this thing is going to be big. I just hope that we can change the world for the better. And, uh, that's my goal. And I'm looking forward to working with you, Ron, on that as you get information and analyzing the information, I think it'll be fun. Cause it's, you know, this is science fiction turned into the science reality. So, so I love it. So I want to thank you guys all for joining this episode, you know, of alien agenda and, um, maybe you guys will be on in the future. Me and Ron will be doing these things probably like at least twice a month. So thanks everyone. Thanks for joining alien agenda. And you guys all have a great day. Thanks. You do too.