Science & Wisdom LIVE

Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo & Vicki MacKenzie on How Can We Recognise Our True Nature?


Explore the intricate relationship between mind, meditation, and the nature of reality in this enlightening dialogue featuring Tibetan Buddhist Monk Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo hosted by author Vicki Mackenzie.

 Jetsunma with decades of meditation practice and spiritual teaching, dives deep into Buddhist models to unravel the mysteries of consciousness, mental factors, and their impact on our daily lives. This session provides a unique blend of philosophical discourse and practical meditation techniques to guide attendees toward a profound understanding of their own minds.

Jetsunma discusses the foundational Buddhist concepts of emptiness, interdependence, and the seamless connection between consciousness and matter, inviting a transformative exploration of the mind-brain relationship.

This episode is an excerpt of a past Science & Wisdom LIVE dialogue, 'Lighthouse Dialogue I - Vicki Mackenzie interviews Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo'.

You can listen to the full episode here

Show Notes:

  • 0:00: Introduction to Buddhism
  • 1:15: Mind and Consciousness 
  • 2:01: True Nature of Self 
  • 3:29: Overcoming the Ego 
  • 4:30: Meditation and Ego Transcendence 
  • 5:45: Managing Fear and Insecurity 
  • 7:48: Cultivating Compassion and Positive Thoughts

Science & Wisdom LIVE brings meditation practitioners in conversation with scientists to address the problems of contemporary society and come to new possible solutions.

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