Built for Impact

The Sky is the Limit

Peter Zaccagnino Episode 40

Have you ever asked the question “why” and truly wanted a non-bias answer? Challenging ourselves to go deeper and not just look for the answer we want can be hard. 

As a child Peter Zaccagnino was raised by a single mom and had zero connections to anything aviation. Still, he knew that it was something he had to pursue. He earned his undergraduate degree in Aeronautical Engineering and shares some hilarious stories about how he paid for this alone. Peter was always looking for a way to succeed and didn’t let failures along the way hold him back. He knew his “why” and continued to chase that along with helping others find the answer to their’s along the way. 

That’s what led Peter Zaccagnino to not only be at the top of his field in racing jets along with running custom tailored tours around the world for his customers but also allowed him to thrive during the Covid-19 outbreak instead of using it as an excuse. Peter took that time to chase his dreams of writing a book (now has two released) and is currently looking into writing, film production and aviation filming. 

In this episode Peter lends some insight to help others choose to look for ways to succeed instead of looking to failure as an option. He also lays the groundwork for how to do this with his years of experience as a leader in an industry that isn’t for the faint of heart.