Friends for the Journey

Reflections in the Moments Before We Share Our Story

Kathrin Gabriel-Jones , Encouragement Coach for Ministering to Ministers Foundation

There is, within each of us, a story that we have not yet shared. In fact, there might be several stories we have not shared. 

We might want to, but don’t know how.
How to begin telling this story…
Where to start...
What to say…
Who to include in the telling…
When might be the right time…
Why take the bother of untangling the knots of that story…

These stories remain with us, told or untold, rolling around in our memories, occasionally bumping against the edges of our hearts.  And in those moments when we bump against those stories, the world might seem larger and emptier than we thought it could be. 

But what if, within the very stories we carry, there might be a glimpse of the everlasting festival of paradise? What if, in those moments of feeling lonely, we might recall that solitude and loneliness unites all of Creation in a deep yearning for one another?

These stories, left untold, hold the promise of unity, for we are, truly, not alone. We, each one of us, have the potential to be the ambassador of peace for one another. 

 There, in those moments before we share our story.

 I look forward to hearing yours.


 Kathrin Gabriel-Jones is an Encouragement Coach in private practice and works with Ministering to Ministers as a Friend for the Journey.  

 HelpGuide, a nonprofit mental health and wellness website, provides evidence-based information for a broad spectrum of issues, concerns, and circumstances:

 Interpersonal Communication and Resilience during COVID-19 Chaos, published March 26, 2020 by Maria Ventis, Associate Professor at Purdue (last accessed 09/23/2020)

 Many thanks to Ministering to Ministers, who produces and supports this podcast.  Please check out the resources available through this fantastic foundation:

            Ministering to Ministers
            Ministering to Ministers Wellness Retreats
            Ministering to Ministers Resources: Forced Termination   
            Ministering to Ministers: The Problem
            Ministering to Ministers Resources: Books


Music for this episode has been legally purchased from AudioJungle. License available upon request