Friends for the Journey

Roberta Damon: Warming Ourselves at the Hearth of Hope

Kathrin Gabriel-Jones , Encouragement Coach for Ministering to Ministers Foundation Season 1 Episode 18

Every once in awhile, we’re fortunate to meet a kindred soul along the road. That’s how it feels when Roberta Damon sits down with Kathrin to share some insight, wit, laughter, as well as a little Shakespeare.  

As a marriage & family therapist, Roberta brought clinical experience, faithful study, and academic insight into her work on Ministering to Ministers. As a woman of faith, Roberta infuses her writing with a compassionate reflection of the human experience. 

 In this episode, weaving together their respective wit, experience, and compassion, Roberta and Kathrin share their discovered treasures with one another and you in their dialogue.

 Welcome, Friend. We’re glad you’re here with us today.

 Here are links to the resources mentioned in our conversation:

Roberta’s Website:
Roberta’s books:
    A Voice Beyond Weeping,
    Dear Mrs. Noah: Letters to Unnamed Women of the Bible
    Roberta’s Introduction to Dear Mrs. Noah on YouTube
    Dear Abishag: Letters to Little Known Women of the Bible
   Theirs Is the Kingdom

Roberta M. Damon, PhD, recipient of the Ministering to Ministers’ Campbell-Wallace Award
Interested in Contacting Roberta? Send her a note here.

Lewis B. Smedes’ book, Forgive & Forget, Healing the Hurts We Don’t Deserve
Rascall Flats song, I Won’t Let Go
Shakespeare’s Sonnet 73, read by David Shaw-Parker on YouTube

Here are some interesting resources about Mindfulness:
The Imagine Project introduces mindfulness and creativity to help children across the world deal with stress and trauma.
The Mayo Clinic provides a little clinical overview of mindfulness here. has some information about meditation as well via this link.

And Kathrin hasn’t been able to find the source of the metaphor (or legend) of lifting the silk scarf off of the thorn bush anywhere. If you are familiar with this image or know the source of this metaphor, please let Kathrin know by sending her a message

Many thanks to Ministering to Ministers, who produces and supports this podcast.  Please check out the resources available through this fantastic foundation:

Ministering to Ministers
Ministering to Ministers Wellness Retreats
Ministering to Ministers Resources: Forced Termination
Ministering to Ministers: The Problem
Ministering to Ministers Resources: Books

Music for this episode has been legally purchased from AudioJungle. License available upon request