Equine Voices Podcast

Podcast Interview with Kerri Lake - www.generateharmony.com

Ronnie King Episode 85

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Interview with Kerri Lake.
I'm so excited to announce an interview with Kerri Lake.

It's been a while since I did a live interview and I've really missed chatting with my lovely guests (I have a backlog to catch up with) so I was delighted to have the opportunity to chat with Kerri about her life, intuition, working with horses as an animal communicator and anything else she wishes to talk about on the day.

She even has a podcast, Compass Conversations, which invites other well known peers who get together for an organic chat on various subjects to see where the conversation takes them. 

Her next project is the Intuitive Learning Foundation which is in its very beginning stages.

I hope you can join us both for an insight into Kerri's work with horses, humans and so much more.

So sit back, relax and I hope you enjoy this episode.

You can view this interview on fb and YouTube.

Kerri Lake.
Kerri is masterful in many ways. Her early awareness included a natural ability to communicate with animals and all of life in subtle realms of consciousness, through energy and presence. With wisdom, guidance and communication from many teachers (human and non-human), she assists to help you recognize your capacity to experience connection and communication through presence, through the heart.

She has experienced several near-death and expanded-consciousness events, each of which reminded her of the dynamic power of living from the heart, for the heart. Without dependence on a modality or system, Kerri has blazed a new trail on the road to freedom from limitations and conditioning. On this trail, all species are welcome and integrate through frequencies of communication. The greatest gift she can give to you is her own purity of expression, sharing her own journey, to help you see that if she can do it...so can you.

For further information on Kerri click on the links below.

Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

Contact Ronnie.


Hello and welcome to Equine Voices. My name is Ronnie and I'm so, so excited to have the opportunity to invite Kerri Lake, Kerri is an animal communicator, however, there's a lot more to it. She also has her own podcast called Compass Conversations. She's an author of Listen to a Horse and also Spiritually Gifted. They have a new venture coming up and we're going to hear lots more about that as we go through the interview. So, I'll bring Kerri in. She can introduce herself. If you have any questions, then please feel free to message, we'll get to the questions once the interview gets into flow, if that's okay. So without further ado, I'll slow down now. Here's Kerri welcome Kerri would you like to take the floor and explain a about yourself, please?


Thank you so much, Ronnie. I'm really happy to be here. Super excited for our conversation. Taking it a little bit more, so It is sort of the 10, 000 question of what is it that you do Kerri you know, I don't have a title per se, other than just functioning human and my relationship with animal communication goes back to infancy, really, being three years old, four years old, and my parents. telling me, no, Kerri the dog is not talking to you. And the grass is not singing to you, Carrie. The apple trees are not telling jokes. And to me, it was just all always very true. It was more true than human interactions, really, that I could feel non human life moving through me, knowing who I am, acknowledging me, smiling, singing, but I didn't have human language for it, I didn't have vocabulary, so all I really knew how to say is, you know, the dog says this, and the trees are cracking jokes, because I would sit next to the tree and giggle. Right? And so when you're a kid and you only have this much vocabulary you try to find a way to express it, right? And so I went through childhood, trying to figure out how I could be everything and see and feel everything that I do, while being told I was lying and I was wrong when I knew I wasn't. And it led to, a lifetime of paying attention, I think, in a really unique way. Always paying attention to the animals, but more than paying attention to them, I was paying attention to what it felt like to be next to them. How it felt to be me, next to the dogs, and the horses, and the cats, and the trees and how different that was, how different the feeling was when a human walked in the room. You know, around ages 11 and 12, you have a lot more vocabulary and a lot more different ways to relate to your own experiences. So I started paying attention to what emotions feel like in the body. I started paying attention to, what my skin felt like, when my dad walks through the room and then my mom walks through the room, everything was changing, changing, changing. And then I would look over at the dog or look at the horses if they were picking me up from the barn. And I would be like without words, do you guys notice that? And they would go, yeah. And I would just listen before words to how the animals relate to people. And then I would feel the human side and how do humans relate to animals? What changes in humans when an animal walks in the room? But all of this was happening before language, before I had words for it. So rationalizing that I'm a human, just like everybody, it just made sense to me that absolutely everybody has these abilities. And it was a mystery that nobody was talking about it. Like why do we react to our emotions rather than just point at them and marvel and go, whoa, did you notice that change? Did you notice like, wow, somebody said they're sick. And then all of the air went wobble, wobble, wobble, wobble. Did you notice that? And instead, you know, people would say that they're sick and draw all their energy down and back and guard and push away. And it was such a mystery to me. So you know what the, this capacity to communicate with animals and what I later learned is called animal communication for me was a way, it was an amazing doorway for me to start acknowledging the ability and the awareness that I had and put it in a direction that can be of service. And then at some point, I, I couldn't deny the rest of everything that I was also aware of, and so had to find a way to speak to consciousness beyond the, what we, we tend to address in animal communication, and, and the, the way the conversations go I just had to, you know, expand into more of myself beyond that. So that that's kind of a long introduction around this idea of animal communication that I can genuinely say is part of the foundation of absolutely everything I share because the animals kept me alive. The animals are the ones that kept saying, yeah, keep going. Yeah, no. Yeah. We see you go, go, go. But it's, it's grown vastly beyond that.


Thank you, Kerri that was a lovely explanation. If you tell people you're an animal communicator, everybody has their own view of what that means. And some people think it's like communicating body language. And for me, I always say, I don't study body language. It's not that sort of communication. So I'm not like a trainer and as I'm listening to you, it was there all the time. It was always there for you and it was very natural. I remember when I first started, or before then actually, I used to belong to a circle. It was a meditation circle. It was friends meeting and it was like doing little meditations. And I would be sat there thinking, Oh, I never get anything, but I would, I would get things. And it's when you speak and say what you received, then you get either confirmation, clarity, or not, depending on the case. So intuition and guidance is always there central and what comes from that are many branches from the tree. Animal communication, healers, it all branches off, but it all comes back to the same source, the same stream it's fascinating. Took a long time for me to not to acknowledge cause I'm better at speaking to strangers. I don't have a problem with connecting strangers. But I did have confidence issues with myself saying, what right? Have I got to say that this is what I do at the beginning. And I was sort of say what I did like this, you know, I do this. Yeah. But I also knew deep down, it wasn't just that that was a doorway into something else. And it's a doorway to connect to people. And often people will connect with somebody if they think they're doing it for the horse or the dog or the cat, whereas they wouldn't do it for themselves. And I absolutely trust and know that that is one of the reasons. As you develop and change and evolve, that is, Changes with you and there are many other things that comes from that so it's not just that's what I am There's a whole whole Globe that people aren't aware of but it's there that makes sense


It makes perfect sense to me. So the words that I might offer around that is the like Like you're saying there's always the the central essence the the core essence of who I am that is You creator consciousness. And for a while, maybe the most complimentary expression is animal communication. And that is what I have to share to compliment the world, to be of service which at the same time reflects back to me to help me see more of who I am, right? It is a mutual benevolence when we let ourselves and we have the courage to have our thinker become aware of this whole other type of information and intellect that is nonlinear that we call intuitive, you know, our, our, our direct connection with creation before it becomes a concept or a word, all of that communication is happening. The more we explore and, and play with it ourselves, like you were saying, to, to speak it, once you, you play with it, and you might be worried, maybe it doesn't mean anything, like, who am I to say this, but the more you touch it and give it your breath, that, that, excuse me, that is the way to discover self validation, because you feel the, the harmonic residence in your own cells, When the, the words that you're saying, when the the consciousness that you're expressing carries no conflict, no conflict with self, no conflict with being, no conflict with, with the universal harmony. It's that feeling that we might call flow or my friend, Chris Adderson calls it hum. It's when, when the the, the expressed presence is, is expressed. contributing to the overall creation of harmony at it. That is our natural way of being. And I think part of what lends to, at least this is what I've been seeing the way it makes sense to me is when people. are shy of their intuition or, you know, like many of us, even sometimes I catch myself doing it like, Oh no, Kerri stop it. You don't know this. No, come on, Carrie. Like, no, you're probably, no, you just want that. You know, all of the dowdy things, you know, it happens. It's, it's always an option. Doubt is always an option if you want it. I'll just say that much. Right. But you don't have to, you don't have to go there. But I think a lot of people do go there because we're so tight. That intellect is what matters. It takes linear intellect to move on the planet, to move through the physical world. And you look at our education, you look at society. I mean, this is nothing new to the people who are going to be part of this conversation, right? That it takes a linear intellect to navigate the world. And the suggestion that intuition cannot be trusted, It only comes when you are trying to make intuition look and function like intellect. When we leave the space that the intuitive nature feels different, functions differently, relates to data and information differently than a linear intellect. It's like two different languages. And one of them has been well developed in our walk on the planet. The other for most of us. It, you know, even those of us who were born very sensitive, we find a way to exercise that intuitive side. But in a world that functions this way, we find, you know, we have to find the little cracks in order to shine the light and have it reflected back to us that we can feel the harmonic that says, ah, yes, but there's a lot of re educating the thinker to say yes to all the intellect and yet. Leave some space for what you haven't asked yet. Leave some space for what you don't know how to ask for. Leave some space for what also exists, but requires a different approach to data than this thing called intellect. that creates repeatability, provability, explainability, all, all of those things. So when, when we open to what we don't know and help the intellect recognize that's actually where we want to be in what we don't know, it's actually safe. Just feeling vulnerable doesn't mean there's any danger. Having a intimate relationship with, I don't know, that is where life is actually happening.


Thank you you're so eloquent how you explain, I was gonna add something. When I used to get messages for people there'd always be a feel and then a word or a name would pop in either the horse or a person.'cause it's not always about animals. And the person would pop in and. It would normally be when I'm driving. Whereas now it's not so much. It's any time. It's literally anywhere, any place, any time the feel would come and I would know that there's something coming. And then I would think of the person and it's almost like you're turning a hose pipe on and there's a water waiting to flow and it's there, you know, it's there, but until you turn the tap on the flow can't come through. So I knew the words weren't going to come because the feel was there. So I would either text or now it's easier just to record. So I would start the first word with the feel, whatever comes through and then the rest would flow. And when you're in that state and you are in that process there's no judgment there's no right or wrong that There's no highs or lows, it's just a very peaceful place to be. I don't have to ask. I don't have to say, Oh, is that correct? Cause I know as it's flowing, it's correct. Afterwards I'm like, Whoa, okay. But at that time, the feel and the resonance change and the tone changes, it's all flowing and feeling. But to start with, if you don't acknowledge that first feel, that first, okay, I know something's coming and you think, is that my imagination or is it not? Because I would ask that at first. I'm saying, oh, I've driven past this spot before. I got a message there before. You know, it's my head thinking. And I would sort of ignore it, but my, my calling card is three times. If I get it three times in a row, it's pay attention, please. This needs to go out now. So then I was pull over or sort what I'm doing. And then I was sending a message. I'm smiling cause I can feel a smile coming from my energy. And it's like, but you don't have to do that now. Can you remember? I don't have to have the three calling cards because it's, it's there. So as I'm speaking, I'm getting confirmation for myself, for me, about my own development, my own progress. And the feel is there and then the words come. But it's almost like another aspect to me, like a mother with a child. Giving you encouragement and giving you that nice feel without without a gender.


It's so helpful when we share our own awareness of our own process. I think the more different people share their different processes, maybe that's going to give people permission to have their own process. And I love what you just said about, you know, your, your your mind and your, your personality was saying, I wait for three, I wait for three and that's how I know, but the smile says you, you do already know, you knew when the first one came, right? And so that's, it's an example of making friends between the, the heart and the mind. Because the mind will say, well, I, I can doubt myself pretty good here. So I'm just going to doubt myself for a while. And the heart can say, that's totally fine. Doubt yourself until you get three times because the message is still going to show up. It's still going to find you because you asked and that's the benevolence. So, you know, whether it's, I wait, it reminds me of a client friend of mine who was in the UK. She lives down in Kent. And when I was out there teaching a few years ago, she was, she's this amazing magical human, but she would sit there and say, I don't get any, I there, this is rubbish. I am not intuitive. I can't do any of this. All right. I said, all right, so challenge the universe. She said, fine, I'll believe it. If I see stars, that's it. That's the only way. And she's thinking there's no chance this is going to happen. Right? So after our day, we go, we go to the pub or something and we go sit down and she, she chooses a booth, sits down, slides in and the decoration right on the wall, right there was this little display of stars. And she's like, no, no, no. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Deny, deny, deny. And she put out like five or six more challenges, which of course were all met with total joy from her higher consciousness and the universe entirely and the benevolence of her being. She still challenges the universe. It's adorable. But, you know, my, the take home message on that is it's okay. Ha, ha, ha. It's okay for the intellect to doubt, right? Because it's part of our relationship. It's part of our feedback system to all of creation to say, well, here's how it's working right now. What else would you bring me? Show me, show me more of who I am. Show me who I am so that it's unmissable. And like you're saying, when you acknowledge that very first feeling, you feel something coming. You feel something coming with that essence that's absent of conflict that those are my words for it when I know it matches true is there's like, I don't, it's not like I would die on this hill for this bit of information. It's not like that. It's just you could doubt me all you want, but you're not going to convince me. It's I'm not feeling this right. And when, when it's that absent of conflict, If I have a job in that moment, it's just to acknowledge it. Exactly what you just said, just to say, okay, I see you. So show me, show me what comes next. And then the mind might come in and say, no, you know, that could be my imagination right there is my next opportunity to befriend the mind, to befriend the doubt and say, okay, there's some doubt there. I acknowledge it. I'm going to acknowledge it. And just watch what happens when you start acknowledging the doubt, saying, oh, that's, that's just my imagination and, and all the things that it says. Watch what happens when, from the heart, you just turn and you say, I hear you. Thank you for keeping me on track. Let's open up and see what else is here. So you open a dialogue between the intellectual information approach and the intuitive information approach. And it creates a gentleness, at least in my experience. This is what I have been finding and kind of demanding because I was tired of things being harsh and scary. So I just started getting curious how this all happens in gentleness. And that meant I had to learn what gentle felt like, which I thought I knew. But I turned out I didn't know. I thought I knew I had to actually have the experience of gentleness. to relax into an evolution.


That was so beautiful. I was smiling when you said about proof. I don't ask very often now, but if I ask for proof, it's usually because I know the answer and I don't get it. I'm going, right, okay, show me this then. And I know it won't come because I know the answer. I'm asking give me proof when I actually know what the answer is. If I generally would like something and I'm excited then I do, I get it. So I stopped asking if I'm asking, it's usually because I know the answer. I love that. And it's usually something you need to do and you're procrastinating or yeah. I think if my intuition and me to people sometimes I used to say, I don't say this now, I'll say, come on, you know what I'm like, I've got to see it there before, before I know what you're talking about. Show me what it is. I'd want it like that. Otherwise I'm not going to see it. I don't say that now, but I used to say, come on.


I love that. See that to me, that's like conversations with God, right? I'm the one in the physical and this is the intellect. This is the mind speaking right now, right? I'm the one in the physical. I'm the one bumping through this place. So bring it to me in a way that I can't miss it. You know, so I love that conversation that you had and any subsequent conversation. It can be so playful. So in 1995, 1995, I was tired of being on the planet. I, and I was tired of people not being kind to each other. And I felt like my existence didn't matter at all because I was still surrounded by people who weren't. Not being kind, and I had given myself this, this responsibility and mantle that my job, in the whole universe, is to show people that it's okay to be nice to each other. And so, watching people be not nice to each other, I judged that I had failed. And I didn't want to be around anymore trying to do this because I judged that I just was a complete waste. so much. Like this, this is unnecessary. I'm done. I'm done. It's not going to work. And so I literally just laid down and stopped participating in life because I knew we don't have to stay, right? We, we can go anytime and it's okay. There's a lot of reasons that we don't. But at that point I was just screw it. I'm out. Peace out. And took myself right to that choice point. That place that people call the void that is black, not because it's, it's not empty. It's black because it's everything. And in that space, I was shown a little candle that was lit with a beautiful little flame surrounded by this amazing opalescence, like iridescent opalescence. And it was like. Like, for real, the most beautiful thing I had ever encountered, ever, and I was in this place of total relief from the weight and the density of the body and the physical. And I saw this and I'm like, oh, yes, this is what I know. And from over here, two essences came to greet me as one. There were no bodies or anything, it was just these essences. And it was like, hello and welcome. And there's laughter and joy and like, if there were bodies, it would have been beautiful. dancing and touching and hugging and greetings and familiarity and the deepest intimacy. And, and after the original greeting and all this laughter, it was like they said, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, look, we know why you're here. We get it. And if you're ready to blow out the flame, just blow. The love is the same, no matter what you do. And they were gesturing over at this candle, the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. And I realized, Oh my God, the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. That's me. That's a being. Whoa. And it's like you know, in a movie it would have, the screen would go whoa And they said before you decide though Can we remind you why you took a body in the first place? And held in all of this love. I'm like, yes Please remind me. Why are we doing this? And I was given you, I guess you call it a download. I would just call it a complete review of all of life all the way back to separation from one. And why would we do that in the first place? And then why, why differentiation? Why all this creativity? How, how does it work? How do the feedback systems work? How is information working? Why physical? Why planets? Why electromagnetism? All the way to this planet, species, interrelationships Why humanity? Why free will? Why answering all of these questions with a sense that's so complete that it all seems obvious and benevolent. Then it went further. Why this family? Why this body? Why female? Why this color hair? Why this journey? What's it all about? Why be involved with people who are not nice? Why, why, why, why, why? And then, but with such a, a benevolence, not like going to school, not like that at all, but this like complete wonder, like look at how it all happens. Look how it all works! This interacts with this, interacts with this, and being shown all of this with tremendous intimate humor. to where they, they finally brought me to this point of choosing to stop living. And then they start teasing me, like poking me and saying, and you wanted to die because a boy wasn't nice to you. Look at this is how the universe works. And, and you did this because a boy wasn't nice to you. And they, they were, I mean, raucous laughter. It would have been side splitting laughter for how seriously humanity takes itself. And it's one of the things that we're working through to discover that lightness of heart and how seriously we take ourselves and whether or not that's still, you know, like, how's that working for you? So they, they top this off by reminding me that being in a body on this planet is really the only place you can get chocolate chip cookies and hug ponies. So, you know, it's up to you, Kerri whatever you want to do. And of course I'm like, okay, okay, okay, okay. Stop. I will go back and right back into my body. And you know, many other experiences from that, but all of that to say, especially on this journey of reclaiming our intuitive capacity and welcoming it, welcoming our essence, our uniqueness into expression through our physical, our physical body. there's a reason why the thousands of years of teaching point to joy and enjoyment and that manifestation and all of this is about that feeling of enjoyment because that is the, that is what creation feels like and everything else is there for your entertainment to buy into or not and the more we, we entertain these perspectives and at least again I might be completely caught up in the atrocities of the world, and what that person said, and that person's gonna do if they sit in that chair, and whatever, everything that's gonna go haywire. No matter how caught up the intellect might be in those things. we have this ability to leave some space open for what else is going on. We have this ability to leave some space open for how, how does the love of creation already have this well in hand? Because everybody is on a journey, whether they know it or not, everybody is on the journey home to the heart and there are a lot of diversities on this planet. A lot of diverse journeys happening at the same time on this planet. So, I can take myself really, really seriously, but it helps to leave a little bit of space open for chocolate chip cookies and ponies. And I'm going to add croissants to that because that's where I'm going when we're finished here is to the croissant shop. I'm just saying.


I love cake. I love croissants. I love anything sweet. I've got a sweet tooth. That is like music to my ears, girl. Music to my ears.


See, that is the point of being on this planet is in that enjoyment. And the other stuff happens too. So we help each other through it, right? Whether it's through animal communication, through healing, all the vast varieties of healing work. Through what we create. Through being a nice person. Through being true to ourselves. Living, living for that absence of conflict. And sharing it with others. Right? And the more you help other people. The thinker recognize what that feels like it's, that's where it takes on its own life and you, you start to watch your higher consciousness form your life right in front of you.


Kerri absolutely beautiful. Thank you. As you were talking, so I'm just going to say this anyway, because it's about sharing as you were talking. I'm aware that as you were talking, there was these little thin threads coming in, but also going out and I'm describing them as little silver threads, but it's almost like neuron transmitter signal from your brain, the little sparks, little pathways, and it was all flowing and it was beautiful and what I was feeling was from that. Going out to the connections. As you were talking, the energy was shared through that to another energy. Now that might sound a little bit out there, but that's what I saw and I felt to share that right. What we're going to do now is let's talk about your podcast. Okay. Composite conversation. So you have a lots of amazing guests on there. How did that start? Oh, before we go there, before I forget, I want to say a big thank you to Holly. She was the lovely lady that connected us. She sent me an email saying, would I consider having Kerri Lake? On my podcast, it's like, Oh, crikey. So I said, yes, of course. Yes. If she thinks it resonates with her. So that's how we connected. So thank you, Holly. Who's watching now. Thank you so much for that introduction. And if anybody's got any questions, please pop the questions up. And if Kerri sees something that she wants to answer straight away, she can do that. So let's talk about your podcast. Okay. Thank you. How did that start? Where did you get the name?


Great story. So it started in 2022 and we have Robin and Warwick Schiller to thank for bringing. amazing people together through their podcast and through the first journey on podcast summit in San Antonio. That event for the people that were there, they know that the floor was waving. We, we were in between dimensions for that event, the energy was so beautiful. And afterward the community of presenters almost unanimously expressed that they, they all wanted to stay in touch and learning with and from one another. There was such a theme at that podcast of being a student of life. And after the podcast, there just, there was so much going on and everybody connecting and then wondering how, how is this going to happen? And Robin and Warwick had so much on their plate And I thought, well, everybody wants to stay together. I wonder how I can help with that. And another theme was even, you know, at the end of each day, the a lot of the people attending the podcast stayed at the same hotel and there were a lot of amazing conversations happening at breakfast and there were a lot of amazing conversations happening at dinner after the programming of the day. And so. Another facet came in as, you know, it's really kind of true that some of the best conversations happen at the end of the clinic day when, you know, the clinicians are just sitting around and chatting amongst themselves, creating the next evolutionary steps of their own work in with their peers. So I'm like, wow, that sounds like a good idea. How can we share those kinds of conversations with the greater community? And. Just, just throwing it out there, like, those wonderings, when, to me, I, I throw the wonderings out there and they come right back, with that feeling, like you're talking about, like, ah, there it is. They, it all came back, and the compass conversations literally just dropped. In call it that here's the picture. Ask Mark to create some music. Cause Mark Rashid is an amazing guitarist. And so ask Mark for some music, just the, the checklist of needs presented right there, and I just, I just said, yes, I'll do it and started putting it all together. So it's, you know, to me, it's not. About having guests on the podcast. It's a collaboration. There's a core group of people participating in the conversations. And that group is starting now to expand, not just in the equestrian community. That that's definitely the foundation of it, but we were starting to have people that are not at all in the equestrian community, but what is common is being a perpetual student of life, having the interest and the inspiration and the capacity to show up curious rather than teachery. And it recognizing that when we share our curiosities, that's some of the greatest education because it leaves people free to learn what's there for them to learn rather than telling people what they should be learning. And to me, that's an, that's an evolution of education as a whole that I want to be a part of. So that, that's the short story of how it all came into being.


Without going into details I had a message for somebody. A few days ago and that was very much part of the message People will be attracted to certain light to certain people because they Feel something from that it makes them feel good they can see there's something different within them and When they interact with that person They look at that as if I would like to have that I would like to be like that so it's not about being that person, but Something that they emanate And the message was very much you show them how actually it's theirs already, which is what you've just said So it's within them not to search externally because when we search externally for validation for Somebody to love us it's external, but it's within. So that essence that you just said that message, is the essence of the message that came through for somebody. And again, that had that most beautiful feel with it. Very serene, just very beautiful. And it was such a nice place to be. I thought I'd just share that because you mentioned that. So your podcast is, is amazing and it's conversations. It's conversations.


Organic conversations. Yeah, we don't even know, there's no topic until we all sit down together. Like, what do we want to play with? And then we choose a starting point, I introduce it, and then it's completely organic from there.


And that's the best way. So this is Holly that you know, if you had one message to transmit to listeners. that are new to intuitive knowing and recognizing what is compared to what our intellect would say. Do you want to read that again? I'm terrible at reading off screen.


Yeah, that's fine. Helping, helping people new to intuitive awareness, recognize what is compared to what our intellect might suggest is there. I think that's where she's going with this. The first thing that I would say is Recognize where, first and foremost, before trying to get it right, or be correct, recognize first and foremost where you're already aware of your intuitive ability. Where is it already happening for you that You might just take for granted, but you can start actually acknowledging. And I'll give you an example. There's a client here in California who would, she, you know, picked up her love of horses later in life in her late forties and. has horses now, and she, she'll go, I don't know. I don't know what I'm doing. I can't tell when the horse is soft. I can't tell when the horse is happy, and I can't feel anything, right? So I asked her, so what, what kind of work do you do? And she's done landscape architecture for, for her whole career. And I said, okay, so when you look out at that hill and you say, oh, there's something wrong with those plants, there's, you know, that one is in the wrong place. Do you, are you taking out a sextant? Are you taking out like, you know, survey equipment to measure with a ruler to know that this is in the right place and that's in the wrong place? She says, no, I just kind of turned my head and, and I can just feel it's just not right. I'm like, exactly, that right there is is where your intuitive capacity, your sense, your feel is already alive and well. So when you notice it happening, tune into what that feels like and just to know what it feels like. We don't have to solve a problem. We don't have to be correct. We don't have to put it in a slide deck to give a presentation. We don't have to prove it to anybody. That's all that that linear intellect. Intuitive awareness just is the one that gives you information that says and that When, when we tell our mind to recognize that feeling, it gives validation according to the mind. Oh, that's a thing? Yes, that's a thing. Feeling you have no words for. Just let your mind go, Aha, I noticed that. Okay, well, I'm available for more of that. And it can be that simple. Especially for super thinky people, people who just, who want the spreadsheet, who want proof. Watching your own experience becomes the proof you're looking for. We have to remember, linear intellect talks about being correct. Intuitive awareness is not interested in correct. Intuitive awareness is interested in recognizing the experience. and then relaxing to see how it relates. The difference between correctness and relating, but it can all start with helping the thinker recognize where I am already aware of my feels. And I mean, we could go into the difference of feeling and emotion. And this is why I've done the online courses is to go into all of that, but that's the simplicity of it is recognize where it's already functioning and then relax and be curious. What else it might show you and that's a it's a beautiful place to start.


Thank you That was a really good example about gardening if you're looking at a plant or a tree you just do something with it And you don't think why did I do that? You just do it


We all have this ability, it might be atrophied in people, they might not be familiar, but we all have this ability to like, go back and look at what, what had me, what was I feeling that had me move the planter from here to there? Like rewind to just before that, what, what was the feeling? And maybe it was a thought, okay, what did that thought feel like? So it's just helping, I call it the mayor of thinkytown. Start to actually realize where the the information can be found, where intuitive information can be found. And it is Through various dimensions of feel.


This should be taught in schools, but that leads me on to your new venture that you're very excited about. So I'll let you explain what it's called. And what exactly it is.


Thank you. Okay. This is where I'm just going to take a breath and go slow. So I don't launch into my own nerd universe.


You can be as nerdy as you like, Kerri oh gosh,


thanks. So for a long time, people have asked me, you know, are you going to start a nonprofit? Are you going to create things for kids? Or how can we help parents? help their kids keep their intuition alive. And for a long time I've had a vision of something that can do that, but it just was clunky and not happening. But through this adventure with Compass the idea came back up of, Why not do a nonprofit? And I'm like, how do you make a nonprofit out of a podcast? I couldn't see it. And so a dear friend of mine, Joelle Dunlap, who has the Square Peg Foundation I was telling her about it and I'm like, yeah, people are saying you should do a nonprofit. She's like, yeah, do it, go. I'm like, oh, how am I supposed to do that? She goes, just do it. Write a mission statement, write a vision statement. So. With her encouragement, I'm like, all right, well, so I went to write a mission and vision around the podcast and I just couldn't make it happen. You know, I'd sent her, I would send her drafts and she's like, no, try again. So so I did, but what I had to do is go back before compass, before generation of harmony, which is my personal business and go, what, what is the through line, what is the thing that's always been there? And it has very, very dear to my heart, very related to my own childhood is this curiosity of how, how can we help children develop in a way where they don't have to recover from childhood, where they don't have to recover their intuition because they never lost it. So with that came the intuitive learning foundation, and we are taking steps to create an official nonprofit called the intuitive learning foundation. That has the mission. I can't repeat. I don't have my elevator pitch, but the mission is through programs and connections and empowering things to guide people to remember their intuitive capacity and recognize how vital it is in every aspect of daily life. The vision ultimately is just to inspire humanity to integrate, to weave intuition and intellect, so that our innovation is created in a way that honors all of life on the planet, and not just what humans think they need for human society. Because when we reconnect with our intuitive side, all of a sudden we can feel the rest of life, and it might change how we use the data that we, we discover. So So yeah, what we're going to put together are programs for parents to find their own self validation to rest in their heart because their presence has an enormous effect on their kids. And from that place, you know, more kids are already growing up, knowing about yoga, knowing about mindfulness, but how can we help parents be in a position where they can recognize intuitive. Inspiration and where imagination is actually communicating who the kid is. How can we help adults recognize that kind of uncontrollable expression? So that they don't inadvertently squash a child who's just trying to say, I think this is me. You know, how, how do we be available for that? You know, Montessori is already about that. And Waldorf is all about that, but there's just this vision of how can we trickle a different perspective, a different way to relate to familiar things into. something more mainstream. So the idea with this is to, to have a very simple structure, but lots and lots of collaboration with people who have different ways of teaching, of pointing in the same direction, you know, because there's so many people and teachers pointing in the same direction right now in this community, in the equestrian world. And the relationship with horses is completely leading the way back to the heart. and helping people recognize, Oh, what I feel is actually communication. And that might be the purest communication. So how do I become aware of that? And the horses obviously show up and go, Hi, there you are. Let us help you. And you know, building from that foundation, how, how simple can we offer really powerful, kind, benevolent awareness. So that in at least for in my case, we can offer people tools so that for 10 seconds at a time, they can give their mind a break, take their mind off the hook for having to do it all themselves and everything that creates anxiety, take a 10 second break and watch your body change. And they notice that change all of a sudden you that's a way to welcome in all of this other intuitive information. rather than grinding on life in that familiar way of bigger, better, faster, more gotta get it done. It's all on me. If I don't do it, the universe crumbles. So all of that to say, The intuitive learning foundation really wants to be kind of a beacon, kind of that diamond that you and I were talking about before we started recording that whatever light comes toward it, it refracts in a way that somebody else can see themselves and know a, you're not alone. B you are, you have this innate technology. Intuition is factory installed. It's just, how can, how can we. start to weave in side by side with our conventional education, a very simple and accessible intuitive education. So it's not one or the other. It's a guidance for how they are meant to compliment one another, recognizing that intellect uses information this way. Intuition uses information this way. And together they give us an incredibly full picture of who we are and how we create on the planet. There's a big irony in my life where this idea of home, you know, home was never a house for me. It wasn't a family for me. It was always the connection that I felt with animals is, is who I am. when I felt animals and so I started calling home is the place of no words and yet how ironic it is how many words I use in a day to describe the place of no words.


But that's what we have. Hence this, it's words. Yeah. But each word has a vibration, has a frequency, and it's what that carries. Yeah, sorry, I'm just, I'm listening, but I can't translate that, so harmony. Thank you. Harmony. If I said to you, I'm aware, this might sound a bit, but it doesn't I'm going to say it. it's almost like we're, we're not in a goldfish bowl and we're being watched because that's not how it is, but it's the sense of pride, excitement. interest from, I was going to say the external, but it's not because it's what flows through. It's like when I described earlier, I talked to my intuition, the human, I sometimes interact with the two different people. I'm not sure I'm explaining this correctly. Let's just see where this is going. Okay. Right. Okay. Like the diamond, like the diamond. Thank you. Like the diamond there are many sides there are many views each one is precious. Each one reflects back what you see, what you need at the time. There may be distorted views but within that view is still beauty, knowledge, information that flows. There is no right, there is no wrong. There is just what you feel. Fear is information. Anxiety is information. Once you understand that this is not who you are, that this is just information for you to process, for you to understand, you can move through that. You can allow. There is much beauty in this world but it's not always seen, because it's not to be seen, it's to be felt, it's to be understood, it's to be aware. Each one is precious, however small, however large, each one contributes to the collective, to the whole. If you could see how amazing you are, how beautiful you are, how precious you are, right where you are, at this moment, in time, There are no changes that are needed just for you to connect and allow your true essence to flow. Okay, I'm just seeing if anything else is okay, yeah, I find it lovely because it's like when you go to the cinema and there's a movie and you're watching it, I feel like we're in the movie and we're being watched, but it's not It's hard to explain. Or maybe it isn't.


I think you're doing a beautiful job explaining it. It feels very true and I know the sense that you're speaking of.


Thank you. Right. Okay, so with your new venture, where are you now and what do you need? Okay, I'm being guided to ask what do you need because this is a platform that can help you in your next step. process in your next steps.


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you everyone for that opening. Where we are now is raising funds to file the paperwork, to put the technology in place, to put all of the administrative pieces in place so that this has a solid foundation. We have. And amazing web designer like blows my mind who showed up to volunteer for that position or for that contribution, we have a board, an amazing board of directors. We have so much in place, including a multinational team of volunteers from India, Croatia, Hungary, Switzerland, UK Australia, United States, working together just because they're inspired by all of this. And people who come from all walks of life, not necessarily equine related or animal related people who have, who have experience working in conventional education, but who can feel the, the value offering a really simple approach to reconnect with, factory installed intuition and make it relevant in everyday life. So we have a, an abundant beginning and what we need is dollars to keep it, to keep doing the conventional part of it. You know, it does take dollars and then collaborators. We want to connect with people who have that, that purity of service in their heart. and ha understand and are really drawn to collaborating for the good of the whole. Like, as we come together, not in competition, but in collaboration, we can reach so many more people because there's nothing, like, again, we're not telling anybody what to learn. We're offering, hey, this is an option, and people will pick it up when it touches their heart. So over the next two months, is when we are planning on filing all the paperwork, getting everything done, the moment the paperwork is filed. So, if I'm going to put a number out, we need, 500 would be amazing right now, because that would kick everything off. And then, once we have that in place I mentioned Joelle and the Square Peg Foundation. They are supporting us so that, that the donations are tax deductible, like as soon as possible. And from there we just get to create and listen and create and listen and create and listen and create. So I think if, if anything, you know, if anybody watching this wants to go to our, we have a temporary webpage right now, that's compassconversations. com. slash I L F dash campaign. You can read the mission statement, the vision statement, and and if you can subscribe just to be on the mailing list and, you know, be on the journey with us, donate if you want to and just see what we're up to. I think the more people just include themselves in that conversation, it's just going to breathe so much life into it. Because this whole thing has, it has a life of its own already. Like it might look like Carrie's project, but Carrie is a servant to whatever this project is and the people who show up, you know?


It's international, isn't it? It's not just for the USA, it's international. Anybody that contributes it's going to benefit on a global. Yeah.


I don't know how it couldn't be. I mean, there are people waking up everywhere. It just, really, how many ways can we just say, yes, you are that brilliant, what you just brought through? How many ways can we just say, you know, what Ronnie just said? Yes, that, that. Like, to me, that's what it is. How many ways can we say yes to who you are? Knowing that once you're acknowledged, your creator essence is going to start unfolding. And the more you feel that absence of conflict with yourself, that's actually where creation comes from. That's what tells the outside world how to organize itself to compliment you, to delight you, to surprise you, right? To hold you in the most gentle grace, especially when things are intense. And the more often we say yes to each other on that level, the more evident it becomes to each of us in our own journey. To where intensity and gentleness, same thing, let's go, let's just go, keep going, keep going, keep going. So yes, definitely, like how, how can we be of service is really what it comes down to. How, how many ways can we help people recognize how it feels to be themselves? And if even for 10 seconds at a time, then you get hijacked, and then you go 10 seconds at a time again, and then you get hijacked, whatever. You take the 10 secondses, and they build on each other, not like 1 plus 1 is 2, it's, it, they build on each other exponentially, like 1 plus 1 is 11. But you feel it you know it because you feel it and that's where self validation comes from so You know It's it's helping people recognize that feel feel and emotion are two different words for a reason There are different things and when we have a new relationship with feel we become available to that Information that you were describing that you were just bringing through Right? Whether it's fear. Good. What's going on? Whether it's despair. Excellent. What's going on? And this is, the whole planet, everyone on the planet is on a journey right now to wake up to this. To wake up to a different way to relate to life as we know it. Life is going to keep happening. It's going to keep being what it is. There will be good actors and bad actors. But what matters is how we relate to it. End. More and more we can support each other to relate as the love that we are. Knowing sometimes that judgment is going to come in like a strong wind. Okay, how do I want to relate to that? Do I want to give myself away or do I want to just see it and go, Ooh, that's strong. That judgment has a lot of bad body odor. Okay, so I'm gonna go over here, have a croissant, connect with my friends. And find a different perspective that lets me relate to it without getting sucked in. And the, the only way to do it is to do it. The only one who can do it is myself. And so one of the, one of, we have three silos or three aspects to the intuitive learning foundation. One is change one heart, change the world. And heart is my own. The second is animal consciousness. And speaks to The space within which we all connect regardless of species that is natural for us. I call it being Unspeciated where we are we are all common. That's where we can meet and communicate and the third is young creators and That's very much about the overarching journey that can serve people six and seven generations down the line so they never have to Recover from having their intuitive ability squashed I want to go back one second with animal consciousness. I'm not sure if you're aware of the movement of using A. I. to craft two way communication with animals. Are you aware of that? There are organizations well in development using decades of sound research, of audio research audio recordings and giving the data to A. I. to understand. A version called, that they're calling language, the language of sperm whales, of monkeys, of bats, of different birds different species. But within that, there's, AI doesn't have a way to address feel. AI doesn't have a way to relate to presence, to what is non verbal, what is not even body language, to simply presence. and the expression of here's how it feels to be me. And so one of the things I'm hoping the intuitive learning foundation can contribute is an education that parallels artificial intelligence approach to communication that says, while we're working on that externalized technology, let's also bring awareness to our innate technology because it might change how we relate to the data we gather. If we're aware of the part of ourselves. That is already connected and listening to all of life. So that's, that's my, it's a, that's a passion of mine is not to say AI is good or bad or right or wrong or should or shouldn't be happening. But to bring in this other part of the conversation that says when humans are aware of their innate technology, that might have an effect on how we create externalized technology. So Anyway, that's the nerd part where, where, yeah, I'm just going to breathe.


You relax, Kerri, you relax. I'm just going to see if anybody wants to ask any questions cause there's quite a few viewers. Thank you so much to everybody that's turned up. I'm so, so grateful and I can see, as far as I know, that we're still on Facebook, so that's good. And YouTube. If anybody's got any questions if you want to just pop them down now, because we're coming up to an hour and fifteen, and I don't want to take too much of Kerri's time, but we'll keep talking for a little while longer. I'm just going to pop this on that Paige actually popped on earlier. So Paige Lockton says, Thank you for this perspective on being a collective of learners rather than the experts. It makes it all seem more accessible to me from there. You are very, very welcome. Thank you, Paige. Thank you very much. So Timothy, I'll let you read that one, Kerri


You differentiated feeling from emotion is feel a way of expressing an idea of spiritual awareness. You have also referred to as your senses. Yes, yes, yes. That's a nice way to talk about it. It can, there's, there's different ways to articulate it in the way that I see it. So emotion is, an energy in motion. There's something moving, and it maybe pushes water out my face. Maybe it makes me breathe differently. Maybe it makes my body get tense, or drop on the floor, or jump, jump around. Emotion is the energy that prompts, the energy in motion that prompts that movement. Feel and senses are what tell you energy is moving. It's feel and senses are related to the physicality and the mechanism by which our body says, hey, something's happening. The words emotion and feelings get interchanged because our body produces emotions. sensations or feelings to tell us there is sadness in the room, there is anger moving through, there's frustration, resentment, pride. Before those became words, there was a feeling. And look at a scenario where you know, a friend walks up to you and you say, Hey, how are you doing? And they say, Oh, I'm fine. I'm great, but everything in your body is like sadness, and if you let your face do what you feel it's something different than what, what their facade is telling you. Okay. Emotion is present. It might be mine. It might be theirs, but it is my senses and my feel that lets me become aware of the emotion that is present. So when we start. articulating these things in a different way, it starts to reveal that I have a mind. I am not a mind, but I have a mind. I have a body. Body is an expression of me. So is the mind. It's an expression of my essence, but who I am is not the body. The body is an expression of who I am is the one capable of watching all of this happen. So when I give my mind the job of watching the communication center, which is the body, then the body will say, well, here's a feel. Oh, the senses say, ding, ding, ding, something is moving. I'm going to give you a feeling so that you have something to relate to that says the stove is hot. Don't touch it. For example, or that says, There is a communication presenting if you'd like to make space for it, we will articulate it for you. And that's that, that press, sometimes that pressure that tells us there's a communicate. Oh, there it is. Okay. I'm, I'm welcoming it. Thank you. And this is where each of our unique capacity with our intuition, we discover for ourselves how it feels to recognize it is. Oh, there's a communication. I'm going to make some space and let that be articulated through my imagination center so that I have something to relate to. Our imagination is key to relating intuitively. So it's kind of ironic, but when people say, I'm not sure if it's my imagination or if it's real, it's both. The real question would be. Is it my, is it the ego taking charge of the imagination or is it my essence and my heart coming through my imagination? They feel very different. It's a very different feeling. It's like, you know, Ronnie, if we said, okay, go ahead and make up that communication you just received, go, you can't do it. It's not a thing. Right. And so, you know, when, when that doubt comes, I love what Jim Masterson says, doubt the doubt. When the doubt comes, make it prove itself. Like, all right, go ahead. If I'm making this up, go ahead and make it up again. I'm watching go, go ahead. No, really go ahead. It's okay. It can't happen because that's not how it works. So that's why I say, start putting your awareness on where you already feel your intuition, your, your senses providing you data and information from your wholeness, because it's going to feel different than when your mind says, Oh my God. I'm gonna die because I didn't make my bed this morning and my boss is gonna find out and I'm gonna get fired and then I'm gonna, you know, whatever the, the cascade of thoughts is. But that's when you start giving the mind a different way to relate to these familiar words it can open some space. It can help clarify a lot of stuff and open some space to recognize That place in me that is absent of conflict, that just is self, I am, that I am, beingness, that everybody's pointing to through thousands of years of spiritual teaching.


So, I think that's answered your question, Timothy. I hope so. Yeah, oh definitely, definitely answered your question. He's also mentioned, so I'm just going to pop this up. So this is for the benefit of the audio, cause this will be made into an audio afterwards. So that's why I'm reading it out. AI doesn't make me nervous because AI, hang on the rest of it. The machine cannot practice, surrender or learn more humility. And that's how I feel. I think. If you're the fear is because you're not understanding, or you're not listening to that, you're listening to the external, or what it could be, and we, we magnify it, we make it bigger than it is, so if you come from a neutral as you can place, without the emotional attachment it can go that way or that way, it can be an amazing thing, but the input is from us, So if we stay neutral and input, it will be different from somebody that's in a fear based input. We need this because we need to protect ourselves. We need to do this. That has a different feel with it. So that's, that's my view on that, that one.


Totally. Yes.


Yeah. So thank you for your question yes. Thank you very, very much. Right. Kerri is there anything else you'd like to add before we wrap this up? So I'm doing this podcast in my dear friend's house and they're doing me a curry tonight and I can smell it and I can hear pots going so I'm feeling hungry. So that's my cue. Very good. I'm wrapping this up because my stomach is rumbling. And curry sounds amazing. He's a good cook. Giles is an amazing cook.


I guess, really, thank you. Thank you for the opportunity to share. Thank you for cultivating a community where this kind of conversation can happen. And I can just nerd out in this way. It really means a lot. The one other thing I would like to share with people is coming up, starting in October, we're offering a year long program called Activating and Facilitating FEEL. And it's being offered with a, it's a special way to participate called Priceless Pricing. There's a 50 registration fee, but each month it's like a pay what you can, because we wanted to make this information available to people around the world, regardless of, you know, currency exchange, regardless of financial situation. And I have some amazing friends who came up with this model called priceless pricing that includes part of the discussion is, is really visiting and highlighting the priceless nature of the work we're doing together. You can't put money on it. You can't quantify the value. With dollars and everybody's in their own unique situation. So this program really is priceless. It will be it's, it's geared toward teachers, trainers, instructors, and mentors to give people a toolkit for helping others have a new relationship and be empowered through their intuitive ability and their capacity to feel, because I think that can make the biggest ripple out into the world. But anybody is welcome whose heart feels drawn to it. And if you go to the courses. carylake. com page, you can read about it and read about priceless pricing that you have to be registered at the beginning of the year and every month we just visit how valuable this is at this point for you. And if you drop off, you drop off. But for those that want to keep going, it's, it's built to be a transformational time. That's everything that we've been talking about, helping people have a new relationship with who they truly are and then discover how they can best express themselves through whatever they're doing in the world. That's, and that's really what my heart is about is how can I take whatever this is and help you be more of you? So anyway, I, I hope people will check that out too, cause I think it's going to be really amazing.


Okay. So what I'll do is I have some of your links anyway, but what I'll do is add any more links that you want to share and put them at the end of the podcast. Once this live is ended, it will still be available on YouTube permanently. And then once I've edited it, it'll go out as an audio and then People can listen to it and I can take out the bits that are not relevant but it's all relevant. She says it's all relevant.


Yes. Wow. What would you take out? I don't even know. Cause you were brilliant and so much good stuff.


Thank you to holly for introducing us and thank you so much for Interacting and connecting and for coming on the podcast. It's been a been a pleasure and I find when i'm editing in, I'm listening, but I'm also watching. So I'm listening when I'm editing, I listen with a different ear and I hear lots more and also I listen to it when I've done that because I get from that too which is lovely. You are welcome back anytime. It's an open invitation.


Thank you.


If people have questions, you can contact Kerri yourself if there's something that you want to ask her or myself, please feel free. If there's something you don't understand, again, reach out. This might not be for everybody but it's about stepping into your own knowing. And even if you think, I've no idea what the hell I'm talking about. If it's flowing through you, it's maybe needed to come out and see if you're happy just to say what feels. It doesn't have to make sense. As long as you don't offend anybody, and you're doing this from the heart, and you're not trying to tell somebody what to do, as Kerri said earlier, you're just allowing yourself to express yourself. And that's what the start is. You have to play with it, it's like a muscle. If you don't use it, you can't experience that you can't think, Oh, Oh, I'm not sure about that. Oh, I get that. That's what that was last time. Okay. I'm learning. So you have to play with it. It's a muscle. You have to develop it. And if you're with people that don't mind, whether you talk nonsense or not, that's fine. Cause you can practice. And I'll be quiet now.


No, you, now you talk for an hour and a half.


No, no, no. I, I can smell food. I know where my mind's going and it's not flowing that way. It's flowing that way now. Once again, thank you so much. Would you like to say parting few words? I'll pop you out. And if you don't mind just hanging on for a second before you go.


Oh yes. Just I'm honored for the opportunity to share. And There's words that I don't have words for it yet. It still blows me away. The opportunities that I get to do exactly what you just said, talk nonsense, and maybe sometimes somebody understands it. But I do it for all those reasons because I can't not do it because it's here to be expressed and I've learned that when something comes and it's so obvious and I don't hear anybody else talking about it, then it's mine to express and like you said, the more you play with it and you, you hear yourself expressing what feels true to you, fear becomes irrelevant because the sense of wholeness. Really takes over. And that's why we're here is to live in that wholeness. So thank you, Ronnie, for all of your work and expression in the world.


You're very, very welcome and thank you. Wow. What an amazing lady. That has been a real pleasure. And it's funny, I haven't done a podcast for a few months, so I was a little bit nervous. I'm fine once I get on. It's just the beginning bit. Thank you to everybody that's joined us. That means the world to myself and my guests. And it's about sharing. So it's not about telling you what to do and this is right and this is wrong. It's about sharing experiences and we don't all have to agree with each other. Find out what is your truth and what's your knowledge and be kind to yourself. As well as being kind to others, be kind to yourself first and be patient with yourself. It's not about having rainbows and you know wings on all the time. We're experiencing life. You can get cross, you can get angry, you can get frustrated. Just recognize that and be kind to yourself and allow. whatever needs to come through. So on that note, thank you so much. I'm really excited to get this out for others to listen to. Any questions again, just get in touch. You know how it works. Take care, have a wonderful week I'm going to go and have a curry now. Take care and bye for now.