Reiki from the Farm™
Reiki from the Farm™
Animal Communication for Reiki Practitioners
Dive into the captivating world of animal communication with Pam, whose lifelong journey from a horse-loving farm girl to a globally recognized Animal Communication expert unfolds in this episode. Pam invites Reiki practitioners into the profound realm of intuitive animal communication, revealing how to deepen connections with animals and enhance healing practices. Join Pam as she shares her experiences, practical insights, and transformative encounters, guiding listeners on bridging the gap between human understanding and the unspoken language of animals.
Silver Bay, NY - NE Reiki Retreat: https://northeastreikiretreat.org/
Rhinebeck, NY - Omega events:
Open to Peace June 16-21: https://bit.ly/3NXJzmy
Wisdom of Reiki Conference: June 21-23:
Pam Allen-LeBlanc is a scientist, a businesswoman, and a Licensed Reiki Master Teacher (LRMT) with the International Center for Reiki Training. She is the author of "The Reiki Business Book" and a co-author of ICRT Animal Reiki training. Pam teaches Reiki, Animal Reiki, and Animal Communication online and in person in Canada, the US, and Australia.
Get in Touch with Pam
Website: https://www.reikifromthefarm.com/
Email: pam@reikifromthefarm.com
Thanks to Music from Pixabay for the intro music and Nate Miller for the meditation music.
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Hi and welcome to the Reiki from the Farm podcast brought to you by me, Pam Allen Leblanc from Hidden Brook Farm. I am a scientist, a businesswoman, and a licensed Reiki master teacher with the International Center for Reiki Training. Each week in this podcast you'll be entertained as you learn about a wide variety of relevant Reiki topics, helping you become a more knowledgeable and effective Reiki practitioner. We caution you though, this podcast may also dramatically improve your life, and we are so happy that you're here.
Pamela:On this week's podcast, I've asked my friend Karen Kegg to help me talk to you a little bit about some of the changes that are coming to my animal communications course and some of the new, exciting things we have coming up. I realized that this year I just have three main priorities. Animal communication, getting my book written, getting my course updated, and getting elected for the Green Party. And then a little special project that I'm doing on the side and some renovations. So maybe four or five priorities, which is nothing for me. This is a, this is getting things really together. But thanks so much for being here today, Karen.
Karen:And thank you for inviting me. I love talking about Animal anything.
Karen:are the expert on that, so I have lots of questions
Pamela:for you. I don't know if I'm the expert. I've seen how animals respond to you, and they just love you. And I've never met anybody else who fed a banana to a cockroach, and I witnessed that. So I know you are. Super kind. And even as we speak, my pet spider is above my head here. And I just, it's really cold outside. Often spiders in the house, I will relocate to outdoors. It just, I don't know. I don't feel bad about it. But it's just too cold. And I feel that she's there. She was right over my head. Now she's just moved a little further over so she, so I see her. She's
Karen:there to help with the bug management indoors while, you've got their little ecosystem indoors keeping the
Pamela:ecosystem indoors and actually to remind me to write because when a spider shows up it reminds you to write. That's right. for being here, Karen. I just wanted to let people know some of the things that I've got coming up. In March, I have a really fun Kaurna Reiki class coming up. March 11 to 13 and 18 to 20. We're breaking it up into four and five hour segments so that we can teach it in a time zone that works in Asia and Europe. And it might work for Australia, might be a little late finishes at 11. P. M. for most of our Asian friends, those in Hong Kong and mainland China, but so it would finish at two in the morning if you're in Australia. But it would be a really lovely time zone if you are in Europe and if you want to get up super early. and get started at 7 a. m. Atlantic time, 6 a. m. Eastern, and just spend the morning in classes. We'd love to have you join Ken Lok and I for his Kaurna Reiki co teach. I'll be teaching early mornings and then I. Oh, again in May I'll have a Karuna class in the regular time zone. Animal communication, I know a lot of you listening want to know about that. I have a Level 1 and 2 class coming up March 23rd and 24th and my first ever Level 3 Professional Practitioner course. coming up March 25th. And I do know that sometime either in June, July or September, I will be developing this into a teacher course so that I can then teach people to teach. I also want to send an invitation out to any of my previous animal communicators. The course has really been developing. or the last year. There are attunements now, there are invocations that release obstacles. Anybody who has studied it before, and it's a two day class, I know a long time ago, years ago, I used to try to cram it all into one day and I'd make people stay there until 10 o'clock at night almost, but From nine in the morning. Nice 12 hour class. Now we do spread level one and two over two days, but there is a lot more to it. And so if you want to do an update and before moving into that professional practitioner course, if you feel you could use a refresher, you're welcome to join the update in March. at half fee. So go ahead and do that. And also for animal communicators and animal communication, I have got a course coming up in the Asian time zone, which will be taught in English, but then translated into Korean, Cantonese. and Mandarin. So if you speak any of those languages proficiently or English, and want to join us, that's July 12th to 14th. And if you're just wondering about it, we will be doing an introduction to the course on June 4th, along with all of those translations. It'll be our chance to try to test our translation ahead of time. Also in April and May, I have Level 1 and 2 in Master Courses in person and online. Animal Reiki 1 and 2 in Masters in person and online here at the farm. And May 3rd to 5th, there's another Animal Communication class coming only in person because it's in conjunction with the Northeast Reiki Retreat in Silver Bay, New York. Would love to have you join us for the class, but also, Think about coming to the retreat. It's a wonderful way to reconnect. In addition to my animal communication for Reiki practitioners course there is Tracy Sullivan's going to be there teaching a licensed level one and two class. Carolyn Musiel will be there teaching a licensed master class and William Rand. will be there teaching a licensed Kaurna Reiki masterclass. So we would just love to have you join us. I also in April and May have oh, I guess I've just covered that. In July, We do have some whale classes coming up in Campobello, both Reiki Level 1 and 2 in Master's and Animal 1 and 2 in Master's and on the Tuesday evening between those classes, because those run from a Monday to a Friday we go whale watching for both groups and we send Reiki out to the whales of Campobello and for those of you listening, last year after we taught The, our master class there the very, almost extinct, the very, very endangered North Atlantic right whale showed up just a couple of days after the master class, the Animal Reiki master class finished. There were four whales that they had not been in our bay for four years and they felt that it was the warming of the bay that caused the specific phytoplankton that they eat to go away and yet for some reason after that master class they came back. So please think about if you really want an adventure, join us in Campobello, it's just off the coast of Maine, can be a little tricky to get to this island. If you do decide to come, spend a few extra days, this is the summer home of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. There is an international park and miles of hiking trails, miles of beach, beaches everywhere, sea glass, you name it, and probably the friendliest people I have ever met, aside from Karen and some of my Reiki colleagues. So just tons of stuff going on at the farm. And I almost forgot to mention, but June 21st, sorry, June 16th to 21st, I'm going to be participating in a wonderful Open to Peace event at Omega Institute, where if peace, bringing peace to the world, is something you are thinking about, is something that's important to you. There are some wonderful presenters, myself, Avalon, Heather we'll do a podcast on this in a month or so, just to let you know. a little bit more about it, but look it up. There's a link in this podcast to it. We'd love to have you join us. And then immediately after the Open to Peace Conference at Omega Institute is the Wisdom of Reiki Conference that following weekend. The Open to Peace is through the week and the Wisdom of Reiki Conference The following weekend, June 21st to 23rd, we're going to be there on the solstice together. I know that's important for you, Karen. Myself, William Rand, Colleen Benelli, Brett Bevel, and more presenters will be at this Wisdom of Reiki conference. And William Rand will also be teaching a Kaurna Reiki class there at Omega. Following the conference. So lots and lots to think about. Sorry, Karen, there's just so much going on right now. So much going on. What about you? What do you have for listeners? I think the easiest thing
Karen:is people go to reiki institute. com and you can find my schedule there. I'm teaching animal Reiki classes in February. April, like alternate months. And then I teach regular Reiki 1 and 2 and master on the other months. And then I'm teaching Kaurna in April and Kaurna in July. And that's as far out as I've got it scheduled. People are wanting to come to Ecuador for a Kaurna class. So I think that may be coming up in the fall.
Pamela:Oh, Karen, that's so exciting. And you've been investigating the possibility of having some retreats down there. Yeah.
Karen:Yeah. In fact, I'm going this week, this weekend, I'll be going up to Intag to check out. It's Cloud Forest to see how, what kind of sacred lands there are there that we might want to
Pamela:visit. I'm definitely going to try to get there. And yeah and we'll be, you and I talk every month at least, sometimes more than once a month. So we'll be letting people know as those develop for sure. Absolutely. Thank you. Okay. So I'm just going to invite everybody to move into Reiki for a moment. By bringing your hands into Gassho and just activating your Reiki energy and holding the intention of just learning more about connecting with animals today and we'll be doing an experience at the end of our day to take you into that and just imagining the different animals in your life and sending Reiki to them, allowing them to send Thank you for listening. energy and love right back to you. This transcends the veil of the livings. We can send Reiki to any of your deceased animal loved ones as well and just feeling the love as it comes back to you and just opening yourself up to the possibility that you may already be communicating with them, but it might look different than what you expect or sound different or feel different. Certainly we can connect and communicate with them through energy. But just opening your heart right now in connection with them, opening your heart and reaching the light of your heart out to the light of their hearts, and just knowing that this is how we connect and communicate with our animal friends. Taking a moment of appreciation and gratitude for their presence in our lives as they take a moment, likely in gratitude, for your presence in theirs. When an animal has been in our life, it's because we have had a divine contract, and they sometimes cycle back to us. Just being open to that possibility, and open to the possibility that Reiki may naturally open your abilities to connect with animals, and listen to them, hear them. Just allowing Reiki to make those adjustments, and we use the mental emotional symbol if you have that. Right now, sending that into that heart connection you've just made with your animals today. The mental emotional symbol or the emotional balance symbol is the one that can facilitate interspecies communication. So just taking a moment to appreciate those animals in your life and the divine animal kingdom as a whole and all that they bring to our lives. We are so blessed to be of this lineage of light bringers connected to the animals and connected to the earth. Aho and Namaste.
Karen:Pam, I'm ready to dive, do a deep dive into animal communication. So I think the first question people may have is, have you always been able to talk to animals or how did it
Pamela:start or? No, I have always had a special connection with animals. I remember even as a child, my father, some we I grew up every weekend spending every weekend at my grandparents dairy farm. They had a couple hundred head of Holstein cattle. They also had switch and cows, which is I love cows. I love everything about that's what I studied in university basically and then they had it. My grandfather had Belgian draft horses, which love horses. I've loved everything about them. I've always loved them. He had some beautiful pigs, chickens, cats just all of the farm animals. There was a pond in the back. And so it was a really wonderful way to grow up connected with animals. And there were dogs there, although my grandmother was a neat freak and wouldn't allow them in the house. So they were, they lived over at my aunt and uncle's house next door. But and then we had our own dog, which was allowed in her house when we visited. We were a little. Spoiled, I think. My father was the youngest. But I can remember, with the horses, just working with the horses from a very young age. And sometimes there would be a horse that it was a little more difficult to work with, that maybe the other children couldn't work with. And they would, I can remember my father saying, give that horse to Pam, she'll figure it out, so there always was this, Some sort of ability, but it certainly wasn't the type of communication that I do today. It was just a love and a connection and an understanding. And then fortunately with Reiki, that has expanded into communication fairly recently. So
Karen:What made you decide to create a course, an animal communication
Pamela:course? I, when I got Reiki, my intuition began to expand as it often does for people. And I went to this really powerful course, horse course, and I was really just trying to become a better horse trainer because at that point I had a horse business, I have my own farm, my own cats, my own dogs, my own chickens and guinea hens and so on. And I had a few horses. In fact, for those of you watching on YouTube, the horse's eye behind me, that's Honey's eye. And she was one that I just couldn't reach no matter how hard I tried. And I really was committed to trying to reach her. And I was very successful in training most horses, but I knew I could become better. That course It did make me a much better horse trainer, but only because it helped me understand the energetic aspects of horses and it opened animal communication for me, which was a huge breakthrough. It wasn't at all what I thought it was, animal communication, it wasn't like a conversation like this. It was very different, but once it was open, Honey knew we began communicating. I'm not going to say it was effortless. because it wasn't. And I'm not going to say she had only sweet words for me, because that's a very tough love for me, actually. And, sometimes you don't want to hear what they have to say, but it will make you better. And I did become a better horse trainer. But I started offering it was a very special, very spiritual horse course. I started offering it and Karen people started being able to hear the horses after it. And like during the course in the same way that I had done and I wasn't startled by this. I thought, of course, that was natural. I think everybody has an ability. Everybody has an ability to hear animals. And but then this lady Marjorie is so sweet and she found out that she called me up and she said, I hear that people can hear animals after they do your weekend horse course. And I said, that's true. And she said here's the thing. We don't like horses. We like cats, but I've got 10 ladies who want to learn animal communication and we want you to teach us. And I said, no, I'm not going to, but you're welcome. But we don't want all the spiritual mumbo jumbo in the horse. Stuff. We just want you to teach us to communicate with animals. And so I said, no. And she said, I'm going to leave you my phone number in case you change your mind. And as soon as I hung up, and this would have been back in 2010, as soon as I hung up about 14 years ago. Source or Reiki tapped me on the shoulder and said, you can totally teach them that and showed me how I would alter the agenda. And, my horse course was very intensive. People camped here and. We worked for three full days. It showed me how I could condense it. And anyway, so I called her back and those first 10 ladies, I think actually 11 showed up, came and, I taught the course and then other people heard of it and wanted the. So at first it was very kind of organic. People would reach out and I would put them on a list. And when I had a bunch of people, I would offer a course. And back then, even though I'm a marketer, I wasn't very good at marketing. And, eventually, it became so popular, I started moving, crossing the country and going into the U. S. to teach animal communication and and then it just continued to become more popular and it continued to evolve and about a year ago, as I was teaching the course, even though it was continually evolving, a year ago, I got the message, okay, Now this is going further and you're going to create additional courses like the animal communication class was more or less how to hear animals and how to verify your work and how to get good at it. Now I got a message that I was to take the course and turn it into First a, the Level 3 Reiki Professional Practitioner course, like how to become a professional practitioner, how to run an actual session for others, because I've been a professional practitioner since that horse course first opened my ability in 2009. As soon as people know you can communicate with animals, people reach out. all over the place and, want some help. And so the course has got really nicely developed. It's not where I want to go. Could you go into
Karen:that a little? Yeah. About what do you do in the level one and two? And then what, how Reiki fits in or like all of that?
Pamela:Oh, a hundred percent. So a year ago, when it began to evolve, a couple of things happened a few years ago, one of my students pointed out, I thought it was all the theory and all the unlearning that I took people through, that was helping them get the ability to to hear the animals. And one of my students said, Pam, I don't think it's the theory. I think by the time we spend the whole day with you, because it was, the whole couple of days with you after a couple of days with you, because we would only practice at the end, there's a lot of unlearning that has to happen before you practice. And she said, I think it's all the time we spend on you that your gift is rubbing off onto us. And she really made me Think about it because I wouldn't have had that original thought, but as an empath, I know truth when I hear it and it sounded true. And I remember that when Yasui Sensei first came down from the mountain, that's how people received his enlightenment. So I thought, Oh gosh, I think she's pointing out something really important here. And I had to ponder it for a while. And then about a year ago, when the course said that it was evolving. Reiki had been, at first this course had nothing to do with Reiki, I was offering it to anyone, but I couldn't help but notice that people who had at least level 2 Reiki were getting more from it, like they would have more ability at the end of the course, and when Holy Fire Reiki showed up in 2014, And I didn't study it till 2015. So from 2015 forward, Holy Fire began integrating itself more and more in the class as far as it experiences to release the barriers and so on. And the class got more and more effective. Like initially about half of my students could really clearly hear them. The other half, I would at least teach them to Dao so they could get yes and no answers. At least they knew how it worked, but they still sometimes had some more blocks and barriers to, to work on. And as more and more holy fire wove into the class and more and more Reiki, then so I would start, because it wasn't always Reiki practitioners there, by saying, by the way, Holy Fire Reiki is going to be here. If you don't want it to be, it won't be, it's here to help you release your barriers if you want it to be. And I would use it throughout the entire class, the class get more effective. But about a year ago, the energy showed me, okay, now you need to do actual attunements and it will get more effective still. And so I did begin doing attunements and it did get. Much more effective still and so that's been the involvement, but in level one and two, I think our course is a little different than some because I'm completely self taught. It's just me and the animals in Reiki. That's where it came from. I never went to a formal course. I had read books and stuff and I had taken, pre recorded courses, but I didn't get anything at all until I really. came about this way of doing things. And what people tell me about our course, it is structured. There is an unlearning. There is a pointing out of where you're going to get, make mistakes. There are things that get in the way like judgment, ego expectation. projections, our own injuries and trauma. And so it's actually very important to release those and heal those. And we do that in an experience in the class to get a clearer channel, because I've met lots of people that can communicate with animals, but I find that they're not always as accurate. As they could be. They think they're accurate because they are definitely getting communication, but the communication always comes through our filter. So if our filter is dirty, smudged, if we've got cataract, if we've got our own injuries and issues and trauma and expectations, We're going to interpret what the animal is saying incorrectly. So I've really spent a lot of time making sure that we can get very clear and then verify. That's the other thing we do really differently. I teach people to dows so that they have a tool to be able to say. Did I understand that correctly? And then we go through, okay, if you didn't, and you won't always understand things correctly, I still make mistakes, and I always verify, and I always go back and say, okay, which part of that didn't I understand correctly? Which part was I projecting or was my filter getting in the way? So I really spend a lot of time walking people through that, so that they can make sure that their communication is very Thank you. Pure and accurate. And then we do that verification. But we also talk about some of the ethics around animal communication, which I know not everybody does, because I've had people go ahead and communicate with my animals without my permission, or without, and It's important to remember that if an animal is with a caretaker, they have a divine contract and it's important to have the caregiver's permission as well as the animal's permission. I've had people communicate with the animals without their permission and, different things like that. And sometimes people don't understand the pitfalls of trying to. communicate with lost animals. Sometimes people don't understand what they should and shouldn't communicate about. Like you should never communicate with an animal about something you don't have the ability to impact. So if you're saying, are you happy with the space that you have? If there's not, and think, it, If there's not another space available, don't talk about that. It's very disrespectful to talk about some of these things that you can't have an impact on. If you want to, if you want to talk to a whale about if they're happy in their space if there's not something going on that's going to free the whale or something, or if you don't have the ability to do that, don't have that discussion. Yeah, so we just go through all the ins and outs of it. It's a wonderful class. I hope, I don't have this ready yet, but I hope in the very near future that I'll have a chance to write a workbook for it. And then the professional practitioner class is going to take people forward as to, okay, you've been practicing now for a while as an animal communicator, or you will be practicing. What does a professional, Session look like and then there's going to be a quite a bit of practice time in that class where people can work with their peers. And really hone that ability and develop their own style. I'll be talking about my style, but giving some options and possibilities for how they might want to run their sessions. And there'll be a client intake form and things like that, and discussion around, what to charge and different ways of doing the session. And there'll be a Q& A. Session, section, session and section and people will get an opportunity to communicate with my horses as well if they, yeah, and my horses will help them. It's going to be fun. Karen, I just, sorry, you didn't even ask this, but I have to mention it. Recently, Tracy Sullivan, last year at the Northeast Reiki Retreat, she used, My human design. She used yours too as an example for others. And I sat there listening, going, that makes so much sense. Why Karen Kaig and I are friends and why we love working together so much. But one of the things she said is with from her background in human design, is that we are moving into. becoming, I think she said we're nine center beings, but we're moving into being 11 center beings. And part of the human design has predicted that this is what we're in the process of moving into in the very near future. Yeah, maybe you probably know more about this than I do. No. But yeah, go ahead. This is exciting. And she said part of being an 11 centered being is an ability to communicate with animals that basically human design has said and predicted that animal communication is coming as part of this evolution for us as humans. And I think we evolved into nine centered beings from seven. I might be getting this wrong, but it's something like this back in the 1400s or something, around the age of, perhaps in 14 or 1500, so around the age of enlightenment. And her theory was, she said, I think Pam's already there, being, and she's pulling the
Karen:rest of us along with her. Yeah, you've always been a way shower, and sometimes your teachers are dragging you along and you're like no, I'm not ready. But I think that you are a way shower that way. Yeah, so yeah, I think we are moving, we're moving from like linear mental thinking to more or communication. Yeah. Which is ironic because that's what I did for 30 years was, an English professor, but we're, but that's it doesn't communicate enough. And so I, we're moving to more like telepathic sort of communication or heart centered communication and animals can teach us that. But so now I'm curious, because I haven't taken your course yet, but I know. Reiki does clear, it clears away those obstacles. I love how you talked about that and that explains perfectly why people do suddenly
Pamela:start developing abilities or
Karen:that were probably there. We just covered them all up.
Karen:does the communication, what does it look like for someone who doesn't communicate with animals if it's Not that linear are they like talking to you? Hey Pam, how's it going? Is it a conversation or how does communication, what does
Pamela:it look like? Is it, what does it look like? And see, that's, it's, that's what we go through in class because it's different for everyone. It depends on what your ability is. And so we talk about the different clairs, like some people get pictures. and have to figure it out from that if you're clairvoyant. If you're clairaudient, it does sound like a conversation, but I'm not clairaudient, so it doesn't sound like a conversation for me. Some people just have a knowing, so it's how to figure out how that knowing works, how you hear it or understand it, how you interpret it if they're claircognizant. People who are clairsentient or Claire Empath Paths might get feeling and in there and usually we have some combination of those. So we actually go through what those all are and help you identify what you are and so what it might look like for you. And it's going to be different, like I said, for everyone. Now that being said, then every animal is different. So even though I don't tend to be clairvoyant, typically animals communicate with me through claircognizance, knowing, and then eventually it developed, eventually Reiki opened up my ability to see a picture. So I put those two things together, just this knowing and feeling, and also clairempathy. So I put the three things together. I used to just have the knowing and the empathy and. It was really difficult to do, to put it together until I started getting the picture. And I even, I did have clairsentience, like if an animal wasn't well, I would feel their unwellness in my body, and that was hard actually. And I, so I actually asked Reiki to change that. I said, is there an easier way that I can find out what's going on? And that's when the clairsentience went away and was replaced by clairvoyance. So I toggle between those three when I communicate with animals. And then you have to interpret it, and it comes through your filter. So it's really important to understand, what could be congesting your filter. And we do a lot of work to clear that filter in the class. And we also. spend some time talking about heart walls, because you talked about that mental linear. Animal communication is not mental linear, and it doesn't even happen in the mind. So even though we call it a, it's a telepathic style of communication, and we get actual information. So this goes beyond the energy exchange that we receive in Reiki. This is, we get actual telepathic information. However, It comes through the heart space. So if you have a heart wall for any reason, which a lot of sensitive people do, most sensitive people do then we talk about how to recognize it and we do some work to let that go. So it's really a fantastic class, Karen, of Sounds like it. Opening up to your intuition. And so it's, in addition to animal communication, you usually hear, start hearing source better. You usually start hearing your guides better, like all of it. And you really understand how you hear and then, how to interpret that into words. So it's so much fun. I love it. It sounds like a perfect
Karen:course for anyone who's on a spiritual journey, not just if you wanted to communicate with animals, because that's. That's a big part of anybody's spiritual journey. I think the animals have a lot to teach us. That's what we learn in Animal Reiki. And so anyone who's wanting to just open up and increase their abilities, this would be a wonderful course.
Pamela:It's like helping the animals
Karen:is a side benefit,
Pamela:It is, and I'm very blessed with all the animals that I've been able to provide assistance and, many times it's more the caregiver that I assist than the animal, a lot of times the animal knows what's going on, but the caregiver doesn't. For instance a lot of people contact me when it's getting close to the time. And the animal kind of clarifies for us no, give me another month or two, or yeah, I've been hanging on a lot longer than I wanted to, and usually has I'm getting shivers as I tell you this, the animal usually has a farewell message. for the human. Sometimes the animals are coming back. They sometimes let the person know look for me where our work isn't done yet. I'm coming back. And sometimes sadly they're like, no, our work, we did complete our work. I'm so proud of you. But I'm not coming back. I'm going, so it's it can be a really heartwarming time. And I know recently I did a couple of events where the fundraising events with animal communication, which was so much fun, where I did where I did talk about the whole death and dying. Process. And we raised, I think, over 900 for the 600 or 700 for a Christmas kibble program for in a community not too far from me. So it's exciting to, it's so nice to be able to give back to the animal, wonderful.
Karen:I know that we're going to have a little bit shorter podcast today. So I want, there's one thing I want to be sure to ask you about, because I'd heard that that your book won runner up in a Hay House contest, and I would like to know more about that. And what's going on after?
Pamela:Where are you going to go from there? Where am I going from there? You know what? I decided to write an animal communication book. And I've been working on it. So I submitted my proposal to Hay House, and I completely missed that I won runner up. The first email that came out, I was very busy. It might be in a snap election. And I said, Oh, I guess they didn't like that book. Maybe I'll try a new book. You didn't even open it. I didn't even open it. I I opened it, but I didn't see my name as a winner. And I just went delete. Oh delete. And a month later, they reached out and said, Congratulations on being a runner up. You didn't get a book contract this time, but we loved your proposal. And here's some suggestions. Because we would like you to submit it again in April, in a contest that they have in April and they actually completely changed the direction of it, which makes me so happy, and it's going to change the direction of my course as well. They said, look, you're all about Reiki. This is, you're trying to make this course generic. Don't. We want to see you take it as far as you can take it in the Reiki realm. And we're very interested. And I don't know, there's no guarantee. They won't necessarily I won't necessarily become a Hay House author, but I have a good feeling. And I actually am going to rebrand my animal communication class. I used to always say, you don't need Reiki, but Reiki helps. And I've just been noticing that everybody who's showing up lately has Reiki, and that allows me to teach at a higher level. I don't have already been clearing. We've been clearing that already been clearing. You already understand the energetic component and you're not resistant to the Reiki energy that I'm using in the class to help expand your abilities. You understand how the Tunement process works. Yeah. Lately, a hundred percent of my class I've got a class. Coming up that there's one person who doesn't have reiki, I think she'll be fine. But typically yeah. One of my Reiki students is in your class that's coming up, like just
Karen:this weekend. So excited. Yeah.
Pamela:Oh, thank you. That's fantastic. But I am going to rebrand it. It's going to be Animal Communication for Reiki Practitioners. I'm really happy I didn't have a lot of the book written when I sent the first proposal because I don't have to go back to the, I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't come. And it's because I need, it's, that's why I need to do this specifically for Reiki. I'm really excited about it. In the past I've said, you don't have to have Reiki, but it helps. And Now we'll go right into it. So it's exciting.
Karen:Do you have any final thoughts or final bits of advice that you would like to leave listeners with anybody who may be interested in animal communication or how it would work with Reiki or.
Pamela:Yes, I'm going to say this. You probably already are communicating and your animals understand everything you think and feel and emote and. Understand and know so don't try to lie to them. Be authentic and I think that the other thing that might be important is to just look and see if you do have any, just being aware of those blocks and barriers. You probably are already communicating with them, you just don't understand. what that looks like, or maybe it looks different from what you expect. And so if you really want to develop that further, join me, or just pay attention and see what you notice. And if you, but if you'd like to dive into the ethics and what to do, what not to do. Just understand that your animal understands everything. Tell them, if you're leaving, tell them, I'm going here and I'll be back at this time. And, you'll get an intuition if your animal, some animals really understand time, some don't. Some you might have to say, I'll be back in three sleeps, or I'll be back in six food dishes. They usually understand food. And every animal's different. So even though I usually think know, feel, see once in a while I'll get an animal that it sounds a little more like a conversation. So just being open, open your heart and being open to do that. And if we have a few minutes, Karen, I'm just going to lead people on a really quick exercise with a heart ball. Okay. Yeah. Just to know if you have a heart wall. So first of all, if you're connected with your intuition, you could just say, do I have a heart wall? Is there anything blocking my communication? And just get a sense whether you get a yes or no. But if you're maybe not as intuitive, that's okay. Here's a really clear way to know if you have a heart wall that would block you. And it is Do people frequently misunderstand you? when you communicate with them, because it not only gets, a heart wall not only gets in the way and blocks communication with other, with animals and interspecies, but it also blocks communication within your species as well. So do you often, mean one thing but people hear another or are you often misunderstood? If you are, please be aware that you may have a heart wall, and heart walls can exist in some situations and not in others too, like you may have a heart wall with a specific person or a specific animal, and it's always going to block your communication. So I think we're just going to go into a really brief meditation just to verify, If you have a heart wall and sending an intention to allow Reiki to begin releasing it for you, if you do, it is okay. If you have a heart wall to release it in degrees, you might find that releasing it all at once would be too intense. It's okay. Reiki can release it slowly for you. So just taking a minute to close your eyes and place your hands in Gassho, and then place your hands on your heart, just asking yourself, is there a heart wall or a block or barrier that would prevent people from understanding the love and intention that I'm intending to communicate? And if there is, just forming an intention now to beginning to release the heart wall. Whether it exists all the time or even if it exists just in certain circumstances or with certain people, it's always going to get in the way. of clear communication. And so just sending the mental, emotional, or the emotional balance symbol into your heart, as well as any other Reiki symbols that you may have, just inviting it to begin clearing your heart for you. At a pace that's right, the heart wall and clearing any injuries to your heart as well. And just allowing that to happen at the pace that's right for you. Understanding that Reiki will never cause harm and it's only here to help you exist in ever more energies of love and peace. And understanding. Peace, love, and understanding, I realize, just came through. And so we allow the process to unfold, knowing that it will unfold at the pace that's right for you. And as we do, you can reach out, like we did in the invocation earlier, making heart connections with animals. With their permission, and just knowing that this might lead to even more communication and information. And so it is, and it is done. Thank you. Thank you,
Karen:Pam, and thank you for sharing a little bit about your new courses. This is exciting. I can't wait to take the course. And I'm looking forward to the book and sharing it with my students and all the people who are looking to expand their awareness about themselves and the world and the animals
Pamela:that live here and our
Pamela:in it. Thank you, Karen. You're probably going to be editing this book. So as a partial payment, please join. Please join whichever classes you can fit in. I will edit your book because
Karen:you're a good writer, thank you.
Pamela:And I'm feeling so confident now that Hay House has I don't know, I just, I feel like. I am going to be a Hay House editor, or author, whether it's this time or the next. I really feel I'm on my way to becoming a Hay House author. I think so. Among other things,
Karen:and thank you. Thank you for all you do for the Reiki community, for the ICRT, for. For the animals and now for Canada. You got
Pamela:politics and yeah. Canvassing for the first time today, Karen. Wish us luck. I hope it goes well. I really am excited to meet the people, my constituents, the people in my region, my riding and
Karen:It just hit me. I think that's what's going to make you such a good politician, because politicians have to listen, and that's what you've been doing. You've been learning to listen and tear down your art wall. It's all been working towards that. Yeah.
Pamela:And communication is listening more than it is talking. Yep. It is listening. Wow. Oh, thank you, Karen. That's beautiful. And I can't help but think that everything that I'm committed to this year is making Reiki move more into the limelight and be more mainstream. It occurs to me that if animal communicators occasion for Reiki practitioners is a book published by the largest spiritual book publisher in the world, Hay House, how much is that going to expand? the reach of, how many more animal lovers are then going to be open to Reiki and maybe animal Reiki and just like animal Reiki. It's so exciting. And even politics, yeah, absolutely. I'm going to be running Reiki every, everything, every political thing I do. So it'll be so fun. Yep. Thank you, Karen. I love talking to you. And thank you so much to the listeners for being here. We appreciate you. Keep shining your light brightly in the world. It's making a difference. Namaste.