Stories Within Us

Finding the helpers amongst the chaos with Crystal Reynolds

Lisa Bush Season 5 Episode 3

This conversation with designer, observer, and fellow creative Crystal Reynolds was sparked from a recent post where Crystal wrote, "...I’m on the lookout to find the helpers amongst the chaos." I was intrigued.

In this episode, Crystal and I discuss her journey as a creative, her design work with Mayor Jyoti Gondek's campaign and how Crystal is finding individuals who help her make sense of the world that we are currently navigating. Crystal shares how we can stay grounded—both as parents and as creatives—during times of chaos. 

This was such a healing conversation! I invite you to listen and share with the helpers in your world.  

About Crystal Reynolds

Crystal is a Kick Ass Marketing and Communications Designer. She works with organisations that choose to take the lead in their own story. They avoid, or at least question, the latest marketing trends, and create opportunities to account for social and technological changes. She doesn’t focus on sticking to what worked in the past, but instead on how we can translate skills and resources in new directions.

Crystal story in design has had quite a few chapters experienced over the past 25 years. She has lasted this long because of her desire to learn, think outside as well as inside the box. Gaining insights that have taught her that as long as she brings her experience and insight to the table while also ensuring her clients’ needs are the core focus is a recipe for a successful partnership.

Crystal considers herself lucky to have worked with local, national, and more recently international clients. She believes that visuals are an integral part to communicate messages with clarity. Every day she creates, she feels like she is living her best life.

As a mother and partner, Crystal wrote, "Being part of this family dynamic has taught me how to listen to varying views, account for differing expectations, and bring people together by focusing on common goals."

Connect with Crystal  Reynolds:


Twitter: @crystalinkca

IG: @crystalinkca