The Myotherapy Association Australia began life as Myotherapy Association of Victoria. As an emerging health profession, the popularity of myotherapy as a valuable career pathway in health sciences meant the association quickly identified the need for graduates and practitioners nationally for peak body representation. Today, the Myotherapy Association Australia are Australia’s only industry association dedicated solely to the needs of myotherapists and myotherapy profession. In essence, myotherapists help people in pain to move better and live their best life.
EP - 35 Meet our Myotherapist of the Year Jayden Seracino
Join us we chat to our Myotherapy of the Year for 2023 winner Jayden Seracino. Jayden is the owner operator of Myoactive a clinic in Burwood East in Melbourne. Jayden has developed a multimodality clinic that brings together Myotherapy, Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Remedial Massage, Personal training and more.
Jayden is a passionate and driven individual who is dedicated to the Myotherapy industry. In this episode he talks about his journey to building his business and running a successful multimodality clinic, what a day in the life of a myotherapist business owner looks like and where his passion and drive for the industry comes from.