Skull RPG: Game Masters Tell Your Story

GM 101: Scaling the Challenge Rating in the Middle of a Conflict

Dwight and Jacob Scull Season 1 Episode 148

Hey Storytellers,

Sometimes in the middle of a conflict, you realize that your players are running through it too fast. So what do you do about that?

Check out our newest book - Human NPC's: 84 Complete NPC's for 5th edition to use in your RPG in minutes:

Check out our first book - 19 RPG Adventures for Game Masters to Run in any TTRPG:

In today's episode, we cover how to scale up or down your conflict in order to make it interesting. This may mean you fudge a die roll to avoid fully killing a player, or it may mean that backup for either side comes out of an unopened door or unexplored hallway.