Visions & Voices On Global Issues

From Art to Reality: A Journey Through Turkey and the War in Iraq - Alexandra Howland

World Affairs Council Inland SoCal Season 1 Episode 18

Alexandra Rose Howland (1990, US/UK) has lived in the Middle East over the last decade, creating work that aims to challenge and expand the ways that geopolitical events are communicated. Her background as an abstract painter informs her practice, resulting in multidimensional projects that use images, found objects, interviews and video. Through her work, she seeks to generate a more expansive understating of how conflict is portrayed. She has shown internationally with both solo and group exhibitions including Leave and Let Us Go (solo), FOAM Museum Amsterdam, Road to Mosul (solo), London, Textured to Only Us (solo), Los Angeles.  Leave and Let Us Go was published by GOST Books in 2021.