The Class Podcast

Welcome from Jaycee Gossett

November 30, 2020 Jaycee Gossett Season 1 Episode 1
Welcome from Jaycee Gossett
The Class Podcast
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The Class Podcast
Welcome from Jaycee Gossett
Nov 30, 2020 Season 1 Episode 1
Jaycee Gossett

Welcome to the inaugural episode of The Class podcast. Every week, Jaycee Gossett will be joined by one of our teachers to have conversations with those that inspire us and who we can learn from. Our conversations will be rooted in curiosity, vulnerability, and authenticity in order to deepen our mental and emotional toolbox. In this episode, Jaycee shares a little about herself and The Class Podcast before guiding us through a brief meditation that can be done anywhere you are.

Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to the inaugural episode of The Class podcast. Every week, Jaycee Gossett will be joined by one of our teachers to have conversations with those that inspire us and who we can learn from. Our conversations will be rooted in curiosity, vulnerability, and authenticity in order to deepen our mental and emotional toolbox. In this episode, Jaycee shares a little about herself and The Class Podcast before guiding us through a brief meditation that can be done anywhere you are.

Jaycee Gossett:

Hi, my name is Jaycee, and welcome to The Class Podcast. Here we engage in conversation that adds to our mental and emotional toolbox. Every week I'm going to be joined by one of our teachers as a cohost, and we're going to chat with thinkers, dreamers, and those that inspire us. Thank you for being here with us.


Hi, I'm Jaycee Gossett, and welcome to the first episode of The Class Podcast. I am so excited to be your host throughout this experience. If you don't know me, I am a teacher of The Class and I train the teachers here at The Class. I started teaching The Class in 2014, which now is almost seven years ago. Before that, I taught various different forms of movement. I worked in TV, in front and behind the camera, and I traveled the world learning the many different ways that we can move the body and help it heal.

Jaycee Gossett:

Ultimately, my desire for connection and deeper meaning brought me to the practice of The Class. And it has helped me to deepen my self-development and build physical, emotional, and spiritual strength. What we do at The Class is we create this environment for bodies to feel, express, and reconnect. We do this through movement, breath, music, sweat, and questions that evoke self-exploration. We're looking for this podcast to be an extension of that, by letting these conversations add to your mental and emotional toolbox. Every week, I'll be joined by one of our teachers as a co-host and we'll be chatting with thinkers, dreamers, and people that really inspire us.

Jaycee Gossett:

We've decided to base this podcast off of three pillars that will be central to each conversation we have. The first pillar is curiosity. And when I think about curiosity, I think about this desire to learn. What I would love to know is what curiosity means for you, and if you're willing, I'm going to welcome you to explore your own definition of curiosity and the next two pillars. As time goes by, it could be interesting for you to see how these definitions may evolve and what experiences you have with them and where they may be showing up in your life.

Jaycee Gossett:

The second pillar is vulnerability, which I think of as this state of openness. The third pillar is authenticity, which to me is the ability to show up in a genuine way. And again, I'm curious about how you, the listener define each of these pillars, what they mean to you and for you. Even if you don't write it down, it's good food for thought. We speak to these three themes in class often, and what I'm looking forward to do is hearing our guests' perceptions, experiences, and relationships with each one of them. Hopefully, it's going to get uncomfortable. We'll get uncomfortable, which as we learn in The Class is within the discomfort is where the ability for change lives.

Jaycee Gossett:

To close, we'll always end our episode by sharing something with you, our listener. It will often be something that we can move or breathe to. Today, I'd love to share a breathing moment with you that will allow us to arrive into the body and open the heart. So, if you'll join me wherever you are and wherever you're listening from, if you are walking or driving, please keep your eyes open. And I'm going to ask you to feel your feet settled on the ground, wherever you are. Uncross your legs if they're crossed and form a relationship with your feet and the ground beneath you. Cue and inhale through your nose and a deep exhale out the mouth. Deep inhale through the nose and a big exhale out the mouth.

Jaycee Gossett:

All right, a few more times. See if you can increase the inhale coming all the way up the feet, through the legs, up the body, to the crown of the head.

New Speaker:

And a big exhale out the mouth, releasing any pressure off the chest or in the belly. From there, keep the breathing nice and deep. Take both hands to the body, they can either be both beyond the heart or both on the belly as a way for you to deepen connection to yourself and begin to tune into your breath. And as this is a practice, if distractions arise, you reaffirm the hands on the body and the deepening of the breath to arrive back into the moment now.

Jaycee Gossett:

If there is any energy in your field or any disturbances that you feel in the body on an energetic level, I'm going to invite you to inhale. And then on the exhale, whatever that may be, just release from your field, from your body, from the breath. We'll do that a few more times.

New Speaker:

Any disturbances, distractions, things in your field, breathe in, exhale, let it release from your space. One more time, take a deep breath in, exhale, let it release through your space. And in that more attuned, quiet space, I want to invite you to hone in on a word or a feeling or a thought or a state that rings true for you, that lands in your truth space as a thought, an energy, a feeling, a state that is important for you to live by.

Jaycee Gossett:

Something that reaffirms for you, an aspect from yourself, a state of yourself, of how you would like to show up. You don't have to overthink it, it doesn't have to be how we show up tomorrow or a year from now, it's just literally right now in this moment, in truth for you, how you would like to show up for yourself, in the world, in your day. And as you breathe in, you're going to let it amplify. And as you exhale, you're going to make some more space for it. As you inhale, you're going to let it amplify. And as you exhale, you're going to make more space for it.

Jaycee Gossett:

The beautiful thing about the breath, if you begin to tune into anything that may be blocking it or disrupting this feeling or thought or state that is of you showing up in truth for yourself, the exhale helps it release. Two more times with me, breathe in, exhale, create more space. Inhale, let the feeling, thought, state, energy, amplify. Exhale, send it out. With the hands on the body, once you have that strong current vibrating through you of the thing that you are calling up to show up in, just see if you can send it out just a little tiny bit, like two feet, three feet around the body.

Jaycee Gossett:

Breath and the energy are amplifying it around the physical space, knowing that this feeling, this place is something you can arrive back to at any point, today, tomorrow by returning the hands to the body and the breath and grounding the feet and reigniting that spark that already exists in you. We'll take one more deep breath into close, exhale, big sigh out the mouth. If it feels good, release the arms, get a big stretch up, and one big exhale as you open the arms around you. Then when you're ready, you can reopen the eyes, take in your space.

New Speaker:

Thank you so much for tuning in. I look forward to seeing you on the next episode where we will begin to dive in together.