Rad Matters hosted by Mike Ranquet

007 Terje Canceled? That’s G(r)ey

October 16, 2021 Mike Ranquet Episode 7
007 Terje Canceled? That’s G(r)ey
Rad Matters hosted by Mike Ranquet
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Rad Matters hosted by Mike Ranquet
007 Terje Canceled? That’s G(r)ey
Oct 16, 2021 Episode 7
Mike Ranquet

Terje canceled? The snowboard industry eats its own, what a bunch of kooks.

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Thanks for enduring Rad Matters Podcast Hosted by Mike Ranquet. Donate to see me go down swinging while taking the snowboard industry to where it ought to be.

Show Notes Transcript

Terje canceled? The snowboard industry eats its own, what a bunch of kooks.

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Thanks for enduring Rad Matters Podcast Hosted by Mike Ranquet. Donate to see me go down swinging while taking the snowboard industry to where it ought to be.

Hello, my name is Mike Ranquet. And welcome to red matters hosted by Mike Ranquet. So what's going on out there? It's been a minute for me, but yeah, that'll, that doesn't need to be discussed now. I could say, kind of popped out of this brief slumber I had and just saw the stuff on Terry. I was like, Huh, that's fucking harsh. That's weird. That's crazy. So, um, I guess I'll preface something here. So throw out some things in a facial sort of manner. I guess this is, um you know, I know a lot of people in the industry and stuff. So any of these kind of people, sources, they're completely they're completely fictional, anonymous sources, or anonymous fictional sources. And I rely on that. I'll never let the truth get in the way of a good story. Just like I'll never let a good story get in the way of the truth in you know, my case, whatever. But I think you know where I'm going. So um, yeah, like, did everyone just like receive a memo? One day? It was like, um, I don't know from a diverse board of directors in the Upper East coast somewhere. Like, you know, just a remember that that dude, that worked written for us for 32 years. will fuck him. Okay. We're not I don't know what did that memos say it? Was it like Gossip Girls hype thing everyone just gets at the same time kind of looks each other and Oh, my God, I can't even can't even believe it. You know, but going back further, I'd say you know, I don't think in January or whatever it was. I mean, that's another thing. I might be coming into this so late. I don't care it. I don't care if it was 10 years ago, I just realized it now is fucked up. So I just don't think he woke up one morning and was like, just had a thought about something a tweet from three, four years ago. And just started just you know, street stream of consciousness or whatever, just through his head. Just Oh my god. I got to write this down. Oh, my God. It's just coming out of me. I just don't think that happened, I think I don't know. Said Upper East diverse board of directors maybe had some push or pull. They're not Oh, you know? Who knows on that end, right. Or was it the so called? Was it the LV? T. KGB T GBT que people I you know, I did read some replies. I mean, they have one guy just representing their whole community to a snowboarders. That's crazy. I mean, he talks to everybody and gets their input. I'm sure they all felt the same. That you know, banded bad thing. So I guess I'll address a lot of this to that. Upper East Coast diverse board of directors are are the fucking Kook that wrote that reply. And, you know, just right off the top. Fuck you. You're fucking Kook. Once you fucking beat it. Just get the fuck out of here. Go back to the valley. Do whatever you fucking do. But you know. You're not really welcome around my parts anymore. Just you to not not everybody. That's crazy. Just you. I'm just saying fuck you. That pompous condescending shit that you wrote to Our fucking goat. Fuck you from all of us. Okay, I represent the snowboarding community now. This is in reply to the KGB t Q community to Terry a saints whatever. So this is my reply back to your reply. And this is from snowboarding. Fuck you, you fucking Kook beat it go back to the fucking Valley don't come back and I'd also like to put out the same type of sentiment to kind of the, the snowboard industry at large. He I'd say like, the usual like, go fuck yourself, but you guys have been doing that for years here. You got that on lock. So I'll leave that up to you. But I guess to go fuck yourself, of which you guys have figured out how to do for a couple of decades now. I guess I'd like to add on. Also, while fucking yourself. Eat a bag of fucking dicks. And you guys are. It's just a foolish foolish industry run by children that are just squandering this getting smaller pretty much every year. You know, you you push out any icons in the sport? You know who else? What was that? Oh, yeah. What was his name? Shawn white? Yeah, he just kind of disappeared. Yeah, he's bigger than fucking Jesus, you guys built him to be bigger than Jesus. Ever he did that. And then criticize him for not whatever mean? Who makes that money gets that famous from a fuckin, you know, a toy sport. So, you know, he's gonna be all sorts of mistakes. But anyone in this snowboard industry to sit back and laugh at that is like, that's, that's what that's what you did. You know? And, you know, just say this, this decision with Terry, of which I feel like the snowboard industry is just complicit in every regard, you know, they just kind of let that happen. Like I said before he would he just all get a memo. And okay, cool. Is everyone making more money now? Is there like, is there a tax break? It's it, it's not going to be better in like three years than it would be actually with all of these guys on board representing the sport. They love to say, I'll just throw out. I don't know Nicholas Mueller. Can Terry a Shawn white? I mean, there's three guys. Yeah, it's insane. But the the, the number one hears is, Terry. I mean, the Nicholas Miller thing so fucking so ridiculous. Such. Yeah, it's just wrong, I think, you know, for for groups of people that like to, you know, say diversity is our strength that certainly doesn't seem like it when you shut down, shut out cancel or just kind of quiet. Anybody that doesn't think look, sound act like you. But certainly think and, you know, Nicholas is, you know, been convicted of wrong thing, you know? So, it's been going on for a while, you know? Yeah, in case to Terry's like, it's like he, he amongst other people in a 100th monkey sort of way. He really wrote the blueprint for a lot of shit 30 years ago when he when he was a fucking kid. He was taking stands against the Olympics for the good of our sport. If he just wanted the Olympics, he probably would have made more money there. And probably various endorsement bullshit Norway that he you know, could have just quit snowboarding forever. I mean, his choice to just kind of like, look at the IOC and everything they do. And, and kind of like put his foot down, I mean that that's, that takes balls, and that's gnarly. That's for the betterment of all, everybody. In the in the long run, everybody was a beneficiary of those actions by Terry back then. And, you know, no thought of what he's sacrificing have any think about the lack of longevity for pro riders in this sport? Which has been, you know, I've just watched it for years. It's like, you know, the industry wants this, you know, like the band Menudo. And they just, you know, swap dudes out as they're getting older, like it was just like children of the fucking corn, like the industry won't allow itself to kind of grow up with what it created. What it created was a huge participation level, but now is getting older. And, you know, you're by dropping someone like Terry dropping the one common thread that will bring those guys back into the fold. And it's just a yes, it's a shame. It's like, over what? I, I don't know, it just seems to me. Maybe Terry's main sponsor burden, maybe seems like something kind of like got shook up there about just about coming up on two years now. So about two years ago, just something that shook up their management. I don't know what happened. But they've just kind of, you know, from afar made shitty decisions since then. dropped a lot of people. Yeah. Yeah. It's just, it's an odd one, Charlie Brown. But, you know, whatever. Okay, I'm gonna throw out a hypothetical. Let's, let's go back in time. Let's just say, what's that Kook that wrote that fucking reply from the KGB? T? Who mean nity? is a community is that part of the letters to? So you gotta go like, say, co Mmm, that's crazy. So let's shift remember. But let's just throw out a hypothetical. Yeah, he, I believe was conveying that, you know, Terry was a big influence to him and all this shit. And, you know, if he was younger, and he had heard, you know, one of his idols, you know, kind of, say anything disparagingly against like, a gay person or, or, you know, using those words that he might have. He might might just quit the game right there. Wow, what a statement, huh? I can change lives with that one. He might have never snowboarded. Well, I would say I might have never notice. Um, but I guess where I'm going with this. We're gonna go hypothetical hair. Let's just go. Let's just say, here's a ski area with the parking lot. And there's a back parking lot back parking lot. You gotta have a yellow bus back there. Right? So the end of the day, said Kook is like a kid. Like, I don't know, Team Kook is on the bus. He's like, 15 just battling his inner demons apparently just can't do it. And so then up walks, you know? 20 something, and strikingly handsome. Ranquet and Terry. And yeah, they're just getting on the same bus or cars in the back too. I could stuck or you know, he's like, Oh, no, it's fucking Terry. Who's that other guy? I think that I don't know. But, um, so let's just say Jerry, he, you know, he just jumps on the bus. And he's just like, you know, the row behind this kid and this kid's trying to act like he. He's just stoked. Terry's right there. And they're both just sitting above where they can see him. clearly with a cigarette hanging out my mouth trying to like jam my snowboard into you know what do you call? I don't know just whatever rack system or under the bus or wherever you got to put the fucking snowboards on this make believe whole story. I was just fucking it up and and clearly probably a little bit buzzed maybe visibly buzz and you know, so I finally figured it out, knock something over people kind of look at me there bump. So I finally got on the bus and I just you know, go sit down next to my buddy Terry you know, we're regular pals. So first thing he says to me is like, looks at me, and just is such a fag. So, um, or let's just say same scenario, same everything. But when I sat down next to him, I put my hand on his knee and kind of played what I like to play call Gay chicken. Or just put my hand on one of my you know, Reto friends knees and see how far up I can take it and just say Terry again had the same reply. Like you're such a fag. Okay, so either way, maybe the one instance I was actually you know what I'm getting at. So said kid sitting. Yeah, that will grow up to be this coop that writes in this letter, trashy carrier. But at that time, this may never have happened because he heard Terry utter the F word disparagingly and what like so he just would have quit. Like, what? What if he had a day and night pass on his pass? I mean, would he would he ride later that day? Then hang up the boots? So the speaker was it the last day of the season? Maybe he wasn't even going to ride for like six months? In which case is he actually quitting then or he's just stopping for the season? And they'll pick it up later for one day? Just sake I don't understand where were the quitting part is Anyways, that was his claim like and you know what a great loss to the snowboard community in industry that would have been you know, my first thought is like anybody's gonna quit anything on one disparaging remark that may was even directed at you. And that may have been true you're gonna you're gonna quit like your favorite thing you'd like to do in the world? You know? Cuz that's kind of like how you put it how much somebody meant to you and you're just gonna stop doing it? Well, for starters, I say your fucking pussy and furthermore like really? We don't need you we don't want people that just want to quit that hard like that quick you got no like inner drive you got no no nothing to what you know didn't want to just march forward and carry on and maybe do this sporting activity you know for yourself and like you know who cares? Like really bottom line is like who cares what people think you know? I've always had this thing in my head where like if I don't know you or I don't like you or Yeah, I don't respect your opinion then I don't care what you think or say about me. Doesn't bother me one bit I care fucking less. I've been like that for for years for Yeah, since I was a very little kid it's like why would even bother getting upset if you don't really respect the person you know if a friend of mine tells me some stuff that should bother and upset me probably typically will because I respect that opinion coming at me otherwise I mean if I don't know somebody or I knew them five years ago and dealt with I don't care I don't give a fuck but anyways you know maybe instead of no entire industry hearing about this like sob fucking bullshit victimizing story. Why not just I don't know. Try harder. He fucking pussy. You know, I'm not sure how it works. He says if you can insult someone from my community, it's crazy. Like you can't Like this such a faux PA, um you know, the look at it from this angle. Say, I'm calling this guy a kook. I'm not saying, you know, this guy's such a fucking Kook. He's just a kook for Kook sake. He's not a gay Kook. Just like say, my friend, Chris bronkart. He wasn't. He wasn't a gay snowboard photographer. He was like one of the best snowboard photographers, period. That was it done. You have to add you know, just that sub. Like, it's not like I can't say it's just when I start thinking about how ridiculous it is. I just think you guys are you know, I don't know. Hopefully so insert some big fucking war or something in all of you get, you know, I know signed up to go die in a war and realize like, I don't know, how fucking how gnarly life is and how gnarly things are, that got us to where we're at. And everybody just poo poos things and, and somebody like Terry air, Nicholas Mueller, or Shawn white, those are like one in a billion type people. That's it, you know, they, and you guys are all too good for them. I guess. You know, those are the guys that you know, if they're in, in and around the industry and part of it different, you know, companies one company over the years, whatever, their their endorsements of products, their word is generally more trusted than some 14 year old 15 year old who just won a bunch of contests. You know, people have I don't know, just a certain trust for things, you know, I get it. You know, there's, there's things a athlete can do to say, you know, to diminish from, from their you know, just how they should be perceived. But, you know, there's stuff like, oh, Jay, you know, I get that fuckin whatever. You know, and, you know, say, you know, football kind of wiped him clean. No, nobody gives a shit. And yeah, I can get that fucking killing people. I don't know. That's, I've never done that. I'm not sure I've met anyone that's done that and if I have they just didn't tell me. But, um, as far as like what you think she's throwing out conspiracy theory ideas back and forth all baked at night. That shouldn't really condemn me from a fucking industry. And yeah, that all you guys in this industry, all of you every single one of you. You're a bunch of fucking idiots. Morons. You've been so like, into looking at yourself in the mirror over these last two decades. So impressed with what you see. You don't utilize a mirror to actually look behind you and see where you came from more. Nor do you even you know. Dis. Dis lodge from your gaze long enough to look forward to where you are going. It's just me, me I all the time. It's like, it's like the industry is a millennial or something, you know? And maybe it is but it's just eating its own right now. And I'd like to just kind of kick back and laugh because I got a I'm cool. I like my life. I live in Hawaii. I ride when I get to fucking skate all the time. And I go surfing. And Mornay I'm just with my kids and that's fuckin No, you know, I'm not thinking I don't lose any sleep at night. You know? Because I'm with my kids and not involved in some fucking backstabbing, bullshit dogshit industry that's been appropriating off another sport for the last fucking decades just not Yeah, not losing sleep on that one. But every once while you dump fuckers light some big fire you can't quite put out don't know really what happened. And somebody like me has to come in. No, not not really Sony like me. I have to come in and put the fucking fire out. Like that time that lodge up in Canada just kind of like just try to walk away with the tip jar that night you know pretty much at the bar, you know, walk walking away with the Craig Kelly legacy, you know, that's like the same. Hey, do what the fuck you do and, um you know, just that shit that shit don't fly. And all the magazine dudes if you know whatever your guys are doing now fucking sloshed, or whatever the fuck you guys are doing you guys are fucking Kooks all of you, Stan. Fucking Pat bridges who would? Yeah, I was trying to come off that Jake Phelps ish kind of way and ski, you know, in snowboarding. But yeah really comes off more like, Magog to from fucking Zoolander. That's what I've always seen. Yeah, no offense, you guys probably don't like me. So don't take my words too, too harshly. Alright. So the subject matter may kind of bounce around a little bit because I've got a Yeah, three year old at home. And I buy a buy alcohol for all the local kids. So they stop by any time of the day or night and I do a beer run for them. So that may take me way here now. But other than that, I'm just saying that you might hear pause, you might hear this and then all of a sudden it kind of is different subject. Well, that's what that is. Anywho you know, I was thinking about this. The word gay. Okay. So, the way I've always use it, I've never I don't know, it's just funny. Like, you know, we, you know, everybody's heard this. We grew up saying it, but like, so, you know, the way I use it, I mean, and then the way or the way Terry use it or whatever. It's, there's a duplicity in its meaning, right. So, you know, for example, if I were to say, it's so gay that I got to work tonight. Do you? Do people out there actually, really sincerely believe that? I think my job or the fact that I have to go to my job tonight is a guy that is attracted to other guys. Is that that doesn't make any sense. There's there's a what he call it you got to be able to distinguish between between them based on the context of the use and the way of which who sews and you know, another another thought here and these are just random thoughts, right? So go ahead and attack me. I don't give a shit. I'm not going to read any of your crap anyways. Yeah, if if, if a friend urgently yells, duck, like, Mike duck, I wouldn't kind of be spinning around in place, looking for a bird that says quack instantaneously without even Yeah, so instantaneously and subconsciously. I distinguish between the the interpretations of the word duck, and I, this happened within a second and I'd you know, duck my head, I'd lower my head. And, again, I'm not looking around for a bird because quack.