Rad Matters hosted by Mike Ranquet

009 Snowboard AK You Pussies

November 14, 2021 Mike Ranquet Episode 9
009 Snowboard AK You Pussies
Rad Matters hosted by Mike Ranquet
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Rad Matters hosted by Mike Ranquet
009 Snowboard AK You Pussies
Nov 14, 2021 Episode 9
Mike Ranquet

RM009 Telos Snowboards In this episode I ramble about Pro snowboarders entitlement issues. At the end of the day you fucking pussies need to go to Alaska, that’s all the fucking matters. Did the last generation push the bar too high up there? They didn’t think so about the generation before them so why the fuck haven’t ya’ll been to AK? Pussies. 
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Thanks for enduring Rad Matters Podcast Hosted by Mike Ranquet. Donate to see me go down swinging while taking the snowboard industry to where it ought to be.

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RM009 Telos Snowboards In this episode I ramble about Pro snowboarders entitlement issues. At the end of the day you fucking pussies need to go to Alaska, that’s all the fucking matters. Did the last generation push the bar too high up there? They didn’t think so about the generation before them so why the fuck haven’t ya’ll been to AK? Pussies. 
Help support Rad Matters Podcast Hosted By Mike Ranquet 

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Thanks for enduring Rad Matters Podcast Hosted by Mike Ranquet. Donate to see me go down swinging while taking the snowboard industry to where it ought to be.

Welcome to the rat matters podcast hosted by Mike Ranquet. That's me. Brett matters podcast is the most downloaded snowboarding podcast in the world on Maui. Anyways so yeah How do you like them numbers pitches? Yeah, we're gonna get on with the show here. This is my first intro. Okay letter has to tell me a pro snowboarder like proper all around pro snowboard. Has it been broken? Is it is it there anymore? What? What is it producing? If there is a linear, you know, a good lineage of riders over the years, you know, not sure the exact Webster's on lineage but I just says like, you know. Yeah, kind of like handing passing a torch along generationally and not really you know, family but family. Yeah, per se but whatever. But, um, you know, the the I guess the number one to me that that I've just noticed is and you know, this isn't all this is a this I love generalizations Okay, that's just the way it is. I love to see you paint and everything over with one brush however uneven it is i don't i don't care i usually don't cut get myself caught up in the general generalization but yeah, this would be a generalization but just for the most part newer pros and I called up to Alaska they're not going I don't know they're not um that's not a concern it's like you know Yeah, even if they do take some time off from their contest schedule due to injury or due to fucking just being over it and frustrated or looking as like you know, okay if I win Yeah, if I podium three times one time for a win this winter then within the winter I'll go on that fucking that trip I got invited on last year we didn't go who's add to the last whatever dogshit contest I had to do but it just seems Yeah, it's like to seems like a big gap you know? And again, you know, beat me up on whatever there's fucking dudes fill this gap and all over I'm not saying that I'm just saying like and I don't pay attention much either. So whatever. But like DCP Romane sat whole acronym ik Lee named crew they they seem like the last of the guys that went up there to fucking get rowdy for Justin or whoever and you know kind of made a name for themselves you know didn't just kind of splinter off into non podium Ville with the landings are flat in hard crews are short. Yeah, just seems like a lot of these younger guys. Like, like riding straight starting to good terrain, good snow is and fuck riding with friends. Everyone's like, I wrote they loved riding how much runes I don't I like riding powder. That's how men say they say like powder. I read fucking powder snow. And I usually ride typically alone or at least somebody it Baker kind of let people know where you're at, or you splinter off from people and get back together but like those are like sick moments. That you just can't, you know, can't be gigging with your bestie besties at all times. Having the best day of your life sometimes it's like he's kept your fucking You know go rides fucking powder men and your back foot on on the chairlift so you know he does stand up right out of you know right off the chair and ride down the mountain and don't wait for anybody and go red powder like a man that seems to be slipping it's a trip you know there's just seems like there's a big gap in that type of writer that you know goes up and fucking gets gnarly with it like fucking all the yes dudes you kidding of course fucking Travis and maybe that whole generation just pushed it too fucking far up there a couple generations before them yet so off for me. Like say the Peter line the Jaypee Walker the kind of forum turn of the century pros. They didn't they didn't go to Alaska. It's almost because it was you know, the pendulum swung it was all these fucking like, Big Foot looking kumbolo Man huge mitten wearing just you know, snow surfers out and the kind of forum crew just was like fucking, we'd like to keep it tight. I tried rails. Were like, you know. I get that. But you know, some point, even the gnarliest street skaters, rail skaters and skating, succumb to transition. Like in skating, it's very, you know, you can discover in the pool for days not even lift your fucking wheels. Not even lift your wheels. Just foolish. And that's, you know, that's can be as sick as it gets in skating. And what do you call it? Yeah, so in snowboarding, our ver our the way he lengthen out a career is he learned to ride not just powder not y'all got to learn to land in powder. Now you don't fucking just learn to ride in powder. And then eventually, you'll fucking learn to land in powder. It's easy. But there's you know, techniques. Of course, there's of everything. But yeah, like when I kind of have said to some younger dudes. You know, you should read Baker for a year, you should fucking you know, kind of male name and coming on strong just being like you should do. And it's like, it's kind of like a Ha ha, yeah, I'd love to take a like a. Was it like, the year between high school and college I get? I want to say leap year, but whatever. So if they want to take one of those, Hey, I just want to take some time off and Oh, with my friends and there's no I'm friends. And we're so like this Look at us. Yeah, how did male snowboarders like say at the bottom of the their runs, exhale games are big contests. They all just like act like you know, they, they just were unvaried from like, underground and found out they want a million dollars. And he was like, man, golly, the like, just gonna stand around just smiling. I know when I used to do, I don't know, say a good run in anything. Yeah, that's just not naturally what I kind of tend to do. I could see you having to do that in that predicament. But just the way they hang around and they plow around and you know, the one dude waits for this dude. So they can show on camera how it's like that's how the bitches were back in the 90s. Like, say my ex Wi Fi any you know that none of them really ever got along. I mean, they kind of pretend they did they sure look like in their ads. But it's probably why they you know, all these companies went out of business is because it wasn't genuine. And people see right through it. It's just like that. Girls, we're here to help each other. And no, you're not either to fucking just stab each other in the back seat like, whatever. naseous bitches But you know, same time, like they just put on this show at the bottom of the runs, they just act like they're all Best Buddies. And this is what the dude seem to do now. And it's like it's you know, everybody just wants to be friends with everybody in snowboarding and that's fucking gray with silent our it's like what's up with that? What it yeah just all my friends who were like to go up and just lucky near Yeah, I don't know I don't fuck you guys but it's okay if yes somebody hates you sometimes it's okay to just think yourself or just say out loud yeah it's like yeah sure everyone's gonna get along in an economy everyone's helping each other but you got to be able to like I can stretch yourself out stretch your elbows if you just ruffle a few feathers away you do a trick or the way you drop in and do this or who you hang with. That's okay not everybody has to be fucking cool with each other. It can be a good bad vibe at the top of runs you know? You just see that motherfucker that think fuck your girlfriend before you dated or or some bullshit like that and yeah just gives you that fucking chart. And you just go over just pound that fucker to fuckin inches light and I'm just getting you right down the mountain you really see your energy there. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, but there does seem to be this ongoing kind of lack of community or not sure how to put it just lack of kind of say okay, let's just say this is hypothetical. Let's say now there's more probably more real but say when the like the forum dudes and again I'm just painting over the yeah the great form eight with one brush the formed is they're all Utah they're all Mormon so when they when they were writing you know, they weren't say doing anything new off the bat, but the way they presented themselves as a team as a brand. The tricks they're doing it was like it was very it was tight. It was like say certainly in line with where my kind of where I came from, and where I thought this sport should be going. Where I would have liked to have thought you know, I you know, tried to get it that way myself as far as I could and hopefully some of you other fuckers figure some things out and push it along to but the forum guys say it's like they just had a set. Okay, let's say the first time I met this is this is funny. Yeah, of course I'd heard of fucking BJ lands with the TWU midget fucking air what are they from Norway? What the fuck you know you're just tripping out like these fucking like they look like fucking you know fucking Terminator just walking is King Kong Kong Kong you know they had so sick finish writer gotta came in because Neymar now all these guys are fucking sick. They're on it. And yeah, it was the outgoing set of pros. It was fucking you know it wasn't a nail in my coffin I'd say but it was a nail and a lot of coffins of whom you know. Like they they really set it in straight that this is the way the sport is going. And that was good a lot of ways but in a lot of ways he didn't really look back and say share their experience. You know you didn't see it. I don't know it's a trip man. How thought it a pause for a second. Okay, so, you know, those guys were really they're pretty, you know, in their prime for sure. And first couple years of form. They were strict, you know, they were fucking you know, it seems like they, you know, whenever I'd say say big bear some hotel or they were saying to, you know, in those days, I wasn't like fucking going out all night but, you know, maybe I keel over to the bar have a beer or two but like, it was like, you know, quiet in the Western Front when you walked by those students rooms it was like, you know, they were out like at nine o'clock and I get being tired. I get beaten burnt, but there was no like, after writing camaraderie, there was no hanging out. There's no like, really, I contacted those like, yeah, and then you rode with them, and they're really fucking good. And they seem to, like riding with me at the time and seemed to, they weren't like, snickering at my fucking Wu Tang style. Knows, like, but at the same time, you know, it was that they didn't kind of go into the fold of what was becoming the whole of snowboarding. by that. I mean, some of the contests reading some of the backcountry, some of what all the forum guys were doing the urban writing in Utah. Yeah, that all should have been like, kind of enveloped and kind of like, rolled into one instead of just fragmented and broken off and very ends up being a caricature of itself. I mean, so yeah, just so let's go back to Big Bear 1998 I still remember I walked in, it just didn't. And you know, what was it? I had a little bit of weed. I had a little pop cam pipe. I made it as in my pocket. I was from Baker. That's how we did it. And as walked over those guys at the foreign shows, like Hey, who wants to go burn one? I you know, kind of like, I only got a couple rips, but fuckin you know, I'll get one of you guys. Hi. You know, in that all it was like, they all just stopped eating drop their shit and just looked at me. And it was like, I'd like to remember it like, you know, Peter Lyons sitting there looking at me with his long hairs, eyes all cross and fucking red lasers coming out of them just yet for mentioning the unmentionable. But we had they were strict. They were tight. You know, they were again they were cordial and cool. But they weren't like gregarious, outgoing and maybe it did something to the fabric of like the way that generation Ben treated older kind of pros in that I kind of feel like in snowboarding it's a sport where I mean this is true in any sport and I get it any progression but like you don't want to ride with the due to your riding on you. You want to kind of take them out you know? And this I kind of feel like writers kind of really think highly of themselves and the skill required in the practice whatever to do all their stupid fucking whirly birds and I get that but you know, they got to swap out that fucking that perfection with some some I don't know just you know, shit the false from the mouth say funny shit do funny shit. Go hang out Mickey Albin, Switzerland and listen to him talk, and then come back and tell me how funny that was. Okay, so Mickey albinos says of that era writer. And he certainly wasn't like that. He was like, always stoked to have like, say Raido lamb around or, you know, when I was in town. There's this, you know, there's this camaraderie or something about that, like, you know, a real kind of genuine respect and and it should kind of exists between kind of generations. It's like, you know, all the dudes that upset music in the 70s. And we're the punk rockers by the 1980s. You know, all those bands were intermixed, you know? I don't know, I'm just making this up the Tears for Fears Do you know produce some John Paul Jones, I don't know I'm making that up. But that's kind of how it went on. Like, at first it was like they came out in the music scene, it was like, shocking punk. But after a couple years, and they kind of worked themselves into the fabric of rock and roll and, and carry on. And everybody's, you know, everyone's got where they came from. And that's where these guys came from. Something cool about that. But like, with the snowboarding, it's just seem to kind of stop. And I was like, Okay, we got it from here, guys. No, no, no, no, it's, it's cool. It's cool. And you know, like, I may have read things wrong in that, you know, I was on the way out Pro. Just trying to figure out my way not quite understanding that I'm gonna fail at normal jobs. So I better keep this thing going. But form guys didn't give a fuck. Okay, here's a, here's this, like a look into this. So I'm going to Peter Lyon one day. This is years later, he's up in Norway. We're talking about how he was at bike factory one time. And there's a sign saying Craig Kelly coming to some posters. And he started snowboarding was stoked. And Craig, but left before Craig showed up, just to kind of and I was like, why? What was the point? Why couldn't you just be like, Oh, that's cool. That's set, dude. It's like he didn't want to give them that. You know, it wasn't about Craig or him. Is this about this? How he treated kind of like those better, you know, in Peter, when I got to know him super fucking cool. One of my best friends, you know, when I do see him, but you know, he kept it really tight during his career, when, you know, he was I wouldn't say over the hill. But, you know, he made his mark, you could say a little bit more relaxed in his career. He was way funner to hang out with, you know, that's the era, I kind of met Pete and even though we kind of grew up a couple miles apart from each other. And I had a pretty big influence on his writing. Back in the 80s, even I think when he followed Craig and myself around ski aufenthalt One day, I remember the whole night, it was like this night session and decades later, he couldn't believe that, you know, I kind of finished the story that he started with me to see if I even remember and I was like, Yeah, I clearly remember that. And yeah, that was always cool. I love fucking Pete like talking to him. But we have a different take on certain things. I remember one time he was trying to embarrass me in front of all the dudes. I got invited, you know, say judge the X Games and? And yeah, he was like, Okay, do you know the difference between Charlie wappler In a mega mega see back? 520? You know, and yeah, was if it mattered, right? And I just looked at it and all the dude's for that kind of like he has here Ranquet tried to explain these tricks. He doesn't mean no. And Pete Yeah, yeah, we need we need brighter judges, man. That's what we need. I just was like, I know what looks cool. And I know it looks great with a seminar. And that's all that I don't even need to know the name of it, or the person doing it. It's just that you know, things look cool things don't either there's a certain flow with anything. Say I'm just thinking about this contest and having to fucking Why do I even say those certain foods anything? What the fuck was I saying? This is a can be challenging, talking to yourself, but I believe over time. And so because this is see. There'll be some funny shit coming out of my mouth eventually. But this structure of not much camaraderie between these generational pros bleeds out everywhere because like, say younger dudes are like, Hey, what the fuck move over. It's our turn. In dude, you know fuck if if if you're waiting for a parking spot in a parking lot and dude comes gets in the car and God turns it on you see the lights come on but you don't see the reverse light come on for a few minutes he'll sit there roll joint, and you know, I don't know, soon the phone for 10 minutes he can he can just do that because he's just in that spot and like what you guys like say this kind of very entitled ish younger writers looking probably like these guys like you know, fucking Pat Moore and fucking all these guys to me are really young anyways but like those are the older prozone Like you know, these guys had big impacts and they're allowed to fucking ride it out for a while and like how could how could it? How could brands even support writers? If they're just chased out the second, they're not 100% relevant? He hasn't done anything relevant in years. Oh no, it's like sometimes the sport this needs its ambience, it's certain characters, it's certain attributes that make it make it what it is and you know, just chipping away at those over time. It makes it something different. And at the end of you know, a couple more generations just something different. It's just gonna suck it's gonna be very, you know, very Letus people don't read powder they ride pow they have their off no contest you I hurt myself that summer. I hurt myself skateboarding. And so I took my leap year or whatever floater year and read pow so bad I hate when people say that with my friends. know y'all need to you know, say there's a lot to fucking learn from guys who don't know Travis rice Pat more guys that have you know, put their time in and not just you know, contests or or being a relevant Pro. They put their time in like, you know, actually writing powder like men and and fucking honing their skill and you know, it's if you're not completely obsessed with writing steep lines and powder to some degree, you you just haven't snowboard it yet. You know you haven't sorry. No. And really until a younger pro goes to Alaska and not for five days or four days, you know, hosts up up there for a little while, that'll change anybody, even if they snowboard or not just go up to Alaska for a couple of weeks but as a snowboarder it's like it's it's hard Northshore our fucking North Shore of Oahu North Shore Maui it's the proving grounds and you know it you can do whatever the fuck you want but if you can't maintain up there at least just maintain not rip but just maintain your fuck and a lot of writers realize that and don't go up there and scared of that bar being set too high by the Pat Moors by the Travis Rice's by these fucking guys are fucking gnarly. And you know JP and Romana marchais like those fucking dudes Kiki rough like those guys set the shit pretty high guys. Maybe sure you can do another one at but can you really? People aren't stepping up like that. So you wonder why like, you know, this guy's taking his time in what you think is your parking spot. Well, you know, fuck you, he prepaid for it a long time ago and you just ride in on you know, he already paid for the thing for the day you know that so you're just kind of riding on his coattails anyway, so you just gotta wait. And in the meantime, try to fucking learn something about yourself your sport. You those the gifted pros that fucking rip before you and just because you know their movie, you know their their movie pieces was Two years ago, doesn't mean they doesn't mean it is the photographer coach it's pretty entitled it does a lot to learn generations

Intro Music (Metal Pipe)
Fuck Your Friends
It's Ok To Be Hated
I Tried To Smoke Pot With Forum Team