Rad Matters hosted by Mike Ranquet

Nate Bozung and I discuss some funny travel stories.

December 16, 2021 Mike Ranquet Episode 12
Nate Bozung and I discuss some funny travel stories.
Rad Matters hosted by Mike Ranquet
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Rad Matters hosted by Mike Ranquet
Nate Bozung and I discuss some funny travel stories.
Dec 16, 2021 Episode 12
Mike Ranquet

RM012 I talk to Nate Bozung about any and everything
Telos Snowboards
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RM012 I talk to Nate Bozung about any and everything
Telos Snowboards
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Thanks for enduring Rad Matters Podcast Hosted by Mike Ranquet. Donate to see me go down swinging while taking the snowboard industry to where it ought to be.

Okay, just hear some pre show thoughts. Today I'm going to be talking to Nate biozone. about who the fuck knows what. I know he's been on some other other podcasts lately. I haven't listened to him. I don't listen to other other things. Because I just don't want to sound like anyone else. I don't want to. I just want to limit my, my intake on podcasts. Why? Listen to lots of podcasts, just ones outside of the the grayed out sport of snowboarding. I'm sure there are some really really good ones out there. So I get it. But uh anywho I know he's been on some podcasts lately, you know, just haven't haven't heard him. Know. Interesting. I got enough to talk with Nate about he's such a funny fucker man. years ago, we're all going to Australia. I think. Yeah, Peter, pure line. Kip Arnett whatever. And we're in LA X. It's typically when you fly down like New Zealand, Australia, it's like a midnight flight, you know. So we're leaving at midnight. And so you know, we probably got our party on earlier. By the time we you know, we're fucking careening through li x, we're, you know, three sheets to the wind, pretty buzz, you know, my take is I got a 17 hour flight ahead. And if I can maintain a buzz for our two into that flight, and then just crash hard. And sometimes crashing hard would involve say like half a value. Yeah, you don't want to take it full fucking value on a flight. It's a nightmare waking up just like what the fuck in this fog. And you don't want to mix alcohol on volumes too much. So that being said, it plays into this little, little storyline. And so Nate was not forgot who but somebody brought, you know, some pills, if anyone was interested in, you know, aiding their sleep efforts. And so it was like, whoever was or maybe it was to two of them. Or maybe even I threw something in and think we all just kind of like, dumped the pills into like, you know, under the table la X, you know, we're all like, what do we got, you know, kind of like, okay, I do half of that one or fucking Yeah, we're all kind of looking at it and pointing and bozos who's never who never really taken any of these pills. Like to that kid who was sober when I met him except for weed. Anyways, he, he just fucking grabbed all the pills, and just threw them back. Just fucking swallow them off. Probably, you know, eight value. I'm just kidding. No, it was probably, you know, one or two volumes and probably the AFOLs anti bar maybe? Yeah, at least pretty fucking. You know, we were rolling. We were like fucking gone. You know, like I said, you just want a little bit of something. And if you've had anything to drink, you typically don't want any of something. But Nathan does this. And we all look at each other, like, you know, oh, shit. And it's that serious. That's like, shit, you hear about, you know, yeah, I just had two beers and one volume and whatever. And so I just looked at Kip and dawn he had done now he didn't come with essays. I always think he's with us on any of these stories, but I just Yeah, looked at Pete and Kip was like, I just grabbed Nathan by the fucking basically by the Yeah, I just had locked him. Two tables over was a group of flight attendants who were obviously other cuantas are obviously our flight attendants. And one of the dumbest force things he can do if you'd like to be served a few drinks on a flight or even just treated normally, or better than normal. What you don't do is like, be, you know, visibly drunk before the flight or, you know, any interaction you have with that flight attendant, especially before the flight that's gonna set you up for the whole fucking flight. So I see these, you know, some flight attendants and like, Fuck this. They're just gonna cut us off for the whole fucking flight. And I saw that before. I was just saying Listen, just knock it out loud in my head. I was like, okay, cool, whatever. So while the sudden you know, Nathan, Nate just fucking ice calm procrastinate he just said procrastinate fuckin just threw back all these pills. I was like what the fuck said just grabbing the headlock and be in you know just charged him into the fucking bathroom, like into the stall and I'm like make yourself I couldn't even say make yourself throw. He was like it was gnarly. And so I just jammed my fucking finger down his throat and fucking got him to gag finally, and he just fucking threw up and I just looked and just make sure I could see the fucking the pills and that they were out of his body. You know? Ben So he threw up fuses it was like I was crying in the corner. I just wouldn't, you know, wash my fucking hands. Probably grabbed a shirt out of his bag after that. It wasn't that bad. It wasn't that messing wasn't that much, but the fucking pills came out. I mean, even like, it wouldn't have even been debatable if Nate, you know, in in the point of inebriation he was at it would have been debatable, you know, Hey, can I have you know, half of I couldn't or have whatever. Fuck no, you kidding dude a year fuck of are ready, you know? So, the fact he just grabbed him all that trip was like, That was a fun fun trip. I think. Now pee pee and I obviously knew each other for a long time. But we got to know each other around those years. Like, like really hang out. Like I really like Peter line. He's one of the best dudes in the fucking world. He's He's such a exceptionally rare creative writer. You get a lot of people that you know, maybe add one ad every year to some fucking spin combination. But, you know, the way he chose to spin in with with the intent of which he, you know, meant and applied. I mean, that changed the game for so many fucking sports. corking a spin, you know, you never saw. I don't know. Let's put it this way. If some. If one day they get horses in some equestrian event to fucking, uh, to, you know, spin off some jump. They'll cork it. Because flat spinning you can't like every sport has now figured that out. Now work that one out. Essentially that I remember seeing the first sequence probably two page spread. I don't know. You maybe saw one or two on video. I know. I'll gulay had a style doing that as well. Maybe one? I think one might be in row kill or something at the time. It was a quick clip. But it was to me the Peter just did it with fucking, you know. Say bombastic it. Yeah, he just fucking though just seen that sequence the first time it blew my mind. I was like, this, just that little fucking introvert from down this hill and that other little neighborhood down? Like, you know, I'd been to his house at that point once or twice because he had like a trampoline there. It's funny. We have these funny fucking stories. But anyway, so let's get back to Nate. That's when Pete and I got to know each other. I think pretty well. We're like, he got me I got him. And we know it wasn't that trip. But anyways, it was a great bonding trip from BMT. And it was a it was a trip of exploration for Nate I mean it was fucking I don't know we had some party nights there right and you know anytime there was let's just say anything. One might want to crush and snort anytime there anything like that around it was just like keep Nathan the fuck away from my okay, you know what I'm saying? So you know, some of the crew we be with the Ozzy dudes or whatever they're all fucking cool and no one's like some frickin blow tard blow head just came up one or two nights on the on the entire trip and but yeah, those guys did. though, the level of which we had to keep that shit away from me, because everybody fucking knew the second, he smelled that shit. It was over, it would just be a race to the fucking bottom, just, you know, just redlining it fifth gear, redlining race to the bottom. And so, I mean, you know, it was almost to the point even with drinking, it was almost like, you know, might have to have an intervention guys on the flight home. But coincidentally, he didn't fly home with us. He actually stayed in Australia for like, months after that. He probably sensed that and was like, fuck, I'm not getting on a plane for ever. But anywho Nathan, Nate, procrastinate, he'll be calling me back here in about I don't know, next hour. So that means about three hours and he's on like, kind of drug dealer time. Yeah, drug dealers are just on their own time. Because everybody wants to say, oh, yeah, see them or go? Yeah. It's funny. I read that in a book one time. It's a small diary. Actually. No. Yeah, drug dealer. Thompson mates on drug dealer calm. We'll see how that pans out. And he's definitely got like a drug dealer face. You know, if I was in a foreign country, looking for something bad to do, which just doesn't happen anymore. That's why I can talk so openly about it because I just, it's of no concern, you know? And it just makes it that much funnier. Because, yeah. Myself and many friends included, but myself being the common denominator. You Yeah, we had had some last weekend's before. Let's put it that way, I guess. But yeah, that trip man. should just say yeah, so. Okay, some stuff that starts with the letter. He was going around. And in this particular situation, we had to you know, roll up a bill, put the bill in your nose and snort it and we snorted E on this trip. And it was great. I forgot. Yeah, I forgot what you know, exact. Was it moon rocks? Is it this? I don't know. It's all E to me. All that shit. All that, you know, Molly's this and they're like, I don't know fucking It was fun night. So anyways, so that some of that was calling around and we're in this room in this hotel room. And I think I was talking me Pete We're talking to each other all fucking heavy, you know, probably making out and all of a sudden you just heard like, it was all quiet and all of a sudden is like this is teen Nathan. Teen Nate not a fucking drug dealer face Nate that you see now. Hanging with models. This is like a little kid from Utah. That had a visible high propensity to like drugs and alcohol. I don't know how I mean visible but you can just see it in him. Anyways, he he just heard him say he heard this big sniff like and then just a big he was like oh my god, what? What is that? Any shot took a breath or tunes like I've never felt so good in my life. And Pete and I were like we look each other like oh shit, like the cats out of the fucking back. What the fuck? It's Oh, dude, it was it was funny moment and we we policed any, any crushable whites from from there on out around him and probably us too. But it definitely. It's like I said, I just watched from afar is the the race to the bottom began. It was my friend Ray out in Chicago that pointed out to me. It was like 12 years ago, probably. And he was saying something about Instagram. I'm like, Well, I don't have that yet. Or what FUCK IS THAT? And he was like, Oh, dude, you got to see your forehead bows on. And I was like, we mean and so that's the reason I got Instagram was just a wanna watch fucking both songs. Fucking Mad Hatter life and yeah. And so I watched that and You know, it wasn't me, I swear. Let's put it that way. But anyways, he's gonna call a few minutes. Still 45 off. Like I said, drug dealer time, three to four hours. So I'll be talking to him tomorrow, probably. And this will be the precursor for that. So hopefully this coming conversation will be funny shit or whatever. It's just always good to talk to that dude. I love that dude. Okay. Ciao for now. Real quick. What up? What's going on? Dude, let me call you back and I have my handful of all these packages ordered and one of the post office Mr. Fletcher's d3. Deal. What up dude? Yeah, five minutes because I have five minutes. Yeah, I got I got I got six and a half. What's going on? Dude? What? Uh, you know, I haven't even seen you since you're fuckin tattooed face. Yeah, I know. What's the last time I saw you? Was it working? Electric crew? Was it Europe? I just I think the EU and I think of Europe is great. I just you and I in the French Riviera. God, you were like, my, you were like my older brothers coming into this game. And it's like, everyone's like, Yo, like, what's up? I'm like, Well, I had a good teacher. Peter line did a pretty good job on that. Have you seen Yeah. Have you talked to that midget little sensitive midget. thing I heard from him, he told me I was lying about. I'm like, whatever. I haven't talked to him. I haven't really talked to anyone in the industry. Dude. I just said like you did? You just get like he did. Yeah, it's uh, you reach a certain point with everything you're like, I'm so sick of explaining something that they ought to know or whatever. You know. The best the best story is when we're sitting is like in Switzerland in the kid. We're talking about conspiracy theories way this is like 2002 kids like oh my dad, I have a triple Matic passport. You have to take the thing out your phone when we're in Austria. Wait, wait, what was the kid do? When you were talking about one of your conspiracy theory things because you always were talking about that case. And so you were telling me about something. And then how like, they track you bla bla bla, I don't know. And the kid was sitting listening to us. And then at the end, he's like, oh, yeah, you just take the battery out your phone? Yeah. My dad's like, uh, and we both look at him. And we're like, yeah, I got diplomatic passport. That's funny. Shit. Dude. That day. I wanted those traveling things that we used to do were like, we just get some shit. We're just in the hotel for like a fucking week. No, wait, rewind a little bit. Let's rewind to where I did like my first trip to Europe. We get over there. And they're like, Oh, what are you doing in Switzerland? God I forgot about that. Forgot about that lady Diablo rated third place ever got laid at that little snowboard camp place that we got raised in? I mean that convincing? Like, you're at the airport. I think you forgot your passport. No, no, no, not my passport, space, my license. I just met my you know, actual driver's license. And whatever. Didn't think about it until I was sitting there at the fucking rental car line. You know? And they're like, oh, you can't rent a car. And I remember just telling you that prior like, say when we were landing or something. Yeah, shoes trip. We were in custom blind. And I was like, Man, these trips Get Hard without a car and all this shit. Sudden, two hours later, the license Yeah, trip got canceled. So every plan that they had set up for everyone the trip was canceled but me and so we get their trip canceled. So you look at me and you're like, Well, I guess we got two weeks to just do whatever we want. And yeah, that was a that was that was productive. Yo, you remember that little fucking strip club in there and then the Russian caked in us and we're on the roof. Yeah, that Russian hooker stripper and she was like oh, man, yo, that was intense. i Yeah, that was a funny trip. And then we went to where do we go afterwards? We flew over to fucking be a hot digger. Yeah. That was that I was there to man. We're just sitting in that fucking Hotel. Box for like two days. It's like we got there got in there at night and just didn't leave the room for like two days or something. Yeah, I know it was great. Again. You remember the dude with the car? They were you there, Phil when the dude drove off the front of the hotel and the car like upside down. Kinda man. I'm not sure if I remember that. Exactly. There's that little town though. Where? Yeah, remember Bruna that was a different trip. out we were all dumping in fucking homeboy pool. What's his name? Axel. Axel. I remember a different trip. There's with Bruce beach. And we're just to party and in. What do you call it? What? Oh, yes. Is dude. We thought we were getting some he or something and ended up just being straight up fucking like acid. You know? Like so. So he took it and we're like, it was an hour or two. And we're like, oh shit, I guess you know, whatever your boy kind of you're just off whatever. No sudden. I mean, I was like, I was driving. And I slipped over a beach. Dog. I think you were too. And it was just like we're on an acid trip. Guys. Were tripping balls. One night on acid. We were like, do a little bar hopping around. We're just walking around aimlessly. I was following you guys. Yeah, and is that was some funny shit. Dude. That little town lives. Yeah, yeah, that's how did we walk like a couple miles? I'm sure walking. Yeah, forever. Yes. Funny. So what have you been snowboarding this year? Yeah, I've already been like, what? Five times? Where do you go right? I mean, I just I've been riding this little mountain outside of like Grant Hardy little mom and pop resort. Kelly Canyon. So it's literally like 10 miles away you drive to farm fields. There's like where are you? Where are you right now? You Jasmine Idaho Wyoming border okay. So right by grants are D Nice. That's a super rad lol. That's a good zone. Yeah. Yeah, date is no lines on picket line. How do you get how do you end up fucking just like at the end of all of this? Well, long story short, dude. I was born in this little town. I came out like a month early. So I was born in a bathtub in this little town in Idaho. Now I'm full circle back into town. Yeah. My mom's family's from here. So I'm just hanging out my cousin. He runs a farm and he's shredding So yeah, we're gonna scrap this here. Nice suit. And then um, what were what do you call it? Yeah, you're like you're on you got on the form team like PIQ form pretty much right? And you were like, Yeah, but I've never I was never officially on it. Dude, I was just like the kid they didn't have to pay like kind of swept me into the rug. But did they? Did they wander you? Oh no. What business were you singing about like to snowboard industries like say when you're when you're all done you're cut you're it's like they should at least give you an exit interview. And you know set you up for maybe maybe give you a two week trade school like you know hey man, just go learn to cut hair be an electrician or something? Yeah, no, everyone everyone's literally like laughing they're like How about time did we find you made it as long as there's no love in the fucking game? There's a way where everyone just is like, you know, they're like good dude you're out everyone's just haters and like they're like whatever everyone's heritors Yeah, I was such a weird little zone like you know I saw like you know see stuff for like the that podcast that bomb hole it's just like they just it's like they open up their phone book their local phone book and just like close your eyes and just open a page and just touch a name. Okay, let's call that guy chances are he's an ex pro snowboarder you know yeah what is the fine No, that's it I just got out I just did one of those things those guys are pretty cool. Okay, I love those guys but well but what is the Find a pro snowboarder like this deal or the paycheck? You know what I mean to say like, like any kind of influence in any point in time. Did you do did you have that security part did you have you know? Yeah, maybe you got or maybe you didn't. But did you? Yeah. Everyone's like go watch up snowboarders. I did pretty sure I'm still snowboarding and y'all y'all know my name. So I'm pretty sure I'm winning. Not you, like Yeah, I mean, whether you know it or not like I was talking on this other this podcast so today just talking about, like, just talking about the Terry a thing, right and how people like be like I heard about that. They'll be like yeah, he's he hasn't been relevant in years. And it's like they don't even get that. Like there's such a long game being played with relevancy. It's like, you don't judge relevancy by like, today, this hour, you know, are you are you popular right now? Are you relevant right now? Did you win a contest last week? Do you? It's like, no, there's a fucking long game in play. And yeah. Whether you know it or not, and other people know it or not, you've got the long game down. You know what I mean? Like, when it being like, money or not, I'm still doing it. That's the thing. Like, I don't go fuck, like, whatever. Like somehow, like, yeah, it's like, I'm in my gear right now all ready to go snowboarding. And as I was waiting to do this call with you, like, I fucking get there, like, and I find no lines, and I found a nice little resort that no one knows about. It's perfect. Yeah, that's all been done. If you stopped filming, all of a sudden, you could like, dog I didn't get hurt. There's no like, say, there's all these like fucking late 20s, early 30s dudes out there that were like pro at one time, that probably are writing the best I've ever written. You know? But you know, I know. But it was cool. Earlier, they won't get their card pulled later. You know what I mean? Well, yeah, it's a test game. You know what I mean? Like pick the route you want to go. It's like you could have all gone we could have gone t manager route or whatever. That's a lot of people who are likely to get a job, get a family kid, whatever. You know, like, I always just finished No, but I'm so excited the route I chose. And it's like, like, I see everyone in the positions. Now. It's like, okay, yeah, we're the managers. Now. We're the one calling to pay taxes. And like, well, that don't make you a pro snowboarder because you say so or not, you know what I mean? Like, yeah, validation is not needed. People know your name. That's what I say. Yes. Kind of like say like, I always think like, just because you snowboarded in the decade of the 90s doesn't mean you know, you're part of it. You know what I mean? Force? I feel Yeah, it's like anybody. Well, yeah, I was snowboarding. 96 people just assume like, Whoa, he must have been one of the forefathers of the sport, you know, I mean, like, they were playing I know, I know, we're going back then to you know, well, people don't really think too hard about things, you know what I mean? It's kind of their kind of like, how in a fucking field with a bet. It's, it's assumed it's always been like, whatever this is, it's always been like this. Or it's like, you know, when I was coming out, you know, we were real fucking odds with skiers and and you didn't just kind of rest your laurels on like, say, what he called No. Taboo was that nobody needs to be taboo. Like everyone hated on I remember even when I eat I was like, all those snowboarders. I want to do it but okay, you're being a skater. Like, thing this day. It's like you see, like snowboard parts over the years. You know, like, say, your parts, maybe even my parts other dudes at skate, right? They always like, have a shot and you can tell gating, right? And you know, some are like, oh, like, No, it's the last name. Yeah, but then like, you never see a Pro Skater with a quick little snowboard shot in their video. No, I know. That's never ever happen. Well, I mean, I've seen it. I've seen it one night. And Paul Rodriguez do it a couple clips. But besides that, Sammy, bad piece. I've seen one. But yeah, I know. You're saying because everyone wants to be something they're not. You know, I mean, yeah. I mean, that person wants to be seen as a skinny person who wants to be like, I don't know, whatever the person was skinny person want fucking loser. I don't know. Another fix, right? Um, yeah, right. What? Uh, yeah, no. Whole skating thing. People don't realize how much they're just floating on the fumes of credit that was created in the early 90s. Is snowboarding being cool? Like, you know, and it's like snowboarding got their foot in the door with the kind of board sports crew and just went fucking apeshit Hey, guys, just come on in. Fuck it. We're just going to eat nothing. They just took over this area. And it's like, well, yeah, there was a year where it was all lacking. They're like, Oh, I can't come in and Boban everyone's hating it and literally soon as the money came in everyone switch with Saiga was like, oh bla bla, bla bla, because snowboarding, skateboarding even just to a one way wider audience to the mainstream, basically. You know, I mean, well, yeah, I mean, three, there's there's a lot of people that pee and snowboard out there more than they do skateboard. I'll tell you that much. That's kind of why I went to snowboard route. So my guilt people go On family vacation, vacation do they don't go on a vacation? Yeah, but like maybe not anymore. You might go and escape vacation now I mean, the shred vacation if you don't have a season's pass is like, you know 1000 bucks a day if you have$500 season pass at this place old resort no roll. Like it's the old sorting that's out here. No, no fucking I had to leave car city because I just bought there we're about to put like some fucking speedometers on the fucking run dude. And can be like picky for going too fast and slow zones. I like I like skiers like what you're explaining. And that's how Baker's Sue. You know, I like scary is it? You know, not not ski resort? You know? Like, yeah, like areas for the socialization. You know, the homies, like, say, like, a good day. Yeah. No, I'm just saying I like I like the environment and the talents and it's just the fucking bullshit. You know? It's like, how cool is that movie? Yeah, anyway, that no. I swear, you fucking wonder like James Bond movies? No, I did. I did it. Myself and Jeremy Jones, my friend James. All three of us. Did a stunt double for Vin Diesel and Triple X. Oh, yeah. It's like, it's like, I remember I watched it one time. You know, I'm here just sitting through it. Just got I walked out going. Wow, I'm, I'm in the worst movie I've ever seen in my life. Like, where's movies? Yeah, no, it's funny. It's like it. Yeah, it's had some legs over the years. I've ever seen you drop like a cornice? And I'm like, Dude, that's so wrinkly. I saw I was like, That's so Ranquet style. Yeah, no, there's a couple shots where it's like, that's Ranquet that's Jeremy Jones. And then that's Jay my friend James. Like, I can see him a mile away. There's one shot of y'all. Yeah, do we I paid well for that. Like, you know, that was pretty sad. I mean, it was like weeks. You know three four weeks you had a trailer with my fucking name on it just sat in there and smoke me playing guitar. Yeah, exactly. I was I was at the top of the call was you know you appreciate it knows fucking making 1000s Like, I don't know probably made 50 or 80 to 100 grand off you know? Wow. Fucking like over a couple years. Yeah, I mean, that all that did I know you do for a minute but um, movies are different than commercials. You know? But yeah. Like I gotta check the other day from sag for like $13.84 or something like that. You know? That's a movie award. A screen actors fucking Oh, yeah. Yeah, but dude, those dogs look after. Look, you know if you're like missing any money they'll fucking like it fucking lawyers on shit. Like what you think? Nobody? They probably do but they need a lot of they need some support systems like I got to sing in Yeah. You're treated better when you fucking leave like government sponsored like drug rehab facility center or jail than you are like, you know, say exiting the pro snowboard world. I mean, oh five bucks or something in a train ticket. You know? I was I learned that lesson when I walked by my poker everyday working electric and in the working in the warehouse in the first two weeks I got paid double of what I got paid monthly. I'm like, What the fuck? Kidding. I got paid like triple in two weeks. But I made the whole month for snowboarding for him. So electric at one point I was getting those check for snowboarding and a check for working in the warehouse that are mind working. The warehouse was like 2500 bucks in my my snowboard one for being on the team for like 10 years was like$400 Yeah, and they probably paid you they probably paid you more to work in the warehouse and they did me to work in marketing. You know? They got we got a good deal in there. What's that? Whatever happened with Kyle, you ever talked to a cat? No, I haven't talked. You know, I haven't I've lost touch with everybody. I mean, he hit me up probably a year ago. I just know he had a couple kids. Yeah. I think everyone's just had kids. Yeah, boy. It's just worried about making money. I always seem like around 2000 ish around time you kind of went pro. There's like a really nice, like disconnect between, like me with the exception of like Our relationship with you and I, there's like a disconnect between like, the the pros of, you know, years before and this kind of newer set coming in late 90s, early 2000s. It was like, in like, Kyle was like a team manager of that era, you know? Like, yeah, though. Yeah, the, the openly lack of respect that he would show me or give me on anything was snowboarding was really shocking. You know what I mean? Like, I'm just sitting there like, Wow, dude, like, he's, like really taking some of that, that added touch, you know? And then it was like, it was just kind of weird. I never really. And then over the years, I just didn't think about it. And then years later, I was like, fuck, that was like the epitome of that era. You know, I mean, of this. Like, I think that's just what key managers have to do. I get to, like, make pay cuts or whatever. I don't know. I never wanted to do that job. So yeah, it comes down to it's not like skating or surfing or like a rock and roll band. Or like, like, oh, yeah, like, we're gonna put you in the Hall of Fame for certain snowboarding or something. It's the weirdest shit because the No 99 into like, when all like 2000 2000 What I'd probably say 678 Is this weird type of like, you're saying Pro? Where it's like, you're not acting, but now it's like fully contest fully, like Olympics. All this fucking crazy shit. And then it's like, well, there's a whole other world underground snowboarding like scene hardcore scene. That like, just gets kind of left out. What's the scene? That's like, hey, you know, I gotta go. I gotta go fix something for my daughter really quick. You're good. I just give us out. poppin Okay, calling Nate back. If I can see if he picks up here, okay, cool. Just outside filming snowflakes falling. It's what? You know, archeparchy snowflakes follows. Yes, funny. Snowflakes. Are 4k. Yeah, it's like they're yes, no snowflakes are fucking rad. Like when I haven't been in snow in a while. I can just like, kind of kick it. I mean, I think have you watch it snow. You know? I still want to thread the Hawaii mountain road in Hawaii. You know you can snowboard there Right? Yeah, I think they're getting snow this week. This guy can't I get some feedback or something? is weird. Contact Rodney without a I see what it is. This guy contacted me that he might go over there like totally on his bucket list he lives in I've been wanting to do that for like 10 years. Yeah, it's funny. I've never had the desire I just picture like strapping in and just kind of like you know, you know kind of like moving your legs a little bit trying to get the board moving. And then the second my crib the second you build up like two miles an hour or anything where you know you have a little bit of speed you're just gonna hit a fucking lava rock and just fucking Yeah, I didn't want rock. I want to back knows what or whatever knows. Really whatever the fuck you call it on a on a lava rock and then pop back in. And we got a cover shot Hawaii doc to talk about. Me and Ranquet sponsored by Aloha the word. I'll have a Greek dude. Dude a machete. Yeah, that was some fucking strange time, say like, in the electric days. Right when you work there. And I worked there. And like, yeah, that was weird. Yeah, it was. It was cool, cool people for like, it was cool. But like it was strange. But no, it was cool. It was just some strange times. Yeah. Yeah, just I mean, SoCal people. Yeah, it is. Yeah, the non weed smokers until it's legal there. And then they're like, oh, it's cool. Now. Everyone like me is like I was I was a little Mexican in the warehouse. He's a white boy, Mexican, green dog dog. And the only white boy that lasted longer than a month in the warehouse. And I got that under my belt. Yeah. Then you have the upper up that used to like be all cool that we traveled with and they're like, walk like he said they'd like you get like, kind of shown there like he's done for like, click and we can't make money off him. Yeah, on the next page, where we can pay little. Yeah, he realizes, you know, the whole team. They and it's like a night? Yeah, no, they realize they need to pay rent. They're like, way younger than we paid him. Dude. We won't pay him. for it. It's so weird. It's like a child. Well, I don't think I actually don't think it is I think it's like wrongly guided like the marketing and stuff like that is like, so I agree with that. It's so aimed at like, say teenagers because the dudes that work in magazines, the dudes that work for like, say, you know, a team manager that has a fucking marketing manager to answer to, they all want to appear like they're, they got their finger on the pulse of this youth market. Does that make sense? Yeah, cuz yeah, it's valuable like their jobs are more valuable if they're heading up you know, this you know, marketing of a youth market then Whoa, there they really they're in touch with shit. And it's it's just all this like fucking feigned attempt to, to in, in the whole sports age. I named it what it is aimed at 15 year olds, and but like, yeah, no, that's what I'm saying. If the keyboard did it's like, but it's got, I think now that the people that actually do it are way older. And it's like, it's a kid sport. So they look important, and they look like their finger on the pulse of a youth market. They don't. But the second they say that their value their value diminishes with their job, you know? Oh, you're just yeah, we're just marketing this to like 30 year olds. We should do that. You know, they, they should be doing other things at 30 Besides this. Yeah. You ever like gotten hung out in New York? And like you tell people you're a snowboarder? Do they look at me? Like you're a little kid dude. I'm fucking a grown ass man with white hair. And they're like, Oh, cool. That sounds cool. You make any money doing now? That's funny. Like a day cool. But that's so funny. Like you know, I mean, so it's like I mean, how do you want to look at somebody like I'm just looking at like some pagan surfspots shred but you know that you It's like they feel they took some pictures like the more the worse the neighborhood they can get a shot of some kid doing a rail that's like street cred in magazine form, you know? I mean, I'll do we got a shot of fucking dude in Queens doing the fucking like double kink? Like queens. No way. Okay, cool. That's where rap came from. Right? Okay, cool. Let's print the cover shot. You know, you got to you got to create something from nothing, you know what I mean? So, I mean, I was doing that like 2000 So it's like I got fired for that. Now the thing to do what was the next situation? They they I have templates and they fucking plucked me out of like 20 million that's pretty much long story short it all comes down to like little contract wording and fucking bullshit. is fucking like it was kind of like ushered you door at the real fucking server fucking nerds from Cali like microblogs like banned me from hanging out with them. Because I brought that nerd over like I fuckin open the door for that for you know just like a bit to do what they want and then fucking on the next shift. A whole like snowboarder mo it's like once a snowboarder now I'm just saying what was somebody wedges the door open? You know? Like, you were like, okay, yeah, here. You know, you're helping them out and fucking introduce them to a couple people. Then they just run a mile. They run a mile come basically your credit, you know? I mean, you're, it's like, and then they don't need you. They're like, Oh, we're like fools. You wouldn't have a company with a legend for fucking me. They don't even fucking Yeah, so yes, we're not gonna talk about that. No, no. And that's how I feel about that. You know how I look at like dealing with that dude. Fucking Nico with the DD stuff is like, is how I summarize it, or like I go like, it's like, I came back to the town that I grew up in. hadn't been there 20 years. And I come back and go out to the bar the first night and I meet this chick. And she's, she's fucking you know, she's amazing fall in love. And you know, say, the night before we're gonna get married. I found out she cheated on me. Then I go to my friends. I'm like, That chick cheated on me. And then all my friends are like, Dude, we used to run trains on that bitch. You kidding, man? You know, and that's, that's it. Like when when people are not involved with D Day, you know? They're just like, dude, that guy Nikko ripped me or he did that. You know what I mean? I just found out all this shit afterwards. I'm like, like, what? You know, why would anybody tell me? I mean, maybe I wouldn't listen to at the same time. You know? It's just weird because yeah, I mean. It's just yeah, you got to be careful then. We've kind of run a weird because you get swept under the rug. They want your clout before. It's like they always wanted to image the cloud timeshare, but then they don't want to deal with you or the artist or the person type that's behind it, you know? Yeah, no, because the cloud part's huge. You know? It's, yeah, it's so good running coattails. Yeah, so yeah, it's just yeah, it's all cocoa. Yeah, huge coat. Um, yeah, I don't I don't know what happened with that DNA ship. But I mean, it's the same story with every snowboarder every company did. I haven't heard a different story yet. Yeah, I know exactly. What it is, like, if you're going to get into this game, you're going to get screwed over and you're not going to get paid what you're worth, they're gonna take you under the rug. And then you're gonna go, that's how you know like, all these snowboard brands aren't owned by snowboarders because they're still in business. Exactly. I mean, yeah, I don't know. Dude, I still haven't game. I just know, I had to start my own company. I still got fucked out of it. So it's like, I mean, why don't why I'm so out of the game. And I feel like I feel like I just woke up a couple months ago. And just kind of like, yeah, woke up yawn and grabbed my phone and turn it on all of a sudden, like, everything was like, fucking Terry aids canceled this and that and like, whoa, whoa, did he fucking did he kill someone? I was like, did he get in a DUI and fucking like, you know, kill everyone. No, I'm just making this up. I'm just saying like, how could he be so canceled like that? You know? Did you know Did he talk Donna Burton, he told me that's a running theme with all this. Um, wasn't it? Like a comment about saying something about yours? This? Dude, it's so ridiculous. I was thinking this other day. The comment was, he was kind of like, to the dude who's coming out kind of like, big deal. You know? Cuz it's like, Yo, Norway. People gave like everywhere for years, but they just have been really accepting of it for way longer than we have, you know. And so he was kind of like Norway. He was kind of like, that's not even news. That was his point. Yeah. And then he said this, and he said, like, Fuck anyways, I thought all skiers were gay. Yeah. And it's like, would that makes me bad? Everybody comes down. I'm like, well, let's just pretend that what if What if all skiers were gay? Okay. Would you still be mad at him? You know, is he? Did he still cross the line? Because he said, Do you know what I mean? Like, I don't know. Maybe there's a possibility. They are all gay. There's a possibility. Gaming? Doesn't gaming smoking a cigarette? I mean, doesn't smoking a cigarette? I'm not sure I think it's being what do you call it just merrily happy without, you know, a care in the world. Almost like, like, you describe it by saying that's kind of get, you know, like, I'm happy. Yeah, like overly happy. Almost like an exaggeration of happy you know, like, blissful. Yeah. Like, it's snowing outside. So gay right now. Like, well, yeah, it's like, say if you go I gotta work tonight. Dude, that sucks. That's so gay. I gotta work tonight. You know, are you saying that your job is a homosexual male? You know, saying no, my job is making me not happy. That's what I got. Yeah, well, yeah, that's the thing is like there's a there's a lot of fuckin connotations and words and how they're used and everybody you know, if you use this one, you you you're using it? You have to be using it like this, you know, like, You're the worst, you know, you're fucking Nazi cuz he said the word gay. And, you know, I'm just assuming you are meaning this this this and this when you're like, No, it's just gay. Fucking Whatever dude. Get over. Definition of gay, objective, or relating to or having sexual orientation to persons of the same sex showing are characterized by cheerfulness and lighten heart excitement, marry bright or lively, especially in color. And what's wrong with being that any of it homosexual, cheerfulness and light hearted excitement? Merry Christmas Is You know, Mike, I ain't gay, but I ain't picky you I mean, it's all it's all a whole when you turn them upside down, right? It's like turbo Negro says it's just flesh. Yo I've tried to find that pizza song from everybody go on the internet dude, I think they blocked no no they didn't is. The album's called Apocalypse dude's Apocalypse dude. That's what their new name is. You know, that's the name of the album that that song is on. Like, come up, and it's like a live agent from Paris is a song. Okay, where do you ever been in like, where are we Norway? Or we're somewhere and you're like, you wouldn't not let me listen to this piece of Sargon now I like mixing it. I love it. Yeah, like I'm all you listen to rock is my boy. Put me on these guys. You guys know turbo? Like do you remember driving through Switzerland? At night? You wrote it going one handed? Yeah. Well, shifting gears fucking picking beers going to play BB gun war. Yeah, no, no, the. We're driving through at night. And I always like to play Led Zeppelin. When for some reason something about fucking Switzerland driving through Switzerland. Just Led Zeppelin. It's the best fucking like, it's just, but I was playing live dazed and confused when it got to this, you know, a tumultuous part of the song. And you were straight up you just looked at me like, do this. This this music scary. I'm scared. Like, oh, yeah, I remember that. But it is. Yeah, no, it's like really dark sounding you know? But just I never heard anyone just straight up just like to jump fucking scared, man. I was nervous. I dude, you know you remember the first time I fucking met you was I just remembered that. When I went to this Japan contest. I find myself and you walked up to me in the bus with all the snowboarders you like you like Apocalypse Now. That's all quoted from like, was he quote, Charlie? Yeah, probably would never say that. You quoted some from that. And then and that was the first time I met you. And then you were rolling around with fucking those dude. Romi or Renee? It was one of those Tokyo Dome contests like the first one. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Remember you were out at that one. And it was kind of like you by myself? Yeah. Your way out of your like, way out of that. Oh, no. I was like, 17 by myself. You'd like Renee. We're rolling around with I think Renee had like all these for like, hottest. Like launch. I was like, What the fuck is going on with you guys? Like, go to strip clubs at night here. Okay. Yeah, that's, that's fast forward a year. You're like my team manager slash like, older brother taking care of me on? Yeah. I was like, fuck, yes. Running from Russians at all. Yeah, I could see like, in some, like, you know, group therapy when you're fucking rehabs. You know that I met this guy, Mike. Oh, man, I had some great I had some great rehab therapy. They always looked at me and they really did like, can you like make it not so like, fun sounding like you dealt with my life? But what do you want me to fucking do? Ya know? Hey, always reminded me of this. It's like, a bunch of dudes without legs sitting around talking about how fun life was with the legs. Exactly. They're like, they're like, hey, hey, get away from all your friends that you used to party with and come hang out with some worse ones that can't handle their addictions and like you know, just hang with them. Yeah, yeah. Surround yourself with that. Yeah, surround yourself with like weak people that you know nothing gets in you're trying to change but just stop if you really want to stop me stop. Yeah, yeah. Oh, shit. I've heard this a couple years ago. I saw you weren't you in the news in Salt Lake local news for some shit like oh, yeah, I was on I was on USA news. Yeah, dude, it was like oh shit. They called it an eight hour standoff. The motherfuckers did I was asleep dude. I guess there was some quarrel with the neighbor that I didn't know he was air being being a Gandalf pulled out so in court it fell in between it's a gray area like my house my gun blah blah blah. So I just I said crooked and took a plea even though if I would have went to trial I would have won but I didn't I ran out of money for the trial. So I just took a plea for like three weeks in jail. And then yeah, that's sad. But now but now I was recipes mother I was just she just passed where I was at her house kind of girl a hemp plant. And they swapped to me and they're just trying to give me one to 15 years because I'm on probation for that shit for the fucking gun shoot. And then or now they're trying to give me 115 years in prison for fucking weed plant or weed marijuana hemp whatever the fuck it's all one the same goddamn point what like recently or is this back then? Recently like I'm still dealing with it like a trial if it gets goes to trial starts like March 1 or some So, trying to go snowboard some where where would I want to? I want to get like a little bonk shot. Like by the river, you know, I'm right by the Snake River. So there's a couple of cool little spots. I saw some picnic tables. I don't know just some go dink around walk my dog is more what it is. Like, now now that's how I tell myself I'm doing some I'm like, Nah, I'm walking my dog. Like if I wasn't walking my dog, I'd be like, What am I doing? So for you to go through my life say, say like snowboarding you're like, Okay, I'm just gonna go find this little feature now down near the river. Oh, look at bench I could no rail slide that. So you just started hiking so that was you know, it's so dumb when you think about it like what are you going to tell some supermodel like yeah, I can go hike up and down and play in the snow like I'm a little 12 year old. Yeah, I say look at dudes like saying and halfpipe contests back in the day. And in my head. I just feel like wow, that's like grown men making a living there. And just seeing what I'm watching is like you know some dude doing like, some no grab fucking week method air you know? Was it brushy Oh. Driving wine. Brushes. Rad. Yeah, in the hood. I sound dry once he was following me. We were calling each other for a second then I had a meltdown. Yeah, unfollowed everyone, but we're getting back. I should probably follow him. Go Hey, you still you still hang with Jamie Lynn up there? Um, haven't seen him in a while. Like, what do you call it? It's just got weird between us for a minute. You know, I don't know. I don't know where he's at. I know where I'm at. You know, whatever. But I've only met that guy once. But, but yeah, it's been a minute. I mean, it's been bad enough fucking Goddamn. 20 years almost. And it's like eating tubes. Yeah, that's more than a minute. Dude. That's a hot sec. Oh, yeah, dude, it's to me. It's just odd. You know, like, I've never held a grudge like that. I get over shit. I might get really hot about something really quick, but I get over. You know, I didn't know you. But I didn't know you guys kind of. I was under the impression you y'all was like, nobody. It was just weird. This is like better left in the weird. I hope to just see him and have it be over. You know, I wonder what like type of contracts you guys had? Like, you know what I mean? I know what they have. Now. I know what I was in in my room. But like, were you guys's contracts? What do you mean by that? Like, say what did you have? No, I mean, like to get a good snowboard paycheck. I was making like at the most two grand amante so I'm like, and that was like good. Like, usually but if you had a real job make that like a week. Yeah, I'm just I'm just wondering what what was the what was the scam in your era? More fucking for me. It was like yeah, I had to just create it right like yeah, I was on the other side the garbage man driving right through my studio with being a trendsetter I want to say 30 years like you're doing something it's not done before so yeah that's how I've been thinking lately is like there's a lot of weight in that too in being first things you know never the door get shot you know what I mean? Yeah, it's like the person that breaks the door down like in this case would be me usually gets trampled by the fucking like traffic behind you know, all the people that didn't want to break it down but are ready to run through you know? Exactly. You know, it's the mini it's the halfpipe syndrome dude in the neighborhood. halfpipe dude, no one's there helping you build it as soon as you're done, dude, everyone from three neighborhoods over there. Yeah, no, it's uh, yeah. You know, it is what it is. Let's say see back in the day. Okay, so I was on the flight home from Japan just got you making like mad money. Yeah, life is explaining that say I was writing for Santa Cruz at the time mean road trip boat ride for them. I was making like 100 a month it doesn't matter Damn. And you know, like in so so like, I got I was flying home from Japan when when we got kicked out. And what do you call it? I was just like scrambling in my head like I gotta make something work because I don't know what fucking to do when I get home. I don't want to go get a job. You know, just the normal shit. Yeah, and so right there like I just started writing this letter to Santa Cruz to saying that I want to be a what do you call Video Pro? That's what I want to do. I wanted to go go film like use the same travel budget. You save everything. Pay me and I'll just go film and being all these get, you know, shots and tons of films that kids actually rewind. You know, these contests you're sending me to? Nobody sees that shit till like four in the morning. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, no, I know it. there's never anything and then so on the way home on this trip, I sent this letter to Santa Cruz. And they just kind of laughed at me at the idea of it. Even though in skateboarding, that's what every you know, the skaters was kind of following thinking they'd fucking be like, Yeah, but they were asshats. And yeah, what do you call I remember, like, just going, I don't want to ride for these guys. They're not supporting me and supporting Roche. And then I got an offer from Lamar. And I'm sure Roche I'm sure I could have roped Roche into the same time but Roche was like so into like, being on the name Santa Cruz, it meant more than anything. And I was like, they're not going to promote your board. You'll you probably won't even get a board for five years, you know, and yeah, and at the same time, I went, you know, he's probably getting paid 500 bucks a month. I went over to Lamar sir making like six grand a month, five, six grand a month. And he was traveling everywhere, just anywhere and everywhere. And because Bert just saw the value in it, he was like, fuck, man, do they still even make komatipoort? Or they don't I don't know to what degree they sell because no one's allowed to say mature as a pro rider in this kind of industry and only names itself shit are the kind of ones that have been around people can trust you know what I mean? But the taboo you have with these brands are like scared to like you know, again admit that they're not part of the youth culture. I really think that has something to do with the you know, the the strain to push it just all these magazine guys and all these fucking like a kind of media people. Luck and you know, like in 2000 Like, it'd be like I'd have a talk with dudes snowboard and be like, Why are you just aiming the magazine it like one small minority group of snowboarders that don't even pay full retail? Anyways, these cool guys you're trying to impress? They all work. Yeah, obviously get deals anyways. Like, are you trying to impress your other buddies at work at other companies, other marketing guys or something? Like, well, that's the thing. It's like, yeah. Like, when you get to a level, you know, like, yeah, it's 100%. I mean, I know you're saying, dude, I can't. It's so ridiculous like it? Yeah. Ultimately, like snowboard? What do you call it? budgets for a company big companies. And this is not this isn't bad. It just is. It's all decided by a dude that grew up surfing and loves surfing and is in the surf industry works for that company to work for the surf industry. And then he just has to deal with the winter stuff on the side. Because, you know, we're one of the sports now, too. And so it's like, it's not even dudes that loves snowboarding or really care about it, you know? No, it's all comes down to the money racking, you know, that dude. And if that guy deciding who is cool and who is not, but they really don't know what the fuck is going on? Because what you like to say like, that's the big question is like, in my head, like, you know, like, Who the fuck are you to decide all this and now that but like, if you know you love, love snowboarding, like you say you do, like, you know, say, person I'm thinking of they're like, you know, multiple articles and industry stuff. Like, you know, he's, you know, he's the last word on snowboarding. He's this and he's, uh, you know, he loves the sport so much, but he just stood by and let Terry get run under the bus. Like, you know, maybe you don't have to call Burton and say, you know, you should pay him again. I'm not saying that. I'm saying like, support the writers. You know what I mean? Don't just like, like that shit with Terry. It was ridiculous. And the fact that like these magazines that all you know, profited every time that guy even looked at Snow, you know? They did better. And then you know, this shit comes up. It's just so ridiculous that we let our greatest of all time just go down in flames like that, you know? And it's, you know, fucking up it was his he talked about starting his own company or anything like that, or what? I'm not sure like, I saw a hash. Instagram account like Hockin bores. I couldn't tell at all. When I talked. It is mind boggling data. It's completely absurd. mind boggling, like Nicholas Mueller and obviously, Nicholas mele. Are you kidding? Like that? I mean, him and Terry are like one in a billion, you know? Like that, but I mean, it's just, it's just crazy. Now I don't know cuz it's different. I don't know. It's weird. It's like a fucking like a. It's like a soccer sport like that sport now, like when the second was trying to like answer like, like in the one thing blew me away. If you say this stuff last summer, not this summer, but the one before, like, out of nowhere like, you know, all these dudes came out in snowboarding just came out like five or six of them in one week and it was like, Whoa, like came out as gay, you know fucking Oh, and so. Yeah, actually I came out as happy. And so this magazine, I'd read these little articles. Yeah, I was just getting caught up on shit and I'd read my homie dog planet flag overlord. Dude, I'm down with those motherfuckers No, no, listen, like I'd read these articles about how you know, you know, we as a snowboard industry, like say torment mag or white lines. I like white lines, guys, but the Tormach dudes are fucking dorks. Yeah, they're just like, well, we gotta we gotta have tough conversations. You know, we have snowboarders. And I'm like, well, a tough conversation. Maybe if you were like some, I don't know. Raging homophobe at the side of the pipe gun. Hey. Like faggot go home, you know and shit like that. Yeah, you gotta go have some tough talks with yourself. Like, why am I so angry? So it's like, when I when when people say or like, you know, we have to have tough talk, you know, we got some tough talks ahead. Once they've done that they you know, work that shit out. You know? Like, what was so hard? I mean, we that big of a homophobe. But you like, I don't know, it's weird. I don't know. I don't really pay attention to people. I just know that it's more acceptable to kind of take off and to become like a girl. Or vice versa, whatever. I don't really know. Then they have like fake tattoos. Like I don't get it. It's just weird but yeah, I'm taboo over here for just me being like an art stuff and like to doodle on, including my face and yeah, I'm looking at like a piece of shit. Cuz I fucking own a gun and I'm fucking or I used to, whatever. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. But you know, like, I've been thinking lately to the snowboard industry is just fucking begging for some dude, you know, top 16 writer never really podiumed you know, dude. next winter and be like, fuck it. i My name is Maria. And I'm entering all the women's events you know? And just some fucking be rate dude. Just take over the women's side of snowboarding. You know? Like, it's like guys that are girls now like going to girls prisons and guys. And they're like mad that they're getting punched? And I'm like, Cool. I know it's just weird dude to say but what do you expect you guys get bullied and you have to fight back there's like being a guy if you ever watch Animal Planet it's like survival of the fucking fittest mother fuckers right? Not survival. Have you ever seen nature's metal on Instagram? What the fuck? I did there's my same dog. You know? Check out this I just did I just sent you a fucking saw this morning on the fucking Instagram. I'm not gonna say what it is. Whoa was was that the first black snowboarder? I thought it was Russell product. I would send it in for product. Oh, that's amazing. I want it and I bet that snowboard probably like five grains. And they got it made in China. Yeah. But you know, I got it made in fucking Michigan. Yeah, who knows? Who knows? Fucking Miller manufacturing and Utah. This funny dude. Was with that if he looks fucking serious. Uh huh. It's the app. It's the Aspen collective dude. God damn, I need to go. Reboot. to Aspen dog. I'll relapse with you. Let's plan out our real lives. Let's plan out our relapse. relapse. Give me a second. I gotta fucking switch the porn channel for my daughter. Hold on. Okay, cool. I'll talk to you like call just call me or something. Okay, hey, dude, you the rat is so fucking love you and you're the rabbit. Can we please read 180 days I'll drive to Baker you're like I want to take you to Baker for so long. You know that like, I know. shit out of there. Just like okay, get rid of that. This is called long underwear. And this is called GoreTex I'm wearing a GoreTex poncho that I made myself motherfucker. Yeah, you probably have a hoodie on underneath. I do I have two hoodies on and postcards. Cotton hoodie, right? Yep. Photo. That's what I got right now waiting to go shred dog. Sweater poncho made by me. Alright, I'll check it. Oh, that's funny dude. I thought you were like a fucking Peruvian Peruvian flute band player. No, I'm just I'm just in my gay snowboard sells good Merry Christmas Happy again yes fucking gay rights you are I used to riding with Canadian dudes. And they be saying that the whole time then one time I just say out loud like fucking gay rights. Maybe like one of them would look over me like what would you mean? I said fucking gay rights and what did you say fucking gay I'm like Whoa dude like oh you take the right day? Yeah fucking gay rights Mike racist Canadian. I think I'd like to think so. Correct All right. Well fuck them all no remorse no regret and all that got sorted out motherfucker Don't fucking rank we don't serve the fuck I used to serve I quit I just dropping the White Way 1000 foot white wave like farmer said right reading the Weiwei was Egan brothers video picky that farmer in the first quarter they ever saw and I was like, Yo dawg, I need a fucking trend. Fuck yeah, now the now started snowboard company. Okay, no, I'll talk to you about it later. I'll leave it for something else but I'm okay fucking we'll talk soon. All right, Nate. And let's and let's read that Hawaii mount luck Yeah, procrastinate. Well $100 to ship my diesel I already procrastinate procrastinating I do love you man later, Robbie more okay, when you start to do that, that's pretty much signifying the end of rat matters again brought to you by tell us snowboards pretty much the best fucking boards in the world which is and my unwavering wit funny as hell I hate myself and I want to die trying to make the world a better place for for someone at some point but definitely not the the crew that snowboarding right now. I tried to make the world a better place and they fucking blew it.