Rad Matters hosted by Mike Ranquet

Haha! Snowboarding got cucked by Skiers.

January 31, 2022 Mike Ranquet Episode 14
Haha! Snowboarding got cucked by Skiers.
Rad Matters hosted by Mike Ranquet
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Rad Matters hosted by Mike Ranquet
Haha! Snowboarding got cucked by Skiers.
Jan 31, 2022 Episode 14
Mike Ranquet

RM014 Haha! Snowboarding got cucked by Skiers.  I’ll post weekly asap. Post your thoughts  (I feel oddly compelled to say that) Telos Snowboards
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Thanks for enduring Rad Matters Podcast Hosted by Mike Ranquet. Donate to see me go down swinging while taking the snowboard industry to where it ought to be.

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RM014 Haha! Snowboarding got cucked by Skiers.  I’ll post weekly asap. Post your thoughts  (I feel oddly compelled to say that) Telos Snowboards
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Thanks for enduring Rad Matters Podcast Hosted by Mike Ranquet. Donate to see me go down swinging while taking the snowboard industry to where it ought to be.

Mike Ranquet:

Hello. Welcome to Rad Matters podcast hosted by Mike Ranquet yeah this is it. This is where we talk a bunch of shit and you get hung up on shit. I don't say things over and over and expect them to change and they won't so welcome to insanity right this repackaged Well, in the meantime, we'll get going here in a second but please enjoy listening to the grab matters orchestra AKA a one man band consisting of me metal fucking pipe pitches so Yeah, been a lot of pissin and moanin lately. I mean on my end, I don't know what the fuck you guys are talking about out there. But yeah, just feel a little self conscious of mine a lot of piss and moan and lately. Jesus Christ, man, get it fucking together. likely won't. But you know, we can all aim for the moon. And we'll cut that off. Okay, so yeah, we're like to do is to get one. One recording all the way through. I'll put a couple of bits and pieces together here and there, but it's just cleaner. And then I'm, you know, trying? Yeah, yeah, just trying to make it clean enough that where I don't even have to think about afterwards. And then if if Fiverr go kind of live that angle, whatever. I don't even know, that entails at this point. But I'm kind of set up to go live because I just kind of feel like what I say is what would what goes on? Like, don't get me wrong, I do plenty of recordings and you know, delete them or don't even delete them just sit on for a minute. So I think God Damn man, I'm fucking funny. There's funny shit and never. What? Oh, I lost my whole train of thought. But I may not really know what I'm saying. But I know what I'm saying. Know what I'm saying. So really, though, like going forward? I you know, let's just jump right into it. Team dudes that there needs to be like, a working class professional snowboarder, you know? I don't know how, how else you'd put it like a white collar, blue collar, whatever fucking just. It can't just be the 99 percenters and one percenters forever. And then like before, if you ever get up to the 1% You just kind of like clog around and you know, kind of barely missing deals or barely making deals for a little while and then it's not clean. It's like, you got to keep one foot in the industry. Yeah, sell the fuck out. I mean, that's, it's not why you snowboard it but fuck, man. At the end of the day, if you're putting all this time effort, you know, fucking blood and whatever into snowboarding. You should. If money's being made off you then you should. Yeah, you should be in, you know? Dimebag cells in the fucking Park. I want my peace. You know? That's my take on it. No. No, but it's uh, yeah, it's a big it's kind of a mindfuck for a minute like, oh, going for a man is something I love to do just get over that shit and start to look at it like, you know, most of your friends that maybe went through college or didn't any job they're working out or working towards Yeah, they're working towards something. And then any thing they're doing that with they have health insurance they have 401k Like all sorts of shit that you know, it just think about maybe some do. I know. I didn't. I know a lot of people like me. Didn't and you know, that's, that's what happens when you kind of like, play with fire your whole life. Get it like but man, it's it's just yeah, in this day and age when I go pro riders shelf life is that of like seasonal fruit, the fucking organic market, you know just rots by the time you get home. Yeah, like, fuck that. There's got to be I don't know there's just gonna be some long longer plays in mind there's gonna be a little bit of longevity a little bit of collaboration or collusion with just everybody talks anyways it's not like what I'm saying like, yeah, all these heads need to get together we need to livestream it. I'm just saying to each other fucking email or something, you know, like, but, you know, when everybody comes out with the same dude on the cover, I know a cover shot of anything it would be just I mean, it's like a unicorn right now I get it. But you know, this was, you know, five, short six short years ago. Magazines up until they fell to the ashes basically reign supreme, you know? Yo, katsu (kazu Kobuko) Okay, katsu that fucking Japanese good super good you know not saying anything about hip fuck other than what I've seen these gnarly but just how he I just remembered the time he had like, five or seven covers at the same time. Not like yo, in Ma rcel where it was like it was kind of a turning point. I was like no one ever did that. So that's going to be shot from many kind of different angles, aka al all the same angle and on a bunch of shit and I get that that's like a milestone. But you know is good as this kid was and is he was this he was yeah, it was just cover shots of sick method as sick shower shots like best photographers not like but it was just like too much I can't We can't we have a little foreplay, can't we? You know, it's like I've seen that happen so many times where it's you know the the light that burns you know, twice as fast burns out twice as fast and it just happens automatic every time snowboarding it just get like shoved through and it it's got to be the point now I think now you just get a a card that expires on the year from the day you get it and it just says written on there yeah if injured expired immediately. But it you know that's about it. You know you could do 1012 years coming up working as a lift thought fucking doing lessons or fucking I you know, whatever, we you come up and then you kind of finally, you know, this. This, what do you call it? Your tippy top is just a 12 month run and then doesn't matter what age you were when you got it. That card you'll never you'll never get it again. And doesn't matter how good you are. It doesn't matter if you win a bunch of contests later. And you don't want to get like partial of the card because it's still the same rules. You know, if you just borrow friends that went on to the one percenters and he gave you your his old 99% card Yeah, I don't fucking around but just saying that there's got to be middle ground, you know? Not you know, it's kind of like one dude is paid out. Like, you know, 1020 grand a month on every brand, but it's the same dude. Basically, same to dude's the writer. I guess. You know, you gotta have take some responsibilities on you can't just be like, just fucking just ripping at all times. You got to make some phone calls. Email some people. Address adults look them in the eye. Yeah, and I, I think there's a big kind of connections loss when it When you're dealing with agents for sure, like there's no need for an agent unless you know it's you know I don't know life changing money like Shawn white money like fuck you for for ever money when it's like that yeah get some fucking agents get some fuel but you know if if you can't you know I don't know drum up a grand a month for yourself you know talking your own you know it's yeah can sound uncomfortable just having this basically say shit about yourself every once in a while but like at the end of the day cool you know these brands and know where you're coming from you they respect that and they respect that you respect yourself and and you you form a little relationship and when you're in town you might stop by and you know you might fucking you know play footsies over the phone with the with the secretary over the years you know calling the TM all the time, whatever but like that all that shits loss and that's kind of cool that's kind of those things you know, like where the rider becomes part of the brand part of the family but that not always lost but a lot of times loss when you when you have somebody walk in the door you know just like I like to said Yeah, Shawn white money if you're making 28 grand a year and for whatever reason you should be making fucking sunlight money by all means get every age get them all. But you know, for the most part if your kid getting free here and if I can travel budget like that, like Andele your shit, . Like he got to be able to make a fucking phone call or an email just goes a long ways. It's like yeah, like I'll reiterate it kind of brings you into the brand into the fold a little bit. And you know, it's like there it's got to be longer term things like contracts in that it's hard to even market a writer as a brand you know, doing advertising and doing different seasons and it'll take two three seasons just to get the name association with a brand and a name and you know, just things like that so I get that stuff takes a second to really establish and you don't want to you know just how a bunch of people you have for a year because you feel like you know they're gonna bounce or ask for too much or you know that again that's that's the the agent but at the same time there does have to be a degree of professionalism never do what I've done 1000 times and that is like you know, hey man, we're a small brand we can't really afford to pay you yet but you know we'll we'll take care of you in time you know as we grow who that shit never happens you never get your payout you build these brands build themselves on your back on on what you're doing and you're doing that anyways because you're like me you're if you're if you're dealing with like way outside industry shit, you know Yeah, you definitely need n eed somebody to hold your hand through that. But otherwise, you know, a grand maybe two grand a month or travel budget shit. Just product each have a relationship with the team manager that it matters it like a lot of cases I remember like Jack Coghlan, he was he was probably the best. He was like, you know, almost too close to everyone. Not quite the full nightmare scenario you might get with a. Let's just say grenade type situation, you know, where everyone's just buddies with everyone, and then just the whole thing blows apart and everyone gets fucked. Yeah, and that'll be a fun one to explore soon. Anytime. I just have to get some. What do you call it? Get Danny on the line. Basically. I do really want to that, that. That's ki nd of like the last great era are kind of, in a way movement and snowboarding is just fucking gold. Like, yes. The whole like story. And looking back on it. It's age like wi ne. You know? It's like, yeah, it's looking good these days to to explore that. Like, how fucking how backwards did that shake at? But you know it at the end of the day, I just remember you say, the same D Day days. I remember I went to ISPO in Munich for a trade show. And it was to Yeah, it was like the last day Sunday or whatever. Everyone's kind of breaking down. And you know me the very call it Yeah, the sets. It's hard. But anyways, I just remember seeing Danny over at the grenade booth and this is like yeah, 2015 You know, he things like out on Nestle Chevron or fucking I don't know been in two maybe was it two Olympics? I know. got silver in time watch I don't know just different stuff like that kind two Olympics. You know? Like he's a fucking Olympian, you of like different tax brackets you're dealing with whole know, nowhere else that that building that whole is still different tax brackets ie Agen age, if you're dealing with building was an Olympian. Like breaking down a booth, you know, whole different corporations that do it dwarf, you know, the sort of that way and I just I've always liked Danny because he's biggest in the snowboard industry then yeah, you should fucking rad I knew way before he fucking you know was the next have somebody agenting you know, in one way it's okay. You would baby Jesus and yeah, I actually do want to catch up with him on like you know, kind of need an agent to navigate, you know, on the grenade grenade. It is so ridiculous. How many how many bigger corporate deals, but then it's like you would like to people just kind of you know just latch onto that thing moved think the agent isn't just out pounding on doors like yeah, out west fucking you know? We're all friends. We're gonna work check this deal out this will work for you and like we'll do together what he fuck to what? Oh my God. He knows how much it this and he'll do that you do this. It's more shift is just was that it but at the same time, it was like in what was kind of happening like okay, we're already sinking. You know, 10 million into blah blah blah ads and that the and doing this it? Oh, two Olympics in Salt Lake. And, you know, Ross Powers and was he was poised to win basically. I mean, you knew Danny might not come but he Ross was kind of poised. And he in ROSS fucking he's such a he's such a badass. Like, he's so cool. I met him like probably a year after I met him before that. But like, I went to a US Open like a year after that Olympics and hung out with him, went to his house with him and it was sick. He was like, he's just a fucking good old boy. But you know, he's very clean cut very kind of even that, at that time. Very East Coast pipe oriented. very technical. Different style. And then Danny who kind of came from the same area? You know, really? He just, I just came riding high like came in swinging with the fucking him and all his students. They are skaters and they like Dan, I invest safer Danny's brother. I those two dudes. Really good skaters. Like they're like, you know, like, same with Mark Frank. Mark Frank was an exceptional exceptionally good skater Benny Pellegrino. Who was I don't know why I'm saying all this. Shouting out skater names Levi out Utah but now they it does make a difference to me. I don't know Danny's fucking yeah he's super cool. I just would love to hear the ins and outs of that mess and and how Dingo led them all right and how did that guy end up like fucking codeine Kardashians and shit like that like Dingo really? Like the dude that I got to chant white power the last time he MC the US Open Dingo wow yeah no it's funny like he rolls with some he rolls with some photos right but yeah, no one cares it's cool but Danny Amen when kinda snowboarding needed some someone or something most you know and he just solely tipped everything at the at the Olympics and just his whole crew was like I remember watching that footage I was out in Tahoe actually filming that movie Triple X with us with Jeremy Jones. And we were watching it you know, live and shit. And just the grenade crews I think kept it so fucking real. It was it was too funny. It was like a it's at that moment. Like I was proud. I was like stoked to be snowboarder at that point. I think that's the last time I felt that feeling in a long time anyways, but yeah, Danny's you know born born of this sport almost Yeah. Had some highs had some lows even moved to fucking Portland. It anywhere he moved. Everybody moved, you know, like Yeah, he he's that very millennial fucking Portland group fino. Thanks, Danny. Right on bro. fucking. But yeah, he's awesome. I can't wait to talk to him at some point. And it will be like this. Hello, Danny. Hello. Hello. line went dead? No, he. Yeah, we we skated long long before we still were together. And um, we have a mutual mutual respect there and uh, but yeah, he's badass. And yeah, he should be heralded, you know, a lot. There's a lot of great men in our sport that are just kind of like, still there and they love snowboarding they maybe they've stepped away maybe they're kind of like in it, but fucking great dude to shape. A fucking, you know, an awesome activity just kind of refined it. You know? I don't know. Yeah, the Pete. Like Peter line. Like, come on. It's, it's odd that to me. I just, I think really, really highly of Pete and what he did to for the sport and just his style, like his. I really admire people that ride their own way. You know? Just have just Do you know? He does other things his own way too. Like we were on a trip in New Zealand one time and his back when he had poor Max and sad for Magar to and about halfway through his trip. He took a Sharpie and just fucking art geeked out over this whole fucking forum like these chicks just spreading just all kinds of gnarly, but he would just draw like dolphin faces in the most fucked up shit. He like almost made it to where I couldn't check off for like a year or something. It was like yeah, anytime I'd look at porn images. It wasn't until the internet and you know the images were moving that I could finally get back to my my jack. But I'm now a piece awesome. He's fucking yes, there's a lot of great dudes in our sport. Johan Olafson. Another great man. I think I don't say a lot of these guys have lasted a couple years. And but most didn't. And and like Johan and Mickey Albin. Those two were cut off like, you know, it's almost like they died some tracks. Magic deaths at 23 or something it's because all we think of them as you know that footage from back then but like Mickey was so fucking special watching him ride you know like he was so sick and just the the No bullshit bravado fucking Johann is just fucking yeah just very very great and celebrate these great great men you sons of bitches but in the meantime just yeah completely blow it try to try to see if you can't break everything up kind of based on maybe gender shit like that you know race you know that's always cool to bring into a sport because it's a sport we like to race you know that's why I say about the racers back in the day you know the racist fucking they resell that that's that's what they did that's why I didn't survive but you know if you if you love the sport you love snowboarding you're into the industry because you know how much you love it then you got a he got a what he called do the right thing for it you got to protect it sometimes it's not just let it get you know just you know have a train run on it like everyone pounded out at the fucking he just I don't know there's got to be some some mystery left you know there's got to be you don't do a bunch of interviews in one year he didn't want to interview you do one too you know if you know you're getting a cover which he typically do but just you know be stoked on that you know like if you got another two three at the same time. Yeah sure. You might be running a little bit you know, hotter that month but in the long run saged four years down the line when you know nobody nobody picks up your phone calls anymore that's when you'd want those covers to be kind of spread out a little bit so it doesn't just you know just max out like a fucking fireworks display on the Fourth of July just like going along with the music and just don't just everybody breathe you know definitely like Okay, the other thing I was thinking about with agents is you know like if if you're if you're doing some you know way out of industry sponsorship deals sale Nestle shit like that yeah, get a fucking agent or a one time agent you don't want an agent dealing with industry shit you just tell you kind of in my head like kind of a buffoon if you can't deal with you know you because really you're gonna make that fuck you money from outside the industry that's corporate like you know the the snowboard branch. You know if if your fucking top 10 pipe writer top 10 fucking whatever slopestyle fucking dork fest contest if you Yeah, supernatural tour, all that shit. You know, you might want to think about getting fucking sick corps for sponsors or whatever, take it all, but at least keep you know keep your foot strapped to a fucking snowboard meaning keep one foot solid in the industry. You know? Like, say was showing why even it's like he didn't have I mean it's like he'll he sold out. Well, you know, at that point show I was writing for like Burton and Volcom both of which, you know, probably probably billion dollar companies both of them if not close. And what's you know, at that point, what's the difference between billion dollar company your company and a multi billion dollar a year company and you know, he didn't have one foot like solid and then just three there's nobody that like kind of keep up with him and just kind of, you know, grabbed by the shoulders everyone smile, just be like, hey, shit wig. fucking calm down. Just take a breath. You know? Your your kin in, like 200 years from now still aren't going to have to pay for their own college. So you're good you don't get let's just take a breather. But you know, let's just say for example if he rode for fucking like stepchild or I don't just maybe dinosaurs looked, I don't know why I'm saying these Canadian companies, but just thinking like, if he had the Shawn Johnson in his ear keeping him in line, it's like having Burton and Volvo whom is the two brands that are kind of like, keeping you tied to the industry Forget it, it's like, as the biggest bass brands kind of biggest sellout brands and, and in my head, it's like, what once nobody kind of in the industry has ear anymore solid, like, you know, can just grab by the ear basically is when is easy to just kind of slip off and just basically, everyone in your corner at that point is, you know, they're looking out for your best interest, but basically only your financial best interest. Because that's all they care about, because they all make something off of it. And, you know, I'm just saying like, you know, when, when you're at a point of, of that, you know, talking 10s Hundreds of millions. You're surrounded by Fiat financial people that know, really good financial shape, but you also just think if he had Sean Johnson just holding it down to say, what do you do and fucking you know, or just someone that he could trust from the industry that knows? Okay, this guy's got my back fucking, I'm gonna be going through some shit. I need a tether to reality because he didn't have that. Not with our industry. You know, as a second he kind of maybe turned his back a little bit. And, and then it was like, Yeah, it's like everybody just kind of like, ganged up on him. I I was kind of looking for one thing that he did. I don't know, you know, there's some sexual harassment shit with his ex bandmate some fucking some clams some chick, you know, in a rock band. She was like, Yeah, you know, try to domineer like, hit on me. It's like, No, you guys are probably just watching like two girls in a cup on. On the$20 million fucking tour of us. You guys are sitting on all together. It's like, you know, I don't know, Shawn. Well, but I think I know good enough to be like, fuck you isn't? Come on. So he can pull away better tails and some drummer in his fucking band. Give me a break. And even if it is true, yeah. Okay, just kind of. He's got nothing but nothing but net for a good decade now. You know, he definitely would think at a certain point that you could get away with fucking the drummer in your band. But I just doubt it. And I just think, you know, I just kind of read something in the news about him. Again, I was trying to figure out why everyone hates him. And it's kind of kind of because I'm just everybody's jealous. And everybody like, I love the the friends crew that I know. I and friends crew. They don't like him. You know? He didn't share speech port. He did do like fuck you guys. Like you tell me if you didn't get the same offers Shawn did you go build some fucking you know, super crazy pipe airbags all this shit. Just to go make more shitloads of money and learn a trick and kind of dominate that fucking competition from it. You're telling me you wouldn't have done that. You would have been there though by my friends. So full of shit. Because the second you guys found out. He was doing that. Y'all went and did it yourself. And I mean, this from the outside. I don't know the ins and outs of that. I don't care. You know, I just see it. Like yeah, you know, you'd say Tony Hawks, you know, so big. He's bigger than skateboarding and bow. But at the end of the day, like most skaters in world by most I mean, like most would jump at a chance to either watch Tony Hawk skate or go skate with him. Like same can't be said about like Shawn why most snowboarders would you know? They like spit that spit on him? Or it's just so fucking weird. You know that that fucking mutant kid doesn't know any better. You know, like, his mom didn't know any better with the fuck he supposed to do with this ginger freak of nature talent that had more drive than anybody could ever imagine. You know, I've ever seen him like say he's probably 10 years old at the one of the windmills, ramp configurations and this is meeting him and you know he, we're both trying to land something but like, he had like an entourage of like 30 of the industry's finest. You know, we're not talking like we're not talking like junior teams at this entourage we're talking like, you know, fucking CEOs play it's no, it was like, every day, it's 2030 people with them all at 10 years old. All that pressure. Oh, you know, he knew why they were there. But like, the one day when I saw him just trying to make this trick and just seeing this drive, and just going wow, he's got a gnarlier drive than any of those people over there could even imagine. Like, you know, that's why I kind of stopped thinking he may be super gnarly drug addict and a couple years or probably the gnarly snowboarder and I stopped thinking about the drugs. At that point. Just I just saw this drive and it was his personal drive. And it was just me and him on a ramp and. And I was like, fuck, that's dope. Like, I just really respected it and always have and you know, like, so from day one there he was it you know, 10 years old, just getting and again, his mom if there was no roadmap how to do this. Did she do some? I don't know. Did his brother was he? I don't know. I don't know. But like, I know that. No one's ever done with that kind of family's done before. It's like, pulled some Kardashian type shit except, you know, based on talent. It's, it's pretty mesmerizing. I would like to think that snowboarding is a hole and Shawn White is a entity thing. You know, it's like skateboarding is a Tony Hawk is this keyboard his biggest asset. That's how Shaun White should be in snowboarding. You know? It looked even like say Ryan Sheckler like 1015 years ago. Like people just clowned on him. He didn't give a fuck. He was just like viva. But now he's like a core skater is put in years and people see that and you know, he's given the second chance, you know, you'd never think 1015 years ago. He would even you know, be in Thrasher ever on on any level. But you know, he's just one of the boys now. And that's sick to see because they grow up and yeah, it's like yeah, I don't know. I hope he kicks all your fucking dorky asses in the pipe. I just like hearing about how bad of a sport he is into like that. Because he doesn't want to be fucking funny to watch that too. But I like the kid. He's another one. I'd like to get on here and and have a chat with. I never really want to interview if you just want to bullshit with him. And record it and not tell him Yeah, the the unwavering hatred of Shaun White is it's it's pretty. It's almost impressive. It's like, yeah, he could add a bunch of checkboxes for me like, hate gingers. Yep. Note all millennials that are better than you. Yep. Just going from there going down the list. I never say more attractive. No, fuck no. I'm way better looking at fucking Yeah. Is it ginger? I mean, it sucks. I gotta Yeah. Compete with ginger Zona on looks but hey. I'll take what I can get. And you know, as farmer you say, I ain't gay. But I ain't picky either. So yeah, let's carry on. Yes Shawn Yeah he's fucking is a lost lost soul out there dude he's he's one of you guys he's one of us he's one of these we're all kind of the same and he got through a different just spit through a different pachinko machine that you know ends up in the same holes the bottom and but you know that cuz I mean the pressure just all that like say I don't know just see winning the last Olympics I was gnarly fucking not Don't you fucking er and whatever you're using like that was gnarly to come back like that and fucking you know, there's so much to learn from a dude like that for younger dudes and yeah, not me. I taught that dude, everything else so, you know, but but for you young folk know that he should just be an asset. He should be one of our greatest, you know? He shouldn't be like unwaveringly shamed forever. And, you know, it's almost like you know, the skateboarders don't like him so snowboarders have to really not like him. You know? You guys got to prove your your boardsports fucking shit again right okay, when you said to do that, that's pretty much signifying the end right matters again brought to you by TELUS snowboards pretty much the best fucking boards in the world, which is and my unwavering wit and funding is help I hate myself and I want to die trying to make the world a better place for for someone at some point, but definitely not the the crew that snowboarding right now I tried to make the world a better place and they fucking Blewitt

Start Here
Kazu Kokubo
Pro Snowboarders Expire In 12 Months
!00% 0f 99% Are Utilized Less Than 10%
Agents For Outside Corporations
Grenade Explosion
Peter Line Wrecked Porn For Me
Haters gonna Hate
Fuckin Drummers
Shaun White’s Overdrive