Held In Our Hearts: baby loss counselling and support

Episode 15: Steps on the journey as newly and longer ago bereaved parents

Held In Our Hearts Season 1 Episode 15

Angie chats today to Heather Taylor, our Principal Peer Supporter, who talks about her own journey as a bereaved parent to her precious daughter Eilidh, who died 26 years ago and to Mhairi Hayes, whose much loved daughter, Niamh died in early 2020. 

Together they reflect on the differences and similarities on the steps that they took on the road, when they reached out for support, how they found the support that was available and what they might have done differently if they knew what they know now. 

They also talk about how much support friends and family can give and the challenges that they faced and the importance of simply being there in support, sometimes with no words, but just a listening ear and a hand to hold. 

We discussed how much things have changed over the years in terms of understanding around baby loss, but also the need for more compassion in the workplace and for more open conversations about baby loss and the support that bereaved parents need.